By bu_sai17

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"Kawaii ne~" the chubby cheeked boy said while pinching the little squirrel's cheeks. "Can you be my pet?" he... More



244 15 1
By bu_sai17

It was the day of the sports festival. The students are very excited for today's event. They will be participating in different activities. Each class had their representatives in every category. There were also guests that will be watching.

A middle aged man came out from a black luxury car parked at the entrance gates. He entered the school premises together with the headmaster and the head teacher. Some students recognized the man but some just ignored him. They were walking towards the headmaster's office which is across the field where some of the events were happening.

"Is that Johnny Kitagawa?" some students whispered to one another.

"This is quite a lively event you have here." The middle aged man commented to the headmaster with a smile.

"Arigatou. We're very grateful that you gave us the honors." The headmaster bowed in respect to the man.

"It's my pleasure. It feels like I was young again." The middle aged man said with a smile.

They were passing by the field when everyone present there stopped from what they were doing and turned to them. Everyone fell silent that made both the headmaster and the middle aged man halt on their tracks.

"What's happening?" the headmaster whispered to the head teacher with them.

"Sumimasen. I don't know." The head teacher said apologetically.

The sound of the beating of drums echoed throughout the field. At the middle of the field, there was a tall lanky boy tapping the drums with his drumsticks. After a series of beatings, the tall lanky boy placed down his drumsticks then tapped dance at a wooden plane that was laid. Four students came to the center joining the boy tap dancing. The other students were dancing to the beat. Then from the crowd, several students doing back flips, somersaults and cart wheels, made their way to the middle. As if on cue, the students danced in coordination of the others. The beat of the drum together with the strum of the guitar and the melody of the keyboard resound from the speakers. There was a tall brunette singing at the center stage together with the band.

"Believe in yourself, you can get it on, Believe in yourself, you can make it up..."

Little by little the people in the crowd joined in. The students started to dance in synchronization. The guests who were watching also danced to the rhythm. Everyone was enjoying the show.

Both the older men were astounded at the sudden dance craze that was participated by a mob.

After the song, the mob made a final pose still panting. Everyone fell silent for awhile when applause and cheers echoed from the crowd. The mob hand in hand bowed with a smile.

Yuto, who was on the drums, high fived Keito with a wide goofy grin. Chinen flung himself towards the chubby cheeked boy who caught him in time. Upon realization of their sudden contact both jumped apart blushing. The others were looking at each other proudly. It was a big success.


"What's taking Chii so long?" Yuto exclaimed breaking the deafening silence that covered them for a while now.

The members of the student council including Inoo and Takaki were in the clubroom waiting for about an hour already. Everything happened too fast.


After the flash mob, the student council members with Inoo, Takaki and Chinen were resting in the clubroom when suddenly the headmaster barged in. They were surprised and nervous on the look of the headmaster had on his face.

"Could anyone explain to me what happened back there?" the headmaster said lowly his voice stern.

Nobody spoke. They shared a look at each other. They don't know what to tell the headmaster.

"Yamada-kun, explain everything to me." The headmaster looked at the chubby cheeked boy.

Everyone turned to Yamada with an unsure look. Yamada stood up from his sit.

"Gomen, Headmaster." The chubby cheeked boy said with a bow.

"Is that all you have to tell yourself?" the headmaster asked unconvinced. "Yamada-kun, I didn't expect you to participate in such absurd activity." He continued eyeing the younger boy.

"Demo, headmaster. It is not Yama-chan's fault." Yuto tried to reason out.

"So whose fault is it? We had a guest and I expected due respect from all of you especially from you student council members." The headmaster lectured the younger boys who're hanging their heads low. "I'm really disappointed in all of you." He continued looking at everyone.

"Gomen ne, headmaster." Yabu said softly and bowed.

"You all should know the consequences of your actions." The older man said firmly.

"Hai." The younger boys answered.

"Maa maa~ there's no need for punishments. There's no harm done." A middle aged man emerged on the door while smiling.

"But Johnny-san..." The headmaster tried to persuade him.

Everyone looked at the door and found Johnny Kitagawa standing there with a smile.

"Honestly, I was really surprised and astound for the sudden welcoming party you had here. I was caught off guard when suddenly everyone danced together. I salute these kids." He chuckled. "I can see great minds and talents." He said while looking at a particular person in the room who was looking outside the window.

The headmaster sighed in defeat. He looked again at the younger boys.

"So anyone would mind telling me at least whose idea it is?" he asked softly while his arms across his chest.

Everyone was silent. They were sharing a look of uncertainty. They were ready to face the consequences together.

"It was all my idea." The small boy by the window claimed as he turned to the visitor with a lazy look on his face.

The younger boys looked at him shocked-stricken. They didn't know how to react or what to say. They were going to defend Chinen when the chibi gave them a 'don't-worry-I'll-be-fine' look.

"As expected from you. You always surprise me. Nothing changed, Yuri." Johnny Kitagawa said with a smile of recognition on his face.

Everyone looked from the chibi to the middle aged man with questioning looks. Even the headmaster was surprised to the sudden recognition. They were lost at their conversation.

End of Flashback

Everyone was waiting worriedly for the little squirrel that was currently at the headmaster's office. He is maybe having an earful from the headmaster.

"I can't take this anymore." Hikaru groaned as he messed up his hair.

"Calm down, Hika-chan. We're as worried as you are." Inoo said calmly.

"I just don't understand why Chii is the only one to take the blame." Hikaru said softly.

"Yeah. We all took part in everything. We should be there with him." Yuto said also frustrated with the matter.

"It is not his fault. I think we should go to the headmaster's office and take responsibility of our action." Hikaru declared as he was ready to dash off the room.

"You know, Hika-chan. Chii will hate it if we came barging in there and take responsibility." Daiki said softly but worry thickens his voice.

"What do you want us to do? Wait here and do nothing?" Takaki argued not standing the tension covering them.

"Don't take Chii's feelings lightly. Can't you see that he did that to protect us? He would be more hurt if you waste away his efforts." Yabu said calmly.

"I think Yabu-kun is right. We should wait here for Chii." Keito suggested approving with the older.

"B-but..." Yuto tried to protest.

The chubby cheeked boy was lost with his own thoughts. He was not paying much attention to the others' concerns. All he could think about is that how worried he is for the small boy and how he felt helpless. He had his own battle with himself. He heaved a sigh.

Unknown to him, a tall brunette was watching him from the start. He was watching the chubby cheeked boy who was showing slight frowns and grimace on his own. A small smile formed on his face.

"Yutti, you don't have to worry. Everything is under control." A high pitched voice interrupted them from their reverie.

They shot up their heads as they saw the little squirrel was standing by the door with a very bright smile on his face. Upon seeing that smile, relief was written all over the older boys' faces.

"Eh? Why are you looking at me like that?" the chibi joked as he saw the tired but relieved on the other boys' faces.

"CHII!!!" everyone called in relief as they crowd the younger boy.

Yuto and Hikaru hugged the squirrel tightly.

"I told you I can handle it, deshou?" the chibi giggled as he hugged back.

He was scooped in the air when he was released by the two tall boys.

"Yuyan, put me down." The little squirrel said in fits of giggles.

After putting Chinen down, the tall brunette examined his body for bruises and injuries.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Tell me." The older said while turning him around to have a clearer view.

"Seriously, Yuyan. Do you think I would be ambushed inside the headmaster's office?" the squirrel said as he stifles a laugh.

"We were very worried about you, Chii." Daiki approached Chinen and gave him a tight hug.

"Gomen ne. I didn't mean to make you all worried." The shorter boy bowed his head in apology.

"It's alright. We are glad that nothing happened to you." Inoo said with a warm smile as he ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"Un~ Arigatou." Chinen said with a bright smile.

"So Chii, what did they say? Are you suspended or something? If that's the case, we will be backing you up." Yabu said proudly.

The others just shook their heads. They always knew that Yabu was the most worried about the squirrel. As expected for the most responsible among them, he would not show them how worried he was.

"No. Of course not. Johnny-san had said it himself right? There's no need for punishments. No harm done." Chinen said with a bright smile. "He already convinced the headmaster to let it all passed. He really was surprise to experience such wonderful treatment. So don't worry about it." He chirped happily as he settled himself on the couch beside Keito.

"Really?" Inoo said unconvinced but relieved.

"Hai. He even said that he would like to borrow that idea for the upcoming events his talents would be having these coming months." The squirrel said proudly.

"Ne Yama-chan, daijoubou? You're too quiet." Keito asked noticing the expression on the chubby cheeked boy's face.

Yamada snapped from his silent staring at the chibi on the other side of Keito. "I'm fine, Keito." He answered trying to be not so obvious.

"Are you sure? You're spacing out since the flash mob." Yuto said looking at the reaction of the older boy. "Chii is alright, deshou?" he trailed off with an odd look on his face.

Hearing his name, Chinen turned to Yuto's direction. He saw the tall bug lover was talking to the chubby cheeked boy. He hasn't heard anything from the older boy. He was expecting something from Yamada. Is he not happy that nothing happened?

"I-I'm not worried a-at all." The chubby cheeked boy stuttered trying to be nonchalant.

The statement made the chibi's face fell. He expected something else.

"Really?" Yuto said with raised eyebrow. "I guess you should practice your acting more, Yama-chan." He said with a smirk.

The chubby cheeked boy looked at the tall boy with shocked questioning eyes. "W-what are y-you saying?" he said nervously.

"Haven't you notice? Look." The tall boy said motioning at the notepad the chubby cheeked boy had on his desk.

Yamada looked at the notepad with wide eyes. Unconsciously, he had scribbled his thoughts and his battle with himself on the notepad. He immediately tears that page and crumpled it tightly.

"You know, Yama-chan. You can lie to them even to yourself but you can't lie to me. I know you well." Yuto said with a wide grin on his face. "Now, tell me. Aren't you happy Chii is alright?" he said looking at his shorter friend straight in the eyes.

Yamada gulped. Why he hadn't notice his own mannerism? Yuto could be really evil at times. He averted his gaze but landed on a small boy who was hanging his head low. He felt guilty but his pride won't let him voice out his own dilemma. He gulped nervously as he looked at Yuto's dark colored eyes.

Chinen felt down hearing that the chubby cheeked boy was not a bit worried about him. He felt his chest was heavy. He bit his lower lip preventing his own emotion to overcome his senses.

Keen eyes watch how the small boy fought his own feelings which are in the verge of exploding.

"Ah, Yuri. You're here. Let's go." Johnny-san came into the clubroom.

Quickly, the squirrel had managed to hide his feelings through his bright smile. He looked at the older man who had managed to enter at the brink of time. For once, he was thankful to the older man.

Everyone in the clubroom turned to the older man by the door. Again they were surprised with the presence of Johnny Kitagawa. They fell silent for a while. Yabu had managed to snap from his shocked phase and stood up.

"Kitagawa-san, I'm very sorry for our misbehavior earlier." The eldest among the boys said with a bow.

"Maa maa~ I've already said it right? I salute you guys for your hard work and creativity." The older man said with a warm smile on his face. "I should be thanking you for having all the trouble to welcome me like that. I had the time of my life." A hearty laugh escaped his mouth.

"Arigatou." Yabu said softly with a smile as the other boys stood up and bowed at the older man. "And thank you for talking to the headmaster for Chinen. Hontou ni Arigatou." He continued as all of them bowed at Johnny-san.

"That's nothing. Actually, I should be the one thanking all of you." Johnny-san said with a gentle smile.

"Eh?" Inoo said suddenly when the older man bowed at them in respect.

"That's too much. We haven't done anything." Daiki said astonished by the sudden action of their visitor.

The older man shook his head gently and smiled at them. "Arigatou gozaimashita for looking after my little cute sharp tongued nephew there." He said with a chuckled upon seeing the pout on the chibi's face.

"Eh?" everyone looked at the man who motioned at the squirrel at the couch pouting.

"Ji-chan, that's so mean." The squirrel complained as he stood up from the couch all eyes set on him.

"But that's true, deshou? You're cute and sharp tongued." The older man argued back with a teasing smile.

"Mou~" the younger boy whined.

The older man laughed at how cute the younger was. As the chibi made his way towards the door, Johnny-san realized the shocked expression on the other boys' faces.

"Yuri, I think you should introduce me properly to your friends here." The older man said softly.

"Ah, gomen. Minna, this is Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, my uncle." Chinen faced the others apologetically.

"Johnny Kitagawa desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu." Johnny-san bowed at the other boys with a smile.

They snapped from their shocked phase and hastily bowed down to the older man.

"Ji-chan, they are my friends." Chinen then introduced the older boys to his uncle.

"I'm glad that Yuri made good friends with all of you. Is he causing all of you trouble?" The older man asked.

"Mou~ Ji-chan." The younger boy whined embarrassed with the statement.

"Ah, no. Not at all." Inoo said shyly.

"Thank you for taking good care of my spoiled nephew." Again the older man bowed at them.

"It's all our pleasure." Yabu said bowing as well.

"Ji-chan, we need to go deshou?" the chibi said as he looked at his watch.

"Ah, you're right." The older man said. "Gomen ne, we have to go. But I'm really please to meet you." He said looking at the younger boys.

The others looked at them with unsure gazes. The chubby cheeked boy stared at the small figure beside Johnny-san.

Chinen can feel the strong gaze that fell upon him. He knew who it came from. He didn't dare to avert his gaze from the older man. He pleaded with his eyes. The older man looked at him with a gentle smile as if knowing his unspoken plea.

"Sumimasen. I think Yuri here got a lot of explaining to do to all of you. I feel guilty to borrow him for the mean time." Johnny-san said as he felt the gripped the younger had on his sleeves.

"Ah. Don't worry about it. You both have catching to do. We could wait for him." Yabu said looking at the squirrel noticing the guilty and hurt expression he had through his eyes.

"Ne Chii, don't over think too much. We'll wait when you're ready." Takaki said knowing the feelings the younger had been enduring.

Chinen glanced at the others except to the chubby cheeked boy. He sighed to release the tension building up inside him and the feelings he had been fighting with from earlier. He musters up a small smile then bowed at the others.

"Gomen, minna. I'll explain everything later. Arigatou." Chinen said.

"Please look after Yuri." The older man bowed before going out of the room with the chibi on his tail.


When the two were far enough from the clubroom, the chibi's face fell. The older man noticed it and placed his hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"You can stop it already." The older said that made the younger boy look at him with questioning eyes. "I know that you're faking those smiles earlier." He continued on walking.

"Maybe, you should look deeper to see what's inside." The older man said as he turned to look at the squirrel that began to walk slowly.

"What do you mean?" the chibi asked puzzled with the sudden figurative speech his uncle had.

"Read between the lines Yuri. Maybe you can find something interesting." The older man said with a warm smile.

"Mou~ you make my head hurts. I don't understand what you are saying." The younger boy protested with puffed cheeks.

The older man laughs at the cute gesture the younger boy had. "As your friend said earlier, don't over think too much. The answers may come to you unexpectedly." He said.

"Ji-chan, Why suddenly become poetic?" Chinen asked with a pout.

"It is fun to tease you like this. A genius boy couldn't comprehend this kind of things." Johnny-san chuckled looking at the boy.

"Mou~ it's no fun. You owe me a big portion of gyoza." Chinen said with a smile on his face.

"Hai hai. Still spoiled, ne." The older man said as the younger boy cling on him on their way to his car.

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