How to Tame a Lycan

By themaryf

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How to tame a lycan More

Chapter 1: The Bargain.
Chapter 2: The Sacrifice.
Chapter 3: The Substitute.
Chapter 4: The Departure.
Chapter 7: In the Clutches of the beast.


1.5K 307 149
By themaryf


An unsettling sensation washed over me as the pack link ritual with the lycans came to an end. It was as if my wolf, my very essence, was being forcefully pulled away from the familiar embrace of my pack. The connection that had once bound us tightly now felt distant and fragmented. My wolf felt lost and disconnected, and it overwhelmed me. The disorientation grew, causing me to stumble and lose my balance. Darkness crept at the edges of my vision as I fought to stay upright, but my body gave in to the overwhelming sensation. I fainted, succumbing to the weight of the disconnection.

When I opened my eyes, my eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting of the room. I found myself lying on a soft, plush bed, surrounded by the comfort of well-furnished surroundings. The room exuded an air of luxury, with elegant furnishings and ornate decorations adorning the walls. It was a stark contrast to the cold and rustic atmosphere of the lycan pack's territory.

I pushed myself up, my gaze sweeping across the room. The furniture was of high quality, and every detail seemed meticulously chosen. A polished wooden desk stood against one wall, adorned with antique books and a delicate vase of flowers. On the opposite side, a cozy armchair beckoned me to sit and take refuge from the unsettling events that had unfolded.

But as I glanced towards the entrance, my heart sank. What I had hoped would be an escape route turned out to be a harsh reality. Instead of a door, sturdy cell bars obstructed my path, like a cruel reminder of my captivity. The iron bars stood tall and imposing, a physical barrier separating me from the outside world.

I approached the bars cautiously, my fingers reaching out to touch the cold metal. It sent a shiver down my spine, emphasizing my confinement. It was a stark reminder that I was trapped, a prisoner in this seemingly comfortable yet confining room.

With a mix of fear and determination, I shook the cell bars, hoping to find some sort of escape. But my efforts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. My heart raced as I turned towards the noise, my eyes straining to see in the dimly lit room. Caesar emerged from the shadows, accompanied by another figure. The darkness shrouded the person's features, making it difficult for me to discern their identity. Caesar's presence alone sent a chill down my spine, and I could feel the weight of his gaze upon me.

His voice cut through the silence of the cell, filled with a blend of arrogance and malice. "Well, well, Echo. How do you find the new accommodations? How are you liking your new home?" he sneered, his eyes glinting with a sadistic delight.

I clenched my fists, fighting back the urge to lash out at him. This is not my home. And I will never accept it as such," I retorted, my voice laced with defiance.

Caesar chuckled, the sound grating on my nerves. "Oh, but you will, my dear. You'll learn to appreciate the luxury I've provided you. It's a far cry from your pathetic werewolf existence."

I glared at him, refusing to let his words break me. "Luxury? Is that what you call this? I see nothing but a gilded cage, a facade of grandeur masking the truth of your cruelty."

His smile twisted into a wicked grin. "You're a spirited one, Echo. I do enjoy a challenge." He took a step closer, invading my personal space. "Just remember, resistance will only make things harder for you. You should consider yourself lucky to have my attention."

A surge of anger coursed through me, but I fought to keep my composure. "Luck has nothing to do with it, Caesar. I am not here by choice, and I will never submit to your twisted desires."

Caesar's eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and irritation. "We shall see, won't we?" he taunted. "I will return in a few minutes to see how you've adjusted to your new surroundings. Be prepared, Echo. I expect you to be obedient."

My anger flared, but I knew better than to provoke him further, I was supposed to be seducing and finding a way to bring him to trust me not enrage him, I had to tread carefully, to find a way out of this predicament without drawing unnecessary attention.

With those words, he turned and walked away, leaving me seething with anger and frustration. The air felt heavy with his presence, a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded me.

His last words just before he left sent a shiver down my spine as he mentioned visiting me later. The implications hung heavy in the air, and I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach. I knew I had to prepare myself for his arrival, both mentally and emotionally. He had made it clear that he held power over me, and I had to find a way to regain control.

While Caesar's retreating steps disappeared, the figure that had been standing behind him previously emerged from the shadows. It was that same guy who had smiled at me in the truck, Noah. He approached me with a calm and friendly demeanor, his voice laced with a hint of sympathy.

"Hey, Echo," he greeted me with a warm smile. "Quite an eventful day we've had, huh?"

I nodded, acknowledging his presence. "I'm not going to say I expected better, that's for sure."

He chuckled lightly. "I can imagine. It's not every day someone from your pack ends up here. But hey, don't worry too much. We're not all that bad, you know."

I raised an eyebrow, curious about his perspective. "Right! You were the only one who looked at me different among your pack and I can not help but wonder why?"

Noah leaned against the cell bars, crossing his arms casually. "Well, for starters, I believe in giving people a chance. We may have our differences, but it doesn't mean we can't find common ground. Besides, the lycan king himself is not as heartless as he appears."

I scoffed, finding it hard to believe his words. "Forgive me if I find that difficult to trust. The way he treats me, the way he looks at me, the way he kills my kind? Only a beast could do that, he'll never be anything more than that to me or any part of my kind."

Noah's expression softened, his eyes filled with empathy. "I understand why you feel that way, but sometimes things aren't always as they seem. Trust me, Echo, there's more to Caesar than meets the eye. There's a reason for everything, there could even be a reason as to why he chose you."

I tilted my head, curiosity getting the better of me. "And what reason would that be?"

Noah's voice dropped slightly, almost conspiratorial. "That's something you'll have to find out for yourself. But I have a feeling he sees something in you, something that could change everything."

I scoffed again, but this time with an added eye roll, "yea, right! Like I am here for anything other than to please him. You act like it's the first time that he would drag a she-wolf of my pack away for whatever."

"Well, I am not here to convince you. You have every right to be wary, you just need to keep an open mind." Noah said with a shrug.

His words sparked a flicker of hope within me, but I remained cautious. "I'll keep that in mind. But let's not forget, I'm still here against my will."

Noah nodded, understanding evident in his eyes. "I get it. Just know that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to or a friend in this unfamiliar place."

I mulled over his words, torn between curiosity and caution. He didn't seem like the others, and that intrigued me. Why was he being kind to me when the rest showed nothing but disdain?

He had succeeded in piquing my curiosity, his kindness and cryptic words stirring something inside me. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than being just Caesar's beta. Perhaps, in this complex web of alliances and secrets, he could become an unexpected ally. Only time would tell.

After Noah left, I was left alone with my thoughts, my mind drifting back to my pack and what could be happening at home. I wondered how they were coping without me, if they were sad at my predicament or if they did not give two fucks about me anymore. The uncertainty gnawed at me, fueling my desire to just kill this whole pack already and escape this predicament so I could return to my loved ones. As a hero even.

Suddenly, without warning, the room was violently invaded as the door was forcefully pushed open. Caesar barged in, a wicked grin on his face as his tongue licked his lips. My eyes widened in terror at his imposing figure towering over me, his presence suffocating. Every instinct within me screamed to run, to fight, to do anything to escape his clutches. But fear rooted me to the spot, paralyzing my body as I tried to make sense of the situation. His predatory gaze pierced through me, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Well, well, my little wolf," he sneered, his voice dripping with a sickening mixture of desire and malice. "It is time."

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