That Shy Girl🔱 |Completed✔

By hauwer

73K 10.7K 1.1K

Just an average Muslim girl who wants to fit in the society. She had a lot of twists and turns. Insecurities... More

author's note
story of us
Meeting him
Meeting him 2
our wife
She's pretty
Save me from my lovely sisters
Lee Min Ho is mine
I want my reputation back
Blames on me
Back to Love?
Get ugly😭
I wasn't staring, my eyes were glued🙈
It's a family thing (#EyesRolling)
Yo let's tell jinn stories
Filthy thoughts
Chapter 19: (Out of titles😫)
It's never a good bye with true friends
Chapter 21
Say my name baby!
Chapter 23
Strangers aren't that danger
All my exes lives in texas
Say cheese
Chapter 28
Marry Me
About Time
Chapter 33
Issa Happy Day
New Home
Wait What?
Beautiful Beginning
Triple Trouble
Happily Ever After
Dum Dum Dum
More Drama
A Muslimah Happily Ever After

Late compliments

1K 234 12
By hauwer

We had a long night, talked about a lot of things and I realised I really miss these girls, I don't know how we crashed but I'm grateful I found myself in bed. I missed my alarm, thank God the sun hasn't risen yet so I prayed fajr, did my business and went to greet my parents, said my salam to my sisters and assembled at the kitchen.

My phone was ringing and so I ran so I wouldn't miss it, when the song 'Crazy by Kehlani' was playing I know it was Beelarh, yeah I personally chose the song because it matches her personality

"Heyyy best friend" I said grinning

"Don't hey best friend me, tell me where your fat ass at" she yelled

"I have no intention of going through an ear surgery anytime soon, girl can you not be loud and I left a note, didn't you read it"

"Which is why there's technology, you couldn't text me you were leaving, you just left dropping a note, is that how besties act?"

"Okay I know I was wrong there but I know you wouldn't allow me to go and I apologise"

"Girl whatever, you know I don't care I was only looking out for you hoping you're good"

"Stop lying, I know you miss me"

"Of course you know I would, now who's going to help me with the chores"

"So I've automatically become a maid abi?"

"No naa, I was just kidding"

"I for fear house girl now. So what's up? Where's my hearty hearty?"

"That one? He's just there o, he doesn't wants to talk to anyone wai"

"Aah haba! (seriously!) Awwn can't believe he's missing me already, just few hours long"

"That's love for you"

"Tell him I miss him"

"Tell him yourself"

"Yeah it'd be better to hear it from the horse mouth"

"Whatever man. When are you coming to visit?"

"Maybe later"

"Don't be long"

"I'd try" and we hanged up.

"Who was that?" Nifah poke nosed

"My bestie!"

"That your fine rich friend?" She wiggled her brows

"You're so fake Nifah, God!!"

"I'm not completely being fake, they're rich and royal, I mean they're totally worth being fake over"

"Well you're not bringing your fake self anywhere close to them coz they're real and I'm keeping it one hundred"

"Whatever, at least I get to be family with them" she said smiling

"Man right now you got me thinking, you might be related to Barbie"

"Oh please, we're all together in this"

"Well at least I'm not fake"

"Table manners" Zuliey yelled

"Look who suddenly became responsible, breakfast isn't even served yet" I smirked

"Girl you know I've always been the responsible one"

"You wish"

"Are we in the market? Ahn ahn, shut up or go to your room" mom said tiredly

"Sorry ma"

"Sorry for yourself"

"Where should I put the food?" Nifah held a tray of chips, plantain, eggs and fruits

"On my head" mom replied glaring at her. We laughed silently, mom suddenly possess the characters of a typical Nigerian mother, I guess these few weeks had an impact on her, right now I'm wondering what's up with her.
Kabeer hasn't called or texted me yet so I should call him. After several rings with no response I texted him but yet no reply, I guess he's mad. I'd just send him a text

Heart Desire💞: Hey babe, stop fronting I know you're with your phone and I know you're mad and I'm not sorry because I'm making it up to you, see you at chicken republic by two it's on me and don't you dare be late, see you soon...xoxo! (Gossip girls😜)

So I wore an abaya hoping I looked my best even though I applied makeup, I'm still doubting my look, oh I forgot my parents are back, I'd have to come up with a good excuse.

At the front of my parent's room but still can't come up with any excuse, I uttered a salam and I got a response from my mom indicating I should come in, here goes nothing
"Mummy please I was wondering if I could hang out with Beelarh?"

"Seeking permission when you're already dressed up. What if I say no?"

"Please mom" I pleaded clinging to her

"Fine! Just don't be late, okay?"

"Yes! Thanks mom, I won't" I replied happily

"I'm looking forward to see this friend of yours"

"She had always wanted to see you too"

"Ohh, bring her home then"

"Okay mom and thank you" I said walking away, stopping dead on track spinning
"I love you mom"

"I love you too my angel" *phew* Beelarh saved me on this one.
My ride wasn't supposed to be long, it's just few metres away from home but unfortunately there was traffic which is unusual because Zaria is a small town but then again I saw some constructors by the road so I'm thinking they're trying to finally fix it. Roads be having deep potholes your tyres would get lost in them, mechanics be having the highest salary these days. Getting there I saw a body frame that matches Kabeer's perfectly, so he was here already and I thought he was ignoring me, men and ego! I walked to his table and sat across him but he was on his phone. Did he not notice that I'm here? I know I'm not little to be unnoticed, is he just trying to be annoying? Clearing my throat

"Hey there!" I greeted

"You're late" he said not looking away from his phone

"The traffic was huge. It's just 2:12, twelve minutes could wait,right?" not a response from him "I see you waited on me to take an order" still no response and you know I go from a zero to one hundred real quick

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" I asked dumbly, because the answer was obvious

"Why not just tell me to stay at home if you know you'd be ignoring me?" I asked pissed off

"You know what? I'm leaving" I said about leaving

"Don't you dare move an inch" he threatened finally looking at me, his eyes were red and I don't why, not that I even care

"Kabeer are you seriously threatening me right now? You don't pay my bills, don't act like my dad" I said getting irritated

"So now you call me by my name? Wow!" he said astonished

"Why are you gonna act like I don't call you by your name? Why does it matter now?"

"Nothing" he muttered looking out the window

"What's wrong?" I asked concern

"Nothing" he replied dryly. I know something's definitely wrong with him, his actions are unusual

"Babe you know you can trust me right? Problem shared half solved" he starred at me for a while and sighed

"Who is Omar?"

"What are you talking about?"

"A guy on your Facebook friend list tagged you to be in a relationship with him"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even know this guy"

"I see you liked a couple of his posts"

"I can't remember the last time I logged on my account, I randomly like posts, I'd never betray you like that"

"So I guess I should stop assumptions" he sighed

"You're better than that" I assured and he smiled sadly

"Are you crying?" I asked sadly, as a tear rolled down his cheek and he wipes it off immediately

"Nop. Men don't cry"

"Your eyes are leaking then"

"Yeah pretty much so"

"Are we taking an order or what?" I asked as my stomach begins to grumble

"Nah I'm not feeling this place, let's go somewhere else"

"But I'm hungry" I pouted

"We eat when we get home"

"Where are we going then?"


"Aight!" I said as we make our way to his car, sitting at the passenger's seat as he made his way to his seat, he is a gentleman. Sitting he just kept starring

"Are we just going to keep starring at ourselves?" I asked awkwardly

"I never wanna lose you"

"Babe I got us for life In Shaa Allah"

"Like I can't imagine loosing you"

"And you won't" I smiled

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

"And yeah you look beautiful as always"

"Bruh are you just noticing?"

"Sorry for the late compliment"

"I'm not buying that" I pouted

"How do I make it up to you?" He asked and I smirked

"Let me drive"

"Girl is you crazy? Have you ever drove before?"

"Oh please, I know the basics"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's switch"


A/N: Babies come on show mama some love with votes and comments, I still love you😐💝💝

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