A New Beginning (Elijah x Ele...

By Ashlelena

44.8K 1K 58

In this story, the sacrifice ritual happens in season 3, resulting in all of the originals dead except Elijah... More

Post Reception
Finally Away
The Surprise Destination
The Dream
Returning to Mystic Falls
Wake Up Call
Silent Decisions
Months Later
An Unexpected Visit
Family Renuion
The Plan
The Birth
Meeting Konner
Adjusting to New Ways
Forgiveness and Weaknesses
Update on Sequel

Sleeping In

1.8K 49 4
By Ashlelena

Elena’s POV

I suddenly awoke to the sun's rays shining upon my face. I groaned and looked over in Elijah’s direction to notice he was not there, although I noticed there was a note on the nightstand on his side of the bed. I quickly jumped out of bed and picked up the note. It read,

My Lovely Elena,

I apologize I was not there to greet your beautiful smile when you woke. I hope you slept well. I had some important business to attend to and forgot to inform you. Caroline called earlier. Perhaps you should visit her. I shall be back around 4 o’clock. I love you.

Love, Elijah.

I smiled and looked over at my alarm clock and gasped. It was nearly eleven o’clock. I never slept this late. Being an early bird, I usually got up around six. I dashed over to my dresser and quickly changed into dark denim shorts and a baby blue cami that crosses over in the back. Afterwards, I went to the refrigerator to see what I wanted for breakfast. I was just about to grab the strawberries when I felt very sick. I swiftly ran over to the bathroom and made it just in time before I vomited. After I was finished, I sat on the tile of the bathroom floor and tried to figure out what made me sick. I didn’t have anything for breakfast this morning yet, so that is ruled out. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed the thermometer from the cabinet and took my temperature. Everything was normal. I decided to make an appointment with a doctor for 2 o’clock; it was about time to go have a check-up anyway. After I finally ate breakfast, I called Caroline.

“Elena! How was your honeymoon? Where did you go? What was it like?” Caroline asked rapidly all at once.

“It was amazing. Actually, I was wondering if we could meet up at the Grill today,” I responded back.

“Oh my God yes! I am leaving right now,” Caroline squealed.

I laughed and replied, “Ok, Great. See you there”, I said and then hung up. I grabbed my purse and left the house to go meet Caroline.

When I finally got to Mystic Grill, Caroline was already sitting at a table outside the grill. When I got out of the car, she instantly saw me and smiled.

“Hey Mrs. Mikaelson,” she exclaimed excitingly as I ran over to her and gave her a hug.

“Caroline! I’ve missed you,” I responded back.

We talked for what it seemed like fifteen minutes when Caroline decided to order her a water. She asked if I wanted one too, but I told her I was good for now. When she got up to order, I took the time to check the time on my phone.

“Shit,” I whispered when I realized it was near 1:45.

I quickly stood up from the table and stared at the door of the grill, impatiently waiting for Caroline to come back. About 2 minutes later, Caroline walked out of the grill with her water in her hand.

I quickly walked over to her, “Caroline-I am so, so sorry but I have to leave right now. I have to be somewhere in ten minutes”.

 I didn’t dare tell her where or why I was going; she would worry and bother the hell out of me.

“Aww. Fine. But you owe me,” she pouted.

I told her goodbye and I quickly jumped in my car and took off to the doctor’s office. When I got there, it was 5 till 2. I didn’t have to wait at all; the nurse led me straight to my room.

I had to wait about five minutes until the doctor came into my room.

"Mrs. Mikaelson, how are you doing today?"

I smiled at her and replied, " Well, I am just fine right now and please, call me Elena."

I told her what happened this morning and she did a number of different tests while asking me questions. After she was done, she left the room for another few minutes.

When she returned, she had a big smile on her face and said, “Elena, I know exactly what is happening. You are pregnant.”

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