When the ice melts (girlxgirl...

By caradele1

6.1M 146K 86.5K

Meet Samantha Mett, Ice queen and Queen Bee of the most popular private high school in New York. She has the... More

Hi, weirdos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Who plays who!
Cast and Author

Chapter 34

100K 2.4K 492
By caradele1

A/N: Found some new pic of Sam and damn this girl is so beautiful, what the fuck!? You can find her like Kimwolv on insta.

Sam's P.O.V.

Immediately when I sat in car I felt stares from my parents.

"What?" I asked and rolled my eyes at them.

"That was cute" mom said with giggles.

Wait what?

"You actually watched that!?" I asked with my jaw drop opened.

"Of course I did. I need to see if she is good for you"  she said simply and I face palmed myself.

"Dad" I groaned and looked at him for help "What do you have to say on this?"

He looked at mom and chuckled.

"I have to say that was really cute"

"Seriously!? You too!?" Damn, I can't believe! They're crazy...

"Yep, me too" he answered and they both giggled.

I rolled my eyes at them and decide to ignore whatever they are talking about. I looked through window and realized that we are not going home. Probably some restaurant or something?

"Where are we going?" I asked my parents who were in deep conversation right now.

"It's surprise, honey" mom said with one really, really creepy smile. Okay...

"You know how much I hate surprises"

"Trust me, you'll love this one" dad said and I could only shrug.


Some time after our car stopped in heart of Manhattan. What the hell are we doing here?

We stepped out of car and I  seen that oh so famous building where I want to live. Yeah, sine I was little I was dreaming to have penthouse here, but like you all know my parents didn't allow me to move away from them.

Wait... That couldn't be right? They couldn't possibly buy me penthouse, not just yet right!? I looked at them and they both smiled and started walking towards entrace where doorman opened door for us.

We walked in elevator and I couldn't just stay quiet anymore.

"Okay, can anyone please explain to me what are we doing here?" I asked and they shook their heads which made me groan.

Elevator doors opened and they immediately walked out and I followed closely. They stopped in front of first doors and mom gave me some keys.

"It's yours" she said and I knew she was on verge of crying.

I was so confused and happy at same time that tears of joy were running down my face. I jumped on my parents and hugged them tightly.

"Is this real?" I asked when we pulled away and they only nodded.

"Come on, open the door, we want to know if you like it" dad said because mom was crying too hard  to even speak.

With shaky hands I unlocked doors and walked in. Holy crap!

"Oh. My. God!" I gasped and put hands over my mouth.

"You like it?" mom asked and I could only nod.

Can you guess what color everything in was!? Black! Correct. I really had no words.

There was no walls actually. One big window with beautiful view at city and big one on ceiling as well. It looks beautiful!

Also there was big furniture and big table in living room. One stairs that was leading towards bedroom, I guess. On left side was dinning table and one wall that separate dinning room from kitchen. I walked in kitchen and once again was amazed by all black thing inside. I really didn't expect this from them!

"Wow" I breathed out and looked around.

"We hope you like it, honey" dad said with smile.

"Like? I love it!" I sad and hugged them both. "Thank you so much, you're the best!"

"Can't breath!" They said at same time and I immediately let them go.

"Sorry" I said with giggles and they shook their heads in disbelief.

"Anyway, we are glad you like it. We didn't decorated anything at bedroom upstairs, we left it to you" mom said and I nodded.

"Now, we'll leave you here to enjoy" dad said and kissed my temple. "We love you, Sam"

"I love you too"I said and soon they left.

I was left alone and I jumped around of happiness. I quickly took my phone and sent Dušica short text, just telling her that I got my own place. And, like always, she answered immediately.

I wonder what had she done. Did she talk with her dad? Is she okay? I really don't know anything of this and it's eating me alive!

I sighed and run upstairs to see what's in room. It still wasn't painted or anything but there was bed, TV and fireplace. Also, there was one little stairs that lead to closet. Wow, that's nice. There also was door of bathroom and whole wall was glass. Damn, I love this!

I jumped on bed and smiled like idiot. This is so good! All I need right now is my baby here with me. I'm starting to get worried about her, really. Ugh, I wish I could be with her while she was talking to her dad.

I rolled around on bed and suddenly bell rung which startled me and I almost fall from bed.

"Who could this be?" I mumbled to myself and run downstairs.

I opened door and was met with that beautiful pair of golden orbs.

"Babe!?" I was so shocked to see her here and I couldn't be happier right now.

"Surprise!" She screamed and jumped right on me.

I spun her around and when I put her down, I realized her cheeks was wet. Did she cry!?

"What happeend?" I asked and whipped her cheeks with my thumbs.

But before she could answer I heard loud bark. I jumped a little and Dušica laughed at me. I looked down at my left and saw Charlie. I bend down and he immediately jumped on me.

"Sorry, buddy, I didn't see you when you came in'' I said and pated his head.

For that time, Dušica closed door and I turned towards her again.

"Please tell me nothing bad happened" I pleaded and she smiled widely.

"Don't worry, everything's okay" she said and pulled me closer while kissing me.

I didn't want this to finish right now but looks like Charlie had something against it because he bite my hand and I needed to pull away. Don't worry, it didn't hurt, it was more kind of gentle bite but it was annoying as hell.

"Shit, babe, I'm sorry!" Dušica said and took my hand to look at it.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Looks like Charlie doesn't want to share" I said with giggle and took her chin gently making her look up at me. "Come on now, I wanna hear details" I added and took her hand and lead her to living room to sit.

"Well, there is no much to talk about. He wasn't okay with it at first" she started and looked away.

I know something thet hurt her happened. Did he have something against that?

"Did he do something to you!?" I asked first thing that actually come to my mind and my knuckles were already turning white.

"God no!" she said and looked at me "Babe, don't worry. Mom talked to him and somehow changed his mind, I don't know what would I do without her"

"Me neither" I said with smile and kissed her nose.

"Come on now, take me for tour around here" she said with wide smile and got up.

"Wait, how did you even know where am I?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

"I have my ways" she said and winked.

"Come on, seriously" I groaned and she kissed my cheek.

"I simply asked your mom"

"Of course" I said and rolled my eyes.

We went for a tour with little Charlie following us all around the place. I could see happiness and excitement in her eyes, and I knew she felt the exact same way like me.

We walked in bedroom and she immediately layed down on bed. Me and Charlie joined her and two of us cuddled together while Charile was on our legs.

"It's so beautiful babe, everything in here. It suits you perfectly" she said and kissed my temple "And I really, really love this." she said and pointed at window on ceiling.

"Yeah, it's beautiful" I said and looked at sky that was slowly turning darker.

"How do you wanna paint this?"

"I thought about dark grey, something between black and white" I said and looked at her "What do you think about it?"

"It sounds amazing." She said and got up on her elbow. "Wanna do it now?"

"Do what?"

"Paint this" she answered with smile and motioned around her.

"You are crazy" I said and even laughed a little.

When I looked at her I saw she have that straight face.

"You are joking right?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nope, come on! Let's do it, it'll be a lot of fun!" she said and got up from bed, pulling me with her,and Charlie got up as well "We just need to go and buy paint and brushes."

"You are actually don't joking!" I said with wide eyes and she shook her head.

"Charlie, you have to be good boy, understand?" she asked and like he really understood her, he barked and got up on bed again.

"But where are we going to buy paint?" I asked when we closed door of apartment.

"You'll see" she said with smile and took my hand leading me towards elevator.

This is just one thing I love about her. She is always unpredictable, she is always ready for new adventure.

We climbed in her car and she drove somwhere, I honestly have no idea where. Drive wasn't long at all but I still held her hand all the time. I just loved that feeling.

She, like always opened door for me and I thanked her with kiss. We walked in some store that was full of all things you'd need if you want to paint your house. After some time we finally choosed some color. I don't really know what that was, it wasn't really black nor grey but it was beyond beautiful. After that we took some brushes and nylon to put it on floor so we wouldn't make much mess. When we finally was over we went to pay and of course, like always, cashier stared at us.

"Good evening" Dušica said with smile, looks like nothing could change her mood now.

"Evening, ladies" he saluted back.

Dušica insisted on paying all this, telling me this is her gift for me.

When we finally came home, Charlie run towarsd us while barking happily.

"Are you ready?" Dušica asked when we prepared everything and I nodded.

We started painting while talling and laughing and I must admit, it was a lot of fun. We were almost done and paint was all over our white baggy shirts, and suddenly I felt something weird on my cheek.

"Sorry" Dušica said while giggling and then I realized that was paint on my cheek.

I looked at her with my mouth wide opened and when she saw my face fully she burst out laughing.

"This is war, my love" I said and splashed some paint on her.

"Oh, no no no!" She yelled and started running away beckwards and suddenly fell down.

"Oh my god!" I gasped and burst out laughing.

I walked towards her and she was literally rolling on ground while holding her stomach and laughed.  I layed on top of her and she immediately calmed and wrapped her arm around of me.

"You are so clumsy" I said and giggled which made her roll her eyes.

"I know" she said and sighed.

"But that's cute" I added and caressed her colored cheek. "And I love that"

"Oh really?" She asked playfully and bit her lip.

"Mhm" I hummed in response and was ready to kiss her but saw Charlie running towards us.

Looks like she saw the same thing because she yelled at him.

"Charlie, no!" She flipped us over, so she was on top of me now and insted of jumping on us Charlie jumped right in bucket full of paint.

It all sparge on two of us and I immedily closed my eyes. After few seconds I felt weight of Dušica moving away from me and she started laughing, while sitting on floor next to me, like crazy! I looked at her and then at Charlie that slowly walked out of bucket and I burst out laughing as well. He was no longer black and white, all his fur was grey and it was hilarious.

"What have you done?" Dušica asked when she finally calmed and took him in her hands.

"Let's give him a bath" I suggesed and she nodded.

We walked in bathroom that was connected with room and I made him a hot bath. Yeah, we made it for a dog. He jumped in water and we had so much problems while taking off all the paint from his fur. It was so funny as well. Dušica would suddenly started laughing and I would follow her as well. And, as he knew we were laughing to him, Charlie would bark at us.

When we finished he walked outside of bathroom and down the stairs, far away from paint.

Dušica and I decided to clear all the mess we made and just let all the walls dry, so we opened all the windows.

"I think we have to take showers ourselves" she said with smirk and I immediately pulled her closer by colar of her shirt.

"Agree" I mumbled and finally kissed that soft lips of hers.

We somehow walked in bathroom still kissing. I tug her shirt and she immediately understand what I want and raise her hands. I took of her shirt and throw it somwher behind and then she took of mine and push me in shower.

After long shower we walked outside and I gave her something to wear. It was so cold and we closed all the windows and make fire.

Room looked absolutely amazing right now, with this color and one big picture we bought.

"This looks amazing, babe" she said and kised my cheek.

"I know, I couldn't do this without you" I said and hugged her tightly.

"As muh as I want to stay here and cuddle with you  I have to go home" she said and I just hugged her even tighter.

"I know" I mumbled and she giggled.

She pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I said with big smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course!" I said and waved at her when she walkd out with Charlie.

When she is around, my life is complete. She makes me happy and that's all I need. I layed on bed with big smile plastered on my lips, I'm so in love.

A/N: I hope you like it guys, sorry for waiting! Omfg this story just hit 200k readers! I can't believe this! Thank you thank you so so much! 

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