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By -waddle

40.7K 855 389

I wrote this when I was 15 so it sucks a lot. Lots of cringe and mistakes Disclaimer: I do not own Bungou Str... More

Character Info
Past (Part 1)
Past (Part 2)
Past (3)
A Tragic Incident
Before the Incident
The Encounter
Meeting Port Mafia
New Weapon, New Home
Back from the US
Joining the Agency
After 3 years (Yuki)
A Home
Nothing to Do
Hanging Out with Dazai?
Hanging Out with Dazai? (Part 2)
Akane has a Boyfriend?
What's Wrong...?
New Friend
Yuki's Old Home
A Night at Arata's Place
A/N Sorry & Help
It's you...!
Author's Note


540 13 3
By -waddle

Wow... 700 views already... Thanks guys!! Anyway, on with the story~

----------( •_• )----------

Chuuya's POV

"Give us the girl."

I glared at the men in suit while hugging Yuki tightly. She was shaking in fear and I know it. She held tight on my shirt and shut her eyes tightly.

"What do you want with her?" I gave a cold glare and one of the men smirked. "Our boss wants her and we are here to carry out that order." He said and walked closer to us. We backed away from them but they keep coming closer.

"If you don't give her to us, we will have to use force." He said as he pulled out a gun with the others doing the same. I clicked my tongue and looked towards Yuki. She opened her eyes and looked at the men. But this time, she wasn't showing any fear.

"Bring it on." said Yuki with her words were full with venom. My eyes went wide when I heard her said those words. "Yuki! What are you talking about?!" I shouted at her but her eyes were still locked on the men. I could stop them with my ability but I might get Yuki hurt. Argh!!! What should I do?!?!

"If you say so, girl~" The man sang and was about to shoot. Yuki on the other hand was smirking at him with her bangs covering her eys. "This is going to be fun~" She said softly but I still heard her. What is she thinking?!

They then pulled the trigger and I waited for the impact. I squeezed my eyes tightly, thinking that I will die soon... But nothing happened. I opened my eyes and was shocked and scared. Yuki was standing right in front me, blocking the bullets. My eyes went wide. "Yuki!"

Yuki's POV

When they pulled the trigger, I saw Chuuya shut his eyes tightly. I smirked thinking it was my cue. I didn't think he will be like that...

I quickly stood in front of him to block the bullets. "Yuki!" I heard Chuuya shouted from behind me. Geez... Don't be such a worry rat... I laughed like a mad man and I can tell that Chuuya was confused.

The men in suits were staring at me with a surprised look on their face. The shot the bullets again but was soon stopped in mid air. I looked back up at them with a wide grin.

Then the café was surrounded with red rays of light. The bullets were stopped in mid air by it and I made them dropped to the ground.

"Wha..." The men stand in fear as I watched them slowly backed away. My grew even wider as I walked closer to them. Using my ability, the glass that were once shattered on the floor, levitated in the air.


"Now tell me~ Who was the one that sent you~?" I sang, still controlling my ability. Oh, and if you're wondering where are the other customers, they had already fled to somewhere safe.

"L-like we would t-tell you..." The man who was the first one to hold the gun shuttered. I threw a few of the shattered glass at them which graze some part of their body. They grunt in pain and I laughed.

"Tell me~ Or do you want more scar on your body~?" I sang again as more shattered glass levitate in the air. They were all shaking like a little kitten... Hahahaha!!! To think that they are afraid of a girl like me.

'Master... Are you okay...?' I heard Ken said in my mind. I finally snapped out from what I was doing.


'Yeah, it's me.'

'W-what happened?'

'Well... You kinda went insane for a moment...' I looked at the men in suits shaking.


As I was spacing out talking to Ken in my mind, I did not notice that someone was holding a gun and he made the shot.

When I thought I was going to fall to the ground, I was suddenly flying in mid air and was found in a sphere. Apparently the gun wasn't the normal one with bullet, it was with tranquilizer. So it made me numb and unconscious.



That was all I could hear when darkness started to slowly consume me.

Please run away, Chuuya-senpai...

And I fall into complete darkness.

Chuuya's POV

Before I could even catch Yuki from falling, she was stopped in mid air and was inside a sphere. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist tightly. Then, a guy slowly walked in front of the men.

"You guys did well." I was shocked to hear the voice. When I was able to see the person clearer, my eyes went wide. This guy was the one who we were suppose to kill on the mission before. Which means, the person who had killed Yuki's parents.

The men bowed at him as he smirked at me. He glanced at Yuki who was in the sphere and his smirk became wider. "Long time no see, Yuki~"

I couldn't control myself any longer. When I was about to use my ability on him, he grinned at me. What is he grinning about?! My blood was beginning the boil. When I was attack him, he teleport with his men, along with the sphere... And Yuki was inside the sphere.

I stare at nobody, my ability begins to slowly disappear. I fell to me knees with my eyes wide open. It was just me, all alone inside the now damaged café.

"I-it can't be happening... Yuki..."

Yuki, she was no longer here. She's been kidnapped. Gone. She's gone...! I took out my phone and dialled Akutagawa.

'Ring ring...'

(A/N Bold is Akutagawa, normal is Chuuya)



"Chuuya? What's wrong? You sound weird."




"Yuki-chan? What's wrong with Yuki-chan?"


"Oi... Did something happen?"


"Chuuya! Tell me! What happened?! What happened to Yuki-chan?!"



"She's gone..."

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