Nothing To Fear ....

By Starelf555

2.5K 405 109

Black Veil Brides are in rural Virginia, looking for some quiet time for writing songs, and maybe laying down... More

Not Gonna Happen !
Chance Of Freedom
Let's Play
Unwanted Gifts
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
Nature Walk Gone Wrong
Call For Reinforcements
Rallying The Troops
More Guts Than Common Sense
Serious Connections
"You Don't Know The Half Of It"
Caught On Camera
Everyone Has Secrets
Watching And Waiting
Rude Awakening
Ultimate Adrenaline Junkie
Council Of War
Racing The Storm
Unexpected Guests
What The Hell ... ?
This Is A Test
Candid Conversations
Backup Plan
Unsettling News
Taking Action
Rescue Mission
Battle Plans
Turning The Tables
Sweet Taste Of Terror
This Place Is Evil
Get Out Of My Way
It's Now Or Never
It Stops Now
I'm Still Here
Corrective Measures
You Can Go Home Now
Back To Normal?

Road Hazard

38 8 2
By Starelf555

       It reached out , knowing it was mere seconds from its next meal , when everything suddenly went wrong .

       First , it heard the sound of one of the other females stirring , and realized that it needed to hurry , before she woke and alerted the others , bringing them in numbers it wasn't yet strong enough to prevail against . Especially if the one it had noted earlier became involved ; with his power so evident , he was likely a cleric , or a wizard of notable skill . 

       It reached out , intending to take hold of the girl and overpower her , taking what it wanted and fleeing , before anyone could interfere . But when it made contact , it was instead met with searing , incredible pain . It and the girl screamed simultaneously , and at that point its only thought was to get away . It needed  to escape before the humans could overpower and imprison it again , and to find a place to rest , and to rid itself of the burning agony in its hand .

       So it turned and bolted for the nearest opening , uncaring of the fabric and glass in its way as it dove through . It received several cuts from the glass , but disregarded them ; they were insignificant , and would be mostly , if not completely healed by the time it left its hiding place to roam after the next sunset .

       As it landed on the ground , it could hear the sound of the other humans , awake and on the move , coming from the room that it had just fled . It used its preternatural speed to dash across the open , grassy area to a cluster of trees on the opposite side of the roadway .

       When it finally decided that it was relatively safe , that they weren't going to come out hunting it , it finally took the opportunity to examine its injury . It looked in astonishment at the ugly wound that began on the side of its smallest finger and extended to just past the wrist , charred and suppurating , black ichor dripping to the ground . To add insult to injury , the wound had a symbol burned into it , from the accursed neckpiece the girl had worn , which insured that it would never heal properly .


       The words surfaced in its mind , dragged from the remnants of the consciousness of the one whose form it wore . After cursing the girl , in both its hosts tongue and its own , it also cursed itself for falling for such an obvious trap .

       It was obvious , in hindsight , that the conversation the humans had engaged in earlier was designed with the sole purpose of luring it to them , in hopes of recapturing it . That had to be the explaination for the appearance of the magic - wielder . And the presence of the damnable necklace made it clear that either the girl was , herself , also a wizard , or that the man had designated her as his instrument .

       It would have to be cautious , and look for opportunities to take the others , saving those two for the last . If it deprived them of their minions , gaining strength as it did so , then they would not be able to stand against it . Especially when it regained enough of its strength to bring forth minions of its own .

       As it hid in the shadows of the trees , raging at its misfortune , it heard a sound . It listened more carefully , and recognized the low rumbling sound of one of the human conveyances . Its eyes lit up as it realized that this meant that it had another chance to feed .       

       It slipped further into the shadows , watching for the vehicle , awaiting its opportunity .


       "Shit !" , the driver exclaimed , realizing that he'd overshot the driveway . "Great ! Just fucking terrific ! Now we have to find somewhere to turn around , Sally ." , he said to the rust - colored husky who occupied the passenger seat .

       As he continued slowly down the road , he thought about how bad the day had already been . He'd been called in , on his off week , to deliver this cargo after the original driver had gotten himself lost . Twice . The second time , he'd been pulled over for trying to drive the wrong way onto an exit ramp , and was currently in jail somewhere in South Carolina , when he'd been found to be higher than a fighter jet .

       And to make things better , after he'd taken over the run , he'd been delayed by a radiator leak , which was why he was driving down a country road in Virginia at midnight , hoping that someone would be awake to accept delivery .

       He finally spotted what appeared to be an old driveway , or possibly a logging trail , and carefully turned the truck back in the correct direction . He drove back towards the house , watching carefully to be sure he didn't pass it up again , thinking that things were finally looking up . "We're finally back on track , Sally ." , he informed his companion , who flicked her ears , but made no other movement . "Should be smooth sailing from here ." 

       As he approached the turn , he suddenly jammed on his brakes as he saw a form lying in the road , just short of the driveway . He leaned forward over the steering wheel , trying to get a better look , a lump of panic forming in the pit of his stomach .

       "Oh , damn ! You don't think we hit somebody , do you , girl ?" , he addressed the husky , his voice quavering . He threw the parking brake and opened his door , stepping down to check on the figure .

       He walked to the front of the truck , calling out , "Hey there , buddy ! You all right there ? Do you need some help ?" 

       As he neared the spot where he had seen the form , he stopped , looking around in frantic confusion . The roadway was completely empty , the figure was nowhere to be seen .

       "What the hell is going on here ?" , he muttered . He then raised his voice and called out , "Hey , if this is supposed to be some kind of joke , it isn't fuckin' funny !"

       As he finished speaking , he heard a rattling noise from the treeline , and as he turned to look , his worst nightmare came dashing across the road toward him , moving so quickly that it seemed almost to teleport . 

       After a split - second of frozen panic , he turned to run back to the truck , but his assailant was faster , rushing forward and slamming him into the grille . He felt something groping at the front of his shirt as he struggled , then pain flared in his stomach . This finally unlocked his throat muscles , and he let out a full - throated scream , then another .

       After that , two things happened almost simultaneously . As lights flared on outside the house , and peoples voices began coming closer , he heard a deep , throaty snarl , and his attacker was knocked to the ground by a red flash . Sally had launched herself out of the vehicle and come to his defense .

       As she struggled with his attacker , the gate slammed open , and several people began running towards them . Sally bit her opponent , causing it to let loose a high - pitched screech and fling her several feet away . It then leapt up and bolted for the trees , as two women , both carrying guns , reached his side .

       "Damn ! The bastard got away again !" , one of them growled , while the other knelt beside him . 

       "Sir , can you hear me ?" , she asked him , and he nodded .

       "Good . My name is Diana Thomas , I'm a Homeland Security agent . Can you tell me your name ?" 

       "Randy ." , he gritted out , through clenched teeth . "Randy Morris ." 

       "All right , Randy , I'm going to take a look at your injuries . I'll try not to hurt you any more than I can help ." 

       As she reached for him , he grabbed her hand and asked , "Where's Sally ? Is she okay ?"

       "Who's Sally ?" 

       "My dog . She was fighting with that ... thing , and it threw her off when you came through the gate ." , he groaned .

       He observed several men fan out on either side of the road , searching the ditch , as the women proceeded to examine his injuries .

       "Good news , Randy ." , the pretty black girl informed him . "You're definitely gonna need some stitches , but I don't think it's life threatening ."

       "Hey , I found it !" , a deep masculine voice shouted , from several yards away . "It's still alive , but it looks like it might have a broken leg ."

       "One of you guys go get Crane and Faith , if she's up to it ." , the woman named Diana called out . "They're both better at first aid than the rest of us , so they can take care of these two until the paramedics show up ." 

       Randy watched as one of the men ran back through the gate , returning a couple of minutes later with a tall bearded man and a rather nervous - looking brunette girl , each carrying a first - aid kit .

       He observed as the girl started to approach him , and the man gently grasped her arm and spoke to her , causing her to veer off and head in the direction that the voice had come from who said they'd found Sally .

       "Hello , sir ." , the bearded man said , in a British accented voice . "If you will allow me , I will attempt to bandage your wounds . The medics should be arriving shortly , but we need to stem the flow of blood as quickly as possible ." 

       "Bandage away , by all means ." , Randy muttered .

       The man unbuttoned his shirt , and held him in a partly upright position , allowing the black girl ,who the others referred to as Jenny , to pull the tail from the waistband of his jeans . As they did this , Diana crouched down again and asked , "Randy , the police and paramedics are on their way .  But before they get here , can you tell us what happened ?"

       He told her about missing the driveway , and seeing the figure in the road when he turned back , admitting that he'd been afraid that he'd accidentally hit someone . 

       "I stopped the truck and got out , but there wasn't anyone there . I heard a noise , and then ..." , he trailed off , obviously reluctant to continue .

       "Please , just tell us what you saw ." , Jenny prompted him , as the man she called Crane opened a container and poured liquid onto his injury . As he did , Randy felt an odd tingling sensation , similar to the feeling of touching something that carried a low - level electrical charge . Crane looked at his wound for several seconds , then called out , "Miss Faith , does the animal possess any open wounds ?"

       "No , the poor thing has a broken leg , but no cuts or anything . Why ?"

       "Because I've just noted a reaction from this gentleman's injury , and I feared contamination ." 

       Randy's eyes widened , and he said , "She bit the damn thing , made it squall like a stuck pig ! If it has a disease or something , she could get it ." 

       Crane turned to one of the men standing nearby , handing him the container and saying , "Master Jinxx , please take this to Miss Faith , posthaste , and instruct her to clean the animal's mouth with this . Get it to drink the contents , if possible ." 

       The man dashed off , and Diana directed his attention back to her , repeating Jenny's earlier question . He hesitated , then said , "If I answer that , you'll have me in a padded cell before daylight ."

       "My dear fellow , trust me when I say that there is almost nothing that you could say that we would find surprising ." , Crane interjected .

       After a brief pause , he muttered , "The thing that jumped me ... It looked like the biggest damn cockroach I've ever seen . I told you it sounds nuts ."

       Diana looked him in the eye and said , "No , actually , it doesn't . I believe that's what you think you saw , and so does everyone else . But I suggest not mentioning that to the paramedics , or your boss . There's no need to give them any cause to wonder about your sobriety ." 

       "Or my sanity ." , he replied .

       "Yes , that too . I just thought I'd be polite and not put that out there ." 

       "You really mean what you said ? You believe me ?" , he inquired anxiously .

       "Yes , we believe you , Randy ." , Jenny told him . "I can tell you that you didn't really see a giant bug , but we're fully aware that it seemed that way to you ."

       They finally heard sirens approaching , and as they grew louder , Randy grasped Diana's arm and said , "Wait a sec ! Homeland Security ?! Is this some sort of terrorist thing , where we're getting gassed or something ?"

       "It's no terrorist , but we're still investigating to try to find out what's really going on ." , she responded , as the ambulance finally arrived , followed by several police cars .

       As the EMT's loaded Randy onto the stretcher , he reached out and grabbed Crane's arm . "A few minutes ago , you seemed worried about Sally ." , he said urgently . "What was that stuff you told them to make her drink , some sort of poison antidote or something ?" 

       He was shocked into silence by Crane's reply , "No , it was nothing of the sort , Master Morris . It was holy water ."

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