My Sire Is A Myth

By Lady_Escapist

1.4M 64.7K 7.2K

My head snapped to the side as he slapped me forcefully on the cheek. I kept my head down not allowing him to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Bonus chapter

Chapter 60

16.3K 823 70
By Lady_Escapist

Omg, 60 chapters? Well what can I say the characters have grown on me and I can only hope on you to!!

Prince Elían's POV

I had spent the whole night holding her in my arms. I still felt tired and wanted nothing but to take a shower and sleep.

I admitted that it sounded awfully human but I didn't care.

Over the night there had been no changes with Avery. The only reason I knew that she was not dead was the the constant body temperature she still kept up.

There was no heartbeat and no breath.

Twice Kyros had come inside and stabilized her with his magic; A greedy part of me wanted to be the one that did that as well. 

If something had changed overnight it was me. The urge to protect her was strong enough for me having to hold back a growl when Kyros touched her.

Speaking of the devil, in that instant he came through the door. 

"I need you to help me on this spell," he smirked, "witch."

Before I had time to protest that I didn't know how, he cut me off, "Don't say you don't know how because I didn't just give you your witch part I also gave you the knowledge how to be one."

I was dumbfounded.

"It was actually wrong of me to do that, everybody should take great honour in learning how to wield magic but we didn't have time for that now." He explained and I only nodded.

Suddenly he shook his head at me.

"Of course," he scoffed.

His actions totally random I asked, " Of course what?"

"Instead of having gifts like healing or something positive, you got one off destruction." He mumbled.

'What gift?'

I didn't know what to say again.

"Well Prince of destruction you will have to find the little good that's left inside of you, if there is any,  and use it to help Avery."

Irritated by his words I moved my position so Avery's head was resting on my lap.

The only good thing inside of me was my mother, she had always been the one to easiest calm a furious me.

I focused on an image of my mother and after a moment I felt the tingling beneath my fingers again, much stronger though then before.

Instantly I knew what to do, while Kyros was going to make her body stronger I was going to heal what needed to be fixed. I winced, there were many things.

For example the chest wound. It was invisible from the outside but the inside was not mended at all, I was surprised that she had not broken down before.

I called the power beneath my fingers and it surged forward down my arm and invisibly out of my hand straight to Avery's wound's.

I felt the power tugging on me, making me tired. Maybe I should have fed before trying to use powerful magic but it didn't stop me. Not until the last muscle was sealed back in place.

I slumped against the wall, my body covered in sweat, something that was unknow to me.

"Maybe you're not such a bad healer after all." Kyros grinned at me and I felt my lips lift in one corner, I was to tired to respond better.

"Go rest, being a witch can be tiresome." Kyros said feeling Avery's front. 

Every so slowly I slipped from the bed and placed Avery's head on the pillow but before I left I called for Flora and Luna.

As they slowly entered the room I heard Luna gasp. "Look Flora, they did it. Avery is turning." Her eyes held an excited gleam.

"Not quite yet." Kyros mumbled.
I knew what he meant;  Avery had yet to show a sign that she was turning.

Flora only acknowledged her slightly, but her eyes where full of fear staring at me. I knew why she was doing that, It wasn't everyday that a vampire just simply turned into a witch as well.

"Prince," she bowed slightly and kept her face down.

I stepped towards the girls and felt how Flora grew nervous.

"I need you two to clean up Avery." Luna's head snapped towards Kyros her eyes asking for permission, he nodded softly.

'What's with that?'

"Where do you want us to put her after?" 

"On the fourth floor," the answer shot out of my mouth but there was no way when I was sleeping that she would be far away from me.

Luna didn't say anything but the funny look on her face was enough for me to know what she was thinking.

Well I didn't care.


After the shower I went to check on Avery, she was just down the hall from my room, it was an empty bedroom just like there were many in this castle. 

Her hair had been washed and dried, she was dressed in tight black pants and a comfortable long sweater. The bruises on her face where fading.

I stepped closer and I impaled as a strong scent of her blood washed over me.

'That's not suppose to happen.'

Her blood was suppose to be turning her into a vampire not still smell like a human.

I needed to call Kyros but I had no clue how to do that, I couldn't yell, I wasn't even sure if he had a cell phone and I wasn't going to leave her alone.

For a moment I wasn't sure what to do and then it hit me.

Technically this guy was my sire, he had turned me into a witch with his venom, how that was possible I was unaware of but there must be some sort of sire bond.

I started searching for it inside my body, every nerve, every tendon I was aware of and I could feel it. I felt them as they moved when my brain ordered them to move. 

Suddenly I found what I was looking for but I knew if I accepted the pull, Kyros would always be able to find me no matter what because technically I was his kindred.

Another strong scent of Avery's blood hit me.

'Is she bleeding?'

I needed to act now, without further thought I called the bond on me and instantly it was as if another presence knew of all my secrets. I hoped that part was unreal.

I called to the presence and I knew it heard me, well that was all I needed. I rushed to Avery's side on the bed and checked for any kind of wound that might be bleeding but I found nothing.

In the next instant Kyros flashed through the door.

"You accepted the bond." He stated his face void of emotion.

I only nodded and without having to say anything I knew that he noticed the strong scent.

"That is so peculiar," he spoke in wonder. "Her blood is strong enough to stand its own."

"What does that mean?", I hoped he knew what he had done.

"I don't know." he said just as quiet.

I felt the urge to crunch my teeth; Anger started boiling inside me. My pureblood was on the verge and I  knew he was going to do something unpredictable.

Kyros looked at me and his eyes scrunched together. 

"Go and sate that beast inside of you."

That was all it took. I stormed out of the balcony doors and jumped to the ground. Flashing away from the castle because I knew if I smelled her scent any longer I would kill what was left of her by taking all of her blood.

I didn't particularly like if anybody saw me riled up like this. It showed uncertainty and instability. Something unfavorable for a prince, the son of a king.

I had shown my people one to many times what a jerk I could be. I had even heard rumors of people saying that having me as their king was something they didn't want to think of.

If they where true or not I wasn't sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

I was close to entering the closest to the castle town or small city, vampires lived among humans but most of the time they would stick together in a neighborhood.

The neighborhood I was in now, was the one that had seen the most of my apathetic actions.

Maybe entering here now was not a smart decision since my witch aura was open in the air for a vampire to feel, but I also knew that news travelled fast it was most likely no surprise that everyone was aware of Kyros by now so a bit more surprise wouldn't do any harm.

It was the beginning of a cool night and I was surprised to find the vampire neighborhood at the park, celebrating.

 Of course it was New Year's eve, how could I have forgotten? I even had missed when Christmas had passed.

I knew why, it had been the stupid war and Avery.

Strolling down the sidewalk, I noticed many of the vampires grew aware of the  newly arriving presence. 

Warily the people nodded in respect as I passed by and woman looked for their children and mom's cradled their babies closer.

To my surprise even some humans celebrated along these vampires but when I came, even the music stopped.

The humans that looked at me curiously where soon told by the closest vampire who I was and fear crossed their faces.

Without a word I walked to the middle of the park where drinks where being served it was red wine, mixed with blood.

I turned around and faced the crowd that had gathered and was staring at me in scared anticipation.

I stared back, not saying a word. Part  of me wanted to ravish this party and kill half of them only because they looked at me as if I was their nightmare. The other part of me wanted to show them that there was nothing to be afraid of, I knew that that part was the witch part of me. 

Suddenly a small child shrieked delighted and tore it's hand away from its mother, "Mommy look, it's the prince", the little girl came running towards me. 

The mom as frightened as can be tried to grab the little girl but failed as her little legs carried her towards me as fast as she could.

The girl stopped short in front of me and she grabbed both of my hands and grinned into my face. Her eyes black as coal where full of laughter.

The mother gasped and slapped her hand infront of her mouth her husband standing beside her glaring daggers towards me.

I looked at the rest of the people and they all wore the same expression. They expected me to kill the little girl along with the parents for not teaching her better manners.

My pureblood liked the frightened expressions, my witch part was ashamed by them.

I was finally able to tell my good side and bad side apart.

I crouched down to come eye level with the little girl, she wasn't more than three.

She was still holding one of my hand's as I leaned closer. Half of the women present gasped, the other half sucked their breaths in and the mother screamed a loud 'no'.

"What is your name darling?", I whispered in her ear.

"Arina.", she giggled and it was my turn to suck my breath in. It was the same as Kyros's beloved's name.

"That's a very nice name." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

I cradled her in my arms and lifted her, setting her on my hip while I took one of the wine glasses. The glass was clear enough for me to catch on why everyone was as frightened as they were, it was my eyes, gleaming as red as only an angry vampires eyes would.

I turned around to face the crowd again and their astonished faces.

"Tell me, Arina what is your wish for the next year." I asked the smiling girl in my arms.

"My wish came true," she said quietly, "it was to meet the prince."

A strange feeling came over me, it was one I didn't know how to explain.

A big smile spread across my lips, I was sure it reached my eyes and I knew everybody saw it as well.

"Well darling, if that was your wish I am delighted to have fullfilled it."

I turned to the crowd and lifted my glass.

"To the new year, and the rest to follow." I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear me.

The people erupted in cheers and shouts for the new year.

I sat my glass down and made my way towards the little girl's parents, they still looked at me with wary but very surprised expressions.

I gave her back to her father and took the mother's hand to press a kiss on it.

"You have a lovely daughter." The look on the mother's face was priceless and I inwardly smirked.

As I made my way out of the park I knew that maybe something like this more often would change their opinion about me and maybe I should spend here a little more time but I knew I had to get back.

Suddenly  my cell phone rang and I looked to see that it was a unfamiliar caller.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Elían," It was Kyros, "you need to come now."


I don't know if it's good or bad news but this story is coming to an end...there will be a few more chapters I don't know if one or two or three or more, I write however the words come but....just to prepare you!!

Thank you!!


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