REWRITING A 180 Degree Turn

By NicholasChase

65K 1.6K 343

Okay, guys. I am so sorry for being such a crappy author, but I have my reasons. I will be updating this stor... More

Chapter One - A 180 Degree Turn
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 3
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyxBoy] Chapter 4
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 1
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 6
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 7
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 8
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 9
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 10
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 11
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 12
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 13
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 14
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 15
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 16

A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 2

4.2K 115 14
By NicholasChase




[Dylan’s Point Of View]

This will be so fun. I’m going to have a new gopher. Hot girls included in the package. If he becomes my slave, I’m pretty sure that those girls are going with him seeing as they’re stuck to him like glue.

But I’m not interested in either of those girls. It’s just that my idiot best friend imprinted on one of D’Angelo’s friends and I need to get them together. At first, my plan was to set his imprint and my best friend on a blind date, but seeing as opportunity ran in front of me earlier, I took it. Now I have a queer of a servant. Oh, the things I do for friendship.

“Dyl, bro,” my best friend, Keith comes up to me and we did our friendship handshake. He was, as most wolves call, my soon-to-be “beta” or second-in-command after my father, the current and the history’s strongest, alpha.

Until a few a few years ago, my beta was supposed to be my asshole cousin, but Keith just upped and now, I need to choose which I wanted for my beta. I’d choose Keith over that monkey anytime.

“So, how’s the plan going?”

“K, change of plans, but either way, I’m getting you hooked up with that Bailey-“

“Hailey.” Keith corrected. He just found out Hailey was his mate last week when he bumped into her and when they touched, it just clicked. He didn’t tell me until yesterday and now I’m helping him get his mate.

“-Hailey, Shelly, Mandy, whatever. Anyway, I’ve got a plan to get you two together.”

“Really? Nothing illegal, right?” He asked cautiously.

“Nothing too illegal.” I shrugged as we walked our way to the cafeteria as the lunch bell rings and students flooded the hall.

“How’d you do it?” He said entering the large cafeteria. As always, people parted where we walked like I were Zeus himself.

“Stop.” I tell him and he eyed me, confused, “I’ll get someone to buy our lunch. I’ve got myself a lackey.”

“You sure it’s not some fuckbuddy?” He raised a brow as we sat in our usual seat in the center of the room. A lot greeted us and I just waved them off. Keith asked, “Who is it?”

I grinned proudly, “D’Angelo.”

His eyes widened and looked at me in disbelief. He couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Though Gabriele D’Angelo was a queer, he was totally off-limits and no one messes with him unless they wanted their faces redecorated or suicidal or both because of his personal bodyguards. And they are girls. And it’s really wimpy. But effective.

Even my pack members stay away from him. He doesn’t like drawing attention to himself and whenever you talk to him, he keeps his eyes on his shoes or the floor or maybe the wall. No one but his “girls” has his face properly. I’ve heard girls say he’s good-looking if he had more confidence. But then again, I’ve also heard he’s a martial artist. Seeing as he was beaten up pretty badly two years ago, those are lies.

After a while, Keith managed to say, “Blasphemy!”

I was about to argue when Gabriele D’Angelo walked up to our lunch table with his head down, looking as nervous as always. I smelled him before I saw him. He smelled good for a guy. A mix of expensive European perfume, fresh strawberries with a hint of earth and Everyone in the “popular” table hushed and stared at him with disgust and hatred while some stared at him in confusion and curiosity.

“Hey,” Gabriele mumbled.

“See.” I turn to Keith smirking triumphantly.

“Hey, queer. Heard you skipped gym earlier. Did you get a hard-on and decided to jack-off in the girl’s room?” Alistair, my jackass cousin, said as he sat on our table with his older girlfriend, Vanessa hanging on his arm, snickering. Yes, this dude was supposed to be my beta.

D’Angelo didn’t even bother to acknowledge and that ticked Alistair off.

“You gon’ ignore me now, fag? Think you’re tough without those girls backing you up, huh?” Alistair rose from his seat. D’Angelo still ignored him.

“Heel, boy.” Keith said to Alistair.

Alistair was about to talk back, but someone from the football team came to our table telling Alistair he needed to meet up with the coach. He reluctantly got up and shot Keith and me dirty looks and rough brushed past D’Angelo who didn’t even budge or acknowledge him. He must’ve been used to these.

“A’right, I’ll give you my first command. First, you are to sit at this table from now on until the end of the deal so I won’t have trouble searching the world for you. M’kay?” I turned to D’Angelo again.

He looked unsure and I may be guessing because you could barely see his face. He nodded and told me that he had to inform his friends first. When he left, many of the people from our table began complaining.

“What do you mean he’s sitting on our table?” A girl named Cherry asked.

“No way is a fag sitting on our table!” Apple, Cherry’s older sister whined.

“Are you out of your mind, Dyl?” Josh, from the basketball team, said.

And many more complaints and questions. I told them he was my gopher for two weeks. Gabriele then came back to ask if I needed anything else. Sheesh. Someone looks a little grumpy.

“Get both of us lunch.” I told him indicating to me and Keith.

“What would you like for lunch?” He asked, his face still covered by his hair.

“Surprise us.” Keith answered.

Giving him the money, he went in line to get the food. Just as he was out of sight, four hot ladies walked to our table, regal as always. This time, Keith was struck speechless as Gabriele’s Three Musketeers stood in front of us. The whole canteen became quiet and a lot of people from our table gawked at them. A bunch of cavemen…

“We heard from Yelle,” An adorable redhead began talking. She looked Asian, but her red hair looked natural. Is that even possible?

“And so, since we can’t leave our baby alone-” one of the blond twins said.

“-to fend himself from a bunch of savages,” the other blond twin continued the first twin’s sentence. This sentence caused some girls from our table to hiss at the twins.

“We’ve decided to sit with him. No questions asked.” The little redhead finished calmly. Although nobody spoke on our table, you could feel happy vibes coming mostly from the guys. They even had wide grins on. That…is scary.

“Problem?” A pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes snapped and growled at us.

I just smirked and replied, “No. No problem at all.”

The redhead sat down our table first, next to Keith (he was ecstatic so she must be Hailey), separating them and the people of our table from them. Then, the blond twin sat next, leaving a space, maybe for Gabriele and the other twin occupied the last space. The black haired girl remained standing and said she would get theirs and Gabriele’s lunch.

Hailey stared at me with a burning passion of hatred. Wow, deep much?

“As not to be rude, I’m Hailey.” Hailey said coldly.

“I’m Anne,” said the first blond twin wearing a purple tank top and pointed to the other twin wearing a hot pink shirt with black letterings saying, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but my words will strip you of your dignity”, who has jugs just as big as the first one, “And this is Allison.”

“And that snappy one who just left is Katie.” Hailey said. They received a lot of happy greetings and welcome’s. More than I ever had. Jerks!

A minute later, Gabriele and Katie returned with four trays and they had people holding it for them. What the-?

“Thanks.” Katie and the girls said as the two boys carrying the trays set the food down on our table like they were waiters.

“Come, sit down, baby.” Anne says to Gabriele. He sits in the middle of them. Katie, having nowhere to sit, settles on Gabriele’s lap. Ooh…I could just feel the wave of resentment coming from our table.

The lunch was even noisier today mostly because they were asking the girls questions. Hailey answered with one word responses. The twin named Anne answered every question while they took turns feeding Gabriele because Katie had his hands and I could feel the jealous ambiance of my peeps. And Katie snapped at anyone who asks her anything with Gabriele as an exception. Keith was just so happy he was sitting with Hailey on the same table.

It was almost in the middle of lunch when a beefy over six-foot guy who seemed to be taking steroids entered the cafeteria with a hot blond chick wearing five-inch heels and a skimpy dress followed behind him like they own the place. The woman’s eyes scanned the cafeteria which was now noisy with chitchatting students.

“You!” She shrieked strutting towards our lunch table with angry strides.

“Whose bitch is that?” Katie mumbled. This earned a few snickers from the table.

“You,” She said again, pointing to Hailey, “stand up you slut.”

“Ha! Brave words coming from a hooker.” Allison sneered loudly. Everyone silenced, surprised, even the girls and Gabriele on the table. I’ve heard a rumor about one of the blond twins. The reason why one of them was silent was because whenever she opens her mouth, her snide comments were so bad she could kill with her sharp tongue. Rumor confirmed.

Allison looked down and Hailey stood up.

“Do you need something from me?” Hailey asked her.

“Yeah. You stole my boyfriend!” She said pointing an accusing painted finger at her. I had an itching feeling at the back of my mind that told me to stop them before it got worse. In the front of my mind, Hailey, was staring at me with this, don’t-you-dare-interfere look. I went for the latter and stayed on my seat.

“What? Hails would never do that? In fact, she’s never dated!” Anne defended Hailey. Katie stood from Gabriele’s lap to stand on Hailey’s left. Hailey glared at her.

“Oh, really? She’s a boyfriend stealing bitch.” She screeched, “She looks innocent now when the truth is she sleeps with guys who already have girlfriends. I saw you kissing my boyfriend a few days ago after both of you left a hotel building. You whore!”

Keith tensed beside me. Guess his efforts in getting her are taking its toll.

“How did you know she stole your boyfriend? She doesn’t even know you. Are you sure your boyfriend isn’t just cheating on you because he’s so tired of you and your bitchy attitude that he decided to sleep with little girls?” Allison said again.

The canteen was silent once more. Why wasn’t anyone stopping this? Entertainment? I wasn’t stopping this because ONE, this is none of my business, and TWO; Katie still glared at anyone who tried to meddle with this little cat fight. Just how did they even get in the school in the first place?

The woman turned red and raised her hand to slap Hailey, but Katie decided to cover Hailey and was on the ground five seconds’ tops with four diagonal wounds on her pretty face. A lot of people gasped not only because the lady slapped Katie, but mainly because she injured Katie’s face.

“Kate!” The twins and Hailey helped Katie up. Gabriele just stared at the walking building, trembling.

“Heh, you’re stupid. No wonder he broke up with you.” Hailey said standing up and smirked at her. She just provoked a psycho lady! Is Hailey suicidal or something? Still, nobody dared come near the fight in fear that this beluga whale would attack. He even looks armed. It’s not like I couldn’t take him on…

Katie stood up, angry and seemed as if she were ready to attack. The crazy lady snapped her fingers still looking flustered.

“Yes, Ms. Ashley.” The tall killing machine balled his fists to ready a punch. This mountain was going to his girls? Oh god! I am never; you hear me? Yes, never, am I joining a cat fight.

Just then, in a blink of an eye, nobody saw this coming. And I mean NOBODY. But, just then, D’Angelo stood from his seat, faster than lightning and caught that boulder’s swinging fist with his one tiny hand.

“Please, don’t hurt my friends.” He said in a soft voice, but I bet everyone who was in shocked silence heard him crystal clear. D’Angelo let go of Hulk’s fist, but, humiliated, he tried to kick D’Angelo. Unfortunately, D’Angelo dodged the kick and did a round house kick that sent the truck falling on the woman he called Ashley.

Ashley cried in pain and no one dared help her. The audience erupted in applause and cheers. The security guards (FINALLY) came and dragged Godzilla and his lady out the building. Where were they for the past ten minutes? We are now living in the society where the pizza delivery guy arrives at your house faster than the po-po’s.

But before Ashley left, Hailey said,

“By the way, the guy you saw me with, your “boyfriend”, is actually my brother.”

People were still gossiping about what happened as lunch continued. Keith was glad Hailey wasn’t a secret hooker. D’Angelo didn’t get to eat much because the four girls kept kissing him on the lips and cooing him and all. Do friends kiss each other lip to lip?

Ah, jealousy still hung in the air. The first bell signaling five minutes left for lunch rung. Most people exited the canteen. Gabriele insisted that he take Katie to the clinic himself. He got three more hot kisses; the last one from Hailey was the longest.

I could feel Keith seething with envy. It’s as if he wanted to rip his head if only he wasn’t so special to her. As we proceeded with our first class in the afternoon together which was math, I say to him,

“Bro, green is so not your color.”

“Shut up…”

“Still, I can’t believe you’ve found your mate.” I said. I’m kind of jealous my best friend has found his soul mate. I’m just a mate…less (?) pup. Yep. I still have no mate.

“What if she doesn’t accept me?” He asked nervously.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get Hailey for you. Besides, you have your own charm.” I just need to get close with Gabriele first. Form a trust bond and use that bond to get my best friend and that Asian chick together. And Gabriele is into guys. And, let’s admit it; I’m hot and since I don’t have a mate or girlfriend, I’m single. So maybe…

Keith and I walk to class as a plan formed in my head and a creepy grin was plastered to my face the entire period. Ahahaha…



Well, that’s chapter two. What do you think?? Sorry if it's boring n' all. ono

Pic of Dylan Shires at the side. I'm not gay, but I gotta admit, Holden is hot. o -o"




(If you like ouo)

I'm updating chapter three when this chapter reaches at least 15 reads and two votes. Too much to ask...? D:


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