Stay Awake (Book 1)

By abbyfermenich

208 287 13

Amber a ordinary girl who is in her early twenties with a great life gets kidnapped by a vampire named Cory w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

6 13 0
By abbyfermenich

Everyone started to walk in and I saw an older couple walk in but they weren't too old, they must be Cory's parents. I noticed Cory went closer by my side when my grandma came in, maybe it was true that she touched him, maybe even as a child, Cory I wish I could do something but she would kill me in a second. I see my parents walk in after Cory's and my mother was smiling more than ever, how does she do that, smile all the time, no matter what. I looked away when my grandma started to come towards us as well did Cory.

"Cory! I haven't seen you in 2 weeks, come give momma a hug." Cory's mother said walking over and hugging Cory tightly. "Oh, you must be Amber, what a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mrs. Riley but you can call me Lily." She said giving me a hug.

"Hello mother, it's nice to see you, as you said, this is Amber Robin, she will be living here now." Cory said with a smile at his mother.

"Hi" I said nervously at Lily. How come I'm so nervous with his mom, I was never like this at my work when I had to talk to everyone. Maybe it's because I wanna make a good first impression.

"Lily, it's so good to see you, how was being in China?" My mother said when she saw Lily and started to walk over to us.

"Julie I missed you, and China was gorgeous..." mine and Cory's mother's started to walk over to the other side of the room and that's when grandma walked over here with a devilish grin, she is so confusing, is she possessed or not, I've been questioning this since she did that actually smile.

"Oh you two are so cute together..." She started to get closer when she said that "NOT." she. said pointing her finger at the both of us.

"This doesn't concern you." Cory said taking my hand. "I'm done with you, just stop." Cory started to walk us somewhere else.

"Oh it does Cory, you see we used to be lovers when I was young, just remember this is grandma, Ugh this is getting gross, I'll see you later darling." Grandma said that while touching Cory's cheek which pissed me off.

"Cory, was it my grandma who touches you?" I asked grabbing his hands and looking at him in the eyes.

"Yes Amber, it was her, she is always doing it when no one is around your grandma is just, let's talk about this later please." He said taking me to the dining room.

"Yes of course..." I started to tear up, My grandma was Cory's lover and she touches him and she helps my cousins wtf... We got to the dining room and it looked like a feast, there was wine glasses everywhere and I think they were filled with blood except one seat, which I guess was mine but at least I got to have wine maybe, I think. We walked to our spots and our plates were already full of food, our name tags were in front of us, I was seated at the end right by Cory and my father, I was in the middle. Everyone started to get into the room and mine and Cory's mother were right across from us. Everyone was dressed all fancy, like super fancy except for Cory and I. I looked right at mother and she cleared her throat.

"Hello everyone, thank you all for gathering here with us today. Some very good news happened early this morning, mine and Lowell's daughter has come here because Cory got her for us and I noticed that these two have gotten very close." Mother said with a giggle while looking at Lily giggling with her. Cory looked at me and grabbed my hand that was on my lap and smiled at me as I did the same looking at him. My dad coughed and stood up.

"Well let the feast begin and you two love birds, stop goo goo eyeing each other." My dad said with a laugh, but when he said that, Cory let go of my hand picked his 'blood' wine.

I picked up my wine and started to drink it, I seriously almost spit it out, it tasted like blood but it wasn't. I looked at the food and I felt sick to my stomach but I ate anyway to look 'okay' I guess. Everyone finished their food like a race horse, and there was me not even half way done.

"AMBER! Darling!!!" I heard Aunt Ellen scream at the door way as I stood up and smiled at my Uncle Jeff and Ellen. I started to walk over to them while they walked over to me and we hugged each other and it felt good to hug them.

"Ellen, Jeff, Ugh it's so good to see you again, did you hear that I got kidnapped." I said with a laugh and winking at Cory. Cory just smiled and blushed at the same time. I walked back to my seat and Ellen and Jeff took their seat as well. I looked over at my mom who was smiling.

"So is everyone done with their dinner." Lily said putting her hands together. Then she looked at my plate and she took it while I nodded my head for her too, she just gave it to the dogs that were outside by the windows, I was happy when she did because I wasn't hungry at all.

We all went back to the living room and then we were up till like 2 am talking about what happened when I was a child when my parents were hidden and I was so fuckin tired so I went back to my room, I then went into another room for some reason and there was a room full of pictures and computers, I think it was a detective room, I was so tired that I didn't even know where I was anymore so I left the room and I went to my room.
***1 week later

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