Stormy Grey Meets Chocolate B...

By guilloteen12

108K 2.7K 2.2K

The whole gang is back at Hogwarts for another year. Unfortunately, the wizarding population has been cut in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

3.6K 112 52
By guilloteen12

A/N So, I know the last chapter was relatively confusing, so I hope this one clears things up. I'm so glad you have stuck with me the whole way here. Thank you for helping this story reach 400 views! Let's get to 500 by 2018, think we can do that? I think we can! This chapter may be longer than some of the others because I am going to be in the car all weekend, going to Connecticut! Lots of POV changes coming up. Beware and Enjoy!

*Harry POV*

I was so sad to have my best friend missing. Hermione had always helped me, through thick and thin. And now she was gone, I had to find her. Ron and Draco were in the next room, discussing stuff that had been said. I did not want to be a part of that, so I stayed outside, and thought.

I thought, who would have ever wanted to cause Hermione harm. Then a large tawny owl flew through the window and delivered the Daily Prophet. I grabbed it and read the headline. I gasped.

I barged into the room where Ron and Draco were arguing loudly.

"SHUT UP," I yelled. They both glared at me reproachfully.


That got their undivided attention quickly,

"WHAT?! WHO?!" They both started yelling.

"YOUR AUNT!" I pointed dramatically at Draco and they both looked at me with blank faces.

"Um, Bellatrix Lestrange?" Still nothing. "Evil witch, any of this ring a bell?" I tried again.

"You're off your rocker, Potter. My aunt, and yes I know who she is, is in Azkaban, locked away like she should be." He looked disappointed.

"Think again," I said. I shoved the Daily Prophet into his face. He read it and gasped just as I did.

The headline said 'Mass Murderer Bellatrix Lestrange Released from Azkaban Due to Critical Information to the Wizengamot'

"Who in their right minds would let HER out?!"

"I know where she is! My aunt's old meeting place with her husband, it has a cellar and everything, I just know it's where she would go, she is predictable that way. It is the only place she truly felt safe, she told me."

"So what the hell are we waiting for, LET'S GO!"

*3rd POV*

Bellatrix no longer found the need to steal the Potter's the Weasley's and the Malfoy's mail to hide that she was out, as they would have found out soon enough anyway.

*Hermione POV*

Bellatrix had just finished torturing me for the day, and though I was relieved, I was still shaking and crying on the floor. 

I was having very sad thoughts at that moment. I was going to die here. My body couldn't survive days like this much longer. I would never get married to the man I love, I would never see my friends again.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise, that was new. I looked up startled, whatever was happening, was happening upstairs, and I hated not knowing what was going on.

The door to the cellar burst open and Draco ran in yelling,

"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione, are you ok?" I ran into his arms sobbing tears of pain and joy, then things started going black, and I fain-

*Harry POV*

After I had taken care of Bellatrix, yes I had finally killed her after everything she had done to Hermione, Sirius, and Dobby, I saw Draco carrying an unconscious Hermione.

"Draco, I left you alone with her for five bloody seconds, what happened?!"

"Potter, I left you alone for five bloody seconds, and you killed my aunt! But anyway, she ran to me crying, then she fainted, what do you want me to tell you, I can't imagine my aunt being very friendly with her, can you? Let's get her to St. Mungos!"

*Hermione POV*

I woke up in St. Mungos, no surprise there, oh well, at least I was still alive. I opened my eyes wider and yawned. Then, I saw Harry, Ron, and Ginny looking each other worriedly. Ginny was crying. Where was Draco?

"Hey guys, long time no see," I said weakly.

Ginny jumped up, as did Harry and Ron.

"HERMIONE!" They all yelled. I winced at the volume.

"Sorry, they had said that you probably wouldn't wake up from the coma you were in. We were all so worried," Ginny explained, still sobbing.

"Where's Draco, he didn't leave, did he?"

Right on cue, Draco ran into the room.

"I just had to go to the loo, did I miss anythi- HERMIONE!"

I just smiled at him, he didn't leave me.

"Of course I had to go to the bathroom right as you were waking up, I'm sorry. How are you feeling my princess?"

"It's fine, I am feeling much better since waking up and seeing all of you, my ferret." Everyone laughed, even Draco, who was blushing furiously.

The healer ran into the room panting.

"I got here as soon as I could after I heard your voices. Oh, Ms. Granger, you're awake. Here, take these potions, they will restore your strength. If you react well to them, we will discharge you tomorrow. All of you must leave so Miss Granger can rest after her potions, you may all return tomorrow and she will go home with you."

Everyone cheered, except Draco, me most of all, the cheer quickly turned into a grimace as I downed the first potion, which was gross. The healer smiled apologetically.

"I don't want to leave, she is my fiancee-" Draco started, but the healer interrupted,

"If you would like to stay, you can fill out the paperwork, and wait in the waiting room."

"You mean I can't stay in the room with her, she's my fiancee," Draco said again, afraid the healer hadn't heard him the first time.

"I am aware of that Mr. Malfoy, but you cannot stay in the room with her seeing as you are a distraction." I chuckled.

"Draco, go home and sleep, I'll see you tomorrow, there is no point to you just staying outside, get some rest, and be here first thing in the morning," I said confidently.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The healer ushered everyone out and then he turned to me.

"Those are some devoted friends and family you got there."

"I know they are," I said dreamily, sounding kind of like Luna.

"Hurry up and drink so you can rest."

I obediently drank the rest of my unrefreshing potions and immediately I felt my eyes getting droopy. At least I could sleep before I realized exactly how bad the potions tasted. The healer started talking to me,

"You know Ms. Granger, when I was your age-" If he said anything after that, I didn't hear it, I was fast asleep.

*Draco POV*

I paced in the bedroom in our flat, it felt empty without her. There wasn't even the rustle of pages as she turned them, that I was so used to.

I hated this. I hated being alone and I was through with it.

I walked to my best friend's house. I knocked, and I knocked again. No answer. Fearing the worst, I unlocked it with my wand and I was met with a sight I very much needed to un-see. I hurried out of there locking the door behind me.

I walked over to Weasel's flat, and as much as I hated to do it, I knocked. Wea-Ron opened it, he wasn't wearing a shirt, and as I looked behind him, neither was Pansy. I turned around quickly and ran away. What was up with people today?

One last try. I went to Harry's house. I knocked and heard a door open. I shut my eyes tightly and asked,

"Before I open my eyes, are you two both fully clothed?"

"Um, yes? Why?"

"You-don't-want-to-know-anyway-can-I-spend-the-night-here-please?" I asked in one breath.

I could see him struggling to realize exactly what I was asking. At least he seemed to be considering it.

"I could sleep on the couch or even the floor?"

I heard Ginny ask,

"Honey, who's at the door?" She walked up to the door and waved to me, then she asked Harry,

"What?" Harry whispered in her ear my question. Ginny looked at me,

"Of course you can Draco." Harry looked at her in alarm.

"Thank you so much, Ginny, I won't be a burden, I promise."

"It's no problem Draco, I know how you must feel right now."

"Great, so can someone explain it to me," Harry asked.

"Oh Harry, I love you but you are so clueless some-all the time." He looked offended.

"He obviously is used to sleeping with Hermione, so now that she isn't here right now, Draco doesn't want to be alone," Ginny explained. I nodded.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, in thaaaaat case, come on in," Harry exaggerated.

"Thank you," I was in no position to judge. I came in and made myself comfortable on their couch. They carried on with their conversation in rushed whispers, but right now I was too tired and worried to care. 

I fell into a deep and troubled sleep, and my light in the darkness was the fact that these people, my friends, were so willing to accept change, and I hope my beautiful fiancee would continue to, as well.

A/N This was easily the most ideas I've ever had at once. At the beginning of this chapter, the story had 400 views, now, it has 445! Thanks, guys! This story has been so fun to write. I will probably write a sequel when this one is done, how many more chapters do you want me to write before ending it, and writing the next one? Please let me know in the comments and PLEASE VOTE thank you Hermionezabini for voting twice! This chapter has 1648 words!

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