So it Seems || Harry Styles

By irelandlc

308K 6.7K 2.2K

This is what it all has come down to? Me and you? So it seems. *Completed* More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

9.7K 238 113
By irelandlc


"Is this you?" I said with laughter, pointing out a picture.

Although I've been to Millie's house many times for tutoring, we only went into the dining room or her living room, so she decided to show me around her house.

Millie came over to where I was standing and she tried peering over my shoulder. But her obviously being so much shorter than me, ducked under my arm where she was standing in front of me, her head resting on my chest.

"Yeah, that's Niall and I when we were kids," she said with a faint smile.

It was a picture of two little kids embraced in a hug. In each of their hands were a half eaten Popsicle, the other half all over their faces. They were both wearing swim suits, so I assumed the time set was during summer. From the picture you could tell how much love they had for each other, how strong their friendship was.

"You guys look like siblings here," I said with my eyes winced, scanning the photo.

Millie laughed, that adorable laugh of hers. "People would mistake us as twins all the time. It used to drive my brother insane."

We looked at the picture a few seconds longer, before Millie dragged me up the stairs. I took quick glances at all of the photos on their walls. A lot of them with Millie and Niall.

As we reached the top of the stairs, Millie entered a room, which I assumed was hers.

"Well, this is my room," she said nonchalantly.

It fit her perfectly. Her bed was pushed up against the wall to the right when you walked in, with a white bed spread. She had light pink, purple, and white pillows assorted neatly on top. Her walls were painted white. To the left was her bathroom, which was painted with two different shades of pink stripes. And straight ahead was a big window, with a windowsill seating.

I walked over to her window, looking out at the view. I turned to face her and motioned her to come over where I was. She slowly walked over, standing beside me.

"You see that house over there," I pointed diagonally.


"That's mine," I informed her.

She faced me, looking confused as to why I told her that.

I decided to elaborate. "My room is right there and I have a windowsill seating just like yours."

"Are you trying to tell me you watch me change at night?" She said with a smirk.

"No," I leaned into her, whispering into her ear. "But I can see you when you sleep naked," I teased her, remembering the secret she told me at the Halloween party.

"Harry!" She playfully slapped my arm.

"I'm only kidding," I threw my hands up in defense. "I was just telling you a fun fact. For all I know you watch me change at night," I smirked at her.

"In your dreams Styles," she lightly pushed me.

I loved that I could joke with her. That's the thing about Millie, she was so easy going. She knew how to have fun, and she was always so happy, always laughing. It's extremely sexy.

I walked around her room, looking at all the things she had placed around. Like pictures, posters, and paintings. I stopped when I came across a picture that sat on her desk that caught my attention. It was a picture of Millie and Lily when they were in junior high.

I know Millie and Lily used to be best of friends, up until freshman year. Then after....the accident, Lily became mine. She would talk so badly about Millie, about how much Millie and Taylor teased her, and left her out of things. It broke my heart to see someone mistreat Lily like that, after all she did become my best friend. And she still is.

Holding the picture in my hand, a wave of guilt washed over me. I still haven't told Lily that Millie has been tutoring me, I haven't told her about the Halloween party, I haven't told her about my sketches. If she knew, she'd be completely heart broken. She'd hate me, and I can't lose Lily, she was all I had after the accident. I was all she had. We only had each other as a memory of what once was.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when there was a knock on Millie's door.

"Millie?" Her mother asked.

"You can come in!" Millie chimed.

"I need a little help with dinner, since we have so many people joining us. Niall's mom is helping us and I think Maxwell's friend will be too," her mothers voice was very gentle.

"Max has a friend coming over? Who?" Millie curiously asked.

"I'm not sure what her name is. She's not here yet but will be soon."

"Where does Max get all these girlfriends?" Millie huffed.

"You know Max," her mom joked. "And Harry, if you want you can join Max and Niall downstairs. They're either playing videos or watching sports, you know, whatever boys do."

"Oh alright," I said with a smile.

Her mother left her room, Millie following her, and I trailing behind. We parted our ways when I entered the game room, watching Niall and Max play video games.

"Niall you suck, bro!" Max shouted. He was a big guy, looked about twenty five, but was probably only nineteen or twenty. He had broad shoulders, with bulging arm muscles. In the face, he looked just like Millie, but more masculine.

"I've been at boarding school, cut me some slack!" Niall made up an excuse.

They both looked at me as I slowly walked into the room. Max paused the video game and stood up. "You're Harry right?" Not only was he muscular, but he was tall as hell.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Max right?" I said shaking his hand.

"Yeah," he said shortly. "You here for Millie?"

"I mean, I guess so," I said questionably. I saw Niall take a glance at me over his shoulder. "Your guys mom invited me and Millie said I should stay."

"Millie said you should stay?" Niall now spoke up.

"Yeah?" As soon as I responded to Niall's question the doorbell rang.

"Ahh that's for me," Max interrupted, "Harry you can play Niall, you'll probably win 'cause he fucking sucks. Nice to meet you though, bro."

"Yeah you too," I shouted over my shoulder as he walked out of the room.

I took a seat by Niall, not really sure what to do. The atmosphere was awkward, and tension lingered in the air. I looked straight ahead, my attention locked on the paused video game. I could see Niall eyeing me out of the corner of my eye.

He cleared his throat before he spoke. "So, you here for Millie?"

"Yeah, who else would I be here for," the tone in my voice was condescending.

Niall let out a sarcastic laugh, "Alright I'm gonna get straight to it. I'm a nice guy, people love me, I love the people. But I'm not a big fan of you."

It took me by surprise. I always thought Niall was such an easy going guy. But what he said stirred something up in me. "What's that suppose to mean?" I stood up from my seat.

Niall stood up also, coming closer to me. "I know what you're doing Harry, don't think you're gonna get away with it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I spit out.

"You're Lily Trier's best friend right?" He asked.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. "And what does that have to with anything?"

"I know what you guys are up to." He said confidently. I looked at him with bewilderment because I genuinely had no idea what he was talking about. I guess my facial expression spoke for me, because he started to explain. "I know Lily is mad about the fight that happened between her and Millie in the hallways. So you guys must have a little plan to humiliate Millie or of some kind."

I looked at him for a second, his expression completely hard. I let out a huge roar of laughter. "You're joking right?" He didn't say anything back, just blinked. "You seriously think I'd bash Drew's head against a wall if I was trying to humiliate her?"

"That's just a way of you getting closer to her," he defended his reasoning.

I shook my head, "You got problems bro," I started to turn around but Niall put his hand on my shoulder, turning me around with a hard grip.

"No, you have problems bro. Millie's my best friend and she's been through a lot lately. She's had her heart smashed by a guy she truly cared about and it pained me to see her like that and-"

"It hurt me to see her like that, too! Don't think you're the only one who cares about her," I interrupted him but he continued.

"If you do anything, and I mean anything, that will harm her, or hurt her. I will come after you, and Max will help me. So whatever you and Lily are planning, I suggest you knock it off." He threatened me.

Is he being serious? I was completely dumbfounded by the accusations he was making against me. But then suddenly it all clicked. It all started to make sense to me.

"You like her." I blurted out.


"You, have feelings for Millie. That's why you're being like that. She doesn't return those feelings, so you're coming after me because she's starting to show interest in me." I didn't know if the last part of what I said was true, but I truly hoped it was. "I genuinely like Millie. She's a girl I can be real with, and I enjoy my time with her."

"Yeah fucking right," Niall scoffed. "I know how you treat girls. I've heard things about you, Harry. You toy with girls emotions, get them to fall for you then leave them. You're not doing that to Millie."

"Yeah you're right!" My voice started to raise, and I stepped closer to Niall. I looked down on him, obviously because I'm taller. "I'm not doing that to Millie. I like her." I said again. And that was the first time I've truly admitted it, even really admitting it to myself. After I did, I felt something change in me. I do like Millie, I truly and honestly have feelings for her. She makes my days better, she makes me laugh and smile. She makes me feel good about myself and she brings out sides in me no one else has. Even though we only hung out as friends, I felt like every time we were together something more built up inside of me towards her. And she has to feel the same? Right?

"Just, don't hurt her," Niall looked down. "Or I'm coming after you."

"I'm not-"

"You've got to be joking me!" I was interrupted mid sentence to Millie walking through the door, into the room.

She seemed completely pissed off. She wore an angry expression but it changed to confused when she saw Niall and I facing each other, obviously sensing the tension between us.

"What's going on?"


"You've got to be joking me!" I said furiously, bursting into the game room. My face was hot, my body involuntarily shaking from the anger with inside of me. But my anger soon turned into confusion when I looked up and spotted Harry and Niall, practically chest to chest. Both of them staring at me, Niall with a concerned look, Harry with a curious look.

"Whats going on in here?" I chuckled.

Both of the boys looked at each other and took a step back, but neither of them spoke. I raised an eyebrow and held my hand out, waiting for an explanation.

Niall spoke up first. "We uh, we were just talking."

"Yeah, about guy stuff," Harry added while clearing his throat.

"Okaaaaay...." I said suspiciously. "You guys will never believe whose here."

"Who?" They both spoke simultaneously, then glancing at each other.

"Danielle freaking Rine!"

"Why is she here?" Niall asked me.

"Max invited her! Can you believe that? Like what the hell?"

Harry looked back and forth at Niall and I for a minute. "I don't get it?"

"It's Drew's ex!" I exclaimed

"So?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"So!" I repeated back.

"I'm not really following with why don't like her, but I'll go along with it." He shrugged.

"Good," I smiled at him. "Well dinners ready anyway, so come on guys."

The boys followed behind me while I led the way to the dining room.

My mom always goes all out when we have people over for dinner. She usually cooks way too much food. The napkins are always folded neatly, and since it's mid November she always uses the deep red ones. She placed out our pure white fine china plates, with crystal glass cups. Damn, she must be trying to impress somebody. Or maybe since they've just been gone for so long she wants to use them.

"Mom," I whispered while walking to my chair. "Why is this so fancy?"

"I want to make Harry feel welcomed!" She said with a smile.

I etched my eyebrows together, "What do you mean? You did?"

"Well, I want him to be impressed by your family," she said lightly touching my shoulder.

"What? Why?"

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" She questioned.

I let out a small laugh, "No, mom. He's a friend?" What in the world is she talking about? Where would she have gotten the idea that Harry is my boyfriend?

"Oh Camilla, I see the way you look at him. And I definitely see the way he looks at you," a huge grin spreading across her face. "He's a nice boy. Very handsome." She patted my back then left to grab the food to place on the table.

I took a seat, feeling confused as ever. The way I look at him? What is that suppose to mean? And the way he looks at me? I've never noticed him looking at me in a different way. I'm sure my moms just over thinking things, she always does.

Harry and Niall came in the dining room, as I took my designated place, and Niall sat next to me, where he always sat at family dinners.

Every time we would have dinner with both of our families we always had assigned seats. My mom at the end, then me, then Niall, then Max. My dad on the other end, and then Niall's parents, which always left the seat across from me empty.

"Harry, you can take the seat across from me. No one sits there," I pointed. He nodded, giving me a full smile, showing off those adorable dimples.

"Where Danielle gonna sit?" Niall asked me.

"Who cares," I brushed off what he said. I don't even want to think about her.

My mom and Niall's mom brought all the dishes out, placing them in the middle of the table. There was steak, salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, and bread. When Danielle came in, we had to grab an extra chair for her, placing her by Max.


Through the dinner there were multiple conversations going. Some between my mom and I, some between my parents asking Harry questions, some were me talking to my brother, and ignoring every time Danielle made a comment.

Harry and I didn't talk as much though. Most of the time I'd look up from eating and catch him staring at me and he'd always give me a bashful smile. Or he'd playfully kick my feet under the table, which made me giggle. It didn't bother me, really, that Harry and I didn't talk. Not that I don't like talking to him, but I felt like we didn't have to have a conversation to be connected. All that we needed was a look.

And I don't know what that's suppose to mean, to be honest. But I liked the way it felt. I liked that Harry felt comfortable enough to have dinner with my family unexpectedly. I liked that he got along great with my family.

After dinner everyone cleaned up. Harry helped me clear off the table, and every once in a while he'd throw a crumb or a napkin at me. Niall and Mac scraped the left overs on the plates into the trash, while the adults put whatever wasn't eaten into containers to save. I was always the one who washed the dishes and put them away so Harry offered to help me.

I scrubbed while he dried, and I told him hist to set them to the side and I would put them away.

"You're family is really nice," he said while drying off a plate.

"Yeah, they're very open and welcoming I guess," I laughed. Harry looked over at me and smiled, then continued to dry off the plate that was in his hands.

The sink was filled with water and bubbles, so I scooped up a handful of bubbles and spread them across Harry's face.

"You didn't not just do that!" He said shockingly.

I smirked at him, "What are you gonna do about it?"

Harry set down his towel and scooped up some bubbles, wiping them on my forehead. I tried to push him off before he could reach my face but he was too fast.

"Okay, okay truce!" I pushed him back.

"Those were all the dishes so now what?" He asked.

"I gotta put them away." Harry stepped aside while I reached for the plates and walked over to place them in the cabinet they belonged in. I went over and grabbed the crystal glass cups. I opened the cabinet above where the plates went, and stood on my tip toes to place the glasses in it, but I was too short.

Harry walked over towards me and laughed, "Here," he took the glasses out of my hand and placed them in the cabinet with no effort at all. He turned around and faced with a big smile on his face.

I crossed my arms, "You didn't have to show off."

"Millie, we're all going to head over to the Horan's house and watch a movie in their theater, do you and Harry want to come?"

I looked at Harry then back at my mom. I loved watching movies at their house, it was always so much fun. We all had blankets and would get cozy in the seats. Niall would always make hot coco with whip cream and we would sit together and enjoy the movie with our family. But as I looked at Harry, whose sparkling green eyes were looking at me, I got the feeling that I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay here, and just talk to him, and get to know him.

"Uhm, actually..." I cleared my throat. "I think we're just gonna stay here and hang out."

"Are you sure?" Niall spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling too well anyway. But I promise next time." I gave a small smile.

"Okay honey," my mom smiled back, and her, my father, and Niall's parents all walked out the front door, while Niall stayed put.

"You feel sick?" Niall came up towards me.

"Yeah a little. I think I may just have eaten too much." I lied.

"Hmm," Niall pursed his lips together and stared at Harry and I, "alright well feel better Mills." He walked up to me and gave me a big hug and kissed me on top of my head, like he always does.

"Thank you Nialler," I pulled back. He gave Harry a quick glance then started for my front door.

Harry stood up against the island counter, and I stood up against the opposite counter, looking down at my feet.

"You're not feeling well?" He finally spoke.

Still looking down at my feet, I smiled. "No, I feel fine."

I looked up to see what his reaction was, if he knew what I meant. He cocked his head to the side, obviously not understanding, "I uh, I guess I just wanted to spend some time with you, alone." I admitted, but Harry didn't change his facial expression. Great, I totally read into things the wrong way.

"But if you don't want to it's totally okay. Like we can go over to the Horan's house and watch a movie with them? Or if you don't want to be here you can go home. Oh, not saying that I want you to go home, only if you want to." What the hell is wrong with me? I always babble when I get nervous in situations like this.

Harry smiled at me, coming closer. He reached his arms out, pulling me into him and rested his chin on my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Even though this only has happened a few times, I loved the feeling. I love the way his hands placed on my back, how his arms slightly squeezed me into his warm embrace. How he rested his chin on my head because I'm so small compared to him. It gave me butterflies.

"Of course I want to spend time with you," he whispered, looking down on me.

I nodded and pulled back from the hug, grabbing his arm and leading him into the game room.

On our way to the game room, Harry stopped. I turned around to face him, while laughing. "What are you doing?"

Harry ran his hand through his dark, thick, curly hair before he spoke. "I uh, I just wanted to say thank you...for inviting me to have dinner with your family. It's been a while since I've done anything like.....this."

I smile and nodded. "My parents seemed to like you! So expect a lot more invitations because they're like that. That's how Niall and I became so close."

"If there's dinners like this every weekend, you can count me in."

We both laughed and walked into the game room. Harry took a seat in the middle of the couch, leaving the only spots open the ones right next to him.

I walked over to our shelves of DVD's and started to roam through them. I don't even know what type of movies he'd like. Action? Thriller? Comedy? I feel like he would enjoy a mystery.

"Do you have a movie in mind that you want to watch?" I called over my shoulder.

"Anything! Pick your favorite movie."

I pursed my lips together, scanning through all the different titles. My eyes reached Mean Girls. Perfect! Everyone loves Mean Girls right? I pulled it out of it's place and opened the case.

"What'd you pick?" Harry said grinning.

"You'll see."

I placed the movie into the DVD player and walked over to the couch. I sat on the spot to the right of him. The DVD brought us to the start up menu.

"Mean Girls!?" Harry shouted. I laughed and nodded back. "I actually really like this movie. That's so fetch!" He mimicked the line.

"Good because this is my favorite movie," I informed him.

The movie started and we fell silent. I would take quick glances over at him, how he was so focused on the movie. His jawline was relaxed, his green eyes fixed on the screen.

During the movie Harry would lightly brush my leg with his hand, or put is arm around the back of the couch.

We were half way through the movie when Harry spoke up. "Do you mind if I lie down?"

"Oh no, that's fine."

He grabbed one of the pillows and placed it in my lap, settling his head on it and spreading his long body across the rest of the couch. When he asked if he could lie down I thought he was going to go on the floor or on the other side of the couch, not in my lap, but I didn't say anything.

His hand rested on my thigh under the pillow, and it felt like my skin was burning under his touch. I noticed his eyes would slowly start to close, and every once in a while he would yawn. I checked the clock, 11:30.

Towards the end of the movie I looked down at Harry, who had manage to fall asleep. I sat there for a moment watching him as his chest moved up and down with every breath he took, how his pouty lips seemed even more pouty, and how is eyes were lightly closed.

I ran my hand through his hair, playing with the brown curls. "Mmmm," he grumbled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I whispered.

He rolled over so he was looking up at me. "It's okay, it's a nice sight to wake up to," a smile spreading across his face.

I could feel my cheeks start to turn red and I looked away so he wouldn't notice.

Harry sat up, sitting sideways so he was facing me. I turned too, so that I was now facing him. His eyes scanned me, every part of me, which made my heart pound in my chest. He reached out, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. His hand cupped my cheek, and I rested my face into his hand.

He licked his lips and started to lean in. With each inch he got closer to me, my heart beat quickened. I closed my eyes and leaned in as well, each second seeming forever. We were centimeters away, lips almost touching, but Harry and I both jumped back when Max barged into the room.

You've got to be kidding me.

~ok guys IM SO SORRY FOR THE FREAKIN LATE UPDATE!!!! I've just been really busy with school since it's almost the end of the year. sorry if there's any spelling errors but I've decided I'm going to start switching off from Millie's POV to Harry's POV to lengthen up the chapters! do you guys think I should add more like of their thoughts on what's happening or add more dialogue or what!? but anyway THANK YOU ALL FOR ALMOST 2K YOU GUYS ARE SO FREAKIN AWESOME! thank you for all the votes/reads/sweet comments! your guys comment makes my day and I love seeing them so always feel free to comment! haha and if you wanna contact me my insta is: thelovelyliam and don't forget to share! YOU GUYS FREAKIN ROCK ILY ALL!~

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