
By DinaParks

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Losing someone or something is not a choice or something it's predicted. It just happens. You cannot know whe... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~Chapter 25 ~

~ Chapter 5 ~

8 1 0
By DinaParks

So I guess you guys are not mad. That is good because I never felt the need to lie, it was just like that. In these videos, I want to tell you guys my real life. The life I had, the sad and depressing life of John Pool. It will be hard to explain everything, every feeling I had, so I will keep it short. I was the only child of my family and since I was little, no one wanted to talk to me, because I was weird and weird looking. I talked to myself because I didn't have someone to talk to, I played with action figures and was just a huge geek. My family destroyed itself because of me. My father left because I never talked to anyone and seemed as I was ready to kill someone, also the neighbour would judge so hard. Calling us a sociopath family and so on, I spent my days and months and years in my room, hearing loud noises in the living room and kitchen. It was my parents who constantly were fighting. They would throw furniture and stuff like that around the house from the anger. My father would beat me and my mom. At one point he left, without even telling us, goodbye. I knew the reason why, but I never got that last goodbye. (John stopped for a second to stop the tears) I then spend my life in my room crying in the corner never hoping for another day. Wishing one day to not wake up from my sleep.

It has been rough. My mother kept blaming me, calling me a mistake, a huge one. I never felt welcomed anywhere. Not at home not at school. I feel welcomed at just one place when I was a child, it was the arcade, but soon that also stopped, for some reason. At school, I was a laughing stock. I had my head pushed into the toilet, mud and so on. My bully was very popular and no one could tell him to stop, because they were scared of him. He is a huge prick and will succeed in life because people like him do. Nothing is like a movie. The guy I punched for Craig was his best friend. He told him to stop bullying me but got transferred into Craig's school and suddenly became the bully. No one at that school liked me, not even the slightest. There was this teacher, but she... (John looked at the floor and felt anger) she never tried to help me. Something happened that were preventing her from helping me because they would end up bad for her. I finally had no one. I was alone. I was depressed, funny to finally say it at loud. I kept hurting myself because the pain that I felt through the day wasn't enough. I did wish to die and hoped for it to happen as soon as possible. I didn't see a way out of this misery and just let it be like that. When it came to the exam year, I finally saw the pattern. The pattern was, if I get into college, with scholarship, I will move away and start a new life. Without pain, promised me that I will make friends there and be a different person. Did it work out? (He sighed out of disappointment)

No. I failed. Everyone that bullied me and treated me like shit got to college through their father and mothers, certainly not good grades. I, who studied very hard, spent nights awake and pushed myself over the limit, didn't make it. The only way of me being free was gone. I left home before doing the exams because I was so confident that I will make it, but as it turned out, I didn't, and I wasn't smart enough, rich enough. I had nowhere to go and no one to be. That is my story, of a sad, sad man. No future, no past and no presence. My bully was right. People like me, weird and hopeless, never are successful. I never wanted him to be right, but he is. I'm sorry I disappointed you guys and I am not as cool and awesome as you thought I was. I am not the type of guy to go around and punch people. To gloat around with my fabulous life, because that is just not me. I am not happy or ever will be.

Unlike you guys I have nothing going for me and never will have. I am a total bum and don't be me. I am not your role model, I am the person your parents tell you to not be. Sorry for being so dumb, never be like me, ever! (John looked at the floor once more and ended the recording)

Craig sighed heavily and locked the phone, so he can get his thoughts together. Everything was so clear now. They felt like they just read someone's biography and a different person was now in their mind. Not the perfect Luise, but the sad and lonely John. Two opposite people becoming one and making them rethink everything. Every conversation that they had with him, every movement or action made by him. It was all confusing yet beautiful. He was a strong man, keeping all of this inside and still managing to be a great friend, almost like a blood brother to them. Every single one of them wanted to travel back to that summer and make Luise or John feel special and welcomed and most importantly loved. Such an amazing person should reach the sky with their own to hands, that's how much he deserves everything.

''He has it hard. Poor Luise. His whole life has been full of pain, anger, sadness and pure depression. He had no one to talk to, we never talked about that with him. We are not worthy of knowing who he is, because he is so amazing. I feel bad for him.''
Craig said trough slight tears, rolling down his face, thinking of his great friend, Luise.

''Don't pity him! He doesn't want that! Got it?!'' Craig nodded, from the loud words that came from Henry.  ''He doesn't need your pity, or mine, or Dylan's.'' He turned at Dylan, but Dylan wasn't present mentally. ''Dylan?''

''We need to do something,'' Dylan said through his teeth and his fists clenched.
''How did that guy dare to treat him that way?! My Luise! The man that protected us all, that doesn't deserve a hand to be lifted at him?! How can someone be like that?! Such a douche bag and a pile of shit. I am ready to kill the guy who laid his filthy hands on Luise!''
Dylan dropped to the floor and started to punch it, making his knuckles bloody.
''Why is everyone like that?! So clueless of such a wonderful person?! They should all pay for their sins! Those little pieces of...''

''Stop! Stop hurting yourself. We are going to do something! We are going to get back at the bully that treated him like that. We are going to stand up for him, just like he did for us! (Henry pulled Dylan up and gave him a firing stare) Luise has done so much for each and one of us, so now it is time to pay him back. But we can't just march into his school demanding to beat up some guy, we need to find out how to know the guy's name. Wait! ( Henry remembered one detail about Luise that was very critical) I am sorry to say this Craig, but we need to visit your bully.''

''Why? Is there a community of bullies that we are not aware of?''

''No. The guy that was bullying you before Luise made him run away, used to go to Luise's school. Maybe he knows who bullied him.''

The other two boys nodded at Henry and they made a plan. To get to Craig's bully they just had to go to the arcade, because that is where he usually is. They went straight there and found Craig's bully playing space blast. He changed because when he saw the three boys come in, he didn't even say hi. He wanted nothing with them since that day.

 ''Hey Bobby, I need to talk to you''. Craig was still shaking at his presence, but his voice was serious. 

''What do you want?'' He asked not even looking at the boys.

 ''Do you know who Lui... I mean who John Pool?'' Henry was nervously playing with his fingers, while Dylan was staring at the ground, trying not to burst into tears.

''The name sounds familiar.''

'' You went to the same school as him, before you transferred into this. He is the guy that punched you that summer.''

''Oh, the weird kid. The one that suddenly turned into a goody-two-shoes that kicks bad people like some superhero. Yes, I do know who he is. Why?''

''I wanted to ask you, why was he bullied and who bullied him? He is one of my best friends and I want to know who hurt him.''

''Well, that is an interesting thing. I was the one who was bullying him in the begging, then stopped, because someone replaced me, but in a bad way. His new bully, used violence that was death causing.''He moved away from the game and turned around, facing the guy.
''His name is Joseph, Joseph Hundert. The same guy that kicked me out of that school and stole my girlfriend, making me look like the bully, even thou I stopped a long time ago.''

''Why? Why would he do such a thing?''

'' Well, that is hard to explain.''

3 years ago...

''You are such a dork!''

 Joseph said while spilling food all over John's hair. John, as usual never moved or did anything. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed at the poor boys messed up hair. Bobby that was sitting next to the table, was watching the whole show with his fists closed. Joseph brought a box of milk and poured it all on John's pants.

 00I think something happened inside of your pants because they are all white and wet''. 

The cafeteria let out another laugh, but that is when Bobby's rage reached its limit. 

''Stop bullying the boy already''.  He pushed Joseph away. He kneeled and asked John if he is okay. 

 ''I don't need your help. You did enough in the past. Please don't act like you care''. 

John said seriously and shot the boy with a cold glare. Joseph heard it all and smirked, grabbing Bobby by the collar and pulling him up to the roof so they can sort everything out.

'' Look, I don't want to fight with you, because I have a thing for you girlfriend, so if you don't mind can you please stay out of my business?'' Bobby grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him onto the fence of the roof.

''You are asking me to punch you or worse, push you off of this roof.''

''Do it, push me!''

''Where did my best friend go?! I thought that we are bros for life. I stopped bullying the kid because I knew that it is a bad thing and another part because of you. I didn't want you to see me as a bully. But I guess the tables turned. I am not the bully anymore.''
Bobby's face went pale and he let go of his shirt. ''I just wanted a friend and all you do is just act like a prick. Not amazed. I won't kill you, because I am better than you.''

''I know you won't. Tonight, I will steal your girlfriend from you, just a heads up, because I am better than you will ever be and by the way, I am not your best friend or friend, to be honest, I am just someone that you wish you never knew or tried to stop.'' He wanted to leave, but Bobby punched him right in the face. ''You are nothing, you are just like that weird kid, and you both are trash, trying to act all highly! I guess I need to take out the trash. You will regret ever meeting me and punching me now.''

That same night...

Bobby wanted to call his girlfriend so badly, but he didn't want it to seem like he is targeting, that she is cheating on him. The last time they spoke was when he walked her home and kissed her goodbye passionately, hoping that wasn't the last time he was kissing her. He rolled in his bed and watched his chat with her, trying to think of a way to start the conversation. He finally took the phone into his hands and typed''Hey, I just finished my studies, and what are you doing?''

Ten minutes passed, she wasn't answering, which weird was coming from her because she usually answers after a few minutes. He called her up and she answered after three rings. The loud background noises were making it difficult to hear what she was saying. But after a few words from her, the noise quiets down.

''Hey babe, where are you? What are those sounds? Are you at a party?''

''Yeah baby, Joseph called me to this party, but where are you? I thought you were coming.''
She sounds drunk.

''What are you talking about?''

''You sent me an SMS during your practice that you and I are going to meet here.''
He realized that someone has texted from his phone during his basketball practice.

''Yeah, I will be there soon, the traffic is just really bad. Wait for me outside, please. How much did you drink baby?''

''A lot. The girls that were drinking with me, told me that you bought me all of these drinks and that you would be mad and sad if I don't drink them. So I did, all of them.''

'' Okay. I am close, just don't speak to anyone or go anywhere.''

''Okay.'' Her voice was shaking from the alcohol.

Bobby was very pissed. Joseph planned all of this. He quickly changed and got in his car, driving like a maniac through the streets. During a red light, he received a phone call. He put it on speaker so he can also drive.

'' Yes?''

'' Enjoying the party?'' Joseph asked mockingly. ''It's weird I didn't see you come in with your girlfriend. She is very beautiful and sexy tonight. She is wearing this blue dresses without the back, so breathtaking, I have to thank the person who bought her it, it's making me want to grab her, pick her up and make her mine.'' It was the dress Bobby bought her for her birthday and Joseph knew that.

'' Keep your hands off of her or the next thing your hand is going to be is in a cast. You are a real piece of work. You managed to trick her and me at the same time. You are that desperate to have something you can't. Like always you want things I have because they always look better on me or next to me.''

''Stop faltering yourself. Also, your girl is waving at me, you can listen to us kissing in just a few minutes.'' Joseph put the phone in his pocket.

'' Joseph answer me now! You bastard I will kill you if you lay a finger on her! You sly monster, I will break every bone in your body!'' He stopped cussing out Joseph when he heard his girlfriend's voice.

'' Hey, Joseph did you see Bobby, my boyfriend. You know who Bobby is right?''

'' I know princess, but I hate breaking it to you, he is with another girl. I kicked him out of the house because I knew you would cry.''

''What?! He is with another girl?! But why?''
Her voice started to break, she had tears in her eyes.

''Because he is an ass and doesn't deserve you. I know how you can get back at him.''


'' By playing fire with fire.''

'' We are going to set them on fire?''

''No, he will see you with another guy. Just like you did, well almost did.''

'' Yeah, but we don't have a guy.''

'' Well, you have me.''

Bobby finally arrived and jumped out of the car, not even locking it, running his heart out, and trying to find his girlfriend before it is too late. He searched around the whole house and found her, kissing Joseph in the garden. Joseph had his hands on her butt while she was holding his face. Bobby sprinted towards them and pushed Joseph away from her, making him fall on his back, then Bobby climbed on top of him and started to punch. Bobby's girlfriend sobbed now even more seeing this awful sight. She then captured the courage and grabbed Bobby's hand stopping him instantly. 

''Stop punching!'' He looked at her with pain.

''Why? He is kissing my girlfriend!'' She looked at him, an angry expression on her face.

'' No, he is helping me get back at you. You cheated on me.''
  He got off of Joseph and grabbed him by the shoulders making her gasp.

''I didn't cheat, he made it all up. You're drunk, he is lying!'' She tried to yank him off of her.

''Stop harassing me! I don't love you.''
 He tightened his grip and was ready to pick her up and take her away from this place.

'' I am your boyfriend, you love me!''

 Suddenly Joseph grabbed him by the shoulder, pulled him away and yelled from the top of his lungs. '' Stop torturing her!''

 The second he yelled that out, a group of boys appeared from the sides of the house, coming near Joseph. Bobby heavily breathed, glanced first at his girlfriend and then at Joseph.

He couldn't control his anger, rushing towards Joseph with his fist clenched, he was stopped by the two boys that were behind Joseph and pinned him onto the ground. Joseph smirked at the hopeless boy and kneeled near his face, while the boy was held by the group. 

'' Sucks to be you. I told you this would happen, but you still tried to stop me. This will teach you a lesson. From tomorrow nothing will be the same. See ya, don't want to be ya. Please take care of him for me boys.'' He took the girlfriend's hand and walked away, while the group beat up Bobby until he was unconscious. 

Bobby didn't see any hope for him anymore.

The next morning he woke up in front of an arcade and remembered everything as it happened a second ago. He realized that his girlfriend has left him and that his face is ruined by bruises and marks. His whole world was over.

Three days later, he got transferred to another school, because he was marked as the bully and the school wanted nothing with him. Joseph did all of that, just to get him out of the way and it worked. It changed Bobby a lot.

Present time...

''John was bullied because he was different. No one liked different people, mostly Joseph. He talked to himself and always looked weird. He never talked to anyone and lived in his world. I didn't see him long after I transferred, but after that summer, he seemed different, I am happy he is finally normal.'' Dylan ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar, making him lean his back on the game box. ''What the hell?''

''You also bullied him, why? Are you scared of different people too? I don't get it! He is such an amazing person if you just gave him a minute. No! A second, you would see an angel, you bastard. You are some professional in people's behaviour! Tell me, what is the definition of normal? You said he wasn't normal, what makes you say such a thing? You are just as big of a prick as that Joseph guy. And even after you got transferred you continued to bully, so that makes you no different from any other bad person in this world. Let me tell you something, being weird is much better than being mean and bad!''

''I did, but it was too late. I am sorry, sorry for hurting your friend. But that is the same thing I told him, so he knows how sorry I am and you are right I am a horrible person, I don't deny that, because I know I am.''

'' Good.'' Dylan let go of him and turned around at the guys. He was red.

'' I am sorry Craig.'' Craig flinched and looked at him pale. ''It wasn't okay to do such things to you and I am also sorry it took me so long to be fully aware of that. Once again, I am sorry Craig.''

'' I forgive you.''

'' So what are you going to do now? Go and beat up Joseph? I know for a fact that he still has his huge army and is ready to beat up anybody, so I suggest doing something else.''

'' Don't you worry about us, just tell us where he hangs out around this time.''
Dylan cracked his knuckles trying to scare Bobby, but he didn't even flinch.

''Café a few blocks away.''


Dylan marched out of the arcade and didn't even say goodbye to Bobby. The other two boys followed him downtown and kept asking how is this all going to go, but Dylan didn't say anything, ignoring them. They finally arrived and Dylan stormed in, not caring that the café was filled with people.

''Is Joseph Hundert here?'' 

He shouted making everyone turn around in fear. Dylan's voice was surprisingly deep and serious. Henry and Craig were standing shyly behind him, not knowing what will happen next. This one guy from the back stood up. 

''That is me. Do we know each other?'' 

Dylan stepped up towards him and punched him instantly in front of the girl group that was sitting with Joseph. They all gasped and moved Dylan away. Joseph was leaning onto the table, really shocked by Dylan's action, it was so unexpected.

'' I guess you know me.'' He said sarcastically while wiping off the blood.
 ''What is the reason for the punch?'' He asked putting his hands into his pockets like the punch never happened.

'' I know you very well and this punches a lot of meanings!'' 
 Joseph smirked at the raging boy, acting all cool in front of the girls.

'' I want to hear them all. ''
Dylan growled at the boy and wanted to punch him one more time, but Joseph stopped him with his bare hands. ''I said hear them, not feel them.'' 

Dylan lifted the corner of his lip, being very annoyed with the bastard.
''Do you know who John Pool is? ''

His voice stuttered while saying John's name. Joseph shocks his head looking dead straight at Dylan while doing it. 

One of the girls spoke up: ''It's the guy you used to bully. The weird kid!''

 She said with her head lowered. Joseph turned back at Dylan and looked at him, really analyzed him and saw the marks on his knee. Sudden flashback went through his head, a very nasty one. He knew that Dylan was the one from the flashback because the faces are the same no matter how many years have passed. 

He then returned his eyes, to meet Dylan's, with a huge smirk on his face:
''So you are Dylan Powell''.    

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