Dan Howell Smuts & Imagines

By gnarlyhoe

22.4K 268 136

I know there are millions of these, but I hope these satisfy you little shits. More

Such A Tease
Friends Tell The Truth
Hogwarts Danny
I Need You
My Pretty Boy
A/N & Hiatus
I Just Love Your Parents
Since I've Met You
Too Good At Goodbye
400 & Dan Shorts!
Spoopy Babe
Dog Calenders
Dan and I
Just Me
Now It's Us
I'm Actually Shaking
Lucky Me..
Model For Me
For Me? No, For You.
Stranger Tweets
Stranger Babe
The Puzzle
1k Special
Some Weird Shit
I'm Glad I'm Such A Tease
Finn Memes
2k + some really creepy shit
X Readers
Brb, gotta go commit suic-
Single Pringle
Finn's Birthday


754 8 0
By gnarlyhoe

1390 Words

"Hey Y/N!" Dan exclaimed excitedly as he opened the door. "Hey Daniel!" I copied his enthusiasm. He chuckled as he pulled me into his arms, embracing me tightly. The blaring of music and the smell of alcohol hit me as I entered the flat. I walked up the stairs, Dan trailing behind me. "Y/N!" Phil yelled as he ran up to me and hugged me, nearly tackling me to the ground. "Philip!" I giggled as I hugged him back. We released from the hug, smiling widely at each other. "Come with me to grab a drink, we need to talk." Phil's smile started to disappear as he grabbed my hand, dragging me to the kitchen. "Okay, what is it?" I asked worriedly as I watched Phil pour us our drinks. I jumped up, sitting on the kitchen counter so I could be head height with Phil who was leaning against the opposite counter in front of me. He handed me my red solo cup filled with tequila. I take a sip as I stare at Phil, awaiting his answer. He took a sip as well, thinking of how to say what he was going to say. "You see that girl over there? The one talking to Dan." Phil pointed over to a girl with bleached blonde hair. She was wearing a skimpy black pencil skirt and a white crop top with white heels. I nodded my head confusingly as I took another sip. "She's trying to get with Dan." He finished blatantly as he looked back at me. "And? Why should I care? He's just my best friend, Phil." I laughed quietly as I looked down into my drink, swishing the alcohol in circles. "Y/N, stop the charade. I know you like him." Phil replied as he took another sip, staring at me above his cup. I looked back up at him and made a face asking, 'how do you know?' He smiled as he lowered his cup. "I'm your best friend too, Y/N. I know you. And plus, I see the way you look at him. You look at him like he's the love of your life." I take a gulp of my drink as I listen to him speak, the burning liquid cascading down my throat and warming my insides like a furnace. "Sometimes I think he is, Phil. Sometimes I think he is the love of my life." I smiled softly as I swished my drink again. "So doesn't it hurt you in the slightest to see that cheap whore rubbing up against your man?" Phil spoke sassily. "Woah there. Did I just hear my little sunshine baby cuss?" I made a shocked face as Phil laughed. "I just don't like her. She was rude to me from the start, and now she's trying to take our best friend. Also, she's taking my best friend's man that my best friend deserves more." Phil shrugged as he refilled his cup. I handed him mine too, silently asking him to refill it. He obliged and quickly handed me back another full cup. "Dan isn't some sort of prize, Phil. If he liked me, he would say so himself." I mumbled sadly as I took a swig of the drink. "But that's the thing! He does like you Y/N! He's just too shy to say something. He thinks you don't like him that way, even though I constantly tell him otherwise." Phil grumbles frustratedly. "Wait, what?" I giggle. "You guys are my OTP, I have made it my mission to get you guys together. You guys both like each other anyways." He laughed as he reached his cup to me. I smiled as I reached mine to his, clinking our cups together. "Cheers, mate." I grinned as we downed our drinks. "But seriously, Y/N. You need to say something because he never will." Phil frowned as he set down his cup, leaving me in the kitchen alone to my thoughts.
I slowly got up and refilled my cup, only with something stronger. Classic bourbon. I filled my cup to the brim, thinking that maybe, just maybe it would drown my feelings. Phil was right though, I do need to say something. I'm just too scared. Phil tells me Dan likes me too, but anything could happen. He could refuse me out of shyness, or it could just be the wrong timing and it would be super awkward. What if we broke up and then our hard worked on best friendship would be ruined?
My thoughts were interrupted by Dan walking in with 2 solo cups. He was smiling hysterically until he saw me sitting on the counter. His wide smile turned into a soft and kind one. "Hello, love. How are you on this fine evening?" He laughed as he refilled the 2 cups. "I could be better." I answered honestly. "Why? What's happened?" Dan asked in his classic worried tone. He turned around to face me, sipping on his newly refilled cup. "There's this guy I know, and I really like him. He's been my best friend forever, and now I've developed feelings with him." I smiled softly as I looked down at my drink, taking a little sip of it. I looked back up to see a slightly hurt looking Dan. "Okay? And what's this guy like?" He flashed a fake smile at me. "Well.. He's got these beautiful eyes. Oh my god his eyes. They sparkle when he laughs. Not to mention his laugh. It makes me smile just thinking about it. His hair is soft and curly, I love playing with it. He's handsome, sexy, funny, kind, loving, and everything I want in a guy." My smile grew with each word I said, but Dan's frown deepened with each word he heard. "Okay.. And what's wrong with him? He seems perfect. What's he done that's making you upset?" Dan asked rather harshly. I gulped nervously as I took a large swig of my bourbon. "W-Well.. I saw him with this girl who.. Who looks much prettier than me. She seems to make him smile and laugh more than me. He just seems happier around her than when he's around me. It hurts to think about it, and it hurts even more to see it. Just imagining him with another girl is torture, just plain torture." My eyebrows furrowed as I felt a jab in my heart. I looked back up to see Dan looking incredibly upset. "Then he doesn't deserve you. You're simply amazing Y/N. If he can't see that you're worth everything he has, then he's not worth a single second that passes by when you think about him." Dan smiled sadly. "Dan.." I set my cup down and stared into his now confused eyes. "Yes?" He questioned curiously.
"The guy is you." I finished. His angry expression changed in a split second. It flipped to a shocked look. Well, not all shock. It was a confusing mixture of shock, happiness, sadness, and realization. "W-Wait, what?" Dan's shocked smile grew. I nodded and set my cup down. "Y/N.. I love you too." Dan rushed over to me, placing his hands on my cheeks and kissing me passionately. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. He moaned into the kiss as I rubbed slightly on him. We parted slightly and placed our foreheads on one another's. "I was right, you know. I don't deserve you." Dan whispered as he kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We were quickly interrupted by the slutty girl. "Umm, Dan? You left me for 30 minutes! And aren't you mine?" The girl shrieked as she stomped her heel into the kitchen floor. "Sorry Tera, you were nothing but a whore to me. Leave if you wanna' keep your dignity." Dan smiled as he spoke rudely. The girl gasped and stormed away, out of the apartment and out of our lives.
"So, it was torture for you to see me with her?" Dan smirked as he turned back to me. I nodded before pulling him into a lust filled kiss.

Maybe a little extra torture here and there is worth it if it ends like this..

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