By naturalnathan

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By naturalnathan

friendsgiving // sometime after season 9

note: hey you guys! i just wanted to give you guys a little special treat before i release any more chapters! i hope you guys enjoy :) -h


"Babe? Where did you put my slacks?" Nathan yelled from across the house, voice muffled through the walls. Carly giggled as she rinsed the potatoes from their boiling hot water. For a moment, she pondered where she had placed the slacks, but she suddenly remembered that she had literally laid them out on their bed. "They're on our bed, honey!"

She placed the potatoes back in the pan and went to the fridge to pull out more ingredients. "Hey Jamie? Can you come here for a second, sweetheart?" She heard her son, James, rise from the couch after pausing his video game. "Yeah, mom? What's up?" He leaned against the counter, resting his hip near the tabletop. Gosh, he grew a little more everyday, it certainly didn't feel twelve years older but yet here they were. Carly snapped out of her trip down memory lane when Jamie repeated her name, waving a hand across her face, "Mom, what do you need?"

"I need help getting something from the spice cupboard and if your dad catches me anywhere near the stepping stool again I think he might kill me." Jamie's eyes widened at the request but soon began laughing as he recalled the last time his mom did anything potentially harmful while she was pregnant. Carly quickly joined in and the two shared a laugh together, as soon as Carly reached for the stepping stool to give to her twelve year old son, she heard Nathan call from down the hallway, "Carls, you're nine months pregnant, give it a rest!" A smile grew on Carly's face as she rolled her eyes, giving the stool to Jamie.

"Remember that one time me and Jamie both survived being hit by a car? I think I would be fine getting some spice out of the cupboard." Carly smirked as Jamie handed her the spice she needed, placing a hand on her protruding stomach. She walked back towards the stove and began to mash the potatoes.

"I remember that quite vividly actually, mostly because it was completely my fault." Nathan's voice sounded from behind her. She turned around to find him standing over her. The space between them was caused only by Carly's swollen stomach, where Nathan placed his hand over her own. "How's my little one and beautiful wife doing on this fine Thanksgiving?" Nathan pressed a chaste, short kiss to her lips. She grinned at him before becoming serious.

"I'm so hungry. This kid you put in me is going to be huge and I'm not happy about it." She turned back to her cooking project before asking where their daughter was. Nathan called for her, "Val! Auntie Brooke's gonna be here soon,  come down here and say hello! You too, Jimmy Jam! Turn off the video game and come help your sister set the tables." Nathan grinned as he heard the groan of his son from the living room and the inevitable squeal of his daughter as she rushed down the stairs. 

Valentina Scott rushed into the kitchen into her father's awaiting arms, giggling as he spun her around. "Where's Auntie Brooke and cousin Davis and Jude?" Val asked, a cute pout settling on her face as she looked at her father. "They'll be here any minute baby, I promise." Nathan spoke softly, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She squealed as the scruffiness of Nathan's unshaven face brushed against her own.

He chuckled and let her down as soon as the doorbell rang and Brooke's voice sounded throughout the house. Nathan followed Carly out into the living room, greeting their friends in a hug. "Oh, Carly you look amazing! I absolutely love this dress, where could you have possibly gotten it?" Brooke gushed a light smirk on her face. Carly rolled her eyes, "Oh, this old thing? I just picked it up from off my bedroom floor! Isn't it cute?" Nathan shook Julian's hand and helped with the food and children, leaving the girls to their conversation.

Brooke's smirk faded and a teasing glare took her face. "That is a Clothes Over Bros original and you know it Carly Scott. Anyways, how's my god child treating you?" Brooke's hand was placed on Carly's stomach, a pitiful sigh leaving her mouth. "I still don't understand why you're waiting to see if your baby is a girl or a boy until it's born. It's really hard for me the best godmother ever when I can't even pick out cute items for the nursery."

Valentina rushed out of the house and towards her aunt Brooke, immediately wrapping herself around Brooke's leg. The pair of mothers laughed when the Baker twins did the same to each of Carly's legs. "Well, come on in you guys! Dinner's almost ready!"


After the Baker family had arrived many of the other guests followed. Juliet and Sam arrived with their baby boy, Liam had arrived with his girlfriend Maya, and Chase had made an appearance with Mia along with many other friends. Carly was upset that Lucas and Peyton had failed to come for Thanksgiving for what would now be the sixth year in a row, but of course she had to remember that they had made it perfectly clear they wanted nothing to do with Tree Hill anymore and Carly needed to learn to accept that.

Brooke and Juliet had helped Carly with the rest of dinner, and soon enough everyone was seated in the massive dining room waiting for the food to be served. Carly called Nathan into the kitchen to help carry the turkey while Julian pulled the massive bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy from the oven where they were being kept warm. As soon as everything was laid out on the table in it's designated place, Nathan stood from his seat next to Carly and raised his glass.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to our home today. I'd also like to thank my beautiful wife Carly for setting this up. I'm very thankful for her and our kids, along with everyone else here today. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Dig in!" Nathan finished his toast and clinked his glass with Carly after kissing her on the lips.

The room filled with content chatter, mostly the girls gushing about how excited they were for Nathan and Carly to bring another little angel into the world. Jamie worked the room of adults, engaging in intelligent conversations while Valentina and the Baker boys played a board game in the living room after they were finished eating. Juliet and Liam teased Sam about how long his hair had gotten and how Maya could put up with little Liam.

"Have you and Nathan talked baby names yet?" Juliet asked Carly later in the evening when the husbands were assigned the task of dishes while the wives sat on the couch watching a Thanksgiving movie with the kids. "Yeah, kind of. If it's a boy we have one picked out and ready to go, but if it's a girl we have a few options to play around with." Carly answered, sipping a glass of apple cider.

"And I'm gonna take it as you aren't going to tell us yet? The due date is coming up soon right? December 5th? You're in the home stretch, pretty girl!" Brooke observed, clinking her wine glass with Carly's cup. "Yeah, I just wish Luke was here, he was always such a big help with the kids and such a good uncle. It sucks that he never even visits anymore." Carly sighed.

"Well, you know Carls... If you wanted me here that bad, all you had to do was ask." A smug voice came from behind Carly that she knew could only belong to her best friend, Lucas Scott. She stood up from the couch so fast it made her head spin, and her drink almost spill all over the carpet and couch.

Brooke's face lit up with satisfaction. For it was she who had called Lucas earlier that week to arrange a visit, and while Lucas was hesitant at first, he ultimately agreed because he wanted to make Carly happy. Carly embraced him as tight as she could and tears fell from her eyes. "What are you doing here, Lucas? I thought you were in Austin for Thanksgiving!" Lucas quickly wiped the tears off of Carly's rosy cheeks and smiled down at her.

"Peyton didn't mind, I always have time for you, Carly." Nathan turned the corner from the kitchen and stopped in his tracks, rolling his eyes at the sight. "Lucas Scott if you kiss my wife, I might have to beat your ass." He pointed a finger at Lucas teasingly, a grin showing up on his face as he went to greet his brother. "Wouldn't want that to happen again." Lucas returned his brother's hug as Carly thanked Brooke for the surprise. 

The adults chatted for the remainder of the evening, catching up on what Lucas and The Tree Hill gang had missed out on in each other's lives when they were apart. Soon after everyone had settled down after dessert had been served, they began to feel the sleepiness looming in the air. The kids were quickly put to bed in their respective rooms, and Sam and Juliet retired with their son to sleep as well.

Nathan could tell when his wife had had enough socializing and Thanksgiving festivities for the day as soon as she fell silent and curled up next to him, closing her eyes and humming in content. He chuckled silently, combing his fingers through her perfectly curled hair. He quickly scooped her up, informing his guests that they were turning in for the night. Carly slurred out a goodnight from her spot in Nathan's arms.

Nathan carried his sleepy wife up the stairs and laid her down on their bed. He quickly removed her shoes and socks, as well as her jewelry and covered her up with their comforter. After quickly tucking her in, he moved around the side of the bed, but not before Carly reached for his hand and told him to stay.

He chuckled and kissed her the top of her head before climbing in beside her. Carly cuddled closer to her husband, falling asleep once more. Nathan heard her sigh in her sleep, a sound her had missed hearing so dearly when he had been taken away from her and the kids all those months ago. 

They had come a long way since they had gotten together in high school. But after marriage and a few kids, Nathan couldn't be happier, and neither could Carly. And that was something that they couldn't be more thankful for.

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