Why Me || Taylor Caniff

By cutemaloley

286K 5.4K 1.2K

Danielle goes with her two best friends to meet her favorite internet famous guy, Taylor Caniff. When she mee... More

Another A/N


11.6K 227 103
By cutemaloley


It was really dark when Taylor and I walked into my hotel room. Taylor flipped the light switch everyone popped out saying 'welcome back!'

"Thanks guys! Who did this?" I asked as I walked to Katie and hugged her.

"Taylor said that it sounded like a good idea." Aaron smiled and hugged me. He pulled back and I turned around. I went back over to Taylor and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his mid-section and I rested my arms on his shoulders. The guy of my dreams was holding me.

"Thank you Taylor." I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome. Hey, we have a date after this." He chuckled a little.

I got goosebumps after he said this because I felt his breath on my neck and it tingled.

"Okay," I agreed.

Taylor set me down and I looked at all the people surrounding me. Taylor, Aaron, Nash, Cameron, Matt, Jack, Jack, Carter, Hayes, Shawn, Jacob, Mahogany, Katie, Randie, and some tall guy in the back. I knew most of these people from the internet, but they don't know me at all. They're so sweet for coming here.

"Who is the tall guy in the back?" I whispered to Taylor.

"That's um your dad," Taylor said.

I nodded and walked through everyone looking straight at this man.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Here's my beautiful daughter. It's been almost 17 years." he wrapped me in a hug. This provoked so many emotions for me that I didn't know what to feel. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Why did you and my mom split up? Why did you take Aaron? Why did mom not let me see you? Why did mom not let me meet you? Why didn't mom tell me about you and Aaron?" I hit him with a bunch of questions.

"Slow down, pumpkin. We split up because she wasn't happy that I had been all lovey, I took Aaron because I didn't know how to deal with girls, like all the girl stuff. She didn't let me see you because she doesn't like me, and she didn't tell you because she doesn't like me or the fact that I took Aaron," he answered my questions.

"Oh," was all I had to say.

"I want to make it up to you. Let's go out to lunch tomorrow?" he asked.

"If I'm not busy."

"Just let me know." he laughed. "Get back to your party."

I walked over to Cameron and Nash. They were whispering to Taylor. I tapped Cameron on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Hey." he smiled.

"So I really like Taylor. Could you give me some tips?" I asked.

"You like that thing? Damn." Cameron laughed at me.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly.

"Well, I'm always single." he was joking, I think.

"Actually, I liked you a lot at first, but then I decided that you were way out of my league. I like Taylor." I laughed.

"He loves basketball and just being able to share his life with someone." Cam smiled. "Oh he also loves sweet girls like you." Cameron winked.


I walked around to see the other guys. When I did, I had amazing conversations with all of them. I never knew that the guys that I love and spend all of my time on would ever talk to me the way they did today.

"Are you ready for our date?" Taylor snuck his arms around me.

"I'm not dressed!" I pouted.

"You look fine." Taylor kissed my cheek and turned me around.

"No, I look like shit. I need to get dressed nicely."

"I like what you have on." Taylor pulled on my Carter Reynolds T-Shirt.

"Hey don't pull on it! This shirt was thirty damn dollars!" I laughed.

"I can get you merch for free." Taylor smirked.

"I bet."

"Let's go." He grabbed his corvette keys and slipped his vans on.

"Bye guys!" I smiled and waved.

Before we left, Cameron ran up to me and pulled on my hand.

"Hey, if things don't go right between you and Caniff, I'm always available." Cameron smiled and winked at me.

It made me melt because he has that effect on me and probably always will. He pulled me into a hug and picked me up. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before I ran off to Taylor again.

I hope this all goes well. I really like Taylor. I bit my lip and followed him out the door to his Corvette. Damn.

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