"And we both know I loved you...

By _Brother_Zachariah_

2.7K 31 1.4K

"If your heart is true, then I'll be with you, cause it's you that I adore." "I wanna be your lost boy, your... More

Dreamers { Leo the Lion }
One Hell of a General- I Mean Model!
Dream Catchers { Rin the Fearless }
The Young Paladin
Your ( Demon ) Mate
The Dusk Court
The Amazon Warriors
A Talented Villager
"I really don't care what you think!"
Dream Catchers { Prince Charming }
Broken Brothers

Dreamers { Alex the Demon }

65 2 38
By _Brother_Zachariah_


Human side- "Alex Dream, nice to meet ya!" ( Alexander Harris Dream, but he hates his full name )

Demon side-" Tch, its Orion."

Name Meaning:

Human side- Alexander ( Greek; Warrior ) Harris ( English; Son of Harry ) Dream ( A series of images processed by usually emotions )

Demon side- Orion ( Greek; rising sky )


Human side- Alex, Idioso, Lex, Lexy, Awex

Demon side- Oreo, B****


Human side- "Nineteen, I'll be turning twenty this year."

Demon side- " Immortal." ( 1,000+ )


Human side- "The best birthday date ever, except for December 25th... it's October 31st!"

Demon side- "Do you honestly expect me to remember?" ( Unknown )


Human side- "I'm pan." ( Pansexual )

Demon side- "Why do you need to know?" ( Bisexual )


Human side- "Eh? What's that...?" He paused, chuckling." I'm joking, I know what it means." ( Seke )

Demon side- He shrugged." Whatever I feel like." ( Seke )




Face claim- Renzo Shima from Blue Exorcist/ Uta from Tokyo Ghoul )


Human side- Alex has fluffy, pastel pink hair that's usually a big mess that he can never tame, and when it's wet his hair curls. His eyes are a light shade of brown with flecks of yellow and amber, and he needs glasses but uses contacts instead. His skin is pale and he has a few scars from random fights, he has a lean but fit build and is 5'10" in height.

Demon side- His demonic side has a completely different look. This side's hair is long enough to be in a small ponytail and shaved on one side, and the color is black. His eyes are a bright red and are lined with a dark black color, his eyes lashes are very dark and long. His skin is the same color, pale, and he has a lean but fit build again, and is the same height. His ears are slightly pointed, same with his fangs, and he has a tail.

Clothing Style:

Human side- Alex's usual clothing depends on his mood at the time, one day he can be dressed in all black and the next he could be wearing pastel colors.

Demon side- His demonic side will be dressed in mostly black, sometimes dark violet shades and his clothing is usually tight except for a jacket or long sleeved shirt that's long enough to fall off his sleeves.


Human side- None

Demon side- Shown in the pictures


Human side- None

Demon side- Shown in pictures


Human side- "It's a bit difficult... I'm a half demon, but I'm more like a host...? I don't even know anymore." ( A demon's host )

Demon side-" I'm a demon who's currently possessing a poor teenage boy's body." ( Greater demon )


Human side- He can't use any of his power when he's completely human, but when they split he gets a demon's tail.

Demon side- Teleportation, invisibility, can grow a tail. He has an underwater version where he looks sorta like a siren with an ombré red merman tail. He can make people dream or have nightmares, and he can mess with memories. He can also forcibly eject himself out of Alex so that they're two people.


Human side-" I'm a pretty nice guy, I have a short temper and I'm extremely childish." ( Alex is what he said, nice, short-tempered, and very childish. He's completely loyal and protective of his friends, family, and lover. He's also very reckless and fearless, after all, he has to be to face a demon head-on at a young age. He's strong-willed and flexible in the worst situations. However, there are moments where he's very depressed and sad, choosing to hide out in his room. Ever since he was nine, he vowed never to cry in front of someone. He still hasn't to this day.

Demon side-"Why don't you get to know me instead of asking? It's quite rude." ( Orion is very... moody. One moment he can be sassy and playful and the next he can be indifferent to everything and anything. His personality changes very quickly but usually he's a bit of a tease or very cruel. Being a demon, he likes to make people suffer.


Human side-" YouTube, my brother Rin, my best friend Leo, spicy things, sweets, swimming, water, cuddling, movies, cooking, wearing contacts, picnics, the beach, sunsets, and many more things that I can't name."

Demon side-" You~" ( Alex, torturing Alex, Oreos, sweets, napping, Oreos, food, controlling people, Oreos, dreams, sex, blood, souls, did I mention Oreos? )


Human side-" Orion, Oreos cause he eats TOO GOD DAMN MANY-" He coughed." Sorry. I don't like bullies, homophobes, being cold, airplanes, and bubble gum."

Demon side-" Ugh, do I have to...?" ( Alex complaining about how many Oreos he eats, not being able to eat anything other than Oreos and blood, being woken up, people who are scared of him. )


Human side- He's very reckless and uses his instincts instead of his brain, which would be a good thing had those instincts not been meddled and tainted by a demon's thoughts. He's not all that smart and he gets distracted easily.

Demon side- Orion is too arrogant and cocky sometimes for his own good, and he gets a bit insane sometimes.


Human side- Airplanes, killing those he holds dear to his heart.

Demon side- Getting killed one day and losing Alex

Background: Are you ready for an emotionally long rollercoaster?

Human side- Alex was born two hours after his best friend Leo, and they were born on the same day. Both his parents were sluts who didn't care for their children ever since his older sister Bella's twin died of cancer. Bella was the one to take care of Alex like her own because she was eighteen when he was born. A few years later he saw Bella swimming with her team and wanted to do it as well, demanding she gives him lessons. He became the best for his age. He and Leo obviously got along and would play together all the time. At seven, Bella had gone to the military. At nine, she was sent for deployment. Her mission was a success and she was supposed to come back home, except that the plane she was arriving back to the U.K. in had broken its engine and the plane sank into the ocean, leaving no survivors. Stricken with grief, Alex cried for days on end. Finally, he vowed never to cry in front of someone, he did not want to seem weak. At ten years old his mother gave birth to a child named Rin, who was adorable in every way. Knowing how to take care of kids, he raised Rin as his own. Around this time Leo's house burned down and neither of the two had any family in England. Leo's cousin Lilyanna became their parental guardian and they moved to America, going on a cruise there. At twelve Alex started his YouTube account with Leo called Dreamers and started posting weekly content. When he was fifteen, a week before high school, Orion confronted them with hunger in his eyes. Rin shook in fear, being only five, and Leo was shaking as well. Alex stood between the demon and his family, glaring up at him. The demon offered a deal, Alex had to share his body with him or he would watch his family die. That's how Orion came in the picture. His first love was a male named Raven and his first kiss was with Leo. He dropped out of accolades at seventeen to take better care of Rin and loved out from Lilyanna and Leo. He's on a local swim team that is mostly made up of sirens.

Demon side- Not much is known about Orion, but he was the king of hell's right hand until he got bored and simply went to the surface. Lucifer is trying to rope him back, and the contract was once Alex dies he has to go back. He struck a deal with Alex and now shares the same body with him, which he thought was rather fun.


Human side-" Anime, coffee, and ice cream."

Demon side-" Souls and Oreos."


Human side-

~ Mother ( alive )
~ Father ( alive )
~ Micah; brother ( deceased )
~ Bella; sister ( deceased )
~ Rin/Richard; brother

~ Leo Rolling; best friend

Demon side-" Unknown."

~ Alex Dream; host ( alive )
Lucifer Sin; friend ( deceased )


Human side- Youtube channel called "Dreamers"

Demon side- None


Human side- A house in Seattle, Washington with Leo and Rin

Demon side- Alex sorta?


Human side-" I have glasses but wear contacts, my channel is called Dreamers, and I sing." ( I'm using the band Mayday Parade for his voice and songs. )

Demon side- He flashes his fangs." Bye."


You were a big fan of the Dreamers. From watching Leo draw something amazing to all of them playing FNAF, you thought every video was creative, even if they outright said it wasn't. Somtimes all that's needed to make something creative is the context and the people doing it.  They were soon going on tour and you tried to grab a ticket to go to the one closest to you when you got a call.

"Hello?" You called out on the phone, confused.

"Hello there darling, are you Y/N? I'd like to talk to you." You internally squealed, you couldn't believe it.

But how did Alex Dream get your number?

Or make one up!

~ Seke
~ Bit of a fanboy ( at least )

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