Plans change - Gilmore Girls

By KatyBrown078

162K 2.8K 368

This story picks up right at the end of Season 7, immediately after the cameras quit. Rory and Lorelai are s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

5.1K 101 10
By KatyBrown078

When Logan woke up that morning, he felt a little lighter.  Their relationship struggles in the past had always revolved around a lack of communication, but now it felt like they were on the right track.  He had been completely honest with Rory about his absence, and she hadn't left him.  He knew that there would be conflicts for the rest of their lives, but if they were able to work through this, then it set a good course. 

He got up early and went down to see if Lorelai was around.  There were some things he needed to discuss with her.  Sure enough, he found her in her office.

"Logan, good morning!  Did you sleep well?"  She asked, only seeming a little surprised to see him.

"I slept great, thank you."

"What can I do for you?"

"Do you mind if I sit?"  Lorelai nodded and he sat across from her.  "I want to talk about the wedding."

Her expression softened, "the wedding?"

"Well, Rory said something last weekend that stuck with's not workable to get married before the baby comes, even though she would like to."


He took a deep breath, "I'd like to marry Rory on Friday, I've got a plan, but only if you're ok with it." She nodded for him to continue.  "Robert and Colin can both marry her, but Robert would do it.  Colin would stand up for me and Finn for Rory.  Then we would renew our vows next year on our anniversary with everyone there."

"Just you four?"

"Yes, I know she would want you there, but-"

"But it's not about me Logan.  Those three have done so much for her in the past months, it's ok for it to just be you guys.  And you can't have Peter Pan without The Lost Boys," she said with a grin and a wink.

"You understand?"

"I do...I eloped with Christopher last year, and, as misguided as that was, I get it.  If Luke asked me to run away and get married, I'd do it in a heartbeat.  Some things are intimate, meant to just be a certain few.  Rory is all grown up, and I can't be there every step of the way anymore.  Actually, that's your job now.  It's fitting."  She looked at him closely, "I'm glad that you have been able to work through things.  I will admit that when you proposed in May, I thought it was too soon.  Funny how things can change so quickly.  I didn't envision this for Rory, but she took something life changing and made good out of it.  I won't fault you for being gone, either, I get being heartbroken.  It's what you guys do from here on out that matters."

"That means a lot Lorelai.  Thank you."

"There's something else I've learned through all of and I? We're a lot alike. I always used to think you were just like Christopher...and you still are in some ways, but we can relate on a lot of things. The other thing I've learned is that Rory is a lot like Luke. As I came to these realizations, I came to understand the two of you a lot better. So when I say that I support you two and I understand, I promise you that that is the god's-honest truth." She put her hand on his and squeezed it. "Now, it is way past time for breakfast. Maybe you should go wake my beautiful daughter up?"

He chuckled, "I guess I should."

He got back up to the room, and she was just ending a call. "Good morning beautiful," he said as he leaned in and kissed her.

"You look happy, where did you sneak off to?"

"Oh just exploring, who was on the phone?"

"Luke. He said to come into town for breakfast."

"Your Mom just said the same thing," he replied.

"Guess we better get ready then!" She hopped off the bed and went into the bathroom without making eye contact. She was never a good liar, but that was something Logan would have to get out of her later.

They finished getting ready and met Lorelai as she was walking out the door to head to Luke's as well.

"Good morning kids!"

"Morning Mom," Rory hugged her mom and they walked out together.

They walked into Luke's, and he immediately came over and walked with them to a table. 

"Good morning!  Logan, how are ya?"

"I'm good Luke, thank you.  How have you been?"

He watched Luke look at Lorelai and smile, then say, "I'm good."  He also noticed him then glance at Rory and nod.  "Alright guys, what can I get you?"

"Are you going to eat with us?"  Lorelai asked him. 

"I'll put some eggs on for me, but it just depends on if someone comes in."

They ordered and started chatting about the town goings on.  Luke ate with them for awhile but had to go before they finished.  It was a relaxed meal, the type Logan hadn't had in awhile and really missed.

They finished breakfast and took a short walk.  It didn't take long for Rory to get tired so they got her back to the inn for a nap.  Logan had gone down to the library to read for awhile.  When he went up to wake Rory for lunch, she was already awake and on the phone but abruptly hung up when she saw him come in. 

He looked at her for a minute, trying to decide how to handle it.  Finally, he decided to just ask point blank, hoping it wasn't an answer he wouldn't like, "Alright Ace, what's going on?"

She looked a little nervous and like she was trying to decide what to say,which only made him nervous.  "Sit down."

Aaaaand more nervous. 

"About a month ago, Luke called me and talked to me about marrying Mom.  He didn't want a long engagement...or any engagement at all to be exact.  He told me that he wants to marry her on the evening of the first snow.  You know how she is about snow.  So he has devised a series of steps, including the town calling tree, for when it finally snows.  The two phone calls today are because, it just so happens, that it is supposed to snow today."

Logan sat for a minute trying to process what she had just told him.  It was incredibly romantic, but it also seemed problematic.  "So explain to me these steps?"

"Well it will be set in motion as soon as she utters those three words."

"I smell snow?"

"Those are the ones!"

"Ok, then what?"

"Well typically she gets Luke and me, by phone or in person...just depends on our whereabouts.  So basically I am in charge of getting the guests informed after he texts me or she calls.  He will get Reverend Skinner and call Taylor to get the gazebo ready.  Then after I have activated the calling tree, I will get Mom blindfolded and Grandma will meet us at the house with the dress."

"Your grandparents know?"

"Yes, really the only people that know are Taylor, Reverend Skinner, Grandpa and Grandma, and me...and now you."

"But I thought you said there is a calling tree?"

"Yes, Lane has been entrusted with it, but she doesn't know why.  Basically, I will call her and give her the details and then she will begin calling people.  After I call her, I'll call Grandma and Grandpa."

"So how do you know when?"

"It will be at 7pm that day, or the following if it is after that."

"That's crazy Ace...and very cool.  I'm impressed."

"Well it was really all Luke.  The town already has the calling tree so basically Lane is going to activate it, around 5 pm, and everybody will be given the same message.  Taylor has even organized a food truck to be on the ready.  Normally Taylor would never approve of something like this, but when Luke told him of the highly secretive nature and that only a privileged few were let in on it, he caved," she finished with a wink.

"What about the marriage license?"

"Reverend Skinner has pull with the county judge."

He just shook his head and chuckled.  "Very cool."

Just then, Rory's phone rang, it was Lorelai.  "Hi Mom."

"I smell snow."

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