Howl (Wolf!Eren Jaeger x Read...

By mongekyou

40.8K 1.3K 856

(Y/N) and her parents moved to a house near the woods due to (Y/N)'s father having a new job. This place is... More



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By mongekyou

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It dawned on me that I may be turning into a wolf. Yesterday, that was all that was on my mind. Then I thought that I was being silly, and maybe I'm actually just coming down with a small fever. Yeah, that has to be it. If anyone could turn into a wolf with a simple scratch by them then werewolves would be pretty common, right? 

I decided to get out of bed to start my day, because I knew if I stayed in bed any longer I wouldn't be getting out anytime soon. When I entered the bathroom, I was wiping my eyes, hoping to get rid of the tiredness. A yawn slipped past my lips and I looked in the mirror. 

"Oh my god!" I screeched when I saw my reflection, putting my hands over the two furry ears that popped out my head. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "You're just paranoid (Y/N)... Calm down."

I open my eyes again and lifted my hands to see the ears gone. They vanished like they were never there. Maybe they weren't ever there. Maybe I'm just imagining impossible scenarios that would happen to me.

I took my shower and did my morning routine before stepping out my room, fully dressed. I went downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast, but I was surprised to see my dad sitting at the table with some other guy. He was pale and had dark raven hair that seemed neatly trimmed. His face was still, and showed no emotion, matching the mood of his grayish blue eyes. 

My dad looked over, noticing my presence. "Good morning (Y/N). Sleep well?" 

"Yeah.." I nodded slowly, feeling weird about this man's presence. It didn't feel right. 

"This is Levi Ackerman, a partner of the business I'm working for." My dad introduced me. I waved slightly. "Nice to meet you Mr. Ackerman.. I'll just head out now." I backed up quickly and walked out the house, not feeling hungry for breakfast anymore. 

When I was outside, I looked over to the woods. There was nothing there through. Not that I expected Eren to be there though. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this 'mate' thing. It's not everyday someone gets attacked by a wolf and saved by their so called 'mate'. It was my choice to give him a chance though. Plus, rejection seems sad for a wolf. Just going the rest of your life without the one you were destined to be with.. Kinda how I imagined my life to be. Wow that got depressing real quick. 

I let out a short breath, putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket I had on and walked towards the bookstore. I don't really have anyone to hang out with. I've been here for months and I still haven't bothered to really talk to anyone, not that I cared anyway. 

After being stuck in my thoughts, I realized that I've reached the bookstore already. I walked in, taking in the cozy feeling of the building. There sitting at one of the tables, was Marco himself. 

"Hey Marco." I greeted casually and sat down. He looked a bit surprised. "Hey (Y/N), how're you doing?" 

"Well I got attacked by a wolf and found out I was a wolf's mate and broke wolves out of the zoo. So far my life here has been nothing but.. Wolves." 

"Yeah.. Sorry about that. Jean didn't mean to attack you." He apologized. Ah, so Jean was that wolf. I remember Marco saying something about his boyfriend's name being Jean. Wait a minute.. "You said your boyfriend's name was Jean.. So Jean was that wolf?" 

"Y-Yeah.. I'm his mate." Marco nervously fiddled with his hands after setting his book aside. "I'm also one of the medical wolves in training to be a pack doctor."

"That's nice, but why did Jean attack me? I did nothing wrong." I questioned, leaning in a bit. Marco sighed. "Well when you were trying to get that spider off of me, Jean sensed that I was in danger and I guess he saw you trying to hit the spider off me with a stick, and thought you were attacking me.. So he took action." 

"Oh.. That makes sense. I also have a question regarding the transformation of a wolf." I whispered quietly. Marco raised his eyebrow. "What about it?"

"So I've read in a book that you can turn into a werewolf if you get scratched by one.. Is that true?"

"No that's silly. You have to be born into it. That's just how people believe it happens." He clarified, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Okay, I was just making sure." 

"Well one or both of your parents have to be a wolf in order for it to happen. Wolf genes are on the stronger side." 

I laughed slightly. "It's fine, none of my parents are wolves." 

Marco's faced dropped all of a sudden, like realization hit him. I suddenly became worried. "What? What is it Marco?"

"N-Nothing.." He shook his head and smiled. "So.. What happened between you and Eren?" 

That question made me forget my worry, and I bit my lip lightly. "Well.. After he explained to me that I was his mate and stuff, I decided to give him a chance."

"That's great! Eren is a good guy and I'm sure you two will go great together like.. Rabbit and deer." Marco laughs to himself. I scrunched up my face in disgust. Rabbit and deer? 

Then I suddenly remembered something.. Or someone this morning. "My dad was talking to someone this morning, and he made me get this weird vibe. I don't know how to explain it."

"Oh? Who was it?" Marco asks. I shrugged lazily, tapping my finger. "Someone named Levi Ackerman." 

"L-Levi Ackerman.. A-Are you sure?" 

I nodded. "That's what my dad introduced me to him as."

"Uh.. I got to go.." Marco stood up and quickly grabbed his things. "I'll cya later (Y/N)."

"Uh.. Okay, cya." I murmured, waving at him and watched his retreating figure leave the bookstore. That was weird.. Then again, everything so far in my life has been every since I moved here.

After Marco left, I went to get something to eat and headed back home, where I was planning to watch movies on my laptop all day. When my house came into view, I heard a quick snap in the woods. I turned my head as Eren stepped out as a human. He looked a bit worried, "Where were you?"

"At the bookstore, why?"

"Nothing.. I just smelt.. Something in your house." He said and walked next to me as I continued to go towards my front door. When I entered, my dad and that guy was gone. My mom was probably out somewhere. "What'd you smell?"

"...." Eren froze as if he was trying to decide he was gonna answer or not. "A werecat."

"What the hell is a werecat?"

"Like werewolves.. Except they're cats. They're our worst enemy out there." Eren mumbled. What next? Werebirds? 

"At this point I'm questioning what exists and what doesn't." I mumbled to myself, looking over to Eren. "I'm going to watch a movie upstairs in my room, wanna come?"

He nodded and followed me up the steps into my room. When he sat down on my bed waiting for me to set up everything, I eyed the book.

I opened it and flipped the pages until I saw what I was looking for. 


Ailuranthropy comes from the Greek words ailouros meaning "cat", and anthropos, meaning "human" and refers to human/feline transformations, or to other beings that combine feline and human characteristics. Its root word is also used in ailurophobia, the most common term for a phobia of cats.

That was all I read before closing the book, not wanting Eren to wait any longer. I decided to read more about them later on my own time. Grabbing my laptop, I scooted next to Eren on my bed and logged into Netflix where I'd be picking my movie. 

I chose Titanic, because it was a classic and Eren needed to see it ASAP. 

"What's that big thing?" Eren asked after getting to the part where Jack runs onto the ship. "That's a ship."

Eren nodded, eyes fixated on the screen. 

An hour into the movie, there came the scene where Jack and Rose were in the car and getting steamy, making Eren use my hand to cover his eyes. I chuckled at him and skipped ahead so he wouldn't suffer anymore. It was adorable though. Then the part where they were trying to escape the dangers of the sinking ship came after a while. By then, Eren had his arm around my shoulder as I leaned my head onto his chest, fighting to keep my eyes open.

Eren's POV

I watched words roll up the screen at a medium pace, which I'm guessing means the movie is over cause nothing else is happening. That ending was weird though, because from the looks of it, there was enough space for both of them. She was just hogging it all to herself. Though I do understand wanting your lover to survive something tragic like this, and sacrificing your life to do so. 

(Y/N) hasn't said anything in a while, and I found out why as soon as I looked down. She was asleep. I laid my head on top of hers softly and breathed out quietly. It was getting late. I never realized how long that movie was. Does it really take that long for a ship to sink?

10 minutes of sitting there later, I decided that I should probably head home to the pack. I was hoping to introduce her to my father, but I wanted us to be comfortable with each other first. As quietly and carefully as I can, I laid her head on the pillow and moved her laptop onto the bedside table, and pulled a blanket over her body. 

"Goodnight. I'll see you soon." I whispered to her before getting up from off the bed. When I walked out the house, the familiar scent of a werecat still wafted in the air, making me wonder what would a werecat be doing in (Y/N)'s house? 


Hiya! Another update. This is unedited so sorry for mistakes.

Got my werecat information from wikapedia so credits to them. 

What do you think would happen next? I wonder...

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