Goalie // Sidney Crosby

By alittlebitbias

167K 2.2K 303

Emerson Rousseau was going to be the second woman to play in the NHL since the 90's. After her four required... More

The Beginning


4.1K 61 11
By alittlebitbias

February 1st. Under a month has gone by.

"You're seriously one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met, you never cease to surprise me!" Pete was going on and on about Emerson as she walked into their kitchen, heels clicking on the tile. The goalie was wearing a short, shimmering gold dress with an extremely low dipping back.

"Oh stop that.." Emerson turned pink at her friends compliment. Pete constantly gawked about how she always looking 'so hot', in his terms, "you look pretty dapper yourself."

Pete was dressed in a black suit, white shirt and with a gold tie to match her dress perfectly. Almost every member of the Penguins were bringing dates besides some of the younger guys and Sidney. Emerson decided bringing Pete would be fun for him and helpful for her- as in showing up with someone. Emerson had introduced Pete to some of the wags including Catherine and Veronique and with his social-ness she he would be fine.

"I am so excited to finally attend an event with you!"

"We haven't had that many events for me to take you to Pete.." She tolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh whatever. We ready to start heading over?"


"Who's Sid bringing?" Pete asked as he finished washing his hands, he had insisted on eating something before.

"No one, why?"

"Just curious is all I guess." Pete didn't know about the relationship. He knew she had feelings for the older hockey player, but he didn't know they were official. It absolutely killed Emerson to lie to both him and Kelsey about it- just in the end she hoped they'd understand, "you're sure he's not actually dating some model?"

Ems rolled her eyes. Pete always tried doing this to get a reaction out of her, "yes Pete. I pretty much know every detail about everyone of those guys love lives. Trust me, I hear it all."

"Try to ask around if any of them know anyone-"

"Don't even bud." she cut him off before he could get going, "we're gonna be late if we get into this convo."

"Okay okay lady, let's go."

Emerson grabbed a jacket as she followed Pete out the door of their apartment. She knew tonight was going to be fun- it was her first Casino Night after all.


Emerson made her way to the locker room where her teammates were, for the picture. Pete had left to be with Catherine so thankfully he had someone to keep him occupied.

But Emerson's stomach was in knots. This would be the first time Sidney would be seeing her dressed up in this way while they were dating. She hoped he'd think she looked good, she was nervous to see him.

Their relationship was going great in her opinion- as great as it could go trying to keep it from the average person and close teammates. Most of the older guys on the top lines that were close to Sid knew, she was teased constantly. And of course he told his parents and sister, which right there made Emerson realize just how much he wanted this with her. But at the same time it was hard since 75-80% of the locker room didn't know, including the coaching staff. Honestly she wouldn't be surprised if Sullivan had already figured it out for himself.. Whereas Olli and Jake were too blind to even have it be a thought.

Emerson smiled thinking back to the night after their win in Carolina when Olli and Jake tried to hook her up with some guy. Basically the whole team went out to a bar, and the two young guys took it upon themselves to find her someone. The look of jealousy in Sidney's eyes was strong enough to be seen from miles away, and he was far from happy with the two boys. If that there didn't give away the two of them, then she was positive nothing would.

The door to the Penguins locker room was right there as she turned down the hall. Already she could see some press and men in suits she hardly recognized.

As Emerson entered she couldn't help but feel vulnerable and small. These weren't her scenes... All her teammates were strewn about talking to one another and some press. It felt absolutely crazy in the room and she'd much rather have been laying on the couch watching tv at the moment.

It was right then when Sidney's eyes laid upon his girlfriend. He felt at a loss of words, she looked stunning. His first reaction was him wanting to head right over and plant his lips onto hers, but of course he knew better.

Phil immediately noticed where Sid's eyes were, "guess Captain and our girl are probably gonna be MIA for a little tonight." his sly comment caused laughter to come from Geno, Marc and Kris.

Sidney was sure his face was bright red as he couldn't mutter out any sort of response. Marc was about to start heading over to her when Olli and Jake beat him to it.

The Captain kept his eyes on Emerson and the two boys while they were all in the locker room. Even as they took the team pictures Sid wasn't able to mutter any sort of word to her. He wanted to though, he wanted to be able to say that, that beautiful woman was his.


"This food, is amazing. I need to meet the chefs.." Pete was praising the cooking staff, he actually had been all night. Him and Emerson stood off to the side just chatting. The time was going by so quickly that the goalie hadn't realized how late it was- and in all that time her and her boyfriend had barely stood within a foot of each other.

"Mhmm, cause I'm sure they have all these super secrets they'd tell you."

"Just because it's past your bedtime doesn't mean you can get cranky with me." Pete sassed his best friend right back. Those two could hardly keep their mouths shut and their thoughts to themselves around one another.

"Oh whatever.."

The night was going amazing. Emerson and most of the other Penguins had been working at the tables dealing out cards. If not they would be walking around and chatting. Emerson mainly tried to stay with Pete and the other wags so she didn't have to get caught up in any awkward conversations. The by far worst parts of the night had been all the media coverage- and male attention from god even knows who they were.

While Emerson and Pete were in a conversation, a large hand wrapped around her wrist, "mind if I steal her for a few minutes? It has something to do with tomorrow." Emerson tried to stifle her smile as she looked at the large brunette holding onto her.

"I guess so." Pete sent a wink Emerson's way as Sidney started to drag her away from everyone.

Sidney walked briskly down to where the locker rooms were as they entered the halls. Emerson's stomach was filled with 'butterflies' as she watched his stride in front of her. He looked unbelievably attractive tonight and she loved it. He had been clouding her thoughts for what seemed to be hours, finally they would get to talk.

"We probably shouldn't just disappear-"

"It's starting to come to a close anyway it's fine." His voice was soft. Emerson walked into the locker room as Sid held the door for her.

"Pete will definitely come looking if we're gone for too long."

"I can bet Flower will too." Sid smiled. The two were alone, something he had been wanting the moment Casino Night kicked off.. Sidney immediately pulled Emerson by the waist into him, locking his arms around her. The two's lips met carefully, almost as if they were waiting for someone to walk in, "you look beautiful tonight Ems."

"Y-you look really nice too.." she felt flustered. Her heart felt like it was about to beat from out her chest.

The two stayed in a tonight embrace, holding each other close. Sidney loved the feeling of her like this, her much tinier, shorter body held against his bigger more muscular one. They stayed there for awhile, appreciating each other in this moment of calm. Emerson's head was resting against his chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath. She has standing so close to him, it made her feel safer.

"Tomorrow, after practice would you like to grab food?" Sid spoke into her hair as he kissed the top of her head.

"I would love that."

"Good, I'll just pick you up before and take you to practice so it's easier.."

"You don't need to, I wouldn't-"

"It's perfectly fine hun."

They looked up at each other, eyes connecting. His deep brown ones made the young girl feel lost, seeing so much emotion within them. His touch made her feel like she was on fire, the effect he had on her was intense and made her feel so loved.

But Emerson wanted him closer and without hesitation she reached up and pulled his neck down so she could kiss him. Sidney smirked into the kiss and deepened it-

"Eww not in our locker room!." Marc stood there gawking, making a grossed out face. Not only that, but Tanger and Geno stood a few steps behind him. Kris didn't even looked phased whereas Geno looked like he was having the time of his life laughing. No one would be surprised if he got a few pictures of them making out.

"Go get room. Gross.." Geno strode over to them and wrapped an arm around Sid's shoulders.

"Ems, Pete is looking for you.. Figured we'd be the ones to walk in on this." Marc was smiling as he watched his rookie turn bright red and shuffle her feet staring down.

"Y-yah uh, I'll get going."

Without another word Emerson, to the best of her abilities in heels, sped out of the locker room on her search to find Pete. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with her teammates, or even with Sidney. She was unbelievably embarrassed that they got caught- granted by people who already knew. However, the only thing she could think about was that they would need to be much more careful in the future. Their happiness together could depend on it.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope this didn't feel to rushed :/

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