Hug An Emo. They'll Love You...

By Rosalie_69

396K 5.1K 1.6K

I lay there.. thinking. What if I didn't agree to go with Chris to that party? What if I never got drunk? I... More

Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 1 - HUGS
Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It -Ch. 2- Drunken Brothers and Hobos with Broken Beer Bottels
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 4 - French Maid Outfits and Tequila
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 5 - Kisses and Three Girls Named Brittany
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 6 - Mothers And Brothers
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 7- Wigs And Picasso Better Than Picasso
Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 8 - Popcorn Skanks and Italian Mothers
'Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 8 - Popcorn Skanks and Italian Mothers
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Ch 9 - Bros And A Lot Of Smirking Teaser
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 9 - Bros And A Lot Of Smirking
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-10-Italy and Things That Will Make Us Cry
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-11-Time-Outs and Italian Boys Named Jasper
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-12-Rubber Ducks and Very Fluffy Pillows
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - 13 - New Babies and Dad's Bamboo Plant
Hug an Emo. They'll Love You For it - Chapter 14 - Ashes and Black H2T
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It-15-North Pole Penguins and Angry Broccoli

Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 3 - Microwaved Pizza And Bears Named Leo

25.8K 343 108
By Rosalie_69

Hug An Emo. They'll Love you for it - Chapter 3 - Microwaved Pizza and Bears named Leo

*~*~Isis (Ice) P.o.V~*~*

"TRE!!! GET OUT OF THE DAMN BATHROOM, IT'S MY TURN!!!" I shouted. Man, he was taking forever in there as I stood outside my blue bathroom door, arms crossed, an annoyed frown on my face, oh, and lets not forget that I was covered in flour. Let's just say that things got out of hand while making the pizza.

"LET'S MAKE PIZZA!" he shouted.

This was going to be a long night.

Walking over to the freezer, I pulled out the frozen dough my mother left after making pizza about a month ago.

Sticking it in the microwave, I pressed 'Defrost' and stepped back. Tre was just.. standing there, watching me like I was the most interesting thing on earth. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, because frankly, I was getting very nervous under his stare. I needed to get his attention somehow.. slap? Yell? No. I wanna have fun..

Smiling mischievously I grabbed an egg and hid in behind my back.

"CRUNCH" the yellow liquid made it's way down his forehead, neck, and lastly it started running through the creases of his abs. Why was this turning me on? But I didn't show that, I just kept on grinning like an idiot.

"Oh, its on." He grabbed the flour, and dumped it on my head. Screeching I stumbled back and clutched the counter. As if by faith, my hand brushed against the tomato sauce. I clutched it and ran across the kitchen where Tre was standing. Laughing I poured it all over him. His eyes lit up in joking anger.

"You shouldn't have done that babe.. Tsk, tsk.. Nope."

"Why? What are you gonna do? Go cry to your mommy?" I made fake sobbing sounds and rubbed my eyes with my fists.

"No... I'm going to show you how much I love you," he said with amusement. Um, What the hell?


He picked me up and started rubbing me on his chest. I would have sighed in pleasure if there wasn't tomato juice in my bra.





I finally managed to get out of his steel-like grip. Looking down at my soiled shirt, I gasped. It was caked and crusted with tomatoes.. ah, in my BRA!!!

"TRE!" I whined. Pouting I grabbed some cheese and rubbed it on his silky black hair.

"Pfft, is that the best you can do?" he rolled his eyes. I flipped him off and let out a trail of laughter.

Smirking, I grabbed the ice from behind me and shoved a handful down his pants. He looked so funny yet very... sexy. Damn, what the hell am I saying? I'm the girl who's never been kissed. Never said 'yes' when people asked on a date. Never had a boyfriend. Why him?

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, still dancing.

"Nothing," I said and waved it off. A pile of leathery mushrooms was shoved down my shirt. I screamed.

"OKAY, TRE, THAT'S IT!!!! NO MORE!" I shrieked and he laughed.


We ended up eating microwave pizza that I didn't know I had in the back of the freezer.

"TRE!" I screamed.

"If you wanna take a shower, you gotta get in with me!!!" he shouted back. I actually took the time to imagine how that would feel like.. water.. shampoo.. hands.


"Hell no! Just get out!!!"

"FINE!" the door swung open and my jaw dropped. Oh god. On his waist was my mini black towel, hung so low, it really should be illegal. My eyes zeroed in on his abs and the deep V that went down into the towel.

"Whoo-hoo! Are you done drooling?" he smirked.

"No.. I-I mean yes. Wait.. Pfft, I wasn't staring!" I denied it. Though I couldn't deny the fact that I wanted to go up and do him right then and there. He couldn't have been finer if he were confectioners' sugar. I sighed.

"Whatever gets you through the night." He passed by and pinched my cheek like I was a little kid. I puffed my cheek and got rid of the feeling.

"Hey," I called. "Cain's room is across the hall. It'll probably piss him off if you stole some on his clothes!" I shouted.


After showering (with a plastic bag on my arm) and throwing on shorts and a tank top, I wrapped myself in a blanket and grabbed Leo. Who is Leo you might ask? Well Leo is my furry brown-haired stuffed bear. If I found out Leo wasn't next to me while I was asleep, I would have major nightmares. Yes, I'm a dork like that. Bite me.

I went down stairs and saw Tre sitting on the couch, with his phone out, playing a game where he was shooting tiny holographic airplanes, wearing some of Cain's skinny jeans, and, surprise, surprise, no shirt. I silently put my lips at his ear.

"Having fun?"

He jumped. "Are you TRYING, to give me a heart attack, babe?"

I was fuming. "Don't. Call. Me. Babe!"

"Or what?" Shoot, he had me there. What? "Exactly what I thought."

"Pfft, just move over." I sat down and immediately a warm arm was around my shoulders.

"Get your arm off if you don't want to lose it." I warned.

"Someone's on their period," he muttered. "Let's play 20 Questions," he suggested.

I willingly agreed.

"Alright Tre, I will ask anything, and you will answer. Truthfully and honestly. And I will do the same." I wonder why I was so business like?

"Okay, mom. Ask away."

I laughed quietly and clutched Leo closer to my chest. Tre raised an eyebrow.

"It's my turn to ask the questions remember?" I tapped my temple.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite place?"


"Where were you born?"

"Milan, Italy."

"Speak any languages besides English?"

"Italian." Nice.

"Religious views?"


I laughed. "Okay.."

"Favorite band?"

"Hmm.. Escape The Fate."

"Role model?"

"My self."


"Adopted brother Dre Rivers."



"How long was your last relationship?"

"3 hours," he admitted sheepishly.


"I'll count that as a question. And yeah. I broke up with her after 3 hours. Too clingy." I shook my head. Stupid player.

And it went on like that. I was caught in his interesting life, the way his lips shaped the words, the way his eyes lit up when he laughed. The feeling of his hand in mine. Somewhere through out the conversation, his hand crept to grasp mine longingly. I've seen it in movies and books.. when they get to know each other and they think, 'the more I learn about her/him I want to know more. And was it really wrong to feel that way right now?

I've always heard people speak of love, love at first sight.. how warm and fuzzy it made you feel. All I thought was, "Wow, losers. They will only get their hearts broken and stepped on." I always thought I was better off listening to my parents, doing whatever they wanted without complaint. But all along.. I was missing out on something great. Is this what it felt like? Obviously not.. I liked the guy not loved him. Love at first sight for Tre and I? I don't think so. Sitting there, gazing into the eyes of a wonderful, brooding, mysterious, and kind person, was a lost girl, confused with what was happening..

"Ever been kissed?" Tre continued.


"Ever had a boyfriend?"


"Ever had sex?"

"EW! NO!"


"I'm counting that as one of your questions," I mimicked him. "And why is it so surprising?"

"I don't know.. You look like the kind of girl that would have had tons of boyfriends."

"So your calling me a slut?" I raised my eye brows, close to bursting. I can't believe this.

"No, no.. your not a slut.. but.. UGH, never mind." And with that he continued to ask questions..

"Speak any other languages?"


"Where were you born?"

"Paris. My parents moved when I was about 1."

And it went on from there.

After that was over, we switched on a movie. Half-way through, my eyes were starting to droop, and my head was starting to sag to the side. After a while, it finally hit something hard. Tre's shoulder. I wanted to lift my head up so badly, but I couldn't find anymore energy in my body. Tre laughed and patted my head, resting his cheek on it.

My thoughts then drifted to Cain.. We've always had each other's backs. But I just left him there, drunk and passed out. What if he got hurt? Groaning I reached and grabbed my phone, turning it on, I saw that I had 1 new text.

From Cain_The_Great: 'Thnx, sis. crashing @ Corbin's plce, cus u were so kind n left me passed out in the prk.'

Tre's body rumbled with laughter under me. "Nice going, Babe."

"Don't" Yawn "Call" Yawn "That."

"Shh.. Go to sleep," he murmured in my ear, smoothing my hair with his large hand.

"Mm.. Night, Tre," I said groggily, burying my face deeper in the crook of his neck.

"Night, babe," he whispered.

And with that I fell into a peaceful sleep, just laying there, on the couch, with his arms draped around me.

The last thing I felt was something warm softly touch my forehead.



There it is..

☹ It was a really bad chapter.. Please don't kill me!!!! Sorry that it sucked platypus shit.

Alright, I thank you all for being so patient. LOVE YOU. <3



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