You and I{Sequel to The Retur...

By TheHarryPotter

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After Lucius Malfoy kidnaps Ginny, Harry goes looking for her. His friends, who happen to be Ginny's family... More

You and I {Sequel to The Return to Hogwarts}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not a Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note: Cover Change
Chapter 25(I think) Part One
Chapter 25(Part Two)
A/N: Future Updates
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

4.4K 134 147
By TheHarryPotter

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



"I'm Dean, your boyfriend."

I saw Harry's face fall, and then he became angry.

"If we're only dating, then why do I have an engagement ring?" I said. Harry smirked.

"It's Potter's mum's ring. You found it one day, and decided to wear it so you didn't forget to give it back to him. I'm surprised that you still have it," said Dean, taking the ring off of my finger and tossing it to Harry.

Something told me not to believe him, that he was lying, but I didn't know who to believe.



"If we're only dating, then why do I have an engagement ring?" Ginny asked. I smirked, thinking that Dean chose the wrong words.

I was wrong.

"It's Potter's mum's ring. You found it one day, and decided to wear it so you didn't forget to give it back to him. I'm surprised that you still have it," said Dean, taking the ring off of Ginny's finger and throwing it at me.

"Oh," she said, and my heart broke. I rushed out of the room, pushing the front door open and breaking it. I apparated to Romilda Vane's house and knocked on the door. She opened the door to say something, but I cut her off.

I kissed her. (A/N: This was just to piss you guys off, I could have used Cho, but I knew you guys Hate romilda *Smirks* I love you guys)


Three weeks after I found out that I was dating Dean Thomas, Christmas had come. I was at the place called The Burrow, which, I was told, was my home. My mum had decorated the tall house, so I didn't know what it originally looked like.

One morning, I was sitting in my bedroom, when Ron, who I knew was my brother, judging by the red hair, and his new girlfriend, Cho (A/N: *Smirks*) walked in, followed by Dean.

"Good Morning, Love," Dean said.

"Ginny, Cho is going to stay for Christmas, so she's sleeping in your room," Ron said.

"Why can't she sleep in your room?" I asked.

"Because Mum doesn't want Harry alone on Christmas, so she invited him to stay here," he replied, rolling his eyes.

Harry"s staying here? I thought. I didn't know why, but whenever Harry's name was mentioned, my stomach started feeling weird, and I was suddenly self-concious. "He's bringing his girlfriend, too."

Girlfriend? I felt sad. Why? I have Dean.

Just then, I heard a noise that sounded like someone hitting a piece of wood against another piece of wood. I ran down the stairs, and I saw Harry, with a girl by his side. When the girl looked at me, I saw an image of me crying in a circular room, and a girl with bushy brown hair comforting me. I stared at the girl, feeling angry.

Harry led the girl into another room just as another couple appeared. It was the bushy brown-haired girl from my vision, but she was with a guy.

"Hermione?" an outraged Ron asked from behind me. He said the name with such disgust that I knew something had happened between them."What are you doing here?"

The girl, now known as Hermione, looked at Ron with sadness, regret, and love. She loved him. "My parents wanted to spend Christmas with your family, and I wanted to see how Ginny was doing," she said. Hermione ran over to me and gave me a hug. I reluctantly returned the hug.

"Didn't you tell your parents about what happened between us?" Ron asked.

"Oh, Ronald, they don't even know there was an 'us'," Hermione hissed.

"Neither do I," Ron retorted. Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes as she pulled the guy she was with out of the room. I turned around and glared at Ron.

"Ronald, you git!" I yelled.



I ran into the sitting room to comfort Hermione, but she was snogging the guy.

"Umm, Hermione?"

"Oh, sorry Ginny. This is Cormac," she said, jumping away from him. "I forgot you didn't know him."

I walked back up to my room, and I saw a trunk sitting on the bed. There was a note sitting on top of it.

'Found this, thought it might help you remember'

There wasn't a signature. I opened up the trunk, and the first things I saw were the two boxes sitting atop a gold and red tie.

I opened the smaller of the two boxes, and there was a ring with an infinity sign inside. There was also a note folded several times so it would fit in the box.

Ginny, it read, I know that you're happy with Dean, but that doesn't mean I'm over you. I found this in a muggle shop in London, and I thought of you, because you're my Infinity, even if you Hate my guts. I'm so sorry, I love you, and always will, even if you end up marrying Dean and I end up forever alone.

Yours if you want me,


Tears streamed down my face. How long ago was this? Did Harry still feel this way?

I opened the other box, and inside was a neckalce with a green H on it. There was no note.

"Ginny!" Mum called. "Time for presents."

I rushed down the stairs and sat next to Dean. Gifts were passed around, and I was surprised to see that I had a present from Harry. I had gotten one for him, but it was just some muggle book that I thought he would like. It was called Romeo and Juliet. (A/N: Sorry, I couldn't think of anything. And I'm not going to name the presents Ginny got, It's 10:45 P.M. here and I'm tired)

Harry got a new Firebolt, and from what I was told, I had one too. I didn't pay attention to the presents I got, I was too distracted by what Harry had gotten me. I hadn't opened it, I was saving it for last. I reached for it, slowly unwrapping it. It was a muggle photo of me and Harry sitting together, I in his lap, in the circular room from my earlier vision. There was a note.

'Do you remember?"

I did. Vaguely. I didn't remember anything else.

After dinner, Dean kissed me goodnight and walked up to his, Harry's and Ron's room.

I walking into my bedroom from the bathroom when I bumped into somebody on the second floor landing. It was Harry.

"Thanks for the book," he said.

"Thanks for the picture," I replied. A single flower fell on to Harry's head and I looked up, Harry following my lead. Mistletoe.

I started leaning in. I had to know. He closed the gap between us quickly. I felt sparks that I didn't feel when I kissed Dean. Harry pulled away as fast as he had leaned in.

"I'm sorry, Ginevra, I had to know," he said, voicing my earlier thoughts.

Harry was the one who could say my real name, and I wouldn't care.


Nothing really to say here, so yeah.





Thanks Loves,


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