The Truth of the Matter

By OUATFan17

6.2K 230 11

Meet Emma Swan, a 28 year old bail bonds-person, who now has a job with the NYPD. When she is partnered with... More

First Meeting
First Day
You're Kidding, Right?
Not My Best Idea
Bedside Confessions
Decisions, Decisions
This Wasn't in the Plan
Missing In Action
Is This the End?
Feelings Revealed
Secrets Uncovered
My Deepest Secret
What Did You Say?
12 Weeks
What Was I Thinking?
Lesson Learned
Good News
The Day I Found You
Being a Mother
The Beginning
They're Hiding Something
You Made It

Baby Shower

189 8 0
By OUATFan17

A/N: First of all, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has read this story so far! I'm shocked with the amount of reads it has because I never thought it would get this many. This chapter kind of ran away from me, so it's a bit longer than usual. Hope you enjoy and thank you again!

30 Weeks

Today was our baby shower. He had wanted to keep it a surprise, but I heard Killian, David and the others discussing it one night.

Past (four weeks ago)

I had been sleeping and I woke up and started down the stairs when I heard the words 'baby shower'. Of course, being me, I listened silently before heading back up the stairs. As l neared the top, one of the floorboards creaked and it all went silent. I tried to make it to the room before they saw me, but Killian was faster.

"How much of that did you hear?" he had asked.

"Enough. Killian, it was a sweet gesture, but you know I'm not one for surprises," I'd responded.

He'd just chuckled lightly and mumbled something under his breath before heading back into the living room with the others.


Killian had Mary Margaret keep me away from the house today. We didn't tell anyone else the genders, so he needed to take care of everything involving that himself. Henry was excited about the baby shower and Killian had been having to try to keep him quiet and it usually worked, but we couldn't blame the kid.

"Can't we go now?" I whine.

"No, Emma. We only have a couple more hours before we head to your house. You've been doing so well."

I groan in annoyance.

The next thing I know is I'm being pulled off the couch and outside into the cool air of fall.

"What the hell?!" I shout.

"We're going for a walk. You're bored. This is what you get for complaining," she says sternly as she hands me my jacket.

"I hate you," I mutter.

"Love you too," she smirks.

She locks arms with mine and we take a taxi to Central Park. She pulls me out of the taxi and into the park.

"Come on, slowpoke," she jokes.

"I'm pregnant, Mary Margaret, not disabled. I can't help how slow I am."

"Mommy is not in a good mood," she tells my stomach. I laugh lightly. She is a character.

We walk around, enjoying the calm, cool day, when we hear gunshots off to our left. I push her behind a tree and draw my gun. I may not work much anymore, but I always keep my gun with me.

I look out from behind the tree and see a man with a gun and another man on the ground. From here, I can't tell if he is alive or dead, but I needed to do something.

"Call David and Killian. I'm going to check this out."

"No, you stay right here," she commands.

"I'm an officer. It's my job to protect people," I say before moving into the open.

I cautiously move closer and keep my gun up. I see the man aim at someone else, so I intervene.

"Hands up, or I'll shoot!" I yell.

He turns my way and scoffs. "No thanks, sweetheart."

"I said, drop it. I won't warn you again," I growl, flashing the badge on my waist.

"Come on pretty thing. What are you going to do?" He asks, trying to irritate me. And it was working.

"Put. It. Down."

"You like playing the hard way. Alright. I'll just have to take matters into my own hands," he says before aiming my way.

I quickly pull the trigger and he falls to his knees as his gun goes off, barely missing me as it hits the tree to my right. He falls face first moments later, blood pouring out of the gunshot wound in his chest. I lower my gun and move over to the man he shot and check his pulse. It was very weak. I go to check the man I shot. He was dead so I go back to the other guy and find the wound and take off my coat so I can apply pressure.

The paramedics and other officers show up shortly, including David, Killian, and Robin. 

"Emma!" Killian shouts worriedly. 

"I'm fine Killian! I'm alright," I say gently as he runs over to my side. 

The paramedics had just taken over my position, trying to keep the man alive. Killian kneels down next to me and envelopes me in a hug. He was shaking. I instantly felt bad, but I wouldn't regret my decisions. I had hopefully saved the man's life and quite possibly several others including mine and my unborn children.

Killian helps me up and I sigh. Well...I guess today wasn't going to be quite as relaxing.

"Come on Emma, we need to get you to Addison."

"Why?" I ask.

"We need to make sure everything is okay." He says.

"We're all fine. I didn't get hit or anything. They're still kicking around like normal. There's no need--"

"Emma, we're going and that's final," he states sharply.

I'm a bit taken aback by that response. He's never been quite that harsh with me.

He leads me over to his cruiser and we head to the hospital to see Addison.

"I heard what happened, are you alright Emma?" She asks worriedly.

"I'm fine. Sure I was a little worried that something could go wrong, but I have a duty as an officer to protect people. I couldn't just ignore the situation. He shot at me, but it missed me by a few inches. I shot him. I had no choice. It was either him or my unborn children. I wouldn't let anything happen to them." I was beginning to get emotional.

"Well, let's get you hooked up to the fetal monitor to check on the twins to make sure everything is alright."

She hooks everything up and checks the three of us over, concluding that we are indeed fine, but to take it easy for a few days, just in case.

"Feel better, Killian?" I ask warily.

"Yes. When Mary Margaret called me, I was scared. And when she told me what happened, I feared the worst. I can't lose you, Emma. Or the twins. You're my life now."

"You don't have to worry about me. If there's one thing I'm good's surviving," I tell him.

"Indeed you are. As am I. But I will always worry about you. I will always be there for you, no matter what."

He kisses me softly before opening my door and taking us to the station so I can fill out paperwork on what happened.

"Are we still going to have the baby shower?" I ask as I finish the paperwork.

"That is up to you. We did manage to get everything set up before what happened, happened."

"Let's do it," I say. I mean, we're all fine so, might as well right?

He calls everyone up and tells them that it was still happening as I turn in the papers.

"Are you ready, Swan?"

"I'm ready to be home," I admit.

"We can call off the--" I cut him of with a kiss.

"Don't. I just meant that home sounds nice after everything today."

He leads me out to his truck and takes us home.

When I walk in, I'm instantly amazed. Streamers and decorations are hanging everywhere and it was beautifully done. Before I know it, arms are carefully wrapped around my stomach.

"I'm so glad you're okay, mom," Henry says, relief flooding his features as he looks up into my eyes.

"I'm glad too, kid. I'm glad too."

I hold him tightly. He fit right in with our family; the perfect puzzle piece.

"Come on! Everyone's waiting in the living room!" He exclaims.

I chuckle and follow him in, Killian right behind me.

My jaw drops when I see everyone that came. Tears form in my eyes as each one comes and hugs me. Then I'm lead to a soft-covered rocking chair to open presents. I got a mixture of onesies and booties and diapers and practically everything I'd need.

We ate and talked, played some games, and then I couldn't hold them off any longer. 

"I guess we'll get down to the real reason you're all here," I say with a smirk.

I get a few shouts telling me to hurry, and I laugh them off.

"Alright, alright. We'll do the gender reveal now," I chuckle.

Several hooray's echo through the house. 

Killian goes to the kitchen and brings out a cake.

"Ready, Swan?" Killian asks me softly.

I give him a slight nod of my head. I take the knife and he places his hand over mine as we cut down the cake together. Both blue and pink are revealed as several shouts of joy and congratulations are offered.

It's about another hour later before everyone leaves, leaving Killian, Henry, and I utterly exhausted. Killian sends Henry and I up to bed and he'll clean the worst part of the mess tonight and we'll do the rest tomorrow.

"I love you, kid. Sleep well," I tell him, kissing the top of his head.

"Night mom. Congratulations."

He hugs me and then hugs Killian before heading upstairs.

"I love you too, Killian. Thank you so much for today. You outdid yourself." I lazily drape my arms over his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye.

"I love you, Swan. I'd do anything for you," he replies, gently kissing my lips. "Go get some sleep. You won't get much in a few weeks."

"Don't remind me," I chuckle.

He kisses me one more time before I head upstairs.

I really don't know what I would do without either of my boys. They are the family I never had. I get ready to sleep thinking of everything that has happened in this past couple of years. The good definitely outweighed the bad. Those good memories are what lull me into a peaceful sleep.

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