The Bend to Rue (Jack Sparrow...

By onceadaydreamer

84.8K 2K 291

it's my birthday and it's raining! ugh. Worst birthday ever! Oh, And the best part? I've been kidnapped by pi... More

The Bend to Rue (Jack Sparrow fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter uh...4?
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chatper 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

I'm gonna say chapter 7

4.7K 127 5
By onceadaydreamer

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update, hopefully this one makes up for it. I will try to upload another chapter soon. It should be easier since I'm back on track and I've fixed a few things. Anyways, enjoy, vote, fan, and comment! Please give me some feed back.

I groaned as I woke up. Remnants of a dream assailed my raw senses. I got flashes of an old friend her long hair danced in the wind as she laughed at a joke.  I remembered cars, a museum, an old skeleton, a locket. I jerked awake with a gasp, only to discover that was a very, very bad idea.

I gripped my head, which spun on it's axis as a pair of rough and steady hands grabbed my shoulders to force me back down. When my dizzy head touched the pillow I felt a wet cloth touch my head as someone attempted to wipe the salt and wood from my face and wrists, tears spilled as he cleaned everything. "I know, I'm sorry, I know." He said over and over again in those dulcet tones of his.

When I could finally open my eyes without the acompanying nausea I did so. He was already taken care of and he smiled at me. "Tha's a girl. Tha's it." He encouraged.

I smiled weakly at him, tiring quickly. He smiled back, brushing hair from my face. "Hi." I whispered, despite my aching throat.

"'Ello, Yeh know, I'd say next time yeh stay inside durin' the storm Luv, but then I saw me doors." He gestured to the pile of splinters where the door used to be.


"Nothing we can't fix, Luv. You just rest now."

It took me a few days, but eventually, I could walk and talk all by myself. Didn't I feel like a big girl?

Jack took really great care of me. We had to get repairs in the port of Tortuga, so everything was quiet. I spent a lot of time with William, Gibbs, and Jack, who also introduced me to the rest of the crew.

When we got to Tortuga, I stayed in the Captain's cabin, perfectly content with trying to decifer his horrible chicken scratch he called writing. When Jack deemed me worthy to grace me with his presence again, he was drunk and I had no more answer than when I'd started.

When he started smelling my hair, I drew the line. "Captain?" I gritted the title from between my teeth.

"Mmm?" He mumbled from be hind me.

I turned, "You stink." I fanned my nose.

"Ah, well, that's alcohol for yeh." He went to the bed, swaying as he did so, and patted it as he sat down. "Sit with me Luv."

"Now, now, now, we can't have that." Now that he wasn't behind me, he wasn't blocking the door.

"An' why is that Luv?" He looked at me bleary eyed in what I could only guess as mild curiousity- or amusement- I was loathe to guess.

"Well," I bought time, "Why would I want to sit with you..... on the bed... with so little room?" I looked around, "When there's so much more room... over here?" I sat in the chair behind his desk, wathcing him carefully, berrating myself on my word choice. IDIOT!!!!! He's GONNA TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY!!! STUPID DRUNK! VILE EVIL-

"Ah, I see." He said, taking another swig from his amber bottle.

"Oh?" CRAP. I watched him as he stood, swaying. "Well, in that case," I stood and skeedaddled to the door, "See you later then." I opened the door and walked away as fast as my legs would allow. As I shut the door in my hasty retreat I could have swon I heard the deep rumble of his chuckle.

The deck was quiet, it was dark, and the stars were out. I looked at the crows nest, so high It looked like it was just brushing the stars. "I bet I could touch the stars," I sighed to myself as I found Orion and Taurus battling forever more in their eternal battle.

When I finally went to the Galley to get something to eat, I was met with William, "Sorry, didn't know you were on board." I said, he'd been reading a letter it looked like.

"That's all right." He said, folding it up and putting it away in his pocket. "Jack's back I take it?"

"Yeah, he's pretty drunk." I fiddled with a loose string on my breeches, wishing I had my jeans. After a bit of silence I looked over at the leftover food in the kitchen. "Want some?"

"No, thanks." I backed away and sighed. 

"I'll leave you to your letter." He smiled at me and I went back to the deck. The stars were still twinkling away like diamonds.

I looked over the town of Tortuga and remembered my dream. I was not from here. I was from somewhere else. How could I have forgotten that? Forgotten Jamie?! Oh sh'es gonna kill me! She must be worried sick! I looked down at my still bandaged wrists, bruises poking out from underneath the bandages and dotting over my arms.

A coat dropped down onto my shoulders and I stumbled a bit under the wieght. Arms wrapped around my waist to steady me. I looked up into brown eyes. "Thanks." He smirked at me before turning his gaze to the sinful town of Tortuga. "So, What's it like to live here?"

"It's never dull." He took a swig from his bottle. "Your's?"

"Well, the only Pirates I have to deal with are lawyers and tax collectors." He looked at me funny, causing me to smile.

"You knew I wasn't from this time the whole time didn't you?"

"I did."

"Do you know how I got here?"

"I'm not really able to answer that in an understandable manner... as it were." He slurred. 

I shook my head, of course not. "At least this is my past."

"What was that?"

"This is my past, so I shouldn't have any impact on the future... as it were." I explained. " Considering the Time- loop I've done everything I have to do here."


I sighed and tryed to think of a better way to explain it. I looked at the railing of the ship and got an idea, "Pretend this railing is a time line." He nodded. "This is your time." I patted at the rung under the railing. "And this is mine," I reached over infront of him to another. He nodded to show he was following. "I was here." I patted to my rung. "I've some how managed to jump backwards from mine, to yours." I went back to Jack's rung. "Something that has already happened to me, because of the fact, I'm in my past. Anything I say or do has already happened in my time." I moved back to my rung.  "Causing a time loop." I looked at him. "Understand or more confused?"

"So, what do we do now?" Jack asked, scratching his head.

"I'm not sure. I guess it depends on why I'm suddenly in this time and not my own." I looked at him curiously, "Any ideas?"

"Well, I've got this friend, she might be able to help."

"Should I be worried about this friend? Does your friend have a name?"

"Yes, my friend has a name, an' no, yeh shouldn' be worried Luv."

"That's comforting." I yawned.

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