Book 1:The Damphyr Protector...

By DestinyAngel123

4.4K 131 34

Just an average teenager living threw one hell of a life but with my uncle by my side I have nothing to lose... More

Chapter 1:Bathory Middle
Chapter 2: Walking To The Party With Vlad and Henry
Chapter 3: Isaiah
Chapter 4: A Forgotten Family Member
Chapter 5:The Lies Of My Past
Chapter 6: Dinner With The Vampire
Chapter 7: Death Upon Louis
Chapter 8: Wicked's Destiny
Chapter 9: The Vampire's First True Love
Chapter 10: The Slave To The Vampire And The Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 11: Starting Today I Am Now The Damphyr's Protector And The New Enemy
Chapter 12: The Slayers
Chapter 13: My Secret Crush
Chapter 14: D'ablo
Chapter 15: The Slayers Headquarters
Chapter 16: An Enemy? Or Love?
Chapter 17: The Prince And The Pauper
Chapter 18: V+W Forever?
Chapter 19: Meeting The Prince And Queen Emily
Chapter 20: A Meeting With Vampires
Chapter 21: Trapped In The Vampire Jaws
Quick News 2
Chapter 22: A Forbidden Love
Chapter 23: Torn Apart
Chapter 24: Vampires vs Me?
Book 2 IS OUT!

Chapter 25:A Summer Day Ending

84 6 13
By DestinyAngel123

Summer...finally it's here, we finally put of middle school and now we're going to be in high school soon....I see Henry and Vlad from time to time, Isaiah hasn't been seen around and for once in my life it was peacful....I was sitting on my porch re-reading my fathers jounral many many times as I can, I wish I knew the what they were like..I would understand them and myself a little better, I felt something my shoulder and suddenly looked up to see grandfathers warm friendly face, "Hey grandfather," I said giggling. "Hello there little one...," he said as he sat next to me, "What a year huh?," he asked, I nodded as I look towards the sunrise of the summer morning, we both watch as the memories flow back in my mind, I lost my uncle...but had my friends and family to stick by me all the way through this drama and pain when I needed them....I was greatful but my heart was still in pain....I still put up wtih a smile and focus on my goals, I may not be human but I still want a normal life as I can, I mean what else can I do? I don't want to go back with those vampires again..thats the last thing I needed to start off for summer.

Later on at the day I was hanging out with Vlad and Hnery for a change we went to see horror movies, get shakes after then ended up shopping around the mall but I got bit seperated from them and went to Hot Topic to see what they have, but of course Vlad followed me on the well, I giggled and just kept browsing as he did the same, "I thought you were with Henry?," I asked, "Well I was until he met a girl and left me, so I decided to follow you...I can see why you love this place...," he said smiling, I smiled back as I try on some braclets, "Thanks....funny....for some reason it feels like a normal day for once," I said to him, "Well we have been through a lot...but I think D'Ablo will return though," he said in a worried tone, "then we'll be ready this time right? And this time I won't pass out," I said smiling, he laughed and nodded, "yeah I ready for a high school year?," high school....thoses words echo through my mind.....I can never imagin being in 9th grade already...but I need to focus on my trainers though like uncle told me awhile back, I don't really have a normal like anymore..., "Yeah....I am...but I'm not scared...besides Henry's brother is going to show us around right?," I asked, Vlad nodded as he looked over at me, "yeah...but you'll have me around too," he said with a grin, I burst into laughter, "right, so I can protect you again!," I said, Vlad blushed with embarrassment, "No...," he muttered, "oh come on let just go look for Mr.Flirty," I put down the braclets and grabbed Vlad's had as I walked along side with him, I could see his warm smile that I haven't seen since forever, I smiled too as we head to the exit of the mall where Henry was, I know we can't be together anymore but in my heart and his we're inseparable...and I'm fine like that for now....I felt my eyes lit up with joy as I smiled when we head home.....this was going to be one good interesting summer.



well I want to thank to all my readers reading this, it gave me hope to keep writing and I'll be writing Book 2 very soon so stay tune to the next book, I love you all!!! ^ET^)

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