Breaking Bradford

By LilRedWritingHood

318K 6.3K 1.2K

Lexi Bradley- The Bad Babe from Bradford. Zayn Malik- The Bad Boy from Bradford. The two have hated each othe... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Wonderland (prologue)

Chapter One

62.9K 309 44
By LilRedWritingHood

"Get out of my face." I snarled, glaring at him with fire in my eyes.

"Not until you back down, Bradley." He snarled back, giving me the exact same look.

"I don't back down, Malik."

"Then I'm not moving." He retorted, squinting his eyes slightly. I pulled my arm back some, clenching my fist and then slamming it into his stomach.

"Bitch." He snapped, glaring at me while clutching his stomach.  

"Thanks for getting out of my face." I said sarcastically, turning and starting to walk away. Hegrabbed my arm, jerking me around.

"We aren't finished talking about this."

"It isn't a big deal." I snapped, pulling my arm away from him and fixing my leather jacket.

"It isn't? So just making my girlfriend cry isn't a big deal?"

"Maybe you shouldn't date total priss pots."  

"You're asking for it Bradley." Malik snarled, and I laughed.

"Alright, Malik. Sure. We both know you would never hit a girl." I said, smirking at him.

"Doesn't mean that I can't hurt you." He snarled, getting in my face.

"Back off, Malik."  Malcom said, wrapping his arm around my waist and tugging me away.

"She isn't a priss pot." Malik snarled once again, and I laughed. 

"Whatever floats your boat."

"You punched her." Malik snapped, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Point?" I said, my hand sneaking into Malcom's front pocket, resting there as his arm was wrapped around my waist. 

"You punched Priss Pot Penny?" Malcom mused, smirking down at me. I nodded, looking back at the fuming boy in front of us.

"What is your problem?" He snapped at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why even date her? She's a pain in the arse, and she can't even punch." I smirked, turning and walking away with Malcom, completely ignoring him.

"What is his problem anyway?" Malc said, shaking his head as I heard Malik cursing behind us.

"Well, he is dating a complete priss pot."

"Even before, he's a total git."

"Bet he would say the same about you." I said, smirking and pushing him against the wall.  

"Ms. Bradley, Mr.Monroe, please refrain from doing such things in the corridor." Our head teaher said as I trailed my hands up his shirt.

"Whatever." I mumbled, pulling away from Malc and smirking back to him, walking off to class. 

"Are you really trying out for the X-Factor in a few weeks?" Someone asked, and I looked over to see it was Priss Pot herself, looking at Malik. He nodded, glaring at me from across the room. I gave him a sickly sweet smile, completely pissing him off. 

I've known Malik since we were in young, and I couldn't stand him then either. The first time I met him, I apparently whacked him a good one, right across the face. Ever since then, we'd had this litlte rivalry that the entire town knew about, and no one really was happy with it. We got in fights pretty often, and I had been expelled, along with him, twice already from schools.

The teachers didn't appreciate our little spats. Well, it seemed as if no one enjoyed them nearly as much as Malik and I, anyway. It was complicated, and no matter how much I hate the boy, and oh, I hate that boy, I had to admit he had a bit of a talent for singing. But, it was mutual, just like our hatred. 

I knew that if he got on X-Factor and made it, he would never let me live it down. An idea sprouted in my mind, and I stood up, walking directly out of class and down the corridor, pulling my mobile out and calling my mum. She was at work, so I had no idea if she was going to reply.

"Morning Mum!" I said, grinning at the air as I leaned onto the wall.

 "Lexi, what have you done this time?" Mum questioned, making me snicker.

"Nothing too horrible. Just walked out of... Math? I think? Anyway. I wanted to try out for X-Factor." I said, informing her rather than asking. She knows that even if she didn't want me to, I would anyway.

"Alright. But please, don't get expelled or suspended until then, okay?"

"Alright Mum. Have a nice rest of the day. Love you." I said, smiling. 

 "Love you too darling." She sighed back, ending the call. I loved my mum to death, I was a complete softy when it came to her. 


Yes, the Bad Babe of Bradford was a totally Mummy's girl. Well, from what i heard, so was the "Bad boy of Bradford." Malik honestly wasn't that bad, he was only bad when I came into the picture. I think the only times he's ever been in trouble is when I irritated him too much, which I was fine with, I always found it hysterical when he got in trouble.

"Ms. Bradley, are you planning on going back to class?" Our head teached said, and I shrugged.

"Maybe. I was thinking about going outside for a smoke first." I said, smirking at him. He looked very flustered, and even thought it was my last year here, I had no idea what his name was.

"Ms. Bradley!" He attempted scolding, and I rolled my eyes. I tugged my leather jacket off my tan arms, slinging it over my shoulder as I walked away, heading towards the doors.

"Ms. Bradley, I have to tell you that if you walk out those doors you'll have detention!" 

"Alright then. See you tomorrow afternoon!" I called, waving behind me as I headed out to find my motorbike. I sat on it, pulling the dark helmet over my hair, starting the bike and grinning.



I sat straight up, the annoying sound of my alarm going off beside me. I slammed my fist on it, probably breaking it. Ruth was going to murder me. It was the fifth one I've breaking in the past two weeks.

"Lexi. You did not just break it." Ruth yelled, and I groaned, rubbing my face and trying to go back to sleep.

"NO. Get up, now. We have a meeting to go to." Ruth, my manager, said. 

"Don't want to." I mumbled, but then realised what she was going to do.


"I'm u-" I started to say, but the bucket of water already was dumped on me.

"Up." I finished, clenching my teeth and glaring at her. 

"Good morning sunshine!" The redheaded lady yelled, grinning at me.

"You did not just do that. I was getting up." I mumbled, pushing the wet hair out my face and sitting up.

"Not quick enough. So. Go shower, we have to go talk to the head about your new tour and who you're touring with." She said, smirking at me.

"As long as it isn't One Direction." I mumbled, shaking my head as I swung my long legs out of the bed I was borrowing. 

"Why did I have to sleep here last night? You should have known I would break the alarm." I yawned, shaking my head slightly.

"Because I also knew you wouldn't wake up and be on time if I called." 

"I don't like being on time." I mumbled, getting up and heading into the bathroom.

"You would have thought coming in second place with the X-Factor would have made you a bit more  likely to do something other than be late and get in trouble." Ruth scolded, and I smirked.

"Once a Bad Babe of Bradford, always a Bad Babe of Bradford." I yelled, slamming the bathroom door as I showered. 


"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." I yelled back, smirking.





"TOLERATE!" Ruth yelled back, making me snicker.

"Hmm... Can you believe that one year ago today, that I almost won the X-Factor? And that I crushed One Direction?" I mused, walking out the shower with a towel wrapped around my body.

"Why don't you like them? They're nice boys." Ruth said, shaking her head at me.

"Some of them are. I'm alright with Louis and Liam and Harry. And Niall." I said, shrugging.

"Just not Zayn. Why?" She questioned, and I laughed.

"He's a prick!" 

"He is not!"

"He's a right git." I said, shaking my head and looking at what she made my stylist, Aly, get for me.

"I am not wearing that." I said, pointing to the white jeans and the flowery shirt.

"Then what will you wear!?" She said, throwing her hands in the air.

"This." I said, grinning and pulling my clothes that I knew I'd need because Aly and Ruth have no idea what the hell I like.

"No. No way." Ruth said, attempting to grab the leather pants and my shredded ACDC shirt.


"Yes!" I said, grabbing the shirt and tugging it on over my neon pink  bandeau bra. 

"Lexi!" Ruth whined as I tugged the pants on.

"Don't like it, don't look." I said with a smirk.

"Thong? Really?"

"Leather pants, babe." I said, patting Ruth's shoulder.

"At least it matches your bra." She said sarcastically, and I nodded.

  "Thats the spirit!"

 "I'll wear the shoes." I said, grabbing the bright pink pumps and pulling them on, now towering over Ruth.

"That's not fair at all. We try and help you look good, but you don't like it and then pick your own and it looks good. Why do we even try..." She mumbled, grabbing my phone and hers and making us leave her apartment. 

"They're going to do your hair and make up for the signing after." Ruth told me, going through her iPhone.

 "Alright. Translation, they'll try to do my make up, but I'll end up doing my regular smokey eye and bright red lipstick, then they'll do my hair in the long waves like usual." I smirked, and Ruth sighed.

 "For once, can you let them do their job?" 

 "No." I said, smiling happily as I put my sunglasses on and looking out the window. 

"Are those new glasses?" Ruth asked, and I grinned.

"Yup.  Hundred and seventy." I said, grinning.


"Would you quit spending all your money on useless things?" Ruth said, smacking her hands onto the wheel of my Porsche. 

 "No. Sunglasses aren't useless. They block my eyes from the sun." I said, giving her a sarcastic smile as she stopped at a light.

"Why can't you stop buying.."

"Useless things. Give it up. I buy what I want. I'm a worldly known singer, more popular than Cher Lloyd, One Direction, and probably just as popular as the Beatles." I mused, smirking.

"You're too cheeky." Ruth mumbled, parking the car on the side of the road.

"Proud to- Wait. This is to talk about the new tour right? The eight month, all around the world, with the band I don't know yet?" I said, slowly talking as I saw the big car with the five boys in it.


"Do you know who I'll be touring with?" I said, slowly looking at her and giving her my worse glare.


"RUTH!" I screamed, grabbing her and stuffing her back into my car.

"I will NOT be doing this tour. I will NOT look at him for another eight months of my life! I grew up with him, and I HATE him. " I snarled, grabbing the front of Ruth's shirt and getting in her face.

"You have to. Its been planned for-"

"For how long?" I snapped, and Ruth gulped.

"We've been planning since the end of X-Factor. Simon and Kelly have known both of you would be successful, and that they have known the two completely different sounds would make it a very rare tour and that it would bring in a lot of money, and you both would gain a lot of fans and money." Ruth rushed, freaking out a bit.

"No. Bloody. Way." I snapped, pulling out the car and angrily stomping up to Kelly's office.

"Kelly! We have to talk about this damn tour now! I will NOT go on- Oh." I stormed in, the door bouncing off the wall. 

"Nice to see you again, Lexi." Liam said, frowning. I clenched my teeth.

"Hey Liam, Lou." I said, then looked at the horror I grew up with.

"Bradley." Zayn said, giving me a disgusted look.

"Malik."  I snapped, glaring at him.

"And then the awkward tension returned." Harry said, smirking at us.

"Kelly, I'm not doing this."

"Mrs.Grayson. Lexi, you will be doing this." Kelly said, and I glared at her.

"Kelly, you know how badly this could end." I warned, and she nodded. 

"I also know that this will end in many good profits. The money we will obtain, the fans for both will, if we are correct, sky rocket, and therefore, more money." Kelly said, and I clenched my teeth.

"I won't sing."

"Stop being a brat, Bradley." Malik said, and my head snapped towards him.

"I'm not being a brat. I don't want to deal with YOU. This past year has been one of the best of my life, I'm doing something I love AND I haven't seen you once. Do you know how HAPPY that makes me?" I yelled, and he scoffed.

"The feeling is mutual, but if you really love your fans, you'll deal with it."

"Kelly. I want my own bus. I don't want to see that thing unless I have to, and only that thing. I like the rest of them." I said, and Malik laughed.

"Whatever. I don't want to see you either." 

"Are you kidding me? She's fit!" Harry said, and I grinned, giving him a nice smile.

"Thanks, love." I said, then glared at Kelly again. "Why is it that you've been planning with Si for so long and then only just telling us now!? Really, Kel?!" I screamed, throwing my hands in the air.

"We only just got out all the kinks and figured everything out." She told me, standing up and fixing her suit jacket.

"Kelly. Why." I said, glaring at her.

"This will make your careers prosper, and will make you both more popular, more... Directioners, as they say, and more Lexinators, I think it was put." I heard Simon say from behind me, and I smiled brightly, turning and hugging him. 

"SIMON!" I yelled, happy to see him. I hadn't see him since X-Factor, and I had really gotten close with him during the show.

"Good morning Lex." He said, hugging me and chuckling.


"What'd you do this to me for, Si?" I said, sighing.

"You'll figure it all out." He said, grinning.

"You suck."

"Alright then." He said, smiling and walking over to Kelly, standing beside her. It was weird to see Kelly, the straight up business woman, standing next to Simon Cowell, who was... Well, Simon Cowell.

"So. This tour will start next week, and you'll be starting the tour in Dublin, I bet Niall will be happy to know." Simon said, smiling at the blonde boy. I smiled slightly too, Dublin was always a favorite place to perform.


"It will end in eight months, in Sydney, Australia. You will have three one week breaks, one every two months." Kelly said, and I groaned internally.

"Will we be allowed to fly home in those weeks, or are we staying in that country?" I asked with pure interest.

"You can do either, but it was the original plan to keep you in those countries." Simon said, and I nodded.

"Alright. So, one last question for now."


"Just kidding. I have two. Firstly, how often shall we be doing signings?" I asked, and Simon smiled.

"We were thinking at every venue, but you usually have a one day break between venues because of traveling. And the second?" Simon said, and Kelly gave me a look.

"No, Lex." She said, and I frowned.

"You don't-"

"Yes I do. You cannot take Bones with you."

"But he misses me when I'm away!" I whined, pouting.

"Bones?" Niall asked, and I sighed.

"He's my python."  I said, happily thinking of my five meter long baby. Niall made a terrified squeaking sound, and I smirked.

"It's alright. He's harmless."

"NO, Lex. You are NOT taking a snake with you-"

"He's my baby! I'll miss him!" I said, pouting.


"Oh, Simon, can we get a dog?" Liam asked, and I pouted.

"I don't think that would be the best idea boys."

"See? Simon is a good person, he lets them down easy." I said, huffing.

"I don't know why we signed you." Kelly mumbled, and I laughed.

"Have you HEARD me sing? The people LOVE me." I said, smirking.

"But you're a diva." Lou said, winking and nudging my shoulder. I chuckled, nudging back. 

"From what I tell on twitter, you're the... Sass queen? I think that was it." I said, smirking.

"I have heard so as well." He said, nodding and giving me a wink.

"Well, I think we can get along fine." I said, patting his arm.

"We did during X." He said, and poor Harry looked startled.

"It sounded like you said sex." Harry said, giving us a funny look. Lou and I smirked at each other, then at Harry.

"Calm down, Styles. He said X, like the X-Factor. But..." 

"Wasn't something we'd deny." Lou said, winking at Harry. I remembered Lou sitting on me and making me watch one of their video diaries, and when they were all talking about who they would date on the show. 

"As I remember, it was Niall who said me, correct?" I said, smirking, thinking about it.

"And Harry, after Mary." He said, and I laughed.

"That was something."

"Did you guys...?" Harry said, pointing between us two. 

"You never know." Lou and I said, loving the tease.

"Lex, we have to get you to get ready." Ruth said, popping her head in the room.

"Alrighty then. Oh, Lou, I think we'll have a lovely tour for us. Ah, if it weren't for lovely Eleanor." I said, smirking and sending him a wink.

"What!?" Liam said, completely confused. He knew about Lou and I's brief fling back on the show, and was probably the only one who knew. 

"Li, calm down. It won't happen. So, questioning something, shall we speak later or are we just getting shoved together without another word?" I asked, and Liam tossed his mobile for me to put my number in. I handed mine to Lou, and everyone got my number but Malik, because I refused to look at him, much less speak to him.

"There we go lads. See you all next week, maybe sooner." I said, smiling and waving.

"I'm glad you're cooperating." Kelly said as she walked with me to makeup.

"I just won't speak to Malik, look at him, or admit to his existence."

"You are stubborn." She told me, and I nodded.

"I am, and you know that it won't end with that. I hate him, and he hates me. It's an even balance of pure hatred." I mumbled, and she rolled her eyes.

"You two are so alike it isn't even proper." She mumbled, patting my shoulder before walking off, leaving me pissed off and disgusted.

"Thats gross." I mumbled, shaking my head and sitting down, Aly getting my hair done quickly.

"Love, you two would be darling together." Aly said, giving me a wink in the mirror as I did my makeup.

"You have got to be joking." I said, raising one perfect eyebrow and giving her my strongest "You must be on crack" look.  

"No! Its just his tall dark and handsome would fit you, you have to see it. The light eyes, the light hair, the only matching thing you two have in the skin color, and it would be gorgeous!" Aly gushed, and I sighed.

"Aly, it will never happen. I hate its guts." I said, putting the fiinishing touches on my lipstick.

"OH! Did you check sugarscape this morning?" Aly asked, and I sighed and shook my head.

"No, Aly. I don't check sugarscape." 

"They have another article on you." 

"Oh god." 

"It said something about you dating someone." She said, smirking. I groaned, leaning back and sighing.

"Was it about me dating some hometown boy no one knows but that has been seen with the one and only Zayn bloody Malik?" I snapped, thinking of Malcom.


"I hate sugarscape sometimes. They know everything." I mumbled, shaking my head and pulling my phone out to send a text to Malcom.

To:  M

We are not dating.

From: M

I know. Everyone else doesnt though.

To: M

stop telling everyone we are

From: M


"I hate him as much as Malik." I mumbled, thinking about how we dated until X-Factor. 



"He still pretending that you fancy him?"

"Yup.  He's a right git for doing so." I mumbled, standing up and strutting, yes, I strut, to the door.

"Can I leave now?" I asked, pulling my phone out to see a text from Lou.

"Yep. We can go when you're ready." 

"Let's head out..." 

From: LouLou

Lets not mention it to the lads, alright?

To: LouLou

As you wish, sassy.

From: LouLou

Whatever, Diva.

I smirked, heading out the door and pulling my sunglasses on as soon as we walked out, my blonde hair hiding my face as I walked through the paps to my car. Some fans were waiting for me with hopeful smiles and cds. I grinned, taking pictures and signing things for a good ten minutes before they moved so Ruth and I could leave.

"I find it off you didn't get assigned security today." Ruth said, and I shrugged.

"Well, Anthony gets busy." I said, leaning back in the seat and nodding off slightly.

"No. Wake your arse up. You are not sleeping." Ruth scolded, slapping my leg.

"Ruth." I whined, and she just gave me a look.


"Can I have something to eat then? I'm bloody starving." I mumbled, and she sighed and nodded.


"How about McDoanlds?" 



"Fine, but only because we need to be quick."

"One for Lexi, none for Ruthie." I sang, smirking at her.

"You are terrible."

"You are welcome!" I said, grinning at her.

 From: Hazza

Come by the flats later. Lets catch up xx

To: Hazza

Alright x

Today should be a good day.

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