Crystal Spark

By MESparks

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When life beats you until you're alone and trust is never earned, how do you let your heart beat? When found... More

Chapter One: The Hands
Chapter Three: The Ears
Chapter Four: The Mind
Chapter Five: The Arms
Chapter Six: The Neck
Chapter Seven: The Genes
Chapter 8: The Fingertips
Chapter 9: The Back
Chapter 10: The Memory
Chapter 11: The Soul
Chapter 12: The Legs
Chapter 13: The Risk

Chapter Two: The Eyes

152 11 1
By MESparks

(Your point of view)

"Alright then, the first thing we need to establish is the baseline of your abilities. Both offensively and defensively." Perhaps Akutagawa had underestimated his pupils luck when he decided to bring her out from the port mafia onto the streets after only a week of training.

In that week they had created a shaking baseline which was that her ability was able to contort to the whims of the user. Just muttering her ability, Kurisutaru, would make thousands upon thousands of crystal particles to surround the user. Shizuka, with much concentration, could use though particles to manipulate their forms. Making the crystals into shields, swords, and extensions of her body. Much like Rashomon.

Akutagawa, against Chuuya's advice, took Shizuka to one of the rooftops that Akutagawa frequented. Wanting to test how she held say, if he threw her off of a roof. He could always save her, should he need to after all. Perhaps he hadn't anticipated that he would be there. Though, knowing the suicide maniac, perhaps he picks up on suicidal tendencies like a magnet.

"Shizuka." Akutagawa only gave her the amount of time of calling her name for her to prepare as he shoved her off of the roof, she hadn't know he would do this.

The wind was harshly knocked out of her as she went barreling off of the roof. The air whipped around her and she couldn't breathe, oh how she couldn't breathe, even with so much air around her. She watched Akutagawa getting slightly smaller, the building having only been five stories tall. She didn't have much time to activate her ability, if she wanted to not be serious injured at least.

But she couldn't seem to form the words to summon her crystal particles, the words gone with the wind. Maybe the man had realized she wasn't going to save herself. Maybe he had just been faster than Akutagawa. Either way, one moment she was falling and the next she in white tuffs of...


She glanced up as the furry man began to leap back up the building and only then did she really take in her 'savior'. His eyes were a yellowish purple color that were bizarre and wild. His hair whipped around him wildly but what really got to her was the kind smile he held on his face.

Then she was on the roof again before she could question anything and yet this time she and Akutagawa had company. One of which was still holding her and now that she was on solid ground again she struggled against the person's grasp.

"Ma'am please stop struggling I'm trying to save you from Akutagawa." Keomi looked closer at the furry armed person, he was just a kid. An ability user for sure, but a kid none the less.

"Why on earth would I need saving from him, he may be an idiot but he's also my friend." The words slipped from her mouth before she ever really recognized what she was implying about her teacher. The Tiger man dropped her looking at her in shock, only then did Keomi glance at the other man who was on the roof with them.

He had brown hair that flowed with the wind, his coat long behind him, and an obscene amount of bandages wrapped around his arms. His eyes were piercing her very being as he stared at her.

Keomi had created her own sort of image, kind of like Akutagawa, she wore a big black coat, a light weight white blazer, and a red turtleneck sweater. A white mask on her face and a red scarf wrapped around her neck. She had very little skin showing, giving few details to her foe about her body's fitness.

"Mori asked you to train her?" The man turned from her looking towards Akutagawa, the two men simply stared at each other held in a silent battle of wills for some reason.

"Yeah, she's got potential." Keomi's eyes went from the Brown haired man to Akutagawa, who had not said whether or not she had been doing good this week or not.

"Then why would he give her to you to train, obviously you're going to mess it up." Keomi's eyes narrowed to slits and her breathing began to puff into air. She didn't even notice the fact that she had summoned Kurisutaru, but everyone on the roof noticed when she sent a dozen crystals his way.

They all disappeared even the particles that normally stayed when a crystal was destroyed was completely gone. Keomi ignored that tidbit of information for now, instead electing to growl at the man.

"Don't talk to him like that." Akutagawa looked from the Brown haired man to Shizuka, his eyes widening just by a fraction. She was defending him, even after he had just thrown her off of a building.

"So then, he wasn't trying to murder you?" The boy had taken a few steps back away from the girl, now knowing she was with the port mafia, keeping his ability on. Smart, Keomi thought.

"No, he was just being an idiot as per usual. Don't worry I am perfectly fine." Keomi smiled at the boy irking Akutagawa but intriguing the Brown haired man.

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot? You're the one who couldn't activate her ability to save herself." Before she knew it she was barreling off of the building again. In Akutagawa's anger he had forgotten he was training her and not actually fighting her. She just drove him crazy.

"Kurisutaru." Keomi muttered this time fighting against the wind being knocked out of her. She sent the crystals up the building like a whip using as many as she possible could, holding the other end of it in her hand. Once she was sure that she wasn't falling anymore she sent another whip up to use like a sling shot.

Having two crystal whips she catapulted herself back up the building disappearing her whips as she jumped in the air over the roof. Her eyes narrowed on Akutagawa completely ignoring the two men on the roof. She just thought about how she wanted to battle him this time and transfigured her ability into a new way.

Crystals coated her entire body, much like Rashomon was able to for Akutagawa, then she took off. Barreling towards him with an extreme speed, helped by her ability.

"Aku-kun, did you you really think that would work twice!" Keomi just wanted to get him riled up now and she knew she had when Rashomon had been activated. Her body moved using everything Akutagawa had taught her this past week to fight him.

Just before the two forces could collide the Brown haired man got between them. Both of their abilities disappeared with a single touch, only then did Keomi realize just how dangerous this man was. She landed on her feet not allowing herself to be humiliated in front of the brown haired man.

"Oi, Dazai, stay out of this. I'm training her not you." Akutagawa yelled at the Brown haired man, Dazai, who turned away from him and looked at Keomi intently.

"He will fail you, even if you don't believe that right now. He will fail you and all that potential will be lying dead on the ground." Dazai spoke as if he knew the future and it really ticked Keomi off. His words were lathered in poison and spite, even though he was talking to her he wasn't. He was aiming these words at Akutagawa.

She threw the dagger, one made of metal and not her ability, at his head fully expecting him to deflect it. Instead, he caught it with his hand, enclosing his entire fist around the small blade. Blood dripping down his arm and onto the cold concrete.

"Fuck you." Keomi exclaimed, standing to her full height which was normally a good 5'7 without her boots. With her boots she was almost eye-level with the man at 5'9. They stared at each other one in mere amusement, the other in pure anger. She'd give anything to be good enough to fight this man right now... but she wasn't.

"Oh trust me, you certainly want to fuck me darling." Dazai spoke wiggling his eyebrows suggestively with a laugh, "But I suppose that'll have to wait, come Atsushi."

The boy, Atsushi, glanced at the Keomi once more wondering how this girl was a part of the port mafia. She seemed so bright considering she was training to kill people. But, that wasn't his place to say anything he turned heading towards Dazai.

Dazai and Atsushi began to walk away leaving the port mafia pair standing on the rooftop once more alone. Akutagawa sighed knowing now that she would be on the agency's radar. The Boss would be pissed, if he told him. Which for now, Akutagawa glanced at the girl in question, would probably be best not to.

Dazai was probably right, he would fail her eventually. But he would try his damnest that he wouldn't, even if it was all in vain. He refused to treat her like Dazai had treated him, even if sometimes he would have to push her. Akutagawa, for once in his life, was conflicted with how to proceed.

He didn't care about her, he refused to care about anyone after all, he did care about proving Dazai wrong though. Which meant he needed to train her flawlessly and get her to be a high level member of the port mafia. Then the pair could part ways and he could smile with pride in the face of Dazai. Because he had finally proved the man wrong.

Keomi had been showed to her room by Akutagawa who hadn't spoken the entire time. Wordlessly he led the girl to the room and simply opened the door. He had glanced into the room, seeing a black oversized coat laying on his protégé's new bed. How Mori had known the girl was going to stay, even that she was an ability user, was beyond him.

Just like Dazai forever all knowing, the player in the chess game. Akutagawa and Keomi were both just pieces, probably pawns. But Akutagawa had a feeling that Shizuka would turn into something other than a pawn.

Akutagawa glanced at the girl once time, tipping his head towards the room telling her to go in wordlessly. He turned walking back down the hallway not even sparing his protege another glance.

Keomi slowly walked into the room unsure of herself after being thrown into a world she had only ever heard about. From her father. Keomi glanced down at the black coat on the bed, then at her own clothes that she had been wearing all those months ago. It was a dark brown sweater with a red scarf and black leggings. They were caked in dirt and yet she couldn't bare to part with them.

What had happened to her family? What had happened to her?

The room was bare, however, there was a small envelope laying on the nightstand next to the bed. She ignored the coat going to the envelope, opening it slowly with apprehension. Inside of the envelope there was a small note and around 15,000 yen, roughly 100 America dollars.

    I think its high time you left the streets behind you, don't you think Keomi?

The note didn't have anyone's name on it but she was sure it had been the boss who had put it here. Would anyone mind if she left for a couple hours, just to get some new clothes and some real food? She didn't know but she supposed she would find out. She could figure out her way back to the port mafia, as long as she didn't stray far.

She glanced once more at the coat, taking the money and the coat. She slipped it on over her dirty clothes which she would get washed at the earliest time allowed. She exited her room, closing the door behind her gently. She didn't know who was around her and she didn't want to be a hindrance to anyone.

Because she needed to get stronger... so she could find her family. One day.

"Going somewhere?" She turned to find a man with red hair who was significantly shorter than her. He wore a hat which made him appear slightly taller than he truly was.

"Just going to try to find some clothes not caked in dirt." Keomi resisted the urge to shift from side to side, uncomfortable with anyone else here. She didn't quite feel like she belonged here yet, maybe that would change with time. Maybe it would always be that way.

After all, it didn't quite seem like this was the kind of place she was meant to end up in. It just happened.

"I know just the place." The red haired man walked up beside her, seemingly uninterested in the height difference, a small smirk on his face.

"Should I be grateful?" She snarked at this point not caring if she belonged here, she didn't need this guy helping her. She had been just fine on the streets and she could last long enough to get some decent clothes.

"No, you should be wise enough to not pick fights with executives." Chuuya looked up at me as my eyes met his, "But here we are so at the very least you could hear me out."

"Lead the way then Mr. Executive, I've got no where else to be." Keomi shrugged giving the man her own smirk right back at him.

"Chuuya, unless you wanna call me Sir." Chuuya turned from here beginning to lead her out of the port mafia's headquarters and into a part of town Keomi hadn't ventured to when she was on the streets. Keomi followed diligently behind as they weaved around the city, enough where she wouldn't be able to find her way back without him.

"I'm Shizuka, Keomi by the way."

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Keomi." Chuuya spoke and it was bizarre still to her, hearing her own name after months of being called a sewer rat.

"Pleasure to meet you to, Sir." Keomi sent a wink Chuuya's way while she walked into the store that Chuuya had taken her to. Chuuya sent out a small laugh shaking his head and following in after the girl.

Keomi tried not sigh as she and Akutagawa arrived at their destination once more. To continue training after that who debacle with that Dazai character that had Akutagawa all riled up.

"You made armor with the crystals earlier, we need to see how well they withstand attacks." Akutagawa nodded at her as if telling her to summon her crystals, so she did.

"Kurisutaru." She summoned her crystals particles around her willing them to all solidify around her body. You would think the crystals would make it hard to move yet they followed her motions with ease. The crystals were soft against her skin, but hard against anything that came against her.

"I'm going to start with my fists for now, just focus on blocking and keeping the crystals around you." Akutagawa spoke as if he hadn't just said that he wasn't going to start attacking her.

"Sounds good Akutagawa." She nodded bracing herself for his onslaught, he came quick his fists hitting the crystals on her arms as he punched. His leg smacked into her stomach and she expected for it to hurt like a bitch considering how much power he used.

Instead she could barely feel the kick even though its velocity sent her flying across the room. Still, she was fine considering if she hadn't had her armor on she would have ended up in the infirmary. Probably with bruised or fractured ribs. Instead she was good and ready to see how her armor stood up to Rashomon.

"Alright let's see how I have Rashomon, sir?" Akutagawa let out a small laugh impressed that the girl wasn't bent over in pain after that last kick.

"Rashomon." His ability flew towards her and while she couldn't block it as easily, still she was ok. Rashomon tried to wrap around her and squeeze the life out of her, but her crystals kept it from happening. The hard shells kept him from squeezing her at all, instead it felt more like a coat around her.

"Is that all you got, Aku?" She didn't know where the nickname came from, but she did know that Akutagawa was ten times angrier. Or at least it seemed like he was angry considering it seemed like his attacks became more violent.

"Don't all me that!"

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