{why don't you just drop dead...

By EdwardsPen

4.5K 247 117

When you were little you made a mistake. Or Not? You can't remember what it was until you get forcefully push... More

Part I (Beginning)
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X

Part V

400 22 2
By EdwardsPen


The next few days I didn't leave my room if I didn't had to. The guys tried to convince me to train a bit promising me that Pete was in his room but after they saw that I even try hitting anything they figured to leave me be thankfully. Every once in a while someone would come to bring me food or just generally check on me. Patrick told me that Pete attacked me only because the mixture he drinks to prevent his need for blood wasn't working anymore how it's supposed to do but he was working on another method. But honestly that wasn't the thing that occupied my mind. It was what Brendon had told me. The fact that my whole life could be a lie and my mother never told me. Maybe she wasn't even my real mother. I grabbed onto the fabric of the covers as I sat on my bed staring towards the window. Every time when the night came to an end I heard one soft knock from the other side of the wall. I repeated in my head that nothing was his fault as I figured that he probably felt guilty for what had happened. But by know I was almost thankful for I knew at least part of the truth now.

My eyes focused on the little red gem in my hand. The rising sun threw red shadows on my hand as the light broke itself in the ruby. He said he would return. But he probably wouldn't come here. Should I go out? No, there was no use. The sun was up. He wouldn't be awake or be outside for a fact. Although going for a walk without being in danger just like a normal human. Like it was before sounded like a good idea. I shushed my thoughts to hear for any no use in the house to be sure all the others were either sleeping or at least in their rooms. No sounds. Good. I quickly changed into normal clothes and sneaked out. The house looked so big with no or in it but at the same time it seems so peaceful. Like a normal house. No evidence for a supernatural being or those who hunt them.

I headed out and the cold air hit my skin but that chilly feeling was removed as soon as the sun danced on my skin. I breathed in the fresh air. I hadn't been outside in about five days and hadn't bothered opening my window either. I just walked down the road this time watching where I was going. I didn't want to get lost again. The streets were busy with cars. Probably people driving to work. Some people were actually running in neon sport attire and some were just walking with hurriedly steps. A few had headphones and I envied them. My phone wasn't able to play music. It only was there for communication and I left my record player in my old house along with all CD's. Sighing I let my eyes retreat itself from the person's. I arrived at the park again and decided to go get familiar with it. It was empty but I was sure that it would be filled with children and their parents. I didn't plan on sticking around for that though.

The part was small but actually really pretty. The golden light of the sun warmed the floor and a slight breeze brushed the leaves around. I walked to the spot I saw Brendon for the first time yesterday. Where I didn't know it was him and stopped when I arrived. I had no reason to stop. There was nothing to see really. Just a normal path in a back with trees left and right. But something in me wanted to take it in. I stood there for a while just watching the trees move. It was calming. It reminded me at the times I was just walking through a park before all that happened. But who knows if I really did or if I just think I did. Who knows if someone just made me think I liked to do that but I never did.

I turned around and decided to walk back towards the house. The streets were getting emptier. I assumed it everyone was at work or school by now. My feet carried me back inside the house and only now I realised how thick the air inside was. Not just in my room. I decided to open the windows for a while. When that was don't I stood clueless in front of the closed doors of the rooms were the guys should be sleeping in. Their room could probably use some fresh air too. I stopped in front of Joe's room listening close for any sounds that would indicate   him being awake but I only heard soft snores. Carefully I opened the door and sneaked inside opening the window a bit. Joe was sleeping deep and his room was less messy than I would've imagined. Still the air was thick and contained only a small amount of oxygen making it hard to breath. I repeated that procedure with all the other rooms except for Pete's. I stood in front of his door for a while pondering if I should go inside. I wasn't mad at him like he maybe thought but I was afraid now. There was no denying that. I tried not to think about it or make it look like that to the others and just stayed inside my room but fact is I was freaking scared for life as he attacked me and I don't know if I can just shrugg that feeling off. Still curiosity of how his room looked like and the knowing that he wouldn't be awake made me open the door carefully.

The room was dark for black curtains covered the window. It wasn't much in it otherwise. A wardrobe on the right and a coffin like wooden box on the left against the wall that separated our two rooms. To my surprise the coffin wasn't fully closed. The door closest to the wall was open. When I looked closer I saw Pete lying on his back with on hand on his chest and the other one on the hung at the rim of the casket looking like it slid down from being held against the wall.

I just looks at him for a few seconds with a warm feeling inside of me. The fear was blown away for some moments. His sleeping face didn't look as calm as it was when he was just watching over me. It looked troubled. I frowned before taking my eyes off him proceeding to open the window slightly being careful not to let the sun sneak through by covering it with the black curtain. After that was done I quickly left the room.

The house already had fresher air in it luckily. As I looked around I realised I was seeing the whole house in day light for the first time. Really, it looked normal. I sighed as tiredness finally began to have an effect on me. But before I was going to sleep I decided it would be a nice gesture to clean up a bit for the table and sink were full with used dishes and I still had some in my room as well. It was nice of them to keep up with me while I was behaving like this and bringing me food regularly.

I washed the dished and put them were they belonged after I found where that was. The house already looked a lot cleaner at that point. I looked at the clock hanging at the kitchen wall. 3:36 pm. I should really retreat to my room to sleep now. I was harming nonstop by now. And that's basically what I did. I lay down facing the wall pushing one hand against it.

I woke up due to a knock at my door. As I got up i realized that I was still wearing the clothes from this day. Convenient. I opened the door ad startled Patrick who didn't suspect me actually coming to the door in normal clothes. All the other days I just sat on my bed in pyjamas. I gave me a kind smile handing me the plate but instead of taking it and closing the door in his face I thanked him and took him while walking out of the room. I sat down in the living room area and began to eat. A very confused Patrick followed me and stared at me for a bit.

"Uh, did you clean up by the way?", he asked then pointing towards the clean kitchen area. I nodded and proceeded to eat. "Are... are you alright now?", he asked me then carefully after thanking me for that. I nodded again. "Yea, thank you for bearing with me.", I answered him and he seemed nearly scared of the kind of my voice. But then he smiled again. "No problem, must be a hard time for you. I'm very sorry. And Pete really didn't want to hurt you. He feels bad because of that too... only leaving his room to train or drink the new potion I've mixed together.", he explained sitting down next to me. "You found a new mixture?", I asked him then and he looked at me with excited eyes. "Yea! All by myself. Normally we would put holy water in the mix which we got from a pastor. I didn't tell him that it stopped working so far. I need to do that today. It's nearly the same otherwise. But instead of the holy water you take heated up read wine. I don't know why it works yet but I figured we could try it because it looked like blood. It doesn't work cold but if you cook it it seems to have the same effect a real blood.", he explained proud of himself. I nodded. "That's great, Patrick.", I answered him finishing my meal standing up to bring my plate to the sink as Pete entered the room. I looked at him slightly surprised and fear picked up in my system again. It was fine when he was sleeping but although Patrick found a new mixture I was afraid. He stared at me for a few seconds and I tried to keep my heart beat slow which didn't work at all. I quickly turned around and went down to the training area. I just needed to get away from there. I actually felt guilty for being afraid of him. I knew he didn't like being a vampire and me being afraid of him probably just rubbed salt in the wound that's why I left so he would bear my scared thoughts. Hopefully anyways. The last thing I heard when going down was Pete saying. "Someone opened my window.", with a cold voice.

When I arrived downstairs I started to practice with throwing stakes. I wasn't too bad but I wasn't great either. After about three rounds I could hear the door open and close again. My pulse picked up as I saw the dark haired man coming downstairs with his hands deep I'm his pockets. I proceeded throwing and tried to ignore him or the feeling I got. It kind of worked until he walked up to me and I froze when he stopped next to me but still with a safe distance between us. I turned towards him as casual as possible gripping around the stakes left in my hand.

His brown eyes darted towards them for a few seconds and then wandering up to my face. He cleared his throat nearly making me jump but I could control it. "I'm... uh... I'm very sorry for what happened. I really am. It was just that...", he began with an incredible soft voice but I cut him short. "I know. Patrick told me." I could innerly punch myself for cutting him off but I was too nervous to function correctly. He nodded slow looking to the floor again. "Yeah... I just... wanted to apologies with words.", he spoke up again. He was referring to the knocking. Something was just making that knocking so much different from talking like that. There was just a slight distance between us and a safe wall. I had no fear because I was safe in my room. Here I wasn't. Here he could attack me. Anytime. "I don't hurt you. I promise.", he said extremely quiet. I probably answered in the worst way possible before going up again. "How do I know I can trust you?"

Again u felt like this house was to small to contain the mess in my mind and I just left. I could hear steps following me so I just began to run. I began to run for my life. I felt like a prey all of the sudden like I just needed to run away.

I ran towards the park again because that was the only direction I knew. I ran into the park looking over my shoulder to see if he was running after me. I couldn't see him but I came to an abrupt stop as I bumped into a circle of people and fell pulling one of the person's with me. I immediately stood up wanting to apologise and help the person up again as the others pushed me to the ground again forcefully pinning me down. I let out a short scream that was stopped by a hand pushing over my mouth.

"What are you running from, sweety?", one of them spoke up. There were four people holding me down. All of them had one thing that made me even more afraid than I already was. Fangs. I tried to scream but nothing came out. "You know, you come pretty handy. We're all really hungry.", the man leaning over me whispered into my ear pulling my head over to one side against my will. I tried to hide it but there was no use. They all pinned me down with they weight. I couldn't fight them. Maybe I should give up now. That was it. Fate got me now. I closed my eyes preparing myself for pain and eventual death. But that never came. Instead the was a thud and the cold breath that was brushing the skin of my neck was gone. The hand from my mouth retreated too and eventually I opened my eyes swing there was only one left pushing me down. I kicked him off for he was distracted with the person that had attacked them.


The one I broke free from tried to get me again jumping towards me. I did the only thing I knew would work for sure and kicked him in his private parts as hard as I could watching him fall to the ground groaning. I looked back at Pete who was already attacking one of them making him unconscious in seconds jumping onto the next one while the last one run away. I just stared with a shaky breath trying mot to faint.

When all of them were either knocked out or gone I wa left with Pete. We were just staring at each other. Both of us breathing heavily just for different reasons. He just saved me. He saved me from four vampires. Just him with out the others. He didn't have to. In fact it would be better for him if I wouldn't exist anymore. I was a burden for the whole group. Yet he did. Pete was about to turn around when I just fell to the ground crying. The shock of how close to death I was again settled in and I began to shake heavily hugging myself.

He hesitantly came closer to me crouching next to me. "Are you...", he began carefully but stopped immediately as I just threw my arms around him hiding in his chest mumbling 'thank you' over and over again. He stiffened up for a second not being sure how to react now. I thought I would die back there and the feeling of the cold breath of that vampire was still on my neck. The feeling of being unable to do anything was still present and I felt so vulnerable and weak. Just letting the tears fall shamelessly to be soaked up by Pete's dark shirt. That was until I felt secure arms pulling me close. It was as if I was safe from everything bad in the world by now. I was still crying but even though Pete was cold I felt safe and was able to pull some normal words together that I spoke with a still shaky voice.

"I'm sorry."

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