A fair Trade - A Beetlejuice...

By storyweaver4ever

47.4K 899 271

As long as he protected her from that abusive bastard, she'd do whatever the dead man wanted. To her, that se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Merry Christmas

Chapter 4

3.7K 70 18
By storyweaver4ever

It had been two months since that fateful night, and the newly established family had gotten into a routine of sorts. The poltergeist it seemed truly was a creature of habit and didn't mind the doldrums of daily life as long as he retained his freedom.

When Betelgeuse wasn't 'working' and Lydia thought that loosely since she didn't know what he did during the day; the poltergeist was helping her to take care of Lucy, and she had to admit the man was a decent husband and father. 'It could have been worse,' mused Lydia as Luke came to the forefront of her mind. Oh yeah, it could have been much worse. At least she wasn't alone in all this, and Betelgeuse didn't seem bothered by the weight of the responsibility. Plus, the dead man always had their daughter within his grasps, and Lucy seemed to prefer it that way as well. As soon as the tiny infant noticed that the specter was home, she would fuss until he scooped her into his arms. Their daughter would be glued to his side until she fell asleep. It was apparent the duo had a very strong and close bond and warmed Lydia's heart immensely every time she observed their interactions.

Another part of their routine was their eating schedule and how it vastly differed from the one Lydia experienced growing up. She had seen more take out boxes than homemade food, and maybe that was why she got into that routine of making homecooked meals. Maybe she wanted her family to be different, hell they were different. So that was why every morning she would get up and make them all breakfast. After Betelgeuse would leave for work and pop in later for lunch, then go back to whatever he had been doing until dinner time. Weirdly, it worked for them.

The last of their routine was after dinner, where they usually ended up in the living room watching either a tv show or some kind of movie. Most of the time, Lydia would be curled up on the couch with a blanket, while Betelgeuse sprawled out in his worn chair with Lucy sleeping soundly on his chest.

Tonight, was just like any other night for the little family. After some debate, they ended up watching some raunchy comedy that she would never have given a chance to but had to admit that it was quite funny. Not that she would tell him that. The dead man's ego was large enough as it was, and it didn't need any more inflating.

The phone beside her sprang to life, and Lydia quickly reached over to answer it. "Hello?" She greeted into the receiver and continued to watch the movie on the screen while waiting for a response.

"Pumpkin! How are you and my granddaughter doing?" Her dad's jovial voice echoed in her ear.

A smile sprang forth, as his warmed tone washed over her. Oh, how she missed her father, even if he was a little high strung, and let her stepmother boss him around the majority of the time. "Hi, dad. We're both doing great. How are you and Delia? How's Barbara and Adam?" She asked while praying her father hadn't heard the loud Hiya Chuck that came from Betelgeuse. Lydia glared at her husband sending a rude gesture his way, only for him to return it with a flash of that obnoxious grin of his. He was enjoying this and wanted her to get caught so she would have to tell them. Not that the newlywed was ashamed of being married to the dead man. To tell the truth, she just didn't want to deal with the shit storm that was her folks right now. It simply wasn't the right time. The cheeky poltergeist said some more things, and it caused her to cover the receiver with a hand and whisper to him sharply. "Not funny asshole. Knock it off."

He just kept on grinning obnoxiously and turned back to the movie, purposely laughing noisily at the funny parts. She sent the poltergeist the evil eye, and another rude gesture then returned to the conversation that she wasn't even listening to. From what she could gather, everyone was fine and dandy. Lydia talked to her dad for a couple more minutes, until work called, and he had to let her go.

Once she said goodbye and hung up the phone, her despicable jerk of a husband spoke up from his chair. "When ya gonna tell them about us, Babes? It's already been two months, and it's just gonna get longer."

The young mother glared at the man once again and crossed her arms under her chest, her tongue heavy with frustration and sarcasm. "I have already told you that I will. I just have to find the right time. It's not like they have the greatest track record with you. You know with you terrorizing them and all."

The poltergeist let out a loud huff and popped out of sight for a few minutes, only to come back childless and with a long neck in his hand. "You don't have to get all bitchy about it, Sweets."

"I'm not getting bitchy about anything, and I'm not going to debate about this again." She turned her attention to the tv, trying to get back into the movie and ignoring her irritating husband.

He snickered vigorously and took a swig of his beer. "Why does it have to be a debate? I ain't debating, sweetheart, I'm pointing out the motherfuckin' facts. I'm your husband and the father of your child. You're gonna have to tell the in-laws, cuz if they come for a surprise visit, I'm sure as hell not gonna leave my home to hideout somewhere!"

Her angry gaze didn't leave the screen, even though he was ruffling her feathers, though she did spew some heated words back at him. "Who said you had to leave if they did visit? I sure as hell didn't!"

"You sure about that babes." He shot back from his chair, sarcasm clear in his tone.

Lydia growled from the couch and swung her heated glare his way. "Of course I wouldn't ask my husband to leave our home. You know I wouldn't do that, quit being an asshole."

"Babes, I'm only an asshole, cuz you don't like what I'm tellin' ya. Hell, what I've been tellin' ya. Not that ya listen to me, ya stubborn woman!" The dead man snarled before taking another long draw from his drink.

"Ha! I'm stubborn, says the man who won't lay off his wife!" snarked Lydia slapping the arm of the couch with an open palm.

"Damn right I won't back off about this! You're my wife, and lil bug is my kid. I don't want anyone comin' in here and tryin' to take that away. She's mine, and so are you!" He sneered possessively with his green eyes burning bright and finished off his beer then juiced the empty bottle out of sight.

What now they were his things? He did not own them, the fucking dillhole! Lydia stood swiftly and hissed as she passed his chair. "We're not your fucking possessions, damn it!" Stomping to the kitchen and going directly to the sink, she turned on the taps and started to fill the basin with hot soapy water. Muttering every curse word that she could come up with, Lydia began to toss in the dishes a little too hard.

The angry housewife stiffened when her husband slid up behind her, hands resting on either side of the sink caging her in. His smoky voice and cold breath hit the shell of her ear, causing a hot shiver to shoot down her back. "You're not my FUCKIN' possessions. You're my wife, and she's my kid. I'll do what I think is best to keep you both fuckin' safe."

Lydia turned off the water, then somehow twisted around so that her chest was flush with his own and glared up at him. "And my parents would do that?"

He leaned in and growled lowly. "Fuck yeah they would, Sweetheart! Them and those goody-goodies! I won't have anyone dead or alive comin' between us. Fuckers, thinking that they know what is fuckin' best for us when the bitches don't know shit!"

A frown appeared while her forehead furrowed, and the anger she had been feeling disappeared as fast as it had come. "Betelgeuse, I wouldn't let them you know that, right? You are my husband, and I am on your side." She had taken vows with this man, and she would honor those promises of staying faithfully by his side just like he was doing with her.

The dead man in front of her let out a sigh of relief, as he cupped her cheek tenderly and touch his forehead to hers. "I may be a loose fuckin' cannon and dangerous as all hell, but I'd never hurt either of you. No matter what anyone of those assholes say, I'd never do that. Not to you and definitely not to Lucy. You're fuckin' safe with me. You'll always be safe."

Releasing a deep breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding, Lydia tried to reassure her husband. "I know you wouldn't hurt us. You are a good husband and father, Betelgeuse. All you have done from the start is take care of us."

He pulled away to stare into her coffee-colored eyes as his cool thumb ran slowly across her bottom lip. She could see him internally debating over something before hearing him whisper to himself. "Fuck it," he said, and in a flash, the poltergeist was moving swiftly in capturing her mouth roughly with his own.

Taken back by the kiss for a few seconds, Lydia snapped out of her shock, throwing her arms carelessly around his neck while deepening the kiss.

Quickly the heat between them spread like wildfire, and they both found themselves stumbling to the closest flat surface. Lydia found herself sitting on the edge of the kitchen table, nightshirt pulled over her thighs, and her panties drawn to the side giving Betelgeuse ample room to slide into her heated core.

Her tiny hands desperately gripped onto his muscled forearms, nails digging into the pearlescent flesh. She fought the blush and a moan that wanted to break free from all the filthy things the poltergeist was whispering in her ear.

His fingers pressed into the delicate tissue of her ass, all the while moving inside the silky channel with the same rate as their blazing passion.

The mating had been both fast and furious, and it had left Lydia coming harder than ever before. She cried out his name as her hot sheath tightened around his throbbing member. It didn't take the dead man long to follow and moaned lowly in her ear while he came with the same intensity as she had, "Fuck Babes...Just fuck..."

Groaning, she flopped back onto the table and watched as the poltergeist carefully lean in and buried his face into the juncture of her slim neck. A pleasurable sigh slipped passed her swollen lips, and a hand came up to run some fingers through his wild hair. The couple stayed like that for some time before Betelgeuse hauled himself up resting on his forearm and grinned dopily. His green eyes blazed brightly, as he let out a wolfish whistle and wiggled his brows. "Well hell, Sweets, I was not expecting that."

An exhausted giggle escaped the woman who then nodded lazily in agreement. "So not expected, though I think we both needed a little de-stressing."

"Shit Babe, you de-stressed me alright." He saucily winked, causing his wife to giggle some more before pushing him off her.

After they both had righted their clothes, Betelgeuse gave her another wink, and a laugh bubbled forth as he grabbed at her nightshirt and tugged her to him. "Babes, how about us go de-stress some more?" He wiggled his eyebrows, and she leaned up on her tiptoes, brushing her lips lightly against his whispering teasingly. "Okay." Another giggle sprang out of her as she hastily retreated from his form and hurried to the doorway.

The poltergeist adjusted himself in his pajama pants and groaned, "Well, fuck me."

Lydia paused at the doorframe, tilting her head over her shoulder, and producing a shameless smirk. "Baby.." Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly, and her voice dropped to a low and sensual lilt, "that can be arranged..."

For a few seconds, he was stunned by his tiny wife's forwardness but quickly bounced back to his senses, the timbers of his tone became smokier and flashed her a predatory grin. "Is that so Babes..."

Her brown eyes widened as she watched his stormy gaze suddenly flash wildly and his grin broadening to that of a hunter hunting his prey. It caused a shiver of excitement to run through her. A sharp squeak of a surprise left her lungs as the instincts urged her to hightail it away from this dangerous man.

Betelgeuse slowly stalked towards the woman his pearlescent skin seemed to glow brighter with each closing step. Another squeal of surprise left the young mother, and she felt herself matching his steps with backward ones of her own. His grin became even wider, clearly amused by her actions but never pausing in his pursuit. He watched his prey become twitchy, a sure sign that she was about to bolt. A barking laugh exploded from him as his hand shot out just as she was ready to flee. He quickly drew her firmly to him and crashed his mouth to hers before swiftly blinking them both out of sight.

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