Vampire Knight Boyfriend Scen...

By AriaGraystone

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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hope you love! More

Hanging out
Asking Out
Your guys song
Something you like about him
His favorite T.V show to watch alone
Your favorite T.V Show to watch alone
The show you like to watch together
Your Favorite Movie
His Favorite Movie
Favorite Movie to watch together
Happy Halloween
When he catches you play the game you're addicted to!
When He's Sick!
New Character: Ichiru Kiryu
New character: Rido Kuran
New Character: Haruka Kuran
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!!
New Character: Kaien Cross
When you get sick
Akatsuki Kain
Something you hate/Pet peeve
Your favorite Gaurdians of the Galaxy
Your favorite Anime Character
Your Favorite School Subject
Your favorite DC/Marvel Superhero
Your least favorite school subject
Your least favorite DC/Marvel Superhero
Your favorite Creepypasta
Your Favorite RWBY Character
When you get jealous
When he gets Jealous
Your favorite Harry Potter Character
Time of the month
First Time....
When he cheats on You
Break Up
You Move On
Your Hobbies
You get back together
Your Favorite Disney Movie
When they earn your trust
Celebrating your 1 year anniversary
Your favorite Renaissance Artist
Your favorite Actor
Your favorite Actress
When they Propose (His POV:)
The Wedding
When you found out about vampires
Meeting Your Family
Meeting His family
First Winter Together
When you get kidnapped/When he saves you
Talking about babies
Pregnancy Cravings
Their Reaction to Your Pregnancy Cravings
Gender Reveal
When he meets your ex and gets Jealous again
Baby Time
Baby biographies

When you get in a fight

3.4K 51 3
By AriaGraystone

You were walking around when you ran into Ruka. Ruka hated you with a passion since you were dating the man she loved. You sigh and try to walk past her but she pushed you to the ground. You look up at her and glare. You stand back up and punch her in the face. Ruka glares at you and began to attack you. She began to punch and kick you. You were trying to fight back but Ruka was a bit stronger than you. You frown as you kept getting beat up.


After thirty minutes or so of Ruka beating the living shit out of you. You tried to run away. You were done trying to fight back. But as you tried Ruka kept on following you and hurting you. You cried silently until you felt two hands go around your neck. You struggled beneath Ruka but no avail. You frown and soon was loosing breathe quite fast. You then here footsteps coming your way and then Ruka was off you. You gasp for air as you then felt two strong arms pick you up. You leaned against the persons chest before passing out.


You woke up and look around to see that you are no longer outside. You frown and sigh.

"Hello (Y/N)-chan." Takuma says as he walks into the room towards you.

"Takuma where am I? Also what happened exactly?" You ask beginning to freak out.

Takuma sighed and frowned.

"You're in Lord Kaname's room. You are here because Kaname saved you from being killed by Ruka. What did you do to make Ruka to try and kill you?" Takuma asks.

"I did nothing. All I remember is that I ran into Ruka and tried to walk past her. I actually never even hit her or anything. So I don't know what made her lash out." You say frowning.

"Takuma is she awake?" You hear Kaname's voice.

"Yes, Kaname." Takuma says staring at him as he enters the room.

You look at Kaname and frown.

"Takuma leave us alone." He says making Takuma leave but not before saying yes, Kaname.

"Kaname, I'm sorry you had to come help me. I shouldn't have let Ruka get to me. I'm sorry. I should have just walked away." You say frowning.

Kaname sighs.

"There's no need for an apology. (Y/N) are you alright?" He asks with concern in his voice.

You loved it when he wasn't mad. But you also just loved him in general. You were glad he saved you.

"I'm fine and Thank you for saving me." You say and then you give him a short kiss on his red plump lips.

As you pulled away, Kaname grabbed you and brought you to his lap as soon as he sat down. He kissed your forehead and whispered to you in your ear about how cute and adorable you are.

You get into fights all the time with Yuuki with debating if Yagari is a great teacher or not. Which usually ends up with a cat fight and Zero coming in and stopping it.

You were walking around the forest by the school trying to find a perfect place to read. But as you were walking, some of Hanabusa's fangirls found you. They walked up and began to laugh at you. You just look at them confused to why they were laughing at you. You just sighed and shrugged it off. You then tried to walk past them until one of them punch you in the face. You were beginning to fall backwards until you were caught by someone. You look up and see Hanabusa there. You smiled at him while he glared at his fangirls. His fangirls looked at him with sadden eyes but then at you with a glare. They soon leave and you turn around to look at Hanabusa. Your nose was bleeding and so was your bottom lip. Hanabusa looks at you and frowns. He then picks you up and takes you to the infirmary. Which you were really grateful for.

You never get into fights because you hate them. Plus the last time you were in a fight was when you almost got killed by some craze burglar.

You were fighting with Ruka and Rima about who was cuter out of movie celebrities until Senri stepped in. All Senri did was drag you away from them and just brought you to his room. Where you two just cuddled.

You are scared of fighting with people so you never fight. You just let Ichiru deal with all the bullies.

If you ever got into a fight with one of the Servants, Rido would kill the Servant and then kiss you. You never understood why though.

You were arguing with Kaien on the phone about your friend Juri's decision and Kaien kept thinking it be best if you just teach at the School and leave Haruka. You continued to argue for an hour until Haruka grabbed the phone from you and hung it up. You look at him and smile. At least he can say you from an argument. You loved him and nothing will change that.

Your mother taught you to never fight unless it is necessary too. But you never had to get into a fight with anyone once. Which was good for you and Kaien.

You only fought over who was more cuter from beauty and the beast character you are from the movie with Ruka. Ruka said she was more like Belle and you were more like Mrs.Pots. But you think your more like Belle and she is more like Plumette. Akatsuki then stepped in and said You were Belle and Ruka was Mrs.Pots causing you to smile and for Ruka to stomp off madly. Which cause you and Akatsuki to laugh.

You just read about fights that's it and sometimes you like watching people get into fights with each other. You never understood why you liked it. But you just did.

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