{why don't you just drop dead...

By EdwardsPen

4.5K 247 117

When you were little you made a mistake. Or Not? You can't remember what it was until you get forcefully push... More

Part I (Beginning)
Part II
Part III
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X

Part IV

446 24 24
By EdwardsPen


As I opened my eyes the face of Brendon still was in my mind. There was only one scene that I remembered of the dream that played in my head this night. It was Brendon coming through my window at home smiling widely at me. That was it. The harder I tried to remember the more faded away. The whole scenery just mixed together until the only thing I saw was the room I was staying in now. I just stared at my window for some minutes seeing the darkness outside being pushed aside by the reflected sunlight from the moon. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to do anything to be exact. Why was I even still alive? I would've deserved to die. It was probably my fate to die there but I pushed it aside because my childish ass needed to get my mother. I sighed. I was really good for nothing, huh?

My train of thought was interrupted by a soft knock. At first my mind went to think it as maybe from Pete's room and he heard me yesterday. But of course it wasn't. It was at my door. I shouldn't expect such behaviour from Pete. I may knew him for a very short period of time but it didn't need a therapist to figure out that Pete wasn't someone who would do something like that.

I got up walking towards the door opening it a bit to see who was standing there. Andy's face appeared in front of my room with a kind smile. He pushed his glasses up before speaking up. "We all thought it would be best to start training you today. In case something is in front of your window again.", he explained kindly and I nodded. He turned around heading to the living area as I closed the door to change onto the best sport attire I had. Which consisted of sweatpants that were never used for real exercise before and a hoodie. Also never used for something other than having a relaxed day at home. I figured that I wouldn't need shoes so I skipped that part and went into the living room area nearly bumping into Pete who was just leaving his room as well looking even more tired than yesterday. He stared at me for some seconds with a look that I couldn't quite interpret but I figured wasn't a good sign. Then he turned around also walking into the living area heading straight to the kitchen area hurriedly.

I made my way to where Andy was waiting and followed him down into the basement for he said there was the training area. I didn't felt safe at all walking down the dark staircase into the 'training area' maybe I was right all along and I was kept hostage here and now that they had most of my trust they would lock me up in the basement. I was proven wrong when we entered the training area and there was no way of locking me up at all. There were some shoot/throw aims, some weightlifting machines and a place just with mats on the floor. Probably for practicing fighting techniques. And a big closet hidden under the stairs.

That was were Andy went first grabbing some stakes handing them to me. "Try throwing them, like this.", he said showing me how to move my body correctly. I stared at the wooden thing in my hand and then at the aim. I was so bad in sports. That would be extremely embarrassing now. But oh well. And with that thought I threw it. Of course missing. I sighed already giving up on that whole training thing but Andy gave me the next one and I tried again and again until he was out of stakes and three out of about fifteen actually hit. I was kind of proud at myself that at least some hit.

We began collecting the stakes for me to try again. "You know, you form is actually pretty good. You just need some practice.", Andy tried to cheer me up. I just nodded again. He crowned and sighed lightly probably because of my lack of conversation. It wasn't because of him. I liked him. He was nice from what I could tell. I just didn't want to talk really. Not after I got all these news.

After about three new tries with me hitting between 3 and 6 times every round Andy began to put the wooden stakes back into the wardrobe closing it. Then he began giving me some weights testing on how much I could already lift. I didn't even want him to tell me the number so I just shook my head when he was about to speak up as he put the weights on it. Luckily he understood. After some failing weightlifting I was already panting pretty hard. When Andy was about to go on to my suffering I heard steps coming down the staircase. Pete was running down the stairs heading right to the wardrobe beginning to throw stakes at the aim always hitting centimetres next to the heart. I felt kind of sorry for him for he started to grow more and more upset about it holding his head in his hands after nearly every third throw.

"Just one more thing, then we'll be finished for today.", Andy spoke up gathering my attention as I followed him onto the mats. He was putting on some boxing gloves but they were a lot softer than the normal ones and gave me a pair too. "Try hitting me.", was all he said before he started attacking me. Not too harsh though. I didn't really comprehend what was happening so he easily pushed me to the ground. I looked at him in utter confusion as he chuckled a bit apologising helping me up. "I'm sorry, I thought you were ready. I'll count next time.", he said lifting his hands again. " Three, two, one!" And with that I tried punching around me pushing him away from me as best as possible. I failed miserably either falling, being pushed to the ground or bumping into Pete while he was practicing throwing. The latter was the scariest for Pete always growled at me pushing me away not as nicely as Andy.

"One more round, then we're finished for today.", Andy said now being slightly out of breath too. At least I wasn't the only one. I tried to block him off dodge or punch back but nothing really worked for he just shoved me around like I was nothing. My feet stumbled over each other as I tried to keep my balance and of course I couldn't just land on the floor. No, I took Pete with me just as he was throwing a stake. Hurriedly I stood up again and hold out a hand to help him up mumbling, "I'm so sorry...", while looking at Andy for help who just shrugged. Seemed like Patrick was the only one with somewhat control about the vampire in this house.

I was taken aback when Pete pushed my hand away jumping at me pushing me to the ground. I tried to fight him off but he easily pinned me down with his nails digging into my wrists. Andy was about to run over when Pete looked up and the tattooed man stopped in his movements. Staying where he was without moving at all as Pete looked down at me with his mouth slightly parted revealing his fangs. His breath hit my skin as he lowered his face towards my neck. The warm air tingled my skin as I still tried to break free as tears began to fill my eyes. "Stop!", I screamed out. For once the thing I said came out loud enough. I liked at the frozen Andy who just looked at the same spot he was looking seconds ago. He couldn't move. "Pete! Stop!", I screamed out again in fear flinching away from his breath as best as I could. He stopped his movements for a second but then he just moved his hand towards my hair janking my head to the side revealing more of my neck to him. Steps could be heard on the staircase and I was never happier for those sounds.

"Peter, Stop!" It was Patrick who came running towards us throwing Pete off me holding the hissing Vampire down with all his weight. I quickly got up and ran away. Andy could move again and began to help Patrick as I just ran. Up the stairs. Out the door. Not even caring about shoes or a jacket. I needed to get out of there. He was one of them. There was nothing like good vampires. He just attacked me! Maybe that was fates try to kill me again and I should just stop trying to run from it. And with that I stopped my tracks and turned around.

I began to panic as I couldn't see the house again and nothing seemed familiar. There was a park on my left side and a road on my right. But behind me the road split up and I didn't pay attention where I was going while running away. My already fast breath quickened some more as I stood in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out where to go.

I turned around but nobody was around. I didn't even know how late it was. I just knew that it was night. I looked towards the park trying to remember if I crossed it when I saw a figure. I sighed in relieve. Someone I could ask where I was. Wait. What if this person was drunk or a rapist? He was the only one out here with me. What if he's gonna rob or kill me. I decided not to go towards him and turned away. I peeked over my shoulder to see if the figure was coming closer or not. When I looked there was no one. I frowned in fear. Did I imagine it?

The answer was no. When I turned back around there was a figure in front of me with raised hands. Brendon. I stumbled a few steps back holding my hands up in defence. I may was the worst at fighting but I could still try. "Woah! No, don't worry please. I won't hurt you.", Brendon said again with a sad look gracing his features. I looked at him in confusion. What else did he Want?
"I just want you to remember...", he mumbled while letting his head hang. "I will explain everything I know to you.", he said with a promising look as he took a step closer. I took a step back. I wouldn't fall for something like that again. Pete just attacked me. The supposedly good vampire. Why should I trust one that was with the bad ones at all?

"He attacked you?", Brendon spoke up with a bit of worry. Stop reading my mind. He looked to the ground in shame. "Please give me a chance to explain.", he begged. I just stared at him. I shouldn't trust him. I really should just run and try to flee. I should get the hell away from him. But I felt the strong need to know what happened to me. What I forgot. That was the only reason why I didn't run away. He looked at me with hope filled eyes. I nodded slow. I might as well know what happened before I die. He smiled revealing his fangs carelessly until I stared at them.and he hid them again.

" Okay, thank you! It was a year ago actually. We... planned on attacking in your neighbourhood because you just moved there." I frowned at him when he said that. I didn't remember moving at all in my life. Everything I remember played in this house. In this street. "Yes, you moved in a year ago. But before the day of the attack I should check out everything about a month before if I remember right. And you saw me when you were awake at night. You should be sleeping at 2 am but you couldn't. Of course you were scared at first but you really didn't had the easiest times. You stopped really caring about what I am or me being here all along when you sat in your room at night all alone. I began to feel sorry... Wait! They're coming.", he whispered looking down the road. I followed his gaze for a second but immediately looming at him again as he began to pull something over his head. It was a simple thin necklace. A tiny ruby as hanging from it. He hold it out for me to take it. I stared at it. "Take it. I will return if you need me.", he said vanishing. I caught the fine necklace looking at it in my hand. For some reason I was expecting it to poison or infect me but nothing happened.

I wished he wouldn't have to go honestly. He was about to tell me what I forgot. We moved? I couldn't remember at all. Nothing. I thought I've always lived there. I never had real good friends so there was no memory of them. Maybe I had but just forgot as well. But why. Why did I forget all of this?

Steps came closer and closer as I was still staring at the necklace in my hand. It was light. I nearly didn't feel it. I put it around my own neck with out really thinking before the steps were too close. It was like all my functions shut down and were controlled by someone else. But I knew it wasn't because of the necklace. Now that I knew some parts of the truth that feeling was oddly familiar.

The guys arrived with out Pete. Asking me a lot of questions that weren't answered. The only question that got through to me and I answered was if I would come back. I nodded mechanically. Mainly because I began to give up on trying to stay alive if fate wanted me death so badly.

The walk home was silent but I didn't pay attention to any surroundings. I just followed the others silent with my head down. I felt the cold metal of the necklace against my skin and for some reason it made me feel safe and secure. Much more secure than any weapon would.

We arrived in the house and even there everything was silent. I headed straight for my room ignoring questions if I was okay or just nodding them off. I entered my room closing the door behind me gently before sitting onto my bed again leaning against the wall, facing the window. I looked at the stars outside of my window while holding onto the little gem of the necklace. I didn't know but everything was calm now. Calm from lack of emotion. Yesterday I was a wreck but now I feel so monotone. Like nothing could change my mood. I just feel like nothing. My grasp onto the little gem tightened. Was it bad that ran? Was it bad that I listened to what Brendon had to say? I feel like my whole life is a lie. I don't know what to believe anymore. Maybe everything I remember is wrong. Maybe I had friends a year ago. Where was I living before that? What was I like before that? What was my life like? So many questions were wandering my mind.

They were put to an full stop as I heard a silent knock. I felt the vibration in my back. I listened closely. Another knock. It wasn't the door. It was the wall I was leaning on. The wall to Pete's room. I turned to look at the wall putting the palm of my hand on it. So he could here me all along. Another knock. I nodded to myself. Why was he doing this now? Was he apologising? Another knock. I sighed putting my forehead against the wall causing it to make a silent thud. Everything was so confusing. The same thud was to hear a few seconds later from the other side of the wall.

'Do you have any idea why I forgot everything? Once for yes, twice for no.' I thought. Two slow knocks could be heard and I decided it was best to end this now. I knocked once. I stayed leaning against the wall for a bit longer for that made me feel an pleasant calm and not the empty calm from before.

I stayed inside of my room leaning against the wall until the sun ignited my room. I turned to look at the light blue sky and got up o close the blinds. Then I hid under the soft covers of my bed trying to sleep.

Maybe I woke up at the wrong side of reality.

A/N: here you go. I'm actually writing a lot right now. I have holidays. That's the main reason. 2863 words. For some reason I find nor to write about in this book than for the others right now so I hope your not mad that I prioritise this one right now! ^-^ I hope you enjoy it!

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