Percy Meets the Boy who Lived...

By thornjinx23905

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This is the second book in my fanfic series, if you read the first one, Apollo's Hunters, then you will under... More

Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Diagon Ally
Hogwarts Express
Not Her Again!
I See An Old Friend
The DA
Fun Then No More Fun
Prophecies and Creepy Clowns
The Primordial of the Hunt Meets Eragon
See You Later
Sneak Peak: UnWritten


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By thornjinx23905

"No, Percy," Nico said with a surprising amount of patience, "they quit school, much like you did."

I sat back, slowly taking it in. Then I stood suddenly, seeing Umbridge walk in. I started my way to her, glowering the whole way but I was stopped by my brother and Luke.

"No, Percy," Luke siad soothingly, forcing my to sit again. "Paperwork remember?"

At that I calmed down enough for them to let me go. I took one more glance at the annoying lady walking across the room then put my head in my hands and pouted.

"She singlehandedly got rid of all the fun in this school," I grumbled as everyone else laughed at my antics.

From that day forward, I did my best to make Umbridge's days as headmistress absolutely miserable. I am sure the teachers were as well because they were constantly calling on her to clean up stray fireworks the Weasley twins had left behind, claiming they didn't know if they were allowed to even attempt to get rid of them because of the many more decrees coming up.

She was having so much fun with those decrees, I decided to try them, just to see what it was like. Things like; "all students are to remain in class even if the world turned purple," and hanging them right over the ones she put up.

My favorite was; "all living beings on the grounds of Hogwarts are to wear the color blue on Saturdays and Mondays by order of Professor Percy and upon penalty of no cookies."

Or, "the color pink is hereby banned from Hogwarts upon penalty of Professor Percy's wrath."

Leo came up with the one, "all students are to stand up in the middle of every class and say,'ah, just fergget about it, just fergget about it, man!'"

It was when Tartarus said, "pranks on Professor Percy's brother are banned upon penalty of death," that I drew the line and replaced with, "the absence of pranks". To which Tartarus replied with, "all addresses to Professor Percy must now be 'Lord Percy Jackson' upon penalty of mountains of homework every day."

And thus it turned into a competition of who-can-annoy-who-the-most.

We had a section of the Room of Requirement solely for the use of creating these posters. My elite team and I would make them and anyone who had any ideas would come write it down for us. We did not want to leave any traces of any of the students on them in case there was a spell to figure out who made them.

It was around Easter that things went downhill for good. It had to have been one of the last meetings before break. We were just finishing up everything when loud boom stopped Harry from his wrap up speech and caused everyone to freeze.

"What was that?" Leo asked, in the middle of coloring the posters with a red marker.

"That sounds familiar," Tartarus said calmly. "How much you wanna bet it is Umbridge and she has figured out what we're up to again?"

"Dude, I think it is," I heard Will say from the other side of the room just as another boom shook the room and the door on its hinges.

"Great," I muttered. "Alright, everyone listen up, meeting is over. You will all file out this door," I pointed to a door to my left and behind me, "three at a time. Go as fast as you can and don't turn right, that is where the other door is as well as troll lady. We'll see you in class tomorrow now go!"
Immediately, every student poured up in groups and left like I told them to. We were down to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Draco, Goyle, Tartarus, my elite team and I when the doors burst open.

"Grab them!" a shrill voice shouted as we all made a break for it.

Now I really wish I could just use my godly powers and get us all out of there with a flash but I'm afraid that if I did, I'd have to explain why I could 'apparate' in Hogwarts. Then I'd give up on that and just reveal who and what I was and then I'd be mad at myself.

It was this reasoning that kept me from running so fast that Crabbe, Umbridge and their goodies could not catch me. That and the fact that I had to watch Harry.

All those left got caught except for Nico, Will and Michael. I ordered them to go ahead and evade capture completely.

Nico, Will, Michael, watch the school, I told them mentally, I have a feeling we'll be gone for a while. Make sure no one steps out of line.

Yes, my lord, came three unanimous mental voices.

Percy, do you think Harry is going to take this chance to see if his dream is true? Luke asked mentally as we were force walked into Umbridge's office.

Last night, Harry had a dream about his god-father, Sirius. Voldemort had him in a room at the Ministry and was torturing him. Yet, it wasn't Sirius, it was Wormtail under a glamour charm or something. The rat guy that I found in another part of Harry's memories when I was looking for the dream. Peter Pettigrew was whimpering on the floor in Sirius' place and judging from Harry's memories, he wouldn't care much if the rat suddenly ceased to exist upon the planet.

No, of course I didn't tell him. One, because things had to happen so I could save whoever was going to die before the year was up and two, Harry would never believe me.

Luke, I think Harry's had enough of these dreams of the Ministry, I answered him casually.

Excellent, Luke said, grinning like a mad man. Things are finally happening.

"What are you grinning about?" a girl I think who's name was Pansy asked. A rather sad name, it made me think of Divergent and it's similar term for wimps.

"Nothing, just you and the fact that-" Luke started.

"Luke, stop talking," I snapped quickly, hoping to stop him before he ruins anything. He has absolutely no filter.

"Sorry boss," Luke said contritely.

"You can't be that sorry if you're calling me that!" I exclaimed. "I swear, the next person to call me-"

"My lord?" A new voice spoke up.

I groaned internally and closed my eyes to calm myself but it did not work. My power reached out and hit the offending person into the nearest wall. "Don't call me that," I said dangerously.

"Sorry Percy," the person groaned but laughed. "I wanted to see what you would do."

"Tartarus, I swear, you'll be the death of me," I groaned out loud now.

"Silence!" A shrill voice shouted.

The demand was met but inside I was seething. How dare this prissy pink troll princess tell me what to do?

I jerked my arms out of what ever kid's grasp I was in and stepped forward menacingly. "Listen here, you ugly toad," I growled in her face. I could smell the stench of cats all over her and it took all I had not to gag and hurl. "You don't tell me what to do. I don't know if it has registered in that tiny brain of yours yet but I out rank you. Not only that but I can make you turn to dust with just a thought so I'd appreciate it if you leave my team, my brother and I alone." In all this, I did not raise my voice once, preferring to use the more terrifying quiet voice instead.

"Of course, Mr. Jackson," she said, doing her best not to tremble.

"Lord Ariston," I growled.

"Crispy donuts, lady, how many times does he have to tell you?" Leo said front he other side of the room.

"Release them," I gestured to Tartarus and my team who were all held by pathetically weak Slytherins. they designated, looking form a pale faced Umbridge to me. "Do it," I said casually.

"I'd do it before you lose some very important organs," Tartarus said just as casually as I did.

"What about us?" Ron asked as the Slytherins holding my family obeyed me hastily.

I looked from the read head to Tartarus then shrugged. "Not my fight."

Tartarus did nothing but drop his head in his hands. "What he means," Tartarus said exasperatedly, "is that you have to figure out a way out on your own."

I focused on observing for the next several minutes, trying to figure out how the night was going to go from judging their body language.

Snape walking in not two minutes later, emotionlessly taking in Umbridge's maddened state. I could tell any help this man was going to give was gong to be after he left so I moved on from his calm argument against Umbridge.

Harry was trying hard to pass on some message through his eyes to Snape. His panicked expression reminded me so much of my second time in Tartarus before the war after I became god of the Hunt. He was pale and slightly sweaty. Hermione and Ron seemed much the same, their eyes flickering between all the adults and teachers in the room.

Luna, Ginny and Neville didn't know why Harry and the others seemed so freaked out but their eyes flitted nervously anyways.

While Umbridge was triumphant earlier, she was slowly getting angry from her conversation with Snape and once he left, she started talking to herself.

Crabbe and his Pansy friend looked on in almost wicked glee.

Perce, are we sure Crabbe and this lady aren't monsters? Leo asked mentally.

Tartarus? I asked hopefully, turning to my brother. I was yearning to bring out my sword and start fighting. It's been a while since I've been in a real fight and not just sparring with Luke in the mornings.

Tartarus mentally snorted but remained expressionless on the outside. I wish, he said, maybe when she dies I can put her in the same place as Smelly Gabe.

Now there's an idea! Luke said happily.

Shh! Same suddenly said, She's about to do something I don't think anyone of us will like and we wont want to miss it.

"...He never knew I ordered dementors after Potter last summer, but he was delighted to be given the chance to expel him all the same," the crazy lady said as she pointed her wand at certain parts of Harry's body, obviously trying to figure something out.

"It was you?" Harry gasped in dismay. "You sent those dementors?"

"Somebody had to do something," Umbridge whispered finally stopping at Harry's head. "Everyone else was bickering about doing something to quiet you but I was the one who actually did something. Only you got out of that didn't you? Well, not this time." Taking a deep breath, she shouted, "Cruc-"

"That's enough," I said the same time Hermione shrieked, "NO!"

I do think Hermione was the one who had the most affect even though everyone, including her, turned to me.

"Hypocritical don't you think?" I said casually. "Not long ago, you were lamenting the fact that a teacher from last year showed them the Unforgivable curses let alone used them on a student. Now here you are," I gestured to her wand frozen in front of Harry's face, "about to use one yourself on a student."

"It's for the ministry's security," she justified before taking another breath. "Cruc-"

Again, she was interrupted by a shout form Hermione, "No! Harry, we-we'll have to tell her!"

"No way!" Harry yelled, obviously not knowing what his friends was on about but playing along anyways.

"We'll have to, Harry, she'll force it out of you anyway, what's...what's the point?"

Hey, Percy, Tartarus said, ignoring the episode Hermione was going through. I wonder if it's registered in that insane mind of hers that she blatantly disrespected two primordials all year or she just doesn't care that most of us in the room can just obliterate her with nothing but a thought?

She probably thinks that I'm never going to do anything, I replied mildly.

But you are, aren't you? Draco asked, finally saying something. He looked from me to the Headmistress as if worried I would really not do anything.

Oh, yes, I said in a voice that made everyone including Tartarus shudder warily, what goes around, comes around.

"I'm-I'm sorry everyone," Hermione was saying now, "but-but I just can't stand it-"

All of Miss Granger's friends were struggling in ernest now; one of the girls was stomping (or trying to) on her capture's foot and Ron was fighting as fiercely as a lion-haha, I see what I did there. 'Cause Ron is in Gryffindor and their animal mascot was a lion? Eh? No? Fine, party poopers.

"Yes?" Umbridge demanded eagerly, "come now, spit it out, girl!"

"Well, we were trying to figure out where we can find Dumbledore..." she sobbed into her hands.

Wait, no we weren't, Leo said, confused. We had a meeting for the DA.

She's lying you dim wit, Sam reached over and whacked him on the back of his head.

Suddenly, a light turned on in Leo's eyes. Ohhh! he said, smiling sheepishly.

The others seemed to realize that too because the fighting suddenly stopped.

"Dumbledore?" Umbridge asked eagerly. "You know where he is? Why do you need him?"

"No. And we've tried everywhere too, but we can't find him!" Hermione started sobbing even harder.

Dam, she's good, Goyle said in admiration.

I coughed lightly to the side in order to hide my smile.

"But we need to tell him something important!" Hermione continued.

"Yes?" Umbridge asked urgently and excitedly.

"The...weapon-we-we needed to tell h-him it's ready!" Hermione dropped her head in her hands in apparent anguish for 'spilling all the secrets'.

"Weapon?" Umbridge's entire frame seemed to bed shaking with excitement. "Some form of resistance against the Ministry on Dumbledore's orders, of course?"

"Y-yes," Hermione stammered now.

"Lead me to it, we'll take Potter too, shall we?" Umbridge said smiling insanely. "It's in Hagrid's hut, isn't it?"

"Of course not," Hermione said, having apparently recovered from her break down. "He could have set it off accidentally."

"Right, of course," Umbridge, if possible, seemed to get even more excited. "The great half-breed oaf."

That held me up, I was staring down one of the cats on the wall when I heard that but when I did, I looked down at her and growled, barely restraining my anger. Almost immediately and as though they sensed my thoughts, my family moved and blocked off all the exits. A knock came at the door.

"Luke," I instructed. Without a word, my lieutenant opened the door. "Nico, Will, Michael. Please escort these Slytherin students that are disobeying school rules of being out past bed time to their dorms. Sixty points from Slytherin from each student. I'm sure Snape is very disappointed in you all."

"But-" Crabbe started.

"What do you think you are doing?" Umbridge demanded. "You have no right..."

I turned an emotionless face onto her. Ignoring her question, I turned to Ron. "Now it's my fight," I said as Nico, Will and Michael escorted Draco and Goyle's class mates out fo the office. "Dragon and Nero, please go with them, we've got things handled here."

Draco and Goyle pouted but obeyed wordlessly. When the door finally closed behind them, I turned my glare onto the pink monstrosity causing all this trouble. Now she was all alone, with no support what so ever.

"I think you missed Harry's hearing, Dolores," I said soothingly. "Did she Harry?" I asked without turinng my hard gaze from the now trembling witch.

"No, si-Percy I don't think she did," Harry nearly slipped in his address.

"No?" I asked. "Dolores, surely he's mistaken? Surely you were there when I introduced myself to the Minister and the rest of the people watching over Harry's hearing?"

"I-" Umbridge did not have a chance to finish what ever she was going to say.

"Because surely you heard me say my rank?" I said lowly. I could tell the other students in the room were all curious and sending glances Harry's way. Yes, it seems that after so long hiding this from them, it has finally found a way to come to the surface, "I told you I was a primordial god. Do you remember what of?"

When Umbridge didn't answer, I called, "Sam, why don't you help her out?"

"The Hunt," he began slowly, "Loyalty, Battle and..." Sam smiled wickedly, "'half-breeds' but more specifically demigods."

"Yes," I confirmed, "granted, I am a newer one but you're blatant use of that terminology has gotten on my last nerve."

"There-there is no such thing," Umbridge stuttered.

"Then explain my brother," I gestured to Tartarus. "Tartarus is not a nickname. He is called that for a reason."

Umbridge paled.

I smirked in satisfaction. "Unfortunately, while it would be terribly convenient, I cannot incinerate you,' I said, leaning against the doorway casually, "I made a deal with the Fates and you're time of reckoning is at hand."

"P-Percy, when you say..." Hermione said, obviously unable to curb her curiosity.

"Greek gods are real," I confirmed, "Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, all of them. Most of them are idiots however. I am a primordial, son of Chaos, creator of the universe. Tartarus is one as well, he rules over the Pit."

"Oh," Hermione said weakly.

I tilted my head  and frowned in concern. "You alright? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine, just a lot to wrap my head around," Hermione said, most of her friends nodding in agreement.

"Well, since we've successfully subdued Toad-lady for now, I think it's time Harry takes over," I said cheerfully. "I just know we are taking Umbridge with us."

Startled with the sudden change of topic, Harry stumbled a bit before finally saying, "Voldemort's got Sirius at the Ministry, we need to go save him."

"How are we going to get there?" Neville asked immediately.

"Thestrals," Luna said in her dreamy voice, "and Blackjack of course."

"Of course, he would probably follow us anyways," I muttered.

"Well, it seems you've got everything handled," Tartarus said to me as we exited the office. "I'll be going now, I need to check on the cells."

"Thanks for coming bro," I said, giving him a hug. "You made this year tolerable." Tartarus smirked and disappeared in a flash of light. I turned to the others, who were all starting at the spot where Tartarus was just a minute ago with mouths open. "Shall we go? The Ministry isn't going to save itself."

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