Anything Is Possible (A Seque...

By 5thSecsOfJano

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(To get a full understanding of what's happening so far, you should read the first one!) After escaping the w... More

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction"
Introduction: Awaken
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: The Dream that Brought them Home
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Who Are You?
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: History Repeats Itself
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Gold Dust (Part 1)
Author's Note: It's My Birthday
Chapter 34: Gold Dust (Part 2)
Chapter 34: Gold Dust (Part 3)
Bang! Bang!

Chapter 8

2.7K 68 14
By 5thSecsOfJano

DCI Lopez and DI Lee

   The news of the car crash in Miami South Beach meant all those surfers and the people who were willing for a tan were in for a shock when they arrived; they would see many police cars surrounding the area with the police line going all around the area, policemen guarding the line. 

   Lopez and Lee were reported to the crime scene to investigate.

"Lopez!" called a young police officer, walking towards the two detectives. The two detectives turned to face the young detective. 

"What is it, Leo?" Lopez grunted. 

"The body's been taken in for some inspections. Looked badly burnt and quite-" Lopez raised a hand to stop him talking then kept walking towards the crime scene, followed by Lee. 

   The car was definitely burnt, as the young lad had stated. 

"Shit." Lee cursed, viewing the burnt car. Lopez nodded, ignoring her cursing and approached the other officers. 

"Another drunk." an officer informed Lopez, tapping his shoulder before leaving the scene. Lopez sighed and looked at the forensics at work, soon joined by Lee. 

"What do you think happened?" she asked, watching the forensics brushing away the fragments of mud on the burnt car. 

"A drunk fucktard drove here and landed in the water after he - or she - lost control of the car. Not that hard to work out, no need for any investigation." Lopez answered grimly. Lee sighed. 

"It might be a murder-" he scoffed after her comment.

"Nah." he answered which made Lee sigh again. 

   "SIR!" shouted one of the forensics. Lopez sighed and walked towards the person calling him. 

"What is it?" he questioned. 

"Look." she pointed at the number plate which was cleaned up, corners burnt with the metal wearing away. Lopez's eyes widened as he looked at the number plate over and over again. 


   He studied the number plate then called Lee over. 

"What is it?" she asked. Lopez pointed at the plate. 'It's... no!' she gasped. 

"It belongs to that woman... Mrs Thompson." Lopez said. Lee nodded and took some pictures of the number plate. 

Lauren POV

   "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I shouted over the phone as Jake explained how a policeman came over to his house. 

"Nada. All I did say was that we weren't close enough for you to discuss anything with me and that's it." he answered, coolly.

"Good." I said, relaxing my muscles. 'What did he want anyway?' Jake sighed. 

"I already told you! You and Camila are reported missing, you're all over the news and your parents' are looking for you two." he answered. 

"So we're only reported missing then?" 

"Yeah." he added, 'Remember that you have to keep it-'

"Low key so that no one knows who you are, yes, I understand." I answered for him. 

"Good, good." he stayed quiet for a while before answering. 'How's you and the bae?' I sighed. 

"We're fine." I answered quickly, trying to avoid the question. 'How's your mum?' 

"She's fine and don't try and avoid the question!" he exclaimed. 'Details. Did you make up then?' 

"Yeah we did actually and..." I trailed off. I can't tell Jake. He did say keep it low key and I knew exactly what he was going to say about Camz and I's engagement. 


"Jake!" I groaned. 

"Are you hiding something? Is she with you?" he questioned. 

"No, why?" 

"Where is she?" 

"Hotel, why?" I repeated. 

"Because I'm wanna ask her what's giving you the heebie jeebies." he answered. 

"It's nothing!" he sighed. 

"We're supposed to be friends for fuck's sake. What did you do?" I shook my head. 

"Nothing, I did nothing. It's just that... Camz and I decided to go further in our relationship."

"You're going out? CONGRATS!" he cheered. 

"If you want to call it that, yeah we are." he stayed silent for a while. 'Jake?'

"If I can call it that?" he questioned. 'What did you do?' 

"I already said-"

"YOU DID NOT?!" he gasped. 


"YOU DID NOT DO THAT?!" I rolled my eyes. 

"No! Gosh, we're just engaged, dirty boy." 

"Oh. Good." he sounded a little down. 'Did you do the whole engagement thing?' 

"No, but I'm gonna."

"Don't make it too big. You need to keep it-" I interrupted him. 

"LOW KEY! Yes, I get it." Jake sighed. 'It's just going to be me and her and nobody else. And don't worry, we don't know anyone.' 

"Perfect. The more hidden you are, the less attention you get." I nodded. Hidden. Less attention. 

"Alright Jake, I think I'm gonna go back to-"

"The wifey? Alright. See you later then."

"Yep, you too Jake." I said before hanging up. Was this mess ever going to end? I know Jake is trying to help but all these warnings make me feel like I'm wanted... a fugitive. When will I be able to go home? When??

   I know this was against Jake's rules but I had to feel closer to home. And I did say I was going to; promised her in fact. Adding more coins into the payphone, I dialed her mobile. 

"Hello?" Taylor answered. Breathing through the phone, I kept quiet. 'Lauren?' my heart pounded against my chest when she said my name. 'Lauren? Please answer me.' 

"Uh..." I started off. 


"Taylor, be quiet." I shooshed her. 

"Sorry, mija." she whispered. 'I miss you.' 

"I miss you too, babe, but I'm going to be gone for a while but I will come back." I told her. 

"Lauren, Mum and Dad are really worried about you, Chris too. And the girls' of course." she explained. 'They've been going on TV and everything and Camila's missing too!' I sighed. 

"Don't worry, she's with me." Taylor giggled. 

"I guess that, you didn't sound worried." I chuckled along with her. 'I'm happy you called. And don't worry, I didn't say anything to anyone about you... and the window.' 

"Thanks Tay." I told her. 'I'll be back soon.' 

"Where are you?" she asked. I shook my head. 

"I can't tell you, Tay-" she groaned. 

"Please, please, please tell me where you are. I won't tell anyone. I just want to know you're safe." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I can't! But I'm safe and sound and fine. I'm with the girl I love-"

"Yeah but without family." I shrugged my shoulders and stayed quiet. 'How long are you staying at that place anyway?' 

"I don't know but I will be coming back soon. Less than a month maybe. I don't know." Taylor stayed quiet on the other end of the phone before yelping. 

"Mum and Dad are back! I have to go, Lo. I miss you and remember that I love you and... please be safe and come back soon." she said. 

"I love you so much, Tay. And yeah I will." I said. 'Soon.' 

"Alright. LOVE YOU!" I heard her say before the phone cut. 

   I want to go home... I feel so lost without my family but Camz is here with me and followed me all the way here. But it didn't feel like home. Yes, I am Cuban and stuff but Miami was my home, with all my family there. I missed the beach, the trees and the people. And the food as well. Gosh, I missed home. 

   I tried not to sound too home sick when Camila asked me about Jake. 

"The police?" she questioned. 

"Yeah. But he told them nothing about my disappearance." Camila gave a sigh of relief. 

"Oh phew!" she exclaimed. 'Lauren?' she stared at me. 


"Tell me what you're thinking." I grunted. Gosh, I hate it when she tries to get into my head! I shook my head. 

"I can't tell you, you'll get mad." I answered. 

"I would understand. What happened?" I shook my head again. 

"I can't say-"

"What happeend to being honest?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"What are you thinking?" I said, turning the tables on her which made her sigh. 

"Well, I'm thinking you're trying to hide something from me which is worrying me. If we're going to get married, we're supposed to be honest with each other." 

"Fine! I'll tell you then." 


"Uh..." I thought. 'Okay then. I told Jake about our engagement-"

"And why would I get mad about that?" 

"Well uh... then I called Taylor-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" she screamed. 

"Before leaving the country, I needed to get my passport then she saw me and I kinder promised I was going to call her." 

"How about if she tells someone where we are?" I shook my head. 

"She already said she told no one about seeing me at home and I'm sure she wouldn't tell anyone about me calling her either." I reassured her. She nodded then pulled me into a hug. 

"I know you miss home, babe, so do I but we have to stay strong. Right?" I nodded. 'Good.'

Cormoran Strike

   Strike knew exactly where and who to go to, to start his investigation on Camila and Lauren's case. And the person who was going to for a head start was already on the case; Miami's own DCI Lopez. 

"Strike!" Lopez gasped when Lee came in to tell him someone was here to see him. 'Why?'

"Personal business. Didn't want to tell me, only you." Lee answered. Lopez's breathing increased as the memories of Strike swam through his brain. 

   Strike and Lopez were never friends but they knew each other. How? Because Lopez used to be a drug dealer for Strike and a few of his gangsters before he turned to the law. Not that he was caught, otherwise he wouldn't have gone up the corporate ladder. Strike knew about Lopez turning into a police officer and kept him quite close so that whenever Strike got in trouble with the police, Lopez was sure to help him out or the dirt will be thrown in his face when everyone finds out about his dirty secret. 

   "Bring him in." Lopez said, showing his back to Lee as he looked at the pictures he and Lee had taken earlier at the crime scene as Lee left the room. 

"Javier Santos." someone said, when Lopez thought he was alone. Turning around to look at the man who he feared, he stood before him. 

"Cormoran Strike. Surprised you still use your real name." Lopez said coolly. 

"Surprised you changed yours, Carlos Lopez." Strike mocked his name. Lopez sighed. 

"What do you want, Strike?" 

"I heard you're working on the case of the Jauregui and Cabello girl." Strike answered, saying Camila's surname wrong. 

"It's CabeYo." Lopez corrected which made Strike smile. 

"Still protective when someone says a Spanish name wrong." Strike gave a slight chuckle. 

"What do you care about their case?" Strike shrugged his shoulders then showed him his private investigator badge which made Lopez gasp. 'Private investigator? Who hired you?'

"The remaining girls' of that band. They say you've been doing a poorly job, don't blame them really. You were always a pussy when it came to getting the job done." Strike joked, guffawing at his own joke. Lopez tried to mentain his temper, he knew what Strike was capable of. 'You suck at things like this, that's why they hired me. And I will help them. And so would you.' Strike gave him a menacing smile which made him look away. 

"Why would I help you?" Strike walked into the room and was now standing in front of Lopez. 

"I didn't give you a choice." 

"B-b-b... but..." Lopez stuttered before trailing off. Strike grinned then started sweeping the room. 

"The girls' tell me that their friends were not getting along which angered one, which made her leave the house." Strike went through the piece of evidence the girls' had told him. 

"They've told me that too but didn't tell me why Lauren walked out." Strike shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well they told me." he boasted. Lopez twisted his body to face Strike. 

"What did they say?" he demanded. 

"Well," Strike began. 'The Jauregui girl had a thing for her friend so she and her friend...' he thought for a while to think of a name. 

"Jake Bolton?" Lopez suggested. 

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I interviewed the boy. He claims he knows nothing." Strike grinned. 

"I'm sure he knows more than he says he does, smart fucker. Well her and this friend, Bolton made up a plan including a girl to kiss Cabello's boyfriend and they took a video and sent it to the Cabello girl and then she broke up with him then got back with him to annoy Lauren." he grunted. Lopez nodded, a hand on her chin. 

"Who's this boyfriend?" Strike rolled his eyes. 

"The dude's in a coma. Goes by the name of Bryce Perry." he answered in a banal tone. 

"Bryce Perry?" Strike nodded. 

"The boy who was run over." Lopez nodded, thinking for a while, still with his hand on his chin. 

"Don't you think it's a little weird?" Lopez started off. 'Lauren disappears first, a woman gets beat up, her car stolen - then found in Miami beach, the driver dead 4 days after the woman's assault - then a boy, Camila's boyfriend gets run over and then Camila goes missing on the same day...' Lopez trailed off. 

"I need camera footages." Strike said, thinking about Lopez's suggestion. 


"To see what happened on that street." 

"We looked through it already-"

"Well I want to take a look. You're kinder blind, Javi. I might be older but I have better sight than you my friend." Strike said in a blithe tone. Lopez nodded, flicking through some folders. He paused when he found what he was looking for. Standing and walking across the room to Strike, he handed the documents containing video footages of what happened on the street the day Lauren and Camila went missing from; the same street that Bryce was left for dead in and where that woman was assaulted and her car stolen. 

"Thank you Javi." Strike repeated the old nickname. Lopez nodded, gliding to his desk and taking out a sheet of paper. 

"Speak to Jake Bolton to get the truth." Strike examined Jake's address. 

"I'll do it now actually." Strike said, grinning at Lopez before leaving the room.

   Lopez had a point. All of this did match but Strike needed to find the story of how it all fitted together. Lauren was lesbian for Camila, yes he already understood that and already tried to get Bryce out of the picture using that Jake Bolton so what if she would do it again... but he had no proof. But Lauren did leave the country meaning anything was possible. 


   Sorry for late update. I tried to update earlier but I was a bit tired over the last few days doing homework so I apologise for being a tired fucker. Feel free to comment and remember to vote :D

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