Sparrow on a Hook: A Descenda...

By CristianaMarie

14.4K 326 73

If you've seen Descendants and Descendants 2, this story takes place after Uma goes back to the Isle of the L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Another Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
I need your help!
Author's note
Not an Update
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

668 21 3
By CristianaMarie

My boots crunch over the loose gravel that dusts the cobblestone road as I follow Harry. My sword has been sheathed, but my hand rests on the hilt should I need to draw it. Harry is silent as we walk, with him leading me somewhere. I see him relax the further we walk away from Tick-Tock Dock. I decide to make an attempt at conversation, and get some information.

"So which 'villain' is your parent?" I ask. In the back of my mind, I have an inkling that the answer is Captain Hook.

"What's it to you?" he asks, not stopping or looking at me.

"Well you know my heritage. Only fair that I know yours." He stops and turns to face me.

"That's not how it works, lass. You see, you're on my territory now. And pirates don't play fair." He sounds like he is explaining something to a small child. I cross my arms across my chest in annoyance. "But if ye must know, my father be the greatest pirate to sail the seas." I can't help but bark out a laugh.

"Want to try that again?" I quip, moving to place my hands on my hips. His icy blue eyes narrow in my direction.

"Excuse me?" he hisses in his Scottish tongue.

"Well it's just that if your father is, indeed, the greatest pirate to ever sail the seas, your father would have to be Captain Jack Sparrow. And you don't appear to have the Sparrow quirk."

"I wasn't speaking of Jack Sparrow. I was speaking of Captain James Hook," he says, acting like an annoyed little kid. I stifle a laugh.

"I'm sorry, Captain Hook? That buffoon doesn't deserve the title of pirate, let alone captain." I can see Harry becoming angry.

"How dare you?! You know nothing of him!" His voice echoes off of the walls of the alley we are in.

"I know this: your father is nothing more than a one handed coward, obsessed with pixies, and afraid of crocodiles." Anger glints in his eyes like sparks, and he closes the distance between us. He is so close to me that I can smell the worn leather of his coat and the sea spray on his hair. His hand wraps itself around my throat, threatening to squeeze the breath from my lungs. I can feel the tension in his fingers, but he does not squeeze.

"Ye better watch your mouth, if ye know what's good for you," he whispers, his voice deep, and thick with anger. Warning me not to push him further. I smirk and continue.

"And you're not much better. After all, the hook doesn't fall far from the hand." I grin when his fingers tighten around my throat, satisfied that my words hit home.

Harry's POV

I see her smirk as I tighten my grip around her throat. I bring my hook dangerously close to her eye, and notice the scar that just barely misses it. This is the first time I am getting a real good look at Enna Sparrow. She has eyes the color of pine, emphasized  with a thick line of black kohl eyeliner, similar to mine. The scar begins at her outer left eyebrow, and goes down diagonally to meet the center of her eyelid, before narrowly missing her eye and continuing from the center of her lower eyelid to almost touch the corner of her left nostril. Other miniscule scars are scattered across her face and down her neck. She has freckles, which dot her tan skin. Her short brown hair hangs loosely over her shoulders, a few pieces tied up into braids. Her ears are adorned with metal rings and what appears to be a large feline fang. Her neck is decorated with a knot of necklaces tied on simple cord. Probably small trophies. This girl...there is no doubt she has been through more turmoil than what the Isle has to offer. I don't let that thought faze me.

"You listen here, runt," I growl, my accent as thick as ever. "I won't think twice about gauging your eyes out. It's been a long time since my hook has tasted blood, and let me tell you...she's thirsty." Her expression darkens at my words, and I think I may have finally scared her. Then, before I realize what's happening, I'm knocked back by a knee to my gut, forced to my knees with a kick to my shins, and I have my arms somehow painfully twisted. My head is jerked up when Enna grabs a fistful of my hair, and I feel a metallic point digging into my chin. I see the familiar handle of my hook in her hand. Looking into her fiery green eyes, I know I was wrong.

"Listen here, little boy. Your threats are naught but words, but my words have actions behind them. My sword has both spared lives, and taken more of them. And trust me when I say this..." She leans forward dangerously,  so close I can smell her wildness. And the subtle scent of apple on her breath. " do not want to find yourself at the end of it." She pushes me down, but not before giving me a small scratch with my hook on my cheek as a reminder.

For a moment, all I can do is stay where I am. This something else entirely. I thought Uma was rotten to the core, but Enna...she's just plain wild. She's actually lived as a pirate, seen things I could only dream of, done things I couldn't even fathom.  She's tougher than anyone on the Isle, myself included. And she isn't trapped here. She could leave if she wanted. Maybe I could use her freedom to gain my own.

A plot now forming in my head, I stand and begin walking again, leading Enna to meet my captain.

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