Chapter 6

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SWEET CHEESE AND CRACKERS I'M FINALLY DONE WITH 6!!! It was a struggle guys, but it's finally finished! Another original character of mine in this chapter. Hope you like him even though he is kind of a psycho. Thanl you to S4vag3Byr6 for the name i chose for Enna's kitty companion. Enjoy!!!

I am bound to a solid pole of wood, with my hands tied securely behind my back with rope. The miniscule fibres cut into my wrists whenever I move, slowly scratching away at the skin, leaving behind tiny scratches that grow into painful blisters, my wrists rubbed raw and bloody from the binding. My heart races as I feel cold metal against my neck. But it isn't straight, like a sword. No, this piece of metal is curved, ending in a fine point, which is currently digging into my neck. I fight the urge to toss my head about wildly. With a weapon this close, most people would be freaking out, and struggling. But one wrong move, and you're bleeding profusely to your death from a gaping neck wound. It's best to stay still for two reasons. One, so you don't hurt yourself. Two, so you don't show your captor/attacker you're afraid. I try to get a look at my captor, but I can't see anything clearly but the hook in his hand. Beyond that, everything grows fuzzy and distorted. From his laugh, though, I can tell it's a man. I feel his weapon move away from my neck, replaced by his fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart races even faster at the gesture. "Well, well, well. What a pretty little pirate." His voice is soft, like velvet, and I detect a Scottish lilt to his words. All I can think is how I want him to keep talking. He allows the backs of his fingers to brush over my cheek, and I close my eyes and focus on breathing. There is a strange twisting in my gut at the man's proximity. I catch my breath as he moves away, circling me like a shark circling its prey. As he moves, I can see that he's wearing red and black, but beyond the colors, I can make out nothing. A flash of black and teal moves past him, pausing beside him, before moving away as he laughs boisterously. It is a full laugh, booming, and hearty. I hear a blade slicing through the ropes that bind my wrists, and I fall to the deck, bracing myself on my hands. Blood drips from the open blisters on my wrists, down to my palms and the backs of my hands, running over my fingers in red rivulets before staining the dark brown wood even darker. I see a pair of black boots emerge in my line of vision. I allow my eyes to stray upwards, where the boots give way to a pair of calves before the skin is covered by black, ripped pants. A sword hangs against his hip, the blade gleaming in the sun. His pants fit him well, not so tight that I can see every muscle line clearly, but tight enough to see that he is toned. A ripped white shirt hugs his torso, with a sleeveless red leather coat resting on his shoulders, his toned arms exposed. A red and white striped scarf is tied around his head, his dark brown hair peeking out on top, along with a few bangs escaping underneath onto his forehead. His face is angular, and attractive. His mouth curls into a smirk, revealing straight, white teeth. Thick, dark eyebrows sit over his eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are light blue, like a glacier, and they sparkle with amusement, rimmed with dark lashes so long, it would make any girl jealous. Black eyeliner rims his eyes, fading into a smoky effect, much like my own. As he stares at me, I can't help but get lost in his beautiful eyes. I feel as though he can stare right into my soul. They are utterly hypnotizing. I decide that must be the case. He's hypnotizing me. There is no other explanation to why I would lose myself around him. I should be drawing my sword and fighting him! But why would I want to slash my blade through those beautiful eyes? He kneels down to get close to my face, his nose inches from my own. Up close, I can see that his eyes are dotted with gray specks around the pupils, making his eyes look like little universes with silver stars shining through the blue skies. His scent fills my nose, an intoxicating mix of leather and ginger. "How about it, Enna Sparrow?" I grow weak at the way he whispers my name, before I'm snapped out of my reverie by a cackling female laugh roaring above me. Something wraps around my torso, squeezing tightly. I look down to see it is a gigantic teal tentacle. It lifts me into the air, rendering me breathless, and carries me far above the deck, then even further above the top of the mast. Eventually, it stops lifting me, leaving me staring down at the ship I was on. I can just barely make out the blue-eyed man, but I can still feel his eyes on me. I feel the tentacle sliding around my waist, and see that it is unwinding. I gasp, and try to grip the tentacle. It slimes its way through my hands as it unwinds from around my waist, until eventually I am just holding onto it. It slips through my hands, feeling wet and slimy, like a slug, and I can't hold a grip on it. Finally, it escapes my grip, and I begin freefalling to the deck. The wind rushes past me, whistling in my ears as I fall, the figures on deck growing larger. My heart pounds in my chest erratically, and I reach out with flailing limbs, trying to grab a hold of anything. A rope, a beam, a sail, anything to keep me from falling to my impending death. Nothing is within reach. There is no saving myself, and no one will save me. I bring my arms in front of my face to brace for the impact against the solid, wooden deck, when THUD!!!!!!!!!!

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