Chapter 10

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Hello, Sparrows! Since D3 dropped, i figured i would clarify some things. #1: In my story, Uma returned to the Isle of the Lost after the events in D2. Which, I know, is not how it is in D3, and none of the character arc of Uma from D3 has happened. So in SOAH, Uma is still seen as an antagonist, but she does have a soft side for the ocean and life within it (which is explained a bit in this chapter). #2: NOTHING THAT IS IN D3 HAS HAPPENED YET! I started this story after D2, so any new characters in D3 will not appear in SOAH. Until maybe, MAYBE WAAAAAAAY later. IDK yet, lol. #3: In my story, the barrier domes all the way over the Isle, then goes under the water. Kind of like if you put a bowl upside down into a bathtub filled with water. So, part of the ocean is still technically accessible, which comes into play this chapter with Uma and her mom. #4: I'm going to try to use a bit more Scottish slang when it comes to Harry's dialogue. I am not Scottish, nor do I know any Scottish people, so I apologize if it is weird. But i feel like it needs to be done, because I honestly keep forgetting that he has an accent at all, and it is one of the major aspects of his charm.

I do kind of have an idea of where this story will go. I write kind of weird. I think of a vague idea, then (this is gonna sound totally looney) I 'act' out the story. Like, when i have down time, I act out the dialogue I want, and the actions that accompany the dialogue. And I have 'key scenes' that WILL make it into the story. They are usually some of the more intense scenes of the story. By doing this, i figure out where the story will end (hopefully), and then i start writing, still 'acting' out the scenes to come, making them a bit more detailed and meaningful. I also try really, really hard not to reread what i write, because once i read it, i change it, then i keep changing it, and it gets so far away from what i was intending in the first place. I do kind of know where this story is going, just gotta make words make it happen lol. I do try to do a quick glance-and-edit, to fix grammatical, and/or spelling errors. But I do apologize if i miss something. I don't know why i just told you all that, but there you are, lol. :) I do occasionally forget things (gonna be honest, I forgot the cat, but she will be back when Enna goes back to the Sparrow's Nest). And i forgot i was going to put in a cousin for Uma, but when i was acting out my chapter, a new character didn't really fit into the scene. She may, or may not, come in later. Idk.

Anywhoo, this chapter is a bit different. I don't like to switch my POVs too much, but this is necessary for this story, and kind of a treat, since you all have been SO patient, and SO fabulous! I truly do love reading your comments and seeing you vote. :) And if any of you are gifted in the art of cover-making, and wish to make one for SOAH, feel free! I know my cover is janky lol. I suck at digi-art. Lol. But here is the next chapter, dedicated to Ravan_Haven, whose comment on my last chapter made my entire week! :) I kept going back on my phone to just reread the love lol. :) So, enjoy this next chapter in SOAH, from the POV of...*dramatic drumroll*...HARRY HOOK! Like i said, it's a treat for you guys, but it is also very essential to the plot. :) IDK yet if i will do any more POV switches ;) ENJOY!!! :)

Harry's POV

"Hey, Gil!" Enna calls out across the room to my mate. "I believe you wanted to arm wrestle?" Gil jumps over the counter, a little too excitedly for my liking, a grin aimed at Enna.

"You sure you wanna take all this on?" He flexes his muscles playfully at her, and I roll my eyes. Of course, he's flaunting his biceps.

"Oh, I see. Trying to make it look like you're offering me an out, when you're the one afraid to lose." I smile discreetly at her cheeky lip, but keep my distance as a small crowd forms at their table to watch the arm wrestling match. Enna takes off her heavy coat, draping it over her chair with a sort of casual elegance. Her shirt is sleeveless, and I can see that her tanned arms are peppered with freckles, with a few long, white scars cutting through the constellations. I see a flash of a tattoo on the inside of her left elbow as she shakes out her arms.

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