There For You (Laurmani)

By msdrunkinlove

15.1K 686 448

There wasn't too many things Normani Kordei couldn't handle. When Hurricane Katrina took down her family's ho... More

The Trip
Not Catching Yourself
The Fall
Laying on the Ground
Trying to Get Up
Walking (w/ shaky legs)
Picking Up Speed
Spreading Your Wings

The Stumble

1.3K 61 51
By msdrunkinlove

That shitty day was the springboard for a shitty week, and by Friday she was ready to escape. Lucky for her the gatekeeper herself was ready to fly away too.

"Yo, Kordei! Where you off to in such a rush?" Normani slowed down as Lauren walked up to her side, relieved that she was still talking to her after snapping at her earlier this week.

"It's Friday, I wanna be literally anywhere but here." The dancer answers with an eager smile.

"You...wanna hang?" Normani froze at the offer, they've never hanged out outside of school since the eighth grade, and the thought of it surprisingly didn't scare her.

"Um...sure. You got anything in mind?" Lauren is taken aback by her quick answer, she expected instant rejection as usual.

"I know something we could do...if you're up for it." The pale skinned smoker smiles deviously as an idea popped into her mind.

"I'm down for whatever right now, as long as it's fun."

"Oh, it'll be fun alright."

* * *

"Oh hell no, oh fuck no, you got me all the way bent if you think I'm finna do that." Normani backs away from the ledge, shaking her head as she watches a grown man fling himself off of it with an ecstatic scream as he flies down into the beautiful green landscape.

"C'mon Mani, don't tell me you've never wanted to base jump before." Lauren says excitedly, her eyes widening with glee as she watches the man pull the string to his colorful parachute as he descends to the ground.

"I didn't even know what base jumping was! Hell no to the no no no, I'm not doing that, that's some white people shit."

"What did you think we were doing when I told you to put on this flying suit and harness?" Lauren raises an eyebrow, chucking at how adorable Normani looks in the giant goggles and bulky equipment, she looked like a frightened penguin.

"I don't know, maybe to the indoor skydiving place down town?" The dancer whispers nervously.

"What? That place is for pussies. This is the real fun." Lauren gleams.

"You're fucking insane." Normani chides, her voice wavering as she looks down at the lake and grassy field where she can still hear the echo of the scream of the previous adventurer as he floats down with his parachute. They are standing on the edge of a bridge that is at least 1000 feet from the ground, over looking a beautiful view of a crystal blue lake and miles of grassy fields where the landing zone is, with people who already jumped standing at the bottom. Normani's stomach lurches as she looks again at how far they are from the ground, her head spinning as she can almost feel the drop in her soul.

"I-I can't. It's too high up, I can't..." the chocolate skinned teen trails off, and Lauren realizes how scared she really is, and she lifts the googles off her face so she can look the older girl in the eyes, taking a step closer.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm gonna be right there the whole time. Just take a step of freedom Mani, I promise you'll be safe." Lauren caresses her face, and she freezes as she looks into her caring smaragados orbs, and her heart starts racing for a different reason, the fear she once felt dissipating as a wave of security washes over her.

"Hey ladies," The flight instructor interrupts their moment, looking impatient with Normani's hesitation, "are you guys gonna jump or not?" Lauren turns around and glares at him, before turning back to her.

"C'mon, we'll do it together." Lauren grabs her hand, pulling her towards the opening on edge of the bridge. The dancer shuffled her feet slowly before finally joining her at the edge.

"You ready?"


"Let's jump on three! One, two, thr-"

"HOLY SHIT!" Normani screams in terror as they jump, digging her nails into Lauren's hand as they rapidly fall towards the lake, the wind blowing her hair around her face. The Latina screams excitedly beside her, but never letting go of Normani's hand as their bodies spiral around each other's. Her fear turns into adrenaline as it charges through her, smiling as they wildly descend back to Earth under an open canopy of sunlight.

"Mani! I need to let go!" Normani lifts her head to look at Lauren, the fear coming back as the raven haired girl threatens to release her.


"When I let go of your hand, spread your arms out!" Lauren doesn't give her any further warning before letting go of her clutch, and Mani follows her directions in fear of dying. Her body starts to rise as the wings of her suit catches the wind, and she starts to glide over the landscape, laughing as she looks over at Lauren who is flapping her arms around like a bird.

"Pull your chute!" Her body is flung into the air as she pulls hard on the string, her legs dangling as the parachute holds her weight. Normani's heart is racing as Lauren floats up beside her, having pulled her parachute right after her. Her chest is heaving as she slows down, taking in her surroundings and the beautiful view around her.

"That was fucking awesome, right?!" Lauren screams enthusiastically, fist pumping in the air as the parachute shakes under her moving. A wave of euphoria and relief washes over Normani as she realizes she's still alive, and she smiles widely as a sense of accomplishment fills her, she had to agree with her, that was amazing.

"I would agree with you if I had a voice right now." She responds hoarsely, her voice shot from the intense screaming. Soon they land on the ground not far away from the landing zone, the parachute landing on top of her head as her feet finally touch the ground.

"WOOOOH! FUCK YEAH!" Lauren starts hopping up and down as soon as she lands, throwing her hands in the air while yelling with glee. Normani can't help but join her, the euphoric feeling of adrenaline still rushing through her as she follows the smoker who is running around like a fool.

"Lauren! Calm down!" She giggles as the raven haired turns on her instead, taking off her harness before chasing her around like an animal, getting the upper hand when Normani trips on the parachute that is still attached to her, falling on the grassy field. Lo climbs on top of her with mischief in her eyes, straddling her waist before tickling her mercilessly, the dancer squirming and laughing as she tries to tear away from her clutches.

"L-Lo! Ahahaha, please, stop! Hahahaha!"

"Admit that I was right!"

"I-I can't, ahahaha breathe!"

"Admit it!"

"Okay, okay! Fine you were right! That, that was fun!" Normani finally gets to breathe as Lauren stops tickling her, leaning over her with a look of adoration.

"You gotta stop being so high strung Mani, it's okay to be free and...let go." The smoker's voice softens as she speaks, gazing into her eyes.

"I know, and thanks for showing me that." Normani nods, and for a moment neither of them notice how close they are.

"You're welcome princess." The green eyed teenager is wearing that same hypnotic expression she had earlier in the parking lot, and the older girl was no doubt locked in her spell again, unconsciously leaning forward.


"AAAAHHHH HOLY FUCK!" Normani is interrupted by an ecstatic scream above them, another jumper losing their mind on the way down. The dancer clears her throat awkwardly and Lauren climbs off of her, rolling on her back on the grassy field in exhaustion.

"Are you as hungry as I am?"

The pair were soon at Red Lobster, arguing over whether the bread sticks from Olive Garden were better than the cheese biscuits from where they currently were dining.

"Are you fucking kidding me? The biscuits here are iconic, you can't get them anywhere else."

"It's not about the brand, it's the elegance and classiness of the bread sticks that contribute to the dining experience." Normani argues while take a sip of her drink.

"So now the biscuits aren't classy? How about the fact that they just taste better than the dry ass microphones you call bread, at that over priced, overrated fake ass Italian hell hole!" Lauren slammed her fist on the table, completely fed up with Normani's ignorance.

"Like Red Lobster is any better! It's just as expensive with terrible service and it's basically a glorified sardine can!" Normani responded, secretly hoping none of the waiters heard her and did something to her food.

"You take that back!" Lauren demanded.

"No way! You started this shit!" They both pause as they glare at each other, before bursting out laughing, realizing half the restaurant is staring at them.

"You're a fucking idiot Lauren Jauregui." Normani concludes, still chuckling as she watched the smoker pick up another biscuit.

"I just better not see you touching my damn biscuits Normani Kordei." The younger girl warns, shooting a playful glare her way. They both continue to chat as their food comes, and the dancer is halfway done with her plate when she realizes that this outing with Lauren is practically a date. The dim lights and romantic music playing in the background should have gave her hints sooner, and as she glances over at Lauren's emerald eyes and mouth twitched up in her classic mischievous smile, her heart starts racing in her chest. She realizes how much she's actually enjoyed the younger girl's company, it's so different than when she and Keith went on dates. It usually just involved a movie where he would grope her and then sex in his car, and she would be home with in fifteen minutes afterwards. It was boring and repetitive, but most of all they never got to talk like this, to make each other laugh and understand the intricacies of each other's mind. Normani could feel herself stumbling in this very moment, trying to balance the emotions she felt for the raven haired stoner...and she wasn't doing very well.

"Hey Mani, you okay?" Lauren inquires, noticing her spacing out.

"Oh yeah, I'm good."

"Okay, here's the check for you." The waitress appears and places the black book on the table, and immediately both of them reach for it, but Lauren is faster as she scoops it up from the table.

"How much is my food?" Normani inquires.

"It's free, I'm paying for it." Lauren responds.

"No you already paid for the skydiving thing, I can pay for my own food."

"It's BASE jumping. And trust me, I got it. I'm the one who asked you to hang, remember?" The pale smoker insists, sliding her black card into the black book. Normani suddenly realizes how rich Lauren really is, with the convertible she drives and her expensive excursions.

"How do you have so much money anyways? Are your parents rich or something?" Normani asks curiously as the waitress comes back to collect the check.

"My Mom died when I was little, but my parents weren't together, so the insurance money was put into an account for me when I went to live with my dad. I wasn't supposed to get the money until I was twenty one, but due to recent circumstances I was able to get it early." Lauren shrugs, picking up her leather jacket from the seat.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the school to get your car." They are soon back at the school, Normani unconsciously lingering as Lauren walks her to her car.

"What kind of circumstances?"


"You said earlier that certain circumstances allowed you to get your mom's insurance money early. What happened?" Normani inquires, and the pale smoker shrugs while shoving her hands in her jean pockets, and the older girl doesn't miss the melancholy expression on the Latina's face.

"I was just able to convince my dad's lawyer that I don't necessarily have time to wait around for the money. I should be living my life to the fullest for as long as I can." Normani stopped walking as Lauren explained, frowning as she contemplates her words, completely confused.

"What do you mean you don't have time?" The chocolate skinned teen turned to her, her eyebrows furrowing with worry.

"Nothing, just—you only live once, ya know? Life is short." The stoner avoided her eyes, staring at the sun set in the distance, scrapping her combat boots across the cement.


"Is Normani Kordei concerned about little old me?" The pale teen teases, quickly changing the subject.

"I'm only asking because I'm trying to find a way to get money out of you." She rolls her eyes, and they start walking again, Normani unlocking her car doors with her automatic remote.

"Be careful Kordei, for a second there it almost sounded like you care." Lauren opens the door for the dancer, smiling as she climbs in the driver's seat, closing it behind her. Normani rolls her eyes as she starts the car, rolling down the window as Lauren leans her head in.

"And for the record, you don't have to scam me out of money. I would buy you the world, all you have to do is ask." The raven haired girl says sincerely, and Normani's heart starts running wild.

"Woah there Jauregui, for a second there it almost sounded like you care." She deflects her emotions trying to lighten the moment by teasing the Latina. Normani knows she failed when Lauren tilts her head to the side, that same glossy smolder that never fails to leave her speechless.

"I've always cared about you, Normani." It could've been the sunset, the twinkling lights of the fire flies, or her piercing emerald eyes that held her gaze, but for whatever fucking reason, Normani really wanted to kiss Lauren through the car window. She was frozen solid, Lauren had her, she wouldn't be able to resist if she wanted to. Mani prepares herself, closing her eyes and puckering her lips, but is surprised when she feels the Latina's lips in a place she didn't expect.

"Goodnight, princess. Drive safe." Lauren kisses her hand gently, smiling as she stands up straight, walking away from the car. Confused and conflicted, Normani stayed in her car as the smoker drove off, and she decided that Lauren Jauregui was the sweetest and most frustrating person to ever exist.

* * *

That amazing day was a springboard for an amazing weekend, and by Monday Normani was almost giddy to see Lauren again. Of course, nothing came easy for the honor student, so she had to deal with Keith's persistent questions of her whereabouts on the previous Friday.

"So you tryna tell me, I called you three times on Friday and you didn't answer because you were...studying?" Keith scowled, obviously unbelieving his girlfriend.

"I put my phone on do not disturb so I could focus. Why would I purposely ignore your call?" Normani responds, turning to open her locker, but Keith stops her by slamming his hand against the door, closing it shut.

"You fucking another nigga?" His voice lowers, glaring her down as he traps her with his body against the blue lockers.

"You fucking another bitch?" Mani snaps back. The football player chuckles evilly, before leaning closer to her, his scowl even more menacing up close.

"Don't think I don't know that little meeting you got with my Pops on Saturday. You keep tryna play me like a goofy, you gon be goin to that community college up the street." Keith threatened, before turning away and storming off. That unpleasant conversation with her neanderthal of a boyfriend quickly shifted her mood, so she dragged through her classes with a less than positive mindset. It didn't help that her and Dinah still weren't talking, so Normani sat by herself at lunch while DJ sat with Ally and her shady friend Camila. Their eyes would catch each other's across the cafeteria, and both would quickly look away. Normani could at least look forward to her dance practice, where she knew she would see Lauren again.

Normani walked into the gym, a little disappointed when Lauren wasn't already there, but she began her warm ups, directing the team in some new dance steps for the competition that was coming up. And even though she tried to keep her mind focused on the practice, but she couldn't help her eyes darting quickly over to the gym doors every time someone walked in and out. It became rapidly apparent to her that Lauren wasn't coming, and her disappointment quickly transformed into worry. The pale smoker never missed one of her practices, even if she didn't come to school that day. Normani realized that she hadn't seen the green eyed teen all day today, and concluded that she must've ditched all together. But still, she lingered by her car after practice hoping that she show up, but she never did.

She went home that day to a depressed mother and empty house, and I bet you can guess how this played out for the rest of the week. Normani fixed her lips to confront Lauren about her absence the next day, but again, the Latina was missing. The older girl even went to check in her smoking spot behind the school to see if she was hiding out there, but to no avail, she couldn't find her. It was beginning to eat at her, and by Wednesday she was fucking pissed. How dare Lauren just disappear without saying anything to her? Does she even care about her at all just to leave her like that?! Normani had to calm herself down, because she was fucking destroying the PB&J sandwich in her hands at lunch, where she was crumbling it with fury with her thoughts of a certain green eyed vixen.

By Thursday, Normani realized how much she really depended on Lauren to be there for her. To ask her how her day was, to hug her when she was feeling down, to support her in all her ambitions, to show her attention when she felt invisible, and even with being the most popular girl in school, right now she never felt more alone.

On Friday, Normani gave up hope on looking for Lauren, deciding that she shouldn't give the younger girl that much power over her emotions. Those kind of strong feelings were dangerous, especially when the Latina shouldn't be anything more than a associate to her. Luckily, she got a little distraction from her thoughts when a tall wavy haired junior approached her at her locker.

"Hey Normani." One of the best dancers in the school, pretty, popular and chill as fuck, the girl was one of the people Normani would despise if she wasn't all those things herself.

"Hey Zendaya, what's up?"

"Did you hear about the party at Josh Levi's house tonight?" The tall brunette inquires.

"No I haven't, you're going?" The honor student replies.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask if I could get a ride actually since my car is in the shop." Z says.

"Oh I don't think I can, Friday's are usually when Keith and I go out, and I gotta get home early because I have this meeting in the morning." The older girl responds.

"Keith told me he and a bunch of his friends were already going, that's why I thought I could ask you." Zendaya frowned in confusion.

"He said that?" The chocolate skinned teen raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I just assumed you would be coming with him."

"No, he didn't tell me about it." Starting to sense the anger stirring in Normani, Zendaya takes her cue and slowly starts to back away.

"Oh, okay cool. It's okay, I'll catch another ride, um, talk to you later though." The tall girl scurries off, and Normani slams her locker shut before storming off to find her dipshit of a boyfriend. She finds him in the courtyard with some girl, both of them laughing and talking quietly, and the girl reaches out and strokes his arm flirtatiously, and Normani watches as Keith doesn't pull away. She doesn't hesitate to approach them, and the football player quickly scoots away from the random girl as he realizes his girlfriend is standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here Mani?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Josh's party?" Normani demanded, completely fed up with the entire week.

"Let me talk to you over here." Keith stands up, ushering her away from the other girl to the corner of the courtyard.

"Who the fuck is that Keith?!"

"That's Kehlani, she's just a homie." He frowns.

"A homie that's feeling up on you like that?" Normani snaps, obviously not buying it. She looked over at the short haired girl who is glaring harshly, giving her the death stare which the dancer is not threatened by. If Kehlani wants Keith she can have him, but still, she needed to take on the jealous girlfriend role to keep him in place.

"You trippin Mani, look—I didn't tell you about the party cuz I thought you already knew about it. Your friend uh, Deenah didn't tell you about it?" The football player squares his shoulders and crosses his arms, and Normani immediately knew he was lying.

"It's Dinah, and she's not my friend anymore." The dancer mumbles, looking at her feet glumly at the mention of her ex best friend.

"Aight, whatever. Since you're so mad about it you want me to pick you up tonight then?" Keith inquires, raising his eyebrow in annoyance.

"No, I can't go, I have that meeting tomorrow, you know that."

"Then why were you mad—you know what, you must be on your period or something, you trippin Mani, for real." Keith walked away, Kehlani following him out of the courtyard, throwing his girlfriend one more creepily evil glare. Normani stood there for a long moment afterwards, realizing that her boyfriend was right, she was acting crazy. Everything irritated her more and her emotions were running wild, she was quite literally losing her mind without Lauren around to keep her sane.

She decided to skip the rest of the day and went home, feeling depressed but anxious at the same time, thinking about her interview tomorrow. Keith's father was head of the board of admissions, and with a snap of his fingers he could make or break someone's academic career. Her entire fate at Harvard rested on this one interview, as well as her ticket out of her house and this town.

Normani spent the afternoon preparing her portfolio for the interview, reviewing what she was going to say over and over, even ironing her pants suit she was going to wear. She soon got bored and picked up her phone to call Dinah, and her heart sank as she stopped herself from pressing the call button. DJ had yet to reach out to her, and Normani didn't feel like she was overreacting, Dinah was quite literally fraternizing with the enemy, and it hurt her to know that the blonde would give up five years of friendship for this one girl she liked. She didn't need that kind of disloyalty around her anyways, but Dinah was her closest friend, and she couldn't help but miss her dearly.

Instead Normani decided to scroll through Instagram, looking at pictures people already posted of Josh's party, people drinking and dancing, and she regrets not going for a second. The night was pretty early though, it wasn't even midnight yet, and she bet she could get Keith to pick her up if she called him right now. Her thoughts are interrupted from a loud banging from her bedroom window, and she leaps in her bed at the sound. Normani gets up slowly, grabbing a knife she kept in her underwear drawer for protection, and opening her drapes, immediately dropping her weapon when she saw who it was hanging on the edge of her window sill.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Normani demanded as soon as she threw open the window, and a smirking Lauren climbs through, skillfully sliding into her room and thankfully landing on her feet.

"You were gonna stab me with a butter knife?" Lauren chuckles, picking the fallen weapon off the ground.

"I didn't know who you were. Why didn't you come through the front door like a normal person?" Normani tried to keep a cool expression, but her heart was hammering in her chest from seeing the deviously sexy green eyed girl again, in her bedroom.

"Where's the fun in that?" The pale smoker shrugs, looking around Normani's room, taking in the plush gray carpet and pastel purple walls, noticing the tiara crown sitting on a mantle in the corner, and deciding her chamber was fit for a princess. Lauren could see the memories in the room, the crown and sash from Normani's pageant days, her ballet slippers and dance team trophies, the younger girl decided she wanted to be apart of every memory Normani had from then on. For as long as she could.

Lauren glanced at the older girl in her unicorn onesie, crossing her arms and trying to look angry, but looking truly adorable with her furrowed brows and pouted lips. And the Latina wanted to kiss the frown off her face.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Are you not happy to see me?" Lauren inquires, running a hand through her hair before trying to uncross Normani's stubborn arms.

"Don't touch me. Where have you been?" The dancer took a step back, refusing to fall back into that hypnotic spell Lauren always seems to capture her in. She's been gone all week with no explanation, and then had the nerve to show up at her house uninvited, with her sexy smirk and fuck me eyes. Normani was fuming, she wasn't ready to let her off the hook.

"Aww, did you miss me?" Lauren says cheekily before kicking off her shoes and climbing on Normani's bed, laying back with a relaxed sigh while placing her hands behind her head.

"This is a nice room you've got, Mani." The younger girl pointed out, trying to change the subject.

"Where have you been, Lauren?" Normani reiterates, standing over her.

"I just had some things to handle. Why do you care so much? I'm here, aren't I?" The raven haired girl sat up in the bed, trying to remain nonchalant.

"You can't expect me not to care when you show up at my house out of nowhere, when you've been MIA for a week, with no explanation. Now where the fuck were you?" Lauren stood up from the bed, sighing as she became eye level with the older girl. For the first time Normani noticed the tired rings around her eyes and her sunken cheeks, Lauren looked like hell, and now she was more concerned than she ever had been, but she didn't know how to help her.

"I was just taking a break. I know I should've told you I was leaving, I'm sorry, I didn't think you would care so much."

"You may be a pain in my ass but I still care that you're alive. I'm used to having you around Jauregui." Normani tried to play it off, but they both knew how much she really cared for her. The chemistry between them was electrifying, and the older girl truly didn't want the moment to end.

"Okay, let me make it up to you then, let me take you somewhere, tonight." The Latina suggests.

"I can't go out, I have a meeting with an college administrator tomorrow, it's important." Lauren rolls her eyes, flopping back down on the bed dramatically and groaning loudly.

"When will you ever live, Normani?!"

"Stop being dramatic Lauren, it's just one night." Normani rolled her eyes in return.

"No it's not just one night, it's every night, every day. Everyday I ask you how your day is going. Do you know why I do that? It's because everyday you say, 'It was okay,' 'It was fine,' 'It was whatever.'  Everyday you live should be extraordinary Normani, and I want you to see that. The moment you realize that is the moment you'll start truly living." Normani is speechless and Lauren's words, and the pale smoker holds out her hand, the freedom in her eyes taking Normani's breath away.

"Let me show you that, tonight."

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