His Rejected Mate#WattyAwards...

By OneFnger_2wrds

2.5M 64.9K 7K

(Old description got somehow deleted.This is a new shorter description but the story is not changed!) ⚠⚠WARNI... More

His Rejected Mate
The Sentence I Didn't Want To Hear
Oh cruel world
All I Could Do Is Cry
Leaving Notes
Runaway Rouge
Moon Godess Say What !?
Faults At Meaning
Why Me?
The Past and The Coronation Cermony
The Ceremony
New Attitude
Oh Baby!
Welcome To The World
Secrets To Be Told
In The Mind Of The Crazy Ones
They Always Come Crawling Back
Talk That Talk
Recovery PART 1
Recovery PART2
Recovery *The Adrian Way*
Terms Of Engagement
Kodak Moments And Rude Awakenings
Rogues and Suspicions
Jealousy And The Tantrum
Speeding Up The Process
Looking For You (Part1)
Looking For You (Part 2)
Finding What Is Lost
A Thousand Years
A Thousand More (bonus chpter)
Updates and Possibilities ???

That's Just Adorable

52.7K 1.5K 194
By OneFnger_2wrds

[not edited ]


"He's with my mother, she absolutely adores him."


"Let's go see him."

He gave me a strange look. "Oh,come on since when is the last time Sebastian has been in the story? And plus I wanna see my baby he's getting so big I want him to say mama first."

(since wolves grow fast )

"Alright, and plus I do miss him but he will say Dada first not mama."he said proudly.

"Wanna put your money where your mouth is?"I said with a smirk challenging him.

"I think I might Ms.Rosewood."I said smuggly.

(I'm keeping her name, doesn't this sound nice "Adrian Rosewood "I like the way it sounds )

"Then I place 20 that he says Mama first, are you in or are you chicken?"he stopped to think it out while I walked around him like a chicken and started clucking.

"Your on, RACE YOU!"He jumped and shifted in mid-air and took off.



"He is so adorable, I remember when Adrian was this small."I cooed pinching his chubby cheeks,he blushed and giggled.

"Yea but Adrian was a little terror, Come on walk to grandpa."John chanted as Sebastian tried to stand he grabbed the sheet on the couch to push himself off.

He stood there, then looked around then back to John.

"Come on Come on."he took one step forward the fell backwards. I giggled to myself.

Then Adrian and Christina burst threw the door sweaty and fixing their clothes.

"I heard that old man."then he jumped on him and they started wrestling playfully on the floor.

While Christina picked up Sebastian.


"How's mommie's little chubby bunny?"I cooed blowing raspberries in his tummy.

Then Ray came down stairs.Ray was one of our strongest fighters but he was never happy, he once was but that was before his mate Sandy died.

He waved and walked into the kitchen without a word.

I whimpered. "Baby what's wrong?"Adrian said getting up from the floor.

"I feel so bad for him he never smiles, he has nothing to smile for he lost his everything and here I am laughing my as-butt off."I said correcting myself.

"Da-"Sebastian tried to say but got stuck.

We all got quiet, except for Adrian who was acting very hiper.

"Come on say Da-Da!"he cheered Sebastian on.

"Da. Da-ma. Mama."then he reached around my neck and snuggled into my chest.

We all burst into laughter while Adrian sat with a straight face.

"That's messed up."he said crossing his arms and pouting like a little kid.

"That's adorable."said a voice across the room, we all turned to see Ray shacking his head chuckling.

He stopped and looked us with a confused face. "What?"

We all still staring at him wide-eyed and all in union answered him saying.


Then he happily walked up stairs.

What's up with him?


I was skipping down the stairs when I tripped on that damn last step.

I closed my eyes and braced for impact but it never came,I looked up to see Ray like two inches away from my face holding me by my waist.

Then I suddenly got tingles up my side.

"Mate! Mate!"My wolf Uni (short for Unicorn )screamed.

Then out of now where he smashed his lips into mine.

Then leaving me breathless he walked out the kitchen saying "Watch your step my little unicorn."

I'm home!

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