{why don't you just drop dead...

By EdwardsPen

4.5K 247 117

When you were little you made a mistake. Or Not? You can't remember what it was until you get forcefully push... More

Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X

Part I (Beginning)

817 38 9
By EdwardsPen


My eyes darted over the screen of my small phone as I stared at the text I got from my father. The little dark blue letters on the light blue pixelated bubble ignited the dark of my room. It was around 11 pm at the day of me getting one year older. Celebration was never my thing. Still my mother forced me to go out with her to go eat at a fancy restaurant. As uncomfortable as that was it was nothing against the text on my phone.

I hadn't heard from the person in years. Maybe even 10 years by now. I can't even remember when I saw that person last. I was probably a baby last time we were face to face. I couldn't believe that the person was contacting me today. The day of my 16th birthday. And what weirded me even more out was what the text read.

From: Dad

Happy birthday (y/n)!
Please be careful

That was all. No matter how often I let my eyes follow the letters on the little plastic box in my hand there wasn't letters added that would explain why such a message would come now from him out if all the people. I could understand the "happy birthday" dven though I didn't want it but why does he want be to be careful all of the sudden? Why was there no explanation? Out of frustration I threw the little compact device through my room. I didn't need his attention. He left me and my mother alone with out caring for me at all as I grew up. He wasn't there when I made my first steps. When I talked the first words. I just got postcards until my sixth birthday but that stopped too. My mother struggled to get us through back then. She worked all the time so my grandma was here until I was old enough to be left alone and my mother found a better job. If he would've been here to help it would be been so much easier. Even though I never saw that guy I despised him.

My legs hid beneath the blanket of my bed as I heard a knock. My eyes darted towards the door but my ears told me different as the sound seemed to come from the window. I didn't mind it too much after that for there was a big tree in front of my window and it could happen that the branches scraped the windows. I let my whole body slip under the covers as I tried to ignore the constant knocking at my window. My heart beat began to pick up a bit for the knocking was so steady it was unnatural. It didn't sound like a branch either. But what else could it be?

Against everything that I've learned from horror movies I decided to go and look for myself. Maybe it was just a bird. Yea. Probably just a bird. My feet carefully placed themselfs on the carpet of my room as I made my way over. With a shaky breath I tried to see something through my curtains. I just saw the dark shadows of the branches, it was too dark to see more but the knocking had stopped now. I let out a sigh and turned around to walk back towards my bed as another knock made me jump. As I turned around I slowly pulled the curtain aside to see what was going on out there.

With wide eyes I closed my curtains again and breathed uneven breaths as I saw what was knocking. Or better said who. A man. Dressed in a creme shirt with black suit jacket and pants and a white hat. I did not dare to look again as I ran down the hallway to my mother's room not caring that she was already asleep. I shook her limp body between my tensed hands and startled her awake just whisper yelling at her to follow as I sneaked back into my room staying close to the door. I raised my arm to point at the window and she made her way over while rubbing her eyes tiredly. I stayed back watching carefully.

She opened the curtains and looked just to see nothing. Then she opened the window and peaked out to make me feel safer. She looked back inside with a tired smile. "There's nothing, please go to sleep soon. It was probably just the shadow of the tree. Don't worry.", she said and was about to go when something grabbed her and pulled her out. I screamed and ran after her. Just to see a pile of people under my window. My mother amongst them. The strangers just began to jump onto her muting her yells. I heard flesh being ripped apart and fell backwards as I tried to run but my body didn't cooperate. My mother. What happened down there. My heart was pounding faster then ever and nausea began crawling my stomach as I tried to scoot away from the window. It didn't work for I was just shaking and whimmering on the floor in front of the window. I didn't understand at all what just happened and felt like I was falling down a hole.

"Go look for the girl!", I heard a demanding voice from outside and soon after that there was a soft thud in front of me. I couldn't move. I couldn't even look up. Black pants was all I saw. I sobbed louder and nearly choked on my own breath as the person kneeled down in front of me so I could see their face. Dark circles under brown eyes empathized the pale nearly white skin as the man looked at me with no emotion. I sobbed louder and he bit his lip and looked away. Fangs pierced his plumb lip while doing so. What the fuck was going on here? Why was this happening?

"Brendon! Bring her down!", a demanding voice yelled. "The hunters are coming." He looked at me once again. I begged that he would just leave and not hurt me. He shook his head slightly. "I won't hurt you... I... can't you remember?", he said nearly hurt and looked at me with out moving. What the he'll was he on about. I was greatful for him not wanting to hurt me but still highly afraid and confused. All of the sudden there was another person appearing next to him shoving him away from me. This person looked less nearly dressed but the speed of his movements made me assume that he was the same. Whatever they were. The other guy glanced over to me in almost anger as he fought the man in the creme shirt who disappeared with one last look at me.

The guy remaining just stared at me panting heavily, his black hair falling in his face. "I'm not one of them.", was the only thing he said before magically zapping away. I flinched as he disappeared and finally got my ability to move back. I stood up shaking and ran towards the bathroom locking myself in it before I realized that these weirdos could probably zapp here easily so I ran out again into my mother's room and hid in the closet breaking down crying. They killed her. They killed my mom. Why? Why? Why?

I sobbed as silent as possible hearing screams and hisses and the same gory sounds as before until everything got quiet and the only think I heard was my own breath. It was uneven and shaky. My eyes were wide awake and I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins making me shake even more. All of the sudden the guy with the white head opened the closet just to say one thing with remorse filled eyes. "I'm so sorry.", then he disappeared milliseconds before a stalk came flying his way and three men run into the room.

"Did he bit you?", the smaller one with glasses nearly yelled at me looking me up and down. I shakily shook my head and he sighed. "Thank god."

God was really the last person I wanted to than I right now.

A/N: New story! Again... I know I should probably just finish the ones I have first but fact is I love vampires and just felt a lack of good stories that involved Brendon and Pete with the reader so here you go. I hope you like it! I really do. And after some chapters you will have to choose and I'll make two paths.
So, than I you for reading! And have fun!

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