Marvel Stuff

By Haylie_Marie_

130K 8.4K 3.1K

Random Marvel pictures I find on the Internet that I want to share. More

This book
Tony on the toilet
Hawkeye Using Guns
Oh Steve
Dear Hawkeye
Bucky and Loki
Bucky and Coulson
Thor and Loki
I found more
Story Time!
Fish, cats, and snowmen
Robert what are you doing?
Hawkeye and Hulk
Only Loki can look fabulous
Sign me up for the next war
Steve Rogers
Hide and Seek
Deadpool Pillowcase
Story Time #2
Omg Robert
Story Time #3
Dream Tag
Birthday Tag
They are connected
Another Tag
Chibi Avengers
More Chibi Avengers and Others
DAREDEVIL SEASON 2 (No spoilers. Im not like that)
Story Time #4
Seb Appreciation
I was tagged *flips hair*
Gotta thank an amazing person
Story Time #5
No Knife Bucky
Handwriting Tag
MARVELous Family Tag!
Special Thanks
On a scale of...
I was tagged!
Everyone's opinions of Steve
Captain America's Colonge
Would Steve Rogers approve of this?
Happy birthday Robert!
Story Time #6
Who's the jerk?
Some brother that I used to know
Call Me Loki
Not Marvel Related But...
Thigh Highs
He doesn't need a gun
Bucky No
Not gonna be on tonight
Chris Evans
What did I find
Look At Me
More Deadpool
Whose hearts are these?
Breaking the fourth wall
My countdown app
New life goal
My New Tattoo!!
Too good for the world
Chris Dancing!
My new home screen and lock screen
Not Marvel Related but I need to share
Rant #1
Lockscreen tag
This is what I do in my free time
My tattoo
Hug Tag
Another Tag!!
Note Tag!
How f*cked are you?
New Backpack
Story Time #7
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Poem about Smut
Bucky Barnes vs Sebastian Stan
My tattoo again
Full picture of my tattoo
100% True
Fave People Tag
Warped Tour
What's in my countdown app?
Whatcha got there?
Knock knock joke
Not marvel related. Sorry XD
What I named some of my Pokémon
Welcome to the family
I have been tagged!
My current lockscreen!
New Book!
Happy Birthday Sebby!
How well do you know me?
My Encounter with Seb
The Gifs
Another update on my tattoo
WizCon Tulsa Story Time!
My two new tattoos
Sorry I have to
Nominated. Now it's voting time.
So Sorry
Lockscreen tag
Yo guys
Another tag!
Comic con!
My fanpage
Comic con!
New book
The Winter Soldier
Buttercup Crumplesnatch
I apologize
Seb's abs
Not Marvel Related Sorry
Mayweather vs McGregor
RDJ Dream
Nick Fury
Not marvel sorry
Dream #1
Metal arm
Thanos is a space grape

Supernatural Con

170 10 12
By Haylie_Marie_

Alright everyone buckle your seat belts and prepare for a crazy ride! I'm going to tell you my experience at my very first Salute to Supernatural Convention this weekend!

I'm gonna try and be organized about this and go by days and explain the entire trip.


Ok so I left early Thursday morning with my friend. We drove to the convention and it was an 8 hour drive. We left around 9:30 and got to Nola at 7:30ish. We checked into or hotel and settled down a bit before going to the convention center for gold pass preregistration and checked out the vendors area. The vendor area was pretty small so I pretty much bought all my merch and souvenirs the first night which was nice cause I needed the rest of my money for food.

The vendors were great there was so much variety there. The t-shirt booth was my first stop and they were having a deal on a few shirts but 2 shirts for $5 so I got 4 of those and one official convention shirt. I checked out a few other vendors and bought 2 art tiles that have pictures of stuff from episodes of supernatural. One from the mystery spot episode in number three and one from season 5 episode 19 Hammer of the Gods. I also got 6 11x17 poster prints and since I got 6 I got a free one of Dean.

After that we went back to the hotel for the night and set out our stuff for the next day and organized our tickets for the photo ops and autographs we had for the next day.


So on Friday we woke up pretty early to get ready for the day. I didn't have a cosplay for this day so I just wore a supernatural tank top I got from hot topic and leggings. It took a bit to find parking cause that's always the hardest part. We were a bit late to Julian Richings' Q&A panel but we were there for most of it and he is so sweet and adorable and funny. After his Q&A was the Yes/No trivia game. I sat back and watched since it was my first con, I didn't wanna participate, so I talked with my seat mates.

After that me and my friend went back to the vendor area and looked around for a bit before going back to the main theatre and signing up for the kareoke night. Me and my friend chose to sign up with the song "This is Halloween" because we figured not many people would sign up with that and the con was near Halloween so it was perfect.

After signing up for kareoke, we got in line for our photo op with Julian Richings and he was dressed up in character as Death which was absolutely amazing! For the photo op, my friend wanted to hold his cane so I got to hug Julian. My friend was the one who relayed the pose info to Julian and she told him that I wanted a hug since it was my first SPN con and he pulled me into a hug and said "Welcome! Don't be shy!" He was so sweet and it made me happy.

After the photo op, me and my friend went back into the main theatre and watched Jason Manns' and Alaina Huffman's Q&A panels while waiting for our autographs for the night. Jason's panel was awesome because it was a mix between a Q&A and a concert. Alaina was hilarious and she was fun at her Q&A.

After their panels, we stayed in the theatre and waited for them to set up the tables for the autographs for the night. That night I got Richard Speight Jr's, Alaina Huffman's, Gil McKinney's, Rob Benedict's, and Julian Richings' autographs. Now I'm going to tell you how each auto went.

Richard Speight Jr:

He was funny and nice. He signed my book that I brought and I thanked him and showed him my anti possession symbol tattoo and he said it was awesome.

Gil McKinney:

Gil was super sweet. He was a little out of it cause the guy who went before me told him a story and he was processing it. After he was able to catch himself, he stated interviewing me pretty much and asking me where I was from and having a little conversation with me as he signed my book.

Alaina Huffman:

Alaina was super sweet and very fashionable. Her outfit was amazing and she signed my book and smiled as she slid it back. I thanked her and she said you're welcome and smiled at me.

Rob Benedict:

When I went up to his table I waited for my turn and then before he signed my book he looked up at me and smiled. I wanted to tell him I brought my Rock God shirt from his campaign for him but I forgot my words cause his eyes are so pretty. He had a small convo with me and then I thanked him after he signed my book to which he smiled and said you're welcome.

Julian Richings:

Julian is like the sweetest ever y'all. He told me how he didn't know many people names Haylie and the one he knew was the actress Hayley Mills. He asked me if I knew many people named haylie and I told him I knew a few but that I didn't know anyone who spelt their name like me. He handed me my book back and smiled at me and I thanked him and told him to have a great night.

After the autographs me and my friend went back to out hotel and ate some subway we picked up on the way back. After we ate we started getting ready for the kareoke party and into our funhouse costumes we had made. I was a steampunk tight rope walker and she was a gypsy.

At kareoke night, we got there a little late cause it took a bit to find parking, we stayed for a bit and sang along to the songs. We didn't get picked for kareoke which was fine with me but we also had our kareoke kings photo op with Richard Speight Jr and Matt Cohen in heir kareoke costumes. They were voodoo skeletons I believe and their costumes were amazing.
After the photo op we left because it was really late and went back to the hotel for the night.


We got up early because we wanted to go to the Q&A panel with Rob Benedict, Matt Cohen and Richard Speight Jr. We went to the vendor area first because my friend wanted to check something out and then when we got there we noticed Danneel, Jensen's wife was there with a booth promoting their new brewery that's opening up so we opted for waiting in line to meet her and buy a shirt instead of going to the Q&A. Im not upset with my choice cause Danneel was so sweet and she had a little conversation with everyone who was in line and took pictures as well.

By the time we got out of the line, it was almost time for our photo op with Misha Collins so we headed out of the vendor area and waited in line for our photo op. I was super excited and nervous because I was about to meet Misha! When it was our turn we stepped up and I told Misha to do whatever he wanted with the angel blade prop I had with my Castiel cosplay. Misha took the angel blade and he held it at the level of my friend's throat while he had his arm around me. The photo turned out amazing and I love it.

After our photo op, we went back to the main theatre for Mark Sheppard's Q&A and we missed the opening song but made it for the whole Q&A. Mark is amazing and hilarious and he picks on fans jokingly and everyone loves it.
Mark also walks around the room for his Q&A. My seat was in the second row towards the end and Mark walked by my seat area. The girl sitting down next to my friend showed Mark that she was wearing his shirt from his represent campaign and he was like "that's classy," then looked at me and pointed at me and said, "That on the other hand. You say you love me and come here dressed like that? What is that, a five dollar costume you got?" Before walking down the aisle again and by then I was dying laughing because I was looking forward to being picked on and teased by Mark due to me cosplaying as Castiel.

After the Q&A we had some time to kill before our photo op with Mark Sheppard so we went to the vendor area and walked around a bit then sat down in the lobby and waited for the remaining time before getting in line.

When it was time for out photo op we got up there and I handed Mark my angel blade prop and told him to do whatever he wanted with it and after thinking for a moment he put his arm around my friend and pulled her into a nice side hug but he held the angel blade behind him and pretended to stab me with it. The photo is amazing and one of my faves.

After our photo op, we headed back to the main theatre and we waited for Ruth Connell's Q&A panel and it was awesome. Ruth is so funny and adorable I love her. After her Q&A it was time for Misha's Q&A. His panel was hilarious and he told some really random stories which were amazing. My friend and I had to leave a few minutes early from his Q&A because we had our photo op with Ruth Connell.

When it was our turn for out photo op with Ruth, I handed her the angel blade and told her to do whatever she wanted with it and she held it in front of her and made a face that was appropriate for the pose (can't place the word). Ruth was super sweet and awesome.

After our photo op with Ruth, we went back to the main theatre and waited for them to set up the tables for autographs. That night we had autographs with Mark Sheppard, Misha Collins, and Matt Cohen. I'm gonna do what I did above and explain what happened in each autograph.

Mark Sheppard:

He signed my book in a gold metallic sharpie, he was the first person to sign in a color other than black lol, and after he signed my book I brought, I thanked him for signing my book he looked up at me and said "My Pleasure, terrible costume." And I laughed again cause it made my day.

Matt Cohen:

Matt signed my book pretty quickly, and didn't really talk to me like the others. I wasn't really complaining cause I at least was able to get his autograph but nonetheless I thanked him for signing my book and wished  him a good night

Misha Collins:

I waited for my turn for Misha to sign my book. A woman was talking with him and she was taking forever and Misha even signed my friend's item while talking to the woman so my friend didn't get to talk to him. But when it was my turn, he signed my book in silver sharpie and drew a cute little heart. I was going to tell him how much crap I got from Mark Sheppard for cosplaying as Cas but I lost all my words cause as Misha handed me my book back, he winked at me. He was hilarious and awesome.

After me and my friend got our autographs for the night we left and headed back to the hotel. We ate the second half of our subway sandwiches and then got ready for Louden Swain's Saturday night special concert.

The concert was amazing. Louden Swain is awesome and a fun time. They even brought out the other stars and they sang as well. The concert was over after midnight so my friend and I didn't get back to the hotel until almost 1am.


We got up really early to make sure we were able to make it to our special Jensen and Jared gold panel. The Q&A was hilarious. Jensen and Jared are amazing and more beautiful in person.

After the Q&A we went back to our hotel because we didn't have another thing until 2:45 which was Samantha Smith's Q&A panel. We made it for her panel and she was adorable and so sweet. The fans asked some really interesting questions at the panel and really made everyone think. The next panel after that was the normal Jensen and Jared panel and my friend and I stayed for that cause we wanted to see Jensen and Jared again.
Their second panel was more upbeat since it was later in the day and Jensen was happy cause the fans gave Danneel so much love while she was there.

After the Q&A my friend and I had our photo op with Louden Swain. When it was our turn, I went right up to Rob and told him that I brought my special Rock God shirt just for him and he pulled me into the biggest hug and thanked me for supporting his cause. After that he asked what pose we were doing,because he didn't hear my friend as she explained it since I was talking to him, and my friend told him "don't worry rob. Just stand there and look pretty." To which he replied, "I can do that." And he pulled me into a side hug, pulling me really close and after the photo was taken he looked at me again and thanked me again for supporting his cause by buying his shirt and he gave me another quick hug, rubbing my back a little. Y'all Rob is so sweet I'm so glad I got the chance to meet him.

Anyways, after our photo op with Louden Swain, I had to get right back in line cause I had my photo op with J2M (my friend didn't wanna pay 220 for her half so I was the only one in the photo. I'm not complaining)
I was super nervous for my photo but I was talking to these girls in front of me and it really helped me calm down. When it was almost my turn I was talking to one of the volunteers who helped me calm down as well and when I got up there for my photo, I relayed the pose information just fine. Telling Jensen I needed to hug him, I needed Jared to hug me from behind and I told Misha to hug us all or do whatever and Jared made a joke by saying something like, "Misha you don't matter."
Jensen pulled me into a hug for the picture and Jared hugged me from behind and I didn't know what Misha did until I got the picture back, but before Jensen pulled away from the hug, he gave me a squeeze and then smiled at me after he pulled away and thanked me. Lemme just tell y'all Jensen smelt so fucking good oh lord.

After I took the photo I started to walk away, hands shaking and almost crying cause I could that actually just happened. But a volunteer chased after me quickly and told me I needed to retake my photo cause I blinked or something so she lead me to the line and placed me in front of someone and I waited my turn only to talk to the volunteer who helped calm me down previously. I went up for my retake and Jensen hugged me again, he gives really fucking good hugs y'all, and I left and went to find my friend.

After awhile, I went to check if my photos printed and I found my picture and started to walk away only for someone to point out to me that I got two prints. They gave me both photos they took and both photos looked normal. This fan informed me that sometimes Chris the photographer likes to give our random free pictures by pretending he messed up a picture. So either I got a random free pic or the reason I had to retake the pic was cause Jensen's jacket was on my face a bit, I didn't complain cause that meant I was super close to him 😈. Anyways, I'm not complaining cause I got two pictures instead of one ehehe.

Fast forward a bit and me and my friend went to the Kings of Con panel with Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict which was amazing and hilarious. After their Q&A they sang their goodbye song which made me super sad cause it hit that the convention was pretty much over.

Me and my friend stuck around in the main theatre though because we had our autographs with Jensen and Jared pretty soon after.

Jared Padalecki:

I had my auto with Jared first and me and my friend were first in line for it cause they sent gold row A to Jensen and gold row B to Jared's line. When it was my turn to get up there, I smiled and after he signed my book I brought, I thanked him and his always keep fighting campaign and briefly explained my situation that happened at my old work and he said he was glad it helped and gave me a high five for fighting through the rough time then he winked at me which killed me.

Jensen Ackles:

Jensen's line was going s bit slower than Jared's line cause I think he was talking to people more, but when it was my turn I smiled and said hi to him and after he signed my book I thanked him and briefly explained my situation that happened at my old work and he said he was glad that he helped in some way and also said that there are always people that are there for you and when I told him I was gonna be going to his new brewery that's opening he smiled and said he looked forward to seeing me there.

After the autographs, my friend and I had our photo op with Misha as Castiel so we hurried over and we waited in line. Once we got up there, he held his arms out to the side and each of us held his arms for the picture. After our photo, we sat and waited in the lobby for our picture to print and after we got our picture, we said bye to the friends we made and left the convention for good and went back to our hotel.

I am very sad the convention is over, I'm in the post con blues mood right now. Even though the convention is over, I'm glad I had the experience and was able to go because I had so much fun! I definitely needed that after what happened earlier this year and I am already planning my next supernatural convention because this one was not my last. The conventions are so amazing and it's a great way to make friends because they all have the same interest as you. I highly suggest going to one if you are in the supernatural family but keep in mind they are very pricy depending on the ticket you get.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my very long and detailed story time about what my experience at my very first Salute to Supernatural Convention was!

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