RDJ Dream

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So I had a dream last night that I met Robert Downey Jr and it was fantastic.

So I think it took place at my old work cause I remember a lot of my old coworkers being there. I remember my old coworkers making in of me (they didn't make fun of me to my face in real life they talked about me behind my back) but in my dream they teased me to my face and RDJ witnessed this and saw me run away so e sassed my old coworkers in typical RDJ fashion and then he followed me and sat with me to make sure I was okay. He stayed and talked to me and it was pretty awesome even though it was really weird cause I think RDJ was wearing a character suit. Like one from Disneyland, but an animal one. I can't quite remember everything lol, that is all I remember.

Should I start adding chapters where I tell y'all my weird ass dreams? Cause they're weird af lol. And a lot include Marvel actors and such they're honestly pretty great.

Let me know if I should start sharing the weird dreams I have 😂

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