Princess and the Pauper (Jack...

By misspyknic

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A Princess is for a Prince. But this time, this Princess is for the Pauper. Copyrights go to โ†’ misspyknic (th... More

Princess and the Pauper (Jackunzel)
Chapter 1: Bread For the Family
Chapter 2 : Little Visit in Town
Chapter 3: Another Visit
Chapter 4: Princess Lessons
Chapter 5: Mistakened Guard
Chapter 6: Garden Activities
Chapter 7: Canvas
Chapter 8: Upcoming Tenth
Chapter 9: Choice of Words
Chapter 10: The Day Before
Chapter 11: Written In My Heart
Chapter 12: The Day
Chapter 13: Help Her Out
Chapter 14: The Masked Man
Chapter 15: Alfred
Chapter 16: Away He Went
Chapter 18: Wait For It
Chapter 19: Rogue Rebels
Chapter 20: Darkness
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Paralysis
Chapter 23: Declaration Of Hope

Chapter 17: On the Way

95 3 1
By misspyknic


It was getting darker, my shoes getting muddier from the rain that poured. Leaving my mother and my sister behind wasn't an easy choice, but if I want to save Rapunzel and possibly the Mune Kingdom as well, and shed a light on my father's name, then I had no choice but to go with this decision.

It was a long night, I didn't even get the chance to pack food for the way. I just had to go already. On the way, I was feeling so famished. Of course, I had to deal with so many things back home, and now I'm walking towards my so-called destiny. I was already quenching with thirst, and my stomach grumbled too much. Due to that, I collapsed on the road. I thought I was going to go farther than this...

"Hey, wake up!"

I smelled incense in the room. I opened my eyes and saw a guy with brown hair. "Where am I?" I asked, rising up gently. "Well, you got tired on the road and then I found you." He said and I looked around. It's pretty cozy here. "Who are you?" I asked him and he smiled. "The name's Flynn. Call me however you like, I don't really care." He said and I nodded. "Are we far away from the Mune Kingdom?" I asked him and he took a sip from a bowl with soup. "Not that much. This is pretty near. Hurry up, I prepared soup." He said and I smelled the pleasant smell of onions and carrots. 

"I'm okay." I told him, because I was shy.

My stomach suddenly grumbled and I got so embarrassed. "Your stomach's telling me otherwise. Come on, join me for dinner. I've been living alone for awhile so having a guest kind of makes me happy." He said and I got up and joined him in the dinner table. It was pretty awkward, I didn't want to start a conversation. Luckily, he did.

"Why are you headed to the Mune Kingdom? Rumors said the king there drinks human blood." 

"How'd rumors get to you?" I asked.

He smirked. "I got messengers. Kind of like, nature. Now, answer my question." He said and I stared at my bowl, quietly looking for answers. "I...I want to avenge my father, and save the kingdom. I'm probably 18 years too late, but my father needs me." I said with strong conviction. "Who are you to the Mune King anyway? Was your father a victim of his horrid reign?" Flynn asked me and I nodded. "My father was killed because of him." I said. 

"Many people gets executed by the King. Your father isn't like the ones he executed, probably."

"My father was a good man." I said to him.

He smiled and finished his bowl of soup. "Who was your father anyway? He must have been an important person in history, or so they say--" Flynn said but I cut him off. "My father is Alfred Mune. He was next in line to the throne until King Pitch did something that he had to take the blame for!" I shouted, and everything around me went silent. "Hm, so your father is Alfred. He was known for quite awhile, but everything that was involved with him got their brains washed out." Flynn said and it made me shiver. 

"If you want to avenge your father, do it another day. Pitch is guarding everything in his sight." Flynn said, taking my bowl.

"But my father needs justice!" I said and Flynn coughed as a retort to shut me up. "You're dreaming big, but you're going nowhere. Listen kid, my parents also served the Mune King before, but due to one mistake I committed their heads went far away from their bodies. Don't you understand how hard it will be for you to just go there and take back the crown from the King? Your life is in peril!" Flynn shouted and it literally made me shut up.

"What did you commit?" I asked out of the blue.

He didn't answer at first. He breathed heavily and just smiled at me. "I don't think a stranger such as you should meddle with my personal business. I'll let you rest for awhile and you can go about your fun trip." He said while washing the dishes. "You were exiled, it seems." I told him and he stopped the running water by turning the pump of the faucet down. "You're a real meddler. I 'killed' someone alright? My parents begged for my pardon, but the Mune King didn't think it would be fair to not have an execution, so he beheaded my parents instead. Luckily, I had my way and escaped the kingdom. Wasn't that a thrill?" He said sarcastically.

"I  don't believe you killed someone." I said, knowing he's a good person.

"Yeah, thanks. Tell that to the King then maybe he'll pardon you or something." 

I stood up from where I sat and helped him with the dishes. "Come on, you have to help me. I'll help you avenge your family as well." I said and he splashed water on me. "I said it, didn't I? I don't want in your stupid plan! I've forgotten about that kingdom long ago." He told me and I wiped the water off my face. "I know you didn't kill a person. If it was in your soul, then you would've left me on the road, to be eaten by strays. But you didn't." I said. He got a little pissed off, but that's what I'm aiming for. 

He dried off the bowls and eyed me closely. "Do you really want to know the reason for my leave?" He asked and I nodded immediately. "I had two friends, they were twins, the bastards. They robbed and killed someone without my knowledge. After working in the family shop, I came across that body and then they reported me as the killer to the king's guards. I was put up for murder, and my parents begged for my pardon then it was an early goodbye for us. That's why I left that kingdom full of injustice! I just want to be alone here." He said, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for even asking. But that was unfair of everyone else! They didn't listen to your side of the story." I said and he smiled.

"It's too late, though." He said and then put back the washed bowls into their proper places. He looked at his wooden clock and gasped. "It's getting late. You have to spend the night here, kiddo. It ain't safe to travel alone in this night." He said and told me to wait while he prepares my room. Minutes later, he signaled me to follow him, showing a laid-out mattress on the floor. "Sorry, you got to be sleeping with me tonight. I only got one room. Didn't expect a visitor as well." He said. 

"Then you shouldn't have picked me up! This must be troublesome for you." I told him, being all shy.

"What? No! In fact, I'm happy I got someone to talk to after ten years." He said.

I got shocked about how young he was back then. "How old were you when you were 'exiled'?" I asked and he stopped to think about if for a second. "11 years old I guess?" He said and my chest tightened. He lived independently when he was just at that age. How cool... I lied down on the mattress and turned around. It wasn't tattered, and much more comfortable than my bed at home. But, that smelled a lot like home than this one. 

"You feeling uncomfortable? You can sleep on my bed if you want." He said, lying down on his bed.

"No thanks. This is alright with me."I said and we both stared at the ceiling. 

I felt that he smiled gently and was having a nice time with me around. "What triggered you to suddenly venture out on a journey to Mune?" He asked me. "My father, I told you already." I said. "No, I mean the real trigger. There must be something! Or... someone." He snickered and I shrugged it off. "Well, there's this girl who's going to be married to the Mune King and I don't want that." I told him. He turned tome and grinned. "Who's this girl? A special one, I reckon?" He said and I blushed. "Yeah, special..." I said. 

"You love her, don't you?" Flynn asked.

"Maybe, I don't know? Probably?" I said, confused.

He laughed at me, and I don't know why. "Probably? You wouldn't come miles and miles just for a girl you probably love!" He said and that made me realize something important. "No. She's just a friend, I think." I said and turned to other side of the mattress. "Yeah, right. Sleep now kid. You need it." He said and then he started to snore. He slept that quickly? I couldn't even sleep with my heart pounding this fast! I tried to sleep but this feeling wakes me up. Ah! I can't help think about it!

 I may be in love with Rapunzel.

what do you mean 'may'? You are!

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