How To Survive A Zombie Apoca...

By surfer-at-heart

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ATTENTION NEW READERS!!!!! Hi there, just here to let you know that this version of the story WILL NOT BE COM... More

How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse
How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse- One
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Two
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolype- Three
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Four
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Five
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Six
How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter Twenty
chapter 21
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twentyfour
The decision has been made...
The new and improved version is LIVE!!!!


1.9K 61 12
By surfer-at-heart

Chapter Twelve

I was frozen to the spot. I just didn’t know what to do, where to go, I didn’t even know which direction to head in. I heard the doors at the very bottom of the stairs crash open and the noise made me snap out of my indecisiveness. I jumped the last few steps to the next floor and then burst from the stairwell into a deserted corridor with wards off either side. I ran down the corridor and then turned onto another.

I needed to arm myself, I still had my crowbar but the thing chasing me sounded huge, I assumed it was a special or Zak wouldn’t have felt the need to warn me about it. I just kept running and soon I’d lost all sense of direction. Worse than that I’d lost the creature hunting me. I could no longer hear it, I had no idea where it was. Like they always say, if there’s a wasp in the room, you want to be looking at it.

“I’ve got to get out of here.” I whispered to myself, more to try shake my fear than anything else.

Slowing to a jog I looked for a way out sign. There was none, did the hospital want people to get lost? I walked along trying to be as silent as possible, I slowed my breathing and consequently my heartbeat.

My predator had obviously decided to hunt with stealth instead of blind fury, this made him a lot more dangerous and also showed that they weren’t as dumb as first thought. I stuck close to the wall as I approached the next corner, then slowly looked round into the next corridor. I’d reached another flight of stairs and the coast was clear. There was a directory on the wall in between the two elevators, the power was out so it was pointless trying to use them.

Surgery, second floor.

That’s where I’d go. I couldn’t risk leaving the hospital yet, I’d be too exposed out in the open and I’d have to wait for the others. Maybe in the surgery there’d be something I could use against the special that was hunting me.

I didn’t make it to surgery. Just as I stepped out onto the second floor east wing corridor a hulking mass of zombie dropped from the ceiling right on top of me. I was winded, I’d hit my head and was severely disorientated for a couple of moments. Thankfully I had enough awareness to reach to my tool belt and pull off a screwdriver in each hand.

The beast’s skull bulged beneath its skin and I knew I couldn’t break through to the brain, instead I rammed the screwdrivers into both sides of the creature’s neck with as much strength as I could force from my weary arms.

As it gurgled and pulled away I managed to claw myself off the floor, my head still spinning, and pushed my way through a door on my right.

The door led to a tiny room, little more than a cupboard. I was surrounded by mops and sweeping brushes and industrial size bottles of brightly coloured cleaning products. I quickly realised I was in a maintenance closet. Perfect. A new plan was forming in my head.

I pushed one of the metal shelves up against the door and pilled as much stuff as I could onto it. The creature outside was still moving, it sounded clumsy and disorientated but once it realised where I was it would be after me once again.

Towards the back of the cupboard I found what I’d been hoping for, power tools. I picked up a big cordless drill and ripped open the plastic box beside it. I found a mean looking drill bit and put it on the drill. I did the same with a second drill then waited.

I was only stood in silence for a few seconds before the banging started. It rocked the whole room, making the walls shake and the floor beneath my feet vibrate. My hands were clammy and I began to twitch nervously. I was about to take on a special in close quarters with only two cordless hand drills. What the hell was I thinking? I was sure I was about to get my ass handed to me.

The door frame splintered and that whole section of wall came crashing down. The special crawled over the wreckage like some kind of spider and leapt on top of me.  I was ready for it this time and controlled my fall, using one hand to keep me from cracking my head open while the other kept the beast’s face away from my jugular.

The creature roared, showing me the inside of its mouth. It was cavernous. Three rows of pointed teeth that secreted a dull green liquid. I gagged at the sight.

Lifting both hands I pressed the triggers on the drills and pushed both into the beasts ears. The skull was thick and took five seconds to get through to the brain. I know because I counted, they were the longest five seconds of my life. The special thrashed and screeched and kicked, trying to escape me the whole time, but I kept holding on.

Blood, shards of skull and brain matter gushed from the two large holes in the zombies head, I shut my mouth and eyes tight, not letting a single drop of blood into my mouth or eyes. I didn’t stop pushing until the beast stopped moving, it’s body slumping down on top of mine.

I pushed it off me and felt my way to the sink I’d seen in the back corner. I pushed the plug in and turned the taps on. There was only a little bit of water left in the pipes but it was enough for me to wash my hands and face.

When I was cleaned up I staggered from the maintenance closet and lowered myself to the floor. I just needed a few minutes to get my breath back and to calm down. I was shaking and black spots were drifting in front of my eyes.

I listened hard but the hospital still sounded deserted, to my relief. After a few shuddering breaths I climbed back onto my feet and slowly made my way down to the hospital reception.

I didn’t leave the shadow of the hospital building, just in case there were any infected still wandering around. There was no way on earth I could have fought even one more zombie that day.

I had no idea how long I’d been separated from the others, I felt like I’d been running through the damn hospital for hours but I knew that was unlikely. I sat down on one of the plastic blue waiting room chairs, crowbar in hand for just in case, and allowed myself to worry about the others. There had been a lot of infected in that hoard. Kitty had looked to be in a pretty bad way too.

I hoped Luke had gotten to the others and they were all ok. We’d had to lead the hoard real close to our camp. It was then that I realised I might be all alone again. If the others had been killed at the building site then there was no way I could find Kitty’s camp, Luke and them guys might even be dead but I wouldn’t be able to find out anyway.

The silence was suddenly crushing instead of comforting, it didn’t just signal a lack of zombies but a lack of, well anything, anyone. Silence meant no danger but it also meant no survivors. After being back with living breathing uninfected people I really didn’t think I’d be able to go back to being all on my own again. It’s tough, just having yourself for company.

It was one of those fears that sneaks up on you. One minute I was worried but fine and the next I was almost hysterical with the thought of being alone. I jumped to my feet, not being able to stay still, my heart was pounding in my chest and I couldn’t breathe.

“Come on, calm down.” I told myself. I knew I was being irrational, panicking was not going to help me at all. I made myself calm down, breathing deeply, clenching and un-clenching my fists a few times.

I couldn’t just wait at the hospital anymore, I had to go help the others, or at least die with them. I was just not about to be alone again. No, never again.

- - - -

A/N Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you do, please consider voting and comenting. Honestly it really gives me a kick up the ass to write more.

If you need something to start you off when commenting, what do you think of Alex? ;) be truthfull, it's not like she's my character and I love her very much or anything... xD

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