This Is Only The Beginning...

By mychemicalveins

878 25 27

TRIGGER WARNING: What if somewhere out there, your soulmate, even if you hadn't met them yet, got the same sc... More

Unexpected Scars
New company
Early Sunsets
An Unsigned Note
The bathroom
Pretty cute together
Back to school
Your Soulmate stains thou skin

The letter

49 2 1
By mychemicalveins

Franks POV

         The letter read:

         " Catch the eyes of the person with the same lines as you. You don't give yourself them for the eye catcher hurts you the most."

          "What the fuck?!" I was so fucking confused . Lines? Did they mean scars? What scars? Eye catcher. I'll think about it later.  Right now, I get to see Gerard. I ran across the street and politely knocked.  Gerard answered,

          "Frank! Come on in! Mikey and Ray went for lunch together so it's just you and I! Is that okay? "

          Okay? That's great!, I thought.
         "Yes, that's fine." I replied turning a bit red for no reason..

" Okay! What would you like to do? " he questioned me, batting his long beautiful lashes on his pretty eyes.

"... the fuck?" I whispered to
myself. Is he flirting or something? What?!?!

" Frank? FrAANk? You alive there Frank?"

I I gained consciousness of my existence.

" Yeah sorry! I just blanked out.. whatever you want to do!"

He smirked. I didn't understand. He grabbed my hand and led me to his room. This boy is weird. It's not like I wasn't. Ha. He jumped onto the swivel chair in his room..

" Hey Frank?"

" Yea?"

" it's a bit hot in here is it alright if I turn on the fan?"

" I actually find it quite fine in here," I just didn't want to explain my arms and how I really don't cut, " why don't you just take off you sweatshirt?"

He shifted uncomfortably, " well erm ... okay. Whatever makes you comfy.. right? Hahahahah... hold on I need to go to the bathroom."

"Alright" I replied awkwardly.

He stepped into the bathroom and I waited for him to come back.

Then I felt it.

A searing pain trickled through my arm. Like knives dragged across my skin and peeling it straight off and scrubbed with alcohol. Drops of blood came pouring down my arm, staining my nice shirt. I grabbed a tissue and cleaned it all up.

I felt a bit uneasy. It didn't sound like someone peeing. Instead, the shower ran. I heard some drops and sniffles. I decided to go knock on the door.

" You okay buddy? " I asked. There's was clearly something wrong. I couldn't find out what, though.

I waited. Another sniff. The water stopped. The toilet flushed. Then he washed his hands and I heard a few brushes of something. He opened the door. It startled me. His eyes were a bit puffy.

" Yes I'm fine." He wheezed.

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