Living with Crazies ('Kinda'...

Bởi qt_pai23

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Hey, everyone!!!!!! I am Chisa Sades, A teenage girl who's life is everything but normal. I live with my six... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Still there?

Chapter 7

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Bởi qt_pai23

Harang's POV
     The room where our Drama class is held is not set up as a usual classroom. There are no desks, the chairs are set up in a large circle. Our old teacher said it "allows everyone to see the art from every angle." The room is very large and very aerated allowing us to breathe freely.

  I sat in a random seat then Chisa sat in the seat on my right and Hazel in the seat to my left. Yuki and Hana sat in the other two seats to Chisa's right just as the new Drama teacher and one of our principals, Mr. Jinyoung Park walked in.

"Good morning, girls." Mr. Park greeted.

"Good morning, Sir." we all replied in unison.

"As you all know this is Mr. Jong Suk Lee. He will be your new Drama teacher, be nice to him." he said gesturing to the said man. Mr. Lee bowed to us as Mr. Park walked out.

"Hello, ladies." was all Mr. Lee said and a wave of shrieks and squeals arose. My ears began to ring and I looked to my right and saw both Chisa and Yuki covering their ears.

"Alright, alright, quiet down now." Mr. Lee said gesturing to the class. "Let's start with an introduction. I would like each of you to tell me your name and aspiration....starting with the young lady in the suspenders." he stated with a smile.

"Go on Chisa, he means you." I whispered to Chisa.

"Oh....well Hey, my name is Chisa Sades. I aspire to be a triple threat." Chisa said boldly.

"Triple threat?" Mr. Lee had a confused look on his face.

"She means she wants to be a singer, dancer and actress." Hazel spoke up in place of Chisa.

"Oh alright. That's very interesting. Thank you Ms. Sades. Next volunteer." he continued. This continued for the next 10 minutes and now it was time for actual class to begin.

"Okay we are going to do a sample scene." Mr. Lee spoke up.

"What kind of scene, sir?" a girl in our class asked, excitedly.

"One that is quite popular to you all, a romantic scene." he said with a smile. A single gasp started all the squeals once more.

"Wait, doesn't a romantic scene need a female AND male lead?" Yuki asked, with her arm raised.

"I shall play the male role. I'm going to need a volunteer, though" as the words left Mr. Lee's mouth, majority of the girls' hands shot up, except Hana, Yuki, Chisa and mine. And he seemed to favour Chisa, today, because he didn't even look at the girls with their hands raised. His eyes were stuck on us.

"Ms. Sades, how about you?" he suggested with a smile.

"Wha--me?!?" Chisa asked shocked.

"Yes, you, come on up." he gestured for her to go to where he was. Chisa looked at us for some sort of help, but we just shrugged. She sluggishly got up from her seat. Mr. Lee handed her a script he retrieved out of his bag. Chisa seemed to once over the script and had a shocked look on her face.

"Um, sir, I can't say this stuff." Chisa stated pointing to the script.

"Don't worry, you can do it. Now class, one thing about acting you MUST remember. When acting, always immerse yourself in the character fully. Forget about who you are for that moment. In that time, you are the character and the character is you." Mr. Lee said to us.

"You can do it, Chisa." I encouraged Chisa. She then took a deep breath while closing her eyes. When she opened her eyes you can see she has become a completely different person just by her aura. The scene has begun.

"Maya, I have missed you so much." Mr. Lee started in a loving tone stepping closer to Chisa.

"Michael, it has been so long since we have been together." Chisa replied, in a tone in which we have never heard her speak.

"How did you get past your mother?" - Mr. Lee

"I sneaked out the back. I cannot stay too long, my love."- Chisa.

"Oh how I wish this moment would last forever. " Mr. Lee said in a sad tone holding Chisa's hand. Chisa checked her watched and gasped.

"I have to go. It's about time my mother come to check on me." Chisa began to walk away but Mr. Lee grabbed her hand, spun her around and dipped her.

"Just a moment more..." he whispered and started to lean in. This action caused the class to gasp.

"And scene." both participators in the scene said in unison then stood up straight, then bowed. The class was silent until someone started a slow clap. The noise gradually increased. Chisa finally looked like she snapped back to her senses because she was fiddling with her fingers.

"Very good,Ms. Sades. You are a natural." Mr. Lee praised Chisa with a very bright smile.

"I wouldn't say 'natural'..." Chisa replied rubbing the nape of her neck. Chisa went back to her seat and a bunch of girls were praising her acting.

"Lily is gonna die when she hears this." I said, holding back a laugh.

****Time skip- After school****

"SHE DID WHAT!?!" Lily screeched out when I told her what happened in class.

"Chisa, is this true?" DJ asked. Chisa just nodded.

"Did any of you film it????" Lily asked, hyper-actively.

"I did." Yuki said, bluntly.

"You did?" Hana, Chisa and I asked in unison.

"Yup, here it is." she replied then showed us the video on her phone.

"That is NOT Chi. Like no way!" Lily said in unbelief.

"Even we don't believe it....AND WE WERE THERE!" Hazel exclaimed

"Guys~ Can you stop??? It's embarrassing." Chisa whined, covering her face.

"Awww our Chisa is growing up~" DJ cooed while ruffling Chisa's hair. As soon as she said that, Chisa acted like she was gonna whack DJ but we know she wouldn't... Maybe. "Okay okay I'm sorry." DJ apologized after flinching.

"Anywayyyy forget about me. Harang, have you texted Jimin yet?" Chisa asked, purposely shifting the attention to me.

"Um..I....well you" I replied, taking a sip of my drink I bought at the cafeteria, as I saw Chisa release a sigh.

"Ummmmm....why not???" Lily and Hazel squeaked.

" 'Cuz I haven't." I stated simply, shrugging.

"DJ." Lily said then gestured to me. DJ then stuck her hand in my backpack and gave Lily my phone.

"Wha--DJ!" I yelled, hitting her arm.

"Dude! Ouch!" DJ exclaimed. I have to admit, I do hit hard even when I'm not trying to.

" 'Hey Chim-Chim~ I miss you. Are you busy this Saturday?' aaaand send!" Lily said out loud as she texted.

" *gasp* You did not just do what I think you did." I said in a low tone.

"Send a risky as heck message to your crush? You bet I did!" Lily exclaimed.

"YAH! KIM HAEKI!" I yelled. I could feel my face getting hot.

"Oops gotta go!" Lily got up and began to head for the dormhouse door.

"GET BACK HERE!" I exclaimed as I took off after her.

No One's POV

   Harang chased Lily for about 10 minutes until Yuki said something that caused the whole commotion to halt.

"Harang, you have a text message." Yuki said only glancing up from her Switch.

   Lily peeked out from behind the couch to look at Harang. Harang looked back at her with wide eyes. Yuki sensed the atmosphere and got up from where she was sitting and headed for safety from the war that was about to break loose. And she was right to do so because in the blink of an eye both girls dolphin dived for the phone. After the miny tussle, Harang ended up victorious.

"So?" Lily asked, out of breath.

"It's from Jimin..." Harang said quietly.

"Well no duhhhh. What did he say?" Lily asked, eyes bright.

"Look for yourself." Harang replied, turning the phone to Lily.

" 'We have a dance practice to film in the morning but I'm free for the rest of the day. Wanna hang out?' HECK YEAH SHE DOES!" Lily exclaimed and was about to text back but with Flash-like speed, Harang snatched her phone back.

"Hey. It's my phone and I should decide whether to say yes or no." Harang snapped.

"Well your gonna say yes anyway." Lily said with a knowing look.

"....Yeah but I wanted to be the one to text it. Since you will make it so extra." Harang said with an eyeroll.

"Well hurry up then!!" Lily said, almost bouncing up and down.

"Okay, okay chill!" Harang said.

" 'Sure. Where should we go?' ....sent." Harang said her text out loud. It was like Jimin was waiting for her reply because he answered back almost immediately.

"Woah that was fast." Lily said in a surprised tone. Harang's face was gradually turning red which caused Lily to grab the phone out her hand. The text read: Don't worry, I've got that all under control. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later Cutie Rang.

"Awwwwwww he called you cute!!!" Lily squealed.

"Aghdksbaojsbapjsb!!!" Harang babbled in incoherent words.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay. Go in your room and read a book to calm down. Can't have you freaking out just yet." Lily said with a wink.

"Okay." Harang said after a deep breath. "I'm good now."

"That's good now go on." Lily said lightly pushing Harang to the direction of her room.

"Is it safe now?" Yuki asked peeking out of her room.

"Haha, yes everything is fine." Lily replied.

>>>Time skip (Later that night)<<<
Chisa's POV

I was watching the Japanese drama series "Itazura na Kiss" (Mischievous Kiss) and I was very engrossed in it. The characters are hilarious and the plot is adorable. Currently I was watching a scene where the main girl Kotoko was about to be kissed. I have this pet peeve about any girl in the drama that when the guy is about her she closes her eyes way too early. Like don't do that! Yeah, I get that he's hot and it's probably it's your first kiss and all but jeez!

"Don't close your eyes.....Kotoko (main girl's name) sweetie, do not close your eyes yet. Wait until the connect!" I yelled at my laptop screen. "What did I say! Look, now you're all embarrassed!" I exclaimed when she opened one eye when she realizes that he didn't kiss her.

"You do know she can't hear you, right?" Hana asked sarcastically. A question that I ignored completely and continued my rant.

"I tried to warn you but you didn't listen. He's never nice so what makes you think he would kiss you. I mean it's obvious its bound to happen but not so early in the plot." I rambled on.

I have watched too many dramas not to know how these cliché plots go. Once in a while I would find a drama with a main girl who would not act like life is a fairy tale. Yeah I do like those kind of dramas too but its nice to mix it up a bit, y'know.

"I love how you can give love advice to the girls in the drama but you won't be able to do it in real life." Hana said with folded arms.

"Who gave you that idea? I'm sure if I had the chance I would, but there's hasn't been a guy worthy of such actions yet." I retaliated with my nose in the air.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Hana replied with an eyeroll.

"Mail is here." DJ said walking through the halls. "Chisa, there's a letter for you."

"For me? Is it from Angie-neechan?" I asked in excitement.

"Nah, it's from your Elementary school." she replied, handing me the letter. I opened it and it read:

   Dear Past Students,

   The Board of Heartridge Elementary School is inviting you and two guests to our 23rd Annual School Reunion on Saturday 16th of  February 20XX. This is a time to reconnect with old friends and catch up. Your presence would be highly anticipated and appreciated.

Principal Jonas
Board President

"Reunion for an Elementary school?" Yuki asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah, my school isn't quite like other elementary schools. Since most graduates would go to different schools all over the country or maybe out of the country they decided to start this 'reunion' to bring them back together." I explained to her. I didn't realize the other girls entered the room.

"So are you going?" DJ asked me.

"Yeah sure. Could be fun." I answered, placing the letter on my bedside table. Hazel then snatched it up.

"It says you can bring two guests. Who are you bringing?" she questioned me.

"I don't know. Who wants to come with?" I put the question out there.

"It's next week Saturday right?" Harang asked.

"Yepperoony, Jojo my girl." I answered I'm a goofy tone.

"I'll go. I wanna see your Elementary school friends." Harang replied with a smile.

"Okay that's one slot filled, anyone else?" I asked.

"Sorry, I'm busy that day. Mom asked me to come home and babysit my little brothers." DJ said, making an 'X' shape with her arms.

"And she asked me to come help." Hazel added.

"Sorry, its a no-go from me too. Hana, Zoé and I are going shopping that day." Lily said. When Lily said that, everyone looked at Hana, because she doesn't usually go shopping. She just replied to the looks with a shrug.

"Well I guess that leaves you, Yuki." I said turning to her. "So whaddya say? Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure. I'll go." Yuki replied with a smile.

"Yay, This will be great!" I exclaimed with excitement.

Hey Kittens, I'm back after a loooooong while. I had serious writer's block plus school was hella busy.... Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter. Since it's a little (okay A LOT) overdue it's kinda long. Please comment and vote. Baibai see ya in the next chapter


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