Stormy Grey Meets Chocolate B...

By guilloteen12

108K 2.7K 2.2K

The whole gang is back at Hogwarts for another year. Unfortunately, the wizarding population has been cut in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

4.8K 136 64
By guilloteen12

A/N The song at the top of the page doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter, it is just fun to listen to. Anyway, I just want to remind everyone about a couple of important dates and how amazing J.K. Rowling is to have come up with the entire Wizarding World! September 1st is when a Hogwarts term starts. July 31st is J.K. Rowling's Birthday. May 2nd is the day the Battle of Hogwarts was won by the light side! I love her and her series so much, Here's to J.K. Enjoy!

*Bellatrix POV*

I was free, more or less. I could finally leave this death pit. The dementors may not have affected me very much, but it still killed me to not have anything to do, no one to torture, no revenge to plan, but now I do. 

I pretended to act all innocent for my parole officer, but even if I decided to snap, she would have been powerless to stop me. I was not allowed a wand for the first three months of my freedom. No matter, I didn't need a wand to torture someone, just a plan, my wits... and a knife.

*Ron POV*

I hate Pansy...

I want Hermione...

I hate the ferret...

I really want Hermione...

I hate this law...

I'm going to get Hermione, whether she likes it, or not.

*Draco POV*

I'm so glad Hermione said yes, I was so worried she would decline my... offer. 

After we had walked back to our home, yes it finally felt like home, she had immediately started talking about random wedding plans and then passed out haphazardly on the couch. 

I had then put a blanket over her and went to sleep in the bed. I chuckled to myself remembering last night. Then, realizing how tired I still was, I rolled over and fell asleep again.

*Hermione POV*

I woke up on the couch, What? Why was I on the couch? Then it came back to me, now I remember, I groaned, what an idiot I was. I glanced down at my hand and smiled. I was still wearing my beautiful engagement ring.

I walked into our bedroom and saw my fiancee completely out cold. I laughed out loud and he woke with a start.

"What's happening?" He sat up and panicked. 

"It's just me, don't worry." He relaxed and smiled.

"Hey Honey." Honey, he called me honey. I laughed, he looked alarmed.


"Nothing, it's just strange being called honey, a good strange though." I collapsed onto the bed with him, and we kind of cuddled for a while.

"I'm going to lunch," I said, "Care to join me?"

"No, I'm going to chill here, maybe sleep some more, we had a busy night," he smirked.

I gasped, "Did we...?"

"No, nothing like that." He laughed. I frowned and left.

Again, on my way to the Great Hall, I was intercepted, I groaned. Then I got really scared because I realized it was probably Ron again.

It was.

"You sick bastard, why are you still kidnapping me, you are engaged, what the hell?!"

"I want you, and I know deep down, you want me too."

"No, I do not, I love Draco, and I will never, ever love you again, we are done, get over it, and go, to, your FIANCEE!"

He tried again and again to kiss me, he succeeded. 

"GET OFF!" I screamed, but I realized we were in the Room of Requirement, so no one would hear me. I ran for the door, but it was locked. 

Ron laughed, a laugh that made my blood run cold. I knew, then, that this man would never truly be my friend again. He kissed me again, very possessively, I felt the alcohol on his breath. 

Ron must not have been specific with the room, for someone opened the door right at that moment.

"Pansy?! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question, Weasley, why are you snogging that mudblood when you are engaged to me?" She asked angrily.

"Well, once we get a divorce, I need someone else, don't I?" He asked, confused, like the idiot that he was.

"Maybe, but not while we are still engaged, still haven't shagged enough to produce two children! You idiot! I obviously still want Draco, but you don't see me snogging him, do you? This is why I'm obviously still smarter than you. Can't you see they love each other now?"

"Oh please, it's just an act, that ferret would never willingly love a mudblood." I had been listening in silence at their heated conversation but now I gasped. Ron had called me a mudblood. I began to cry and I ran out of the still open door.

A pair of strong arms grabbed me. I looked up and looked into the stormy grey eyes belonging to Draco Malfoy.

"Mione, why are you crying?"


"I think we should go talk in private." He carried me back to our flat, earning us a bunch of weird looks from the younger years. I didn't care.

Once we got there, he sat me on the couch, and then sat down beside me.

"Now, what's wrong?"

"H-he kept t-trying to k-k-kiss me, he d-did. I'm s-so s-sorry."

"It's not your fault, would you like me to kill him because I can."

"N-no, and that's n-not all."

"Why, what else did he do?" Draco's voice was raised angrily.

"He c-c-called me a, a," I burst into tears, I couldn't tell him, he wouldn't understand, he himself had been calling me that for years, but for some reason it impacted me so much more when Ron said it.

"What did he call you? Please tell me, Hermione."

"A m-mudblood," I whispered.

*Draco POV*

How dare he. HOW DARE HE TOUCH HER AGAIN?! A mudblood he called her, he, who had been her supposed friend for years. 

I collapsed with guilt, knowing how much pain I had probably caused her through the years. Her, already dealing with god knows how much stuff. And I, taunting her, and insulting her for no reason other than her blood type, who cares? I then did a very un-Malfoy like thing. I cried. 

Hermione hugged me, also crying. We just sat there together for hours, or maybe minutes, who knows.

Then I tore myself away from her. She seemed surprised and confused.

"I can't do this, I don't deserve someone as perfect as you are. I called you that disgusting word almost every day, for the past SIX YEARS! I hate myself for all the shit I put you through. You deserve so, so much better than me."

"True as that may be, I love you, and only you. It takes a big person to own up and apologize for all that you've done, and you did. I do not hold grudges as much as you think I do. All that is in the past now. I love you Draco Malfoy."

"And I love you, Hermione Granger."

A/N So that was chapter 10, hope you liked it. I made it extra long to celebrate 139 views, Hooray! In case you all were confused, the weird bit at the top from Ron's POV, he was drunk which is why it was all fuzzy. Stay tuned for chapter 11, bye :)

Word Count: 1231

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