
By cloudedleopard--

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Around 6 months after the coronation of King Ben, Maleficent manages to escape her glass prison as well as re... More

Chapter 1 - She's Gone!
Chapter 2 - Where is Mal?
Chapter 3 - Identity
Chapter 4 - Family Bonding
Chapter 5 - Return
Chapter 6 - Old Friends
Chapter 7 - Villain Kids
Chapter 8 - Imposter
Chapter 9 - That's the way...
Chapter 10 - ...the cookie crumbles.
Chapter 11 - Poison Apple
Chapter 12 - Dreaming
Chapter 14 - ...For the Crown
Chapter 15 - The End
A note on the Sequel

Chapter 13 - It's the wand...

333 11 10
By cloudedleopard--

Her disguise was on the verge of melting away, and her, or my, hair was a complete mess.
"There you are!" She hissed and I put on a smirk.
"What's going on?"
"It's going down," she grinned evilly and held up a certain something that looked familiar.
"You stole the wand?!"
"Not yet, this is a dummy. To replace the real one."
"Okay... so why is the alarm going off?"
"They can't stop us if they don't know what's going on."
I smiled and we ran in the direction of the case where the wand is now held.
They took the wand out of that boring museum, ever since they found out that Evie, Jay, Carlos and I nearly managed to steal it back when my mother was still trapped on the Isle.
Now, it's kept in a glass case in Fairy Godmother's office.
Shouldn't be too difficult to take.
But I need to concentrate on when to stop my mother.
The time isn't now, she's probably still a bit weary of me, I want to get her when she's not expecting it.
It will have to be later, when she already has her wand.
Then, the perfect excuse to leave came.

I could hear Jane's voice in the hallway, she probably could recognize my own, hopefully without actually being able to decipher what I was actually saying.
"Dammit!" I hissed, still playing along.
"I'm going to get rid of her, then I'll be back."
And I left the room.

It didn't take me long to find Jane, she was wondering around the hallways, which were now completely filled with thick, green smoke. Courtesy of my mother.
"Jane?" I yelled, waiting for a reply.
"Holly? Is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me. Where are you?" We slammed into each other.
"Oof," said Jane.
"Jane!" I said. "What ate you still doing in here? You need to get out! Now!"
"But our friends are still in here!"
"I'll find them. But you need to leave."
She sighed. "Okay, but be careful."
"Yep." And Jane disappeared into the green abyss.
Minutes later, I ran into someone else.
"Doug?! Why are you still in here?"
"Elliot told me that Evie came back in here. Have you seen her?"
"I haven't, but you need to get out."
"But Evie-"
"She'll be fine! Evie's a strong woman.
I'll look out for her though," he nodded and ran.

So who's left in this stupid smoke?
Ben, no idea.
Evie, no idea.
Jay, no idea.
And the golden boy of the moment then crashed headfirst into my chest.
"Ahhhh-! Holly!" He hugged me, grinning.
"You're okay!"
I laughed. "Yeah, I'm okay."
But then the sound of something trampling in our direction could be heard, my head snappped to the side and I quickly pressed my index finger to the invisibility charm. If it's my mother, I don't need her knowing that I'm warning everyone to get out of this stupid castle.

Carlos' eyes widened as I disappeared into thin air and the figure, who was coming our way, and fast, were identifiable through the thick,
leaf-green fog.
It was Evie.
I touched the charm again just as Evie came close to Carlos, she jumped back in surprise.
"How did you-?" Carlos started but I cut him off.
"I'll explain later, what's going on E?"
"She has Ben."
I gasped and began to speed in the direction of Fairy Godmother's office.
She can't have Ben. No.
I need to save him, get him put of whatever mess he's gotten himself into.
If she hurts him, it'll be the last thing she does.

When I got there, the room was completely empty, deserted. Before long, Carlos and Evie appeared behind me, why hadn't they gotten out yet?
"What are you guys still doing in here? Get out!"
Evie shook her head vigorously.
"Not a chance. Ben's our friend too."
Carlos nodded and I heaved a sigh.
"If you won't get out willingly, I'll have to make you," Evie's eyes widened.
Carlos just looked at me, confused.
"M, no. We want to help."
"M? Mal isn't here-" said Carlos but I cut him off with my spell.
"The place is empty, no-one's near, get the two of them out of here!"
I conjured up some green light and it exploded from my Palm, leaving the building and taking Evie and Carlos with it.
They were gone. Now I can concentrate on finding Ben.

I kept scouring the halls of Auradon, looking for any of my other friends that may still be in this school, but everywhere's deserted.
My speed charm, which i had stsrted using when i was rid of my friends, helped a lot, I could cover almost 10 times the distance in one minute but there was still no sign of Ben.
The smoke was getting thicker, I could barely see my feet so here I was, wandering around blind, hoping to not crash into a door or wall that was conveniently in my way.

Eventually, I reached one of the gateways that leads to the grounds, to see a sillouhette standing in the doorway, towering over another.
I stopped running, deactivated the speed charm and pressing my thumb to the invisibility one. I disappeared and edged slowly towards the scene before me.
The first figure was standing on the bottom step and getting closer to the second, while they shuffled away.
The first figure clicked their fingers and all the smoke evaporated, they were made out to be none other than my mother, holding the wand in one hand, the other was up by her face.
It was Ben on the ground. He looked terrified, staring straight into her eyes. She was still in my form, in my appearance, speaking in my voice.
(I wish she wouldn't, it's so creepy.)

"Well, well, well. If it isn't King Benjamin of Auradon," she gave a cold laugh and I shuddered.
"W-Who are you? And w-what do you want?"
"You still haven't worked that out?"
Her disguise melted away, to reveal her true form just as all my friends came running towards the 3 of us.
I don't know how Evie, Carlos, Jay, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, Audrey and Elliot managed to show up all at once, at the worst timing ever.
Their running came to a halt when they saw what was happening.
Gasps. Widened eyes. Shocked expressions.
Jay tried to edge towards Ben, who was still sitting on the floor, but my Mother lifted the wand in her hand and waved it slightly, shaking her head. He froze.
I slowly backed away, towards the castle, to get help. Stupid idea, I know. Ben would be been dead before I could tell anyone anything.
I wasn't thinking straight, okay?!

"How did you get that?" Asked Jane as I turned the corner but I froze at Maleficent's reply.
"Well, I had a... little help. After all, I need to give credit where credit is due. I know you're there, you may as well reveal yourself."
I took a deep breath. For a short amount of time, all my friends will think I've betrayed them.
Pressing down on the charm that allowed me to become visible again, I walked briskly into the clearing where everyone was gathered, stopping at Maleficent's side.

All eyes were on me.
"No..." said Jane.
"Traitor!" Yelled Jay.
"Holly..." whispered Ben.
I laughed, throwing my head back like a crazy person, like my mother.
I could feel their shock and betrayal radiating off them in waves, and I felt terrible about it. But I had to keep up the act, if I want any chance of ridding Auradon of my mother, once and for all.

"Why, Holly?" Asked Ben and I shrugged.
"Eh, because I wanted to. Once a Villain, always a Villain, remember that. Because I'm so sick of Auradon trying to change who you really are. Because I'm done with you, Benjamin Beast."
He just stared at me, processing what I'd just said.
"Was all of this fake to you then? Were you ever really our friend?" Hollered Lonnie and I sniggered.
"You actually thought that I'd want to be turned to mush by this hellhole? When Maleficent takes over Auradon and the Villains reign supreme, the first thing I'll do is burn this place to the ground."
Everyone was staring at me, still in shock, their mouths agape and I couldn't help but laugh. I know this is a serious situation but it might add to the aura of complete insanity that I'm trying to give off right Now, plus their faces were hilarious.

"So you never really cared for me, Holly?" Whispered Ben and I shook my head no.
"Nope. Just needed to get near the wand."
He looked heartbroken, and it was breaking my own. I needed to tell him, just now is not the right time so I pushed past the urges and smiled cruelly at his sadness.
"However," said Maleficent, "I had more help from another, who helped me set up my daughter, and get her kicked out of Auradon so I could finally end her disappointment of a life." Who are you to decide if my life was a disappointment or not?

"Who?" I asked her and she just smirked at me. But the real traitor spoke up for themselves.
"Me, of course."
Elliot's the one who set me up?
Wow, did not see that coming.
He came over to stand by Maleficent s other side and smirked along with us.
"Looks like we've got two traitors in our midst," Jay spat and I snorted.
"Oh no, you're the traitors, you turned your back on evil, gave into the sappiness that is the goodness!"
He glared at me and Maleficent and Elliot stared them all down, daring them to make another move.
"Though, I will be a traitor right now," I said and expanded Carlos' giant shield, then pushed it towards Maleficent and Elliot, they tumbled over like dominoes.
I ran over to stand by my friend's side.

Question of the Chapter!
How do you think both sides will react to Holly's change of heart?

Comment Below!

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