In Search of You

By AerithSage

166K 8.3K 682

Astrid just wanted to get back to her expensive condominium and luxuriate in a hot bath after a particularly... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

6.2K 470 32
By AerithSage



***Story co-authored by @strangegrounds

Quil’s heart plummeted to the ground the moment he saw the danore’s landing. He quickly ran towards Astrid but he was too slow. He saw the moment she was thrown over the danore and then watched as its tail connected with her chest. He couldn’t do anything but watch as she flew several feet backwards. His heart stopped beating and all the breath was sucked out of his lungs when she lay unmoving on the cold, hard ground.

There was a collective gasp followed by several whispers from his people but he ignored them. Let them speak their minds. There was no stopping them anyway. He knew what was running through their minds right now—speculations about Astrid. What the danore did was something positive but her reaction to the flight and her injuries would be taken as a failure. She would be branded as a bad omen. But these things were unimportant for now. He would deal with all of them later.

Quil ran as fast as he could and forced his tired muscles to its extremes. “Astrid!” he shouted as he knelt beside her. She lay face down on the ground and carefully, he turned her around. There were smudges of dirt on her face and neck. She also had several small cuts from the sharp rocks that came into contact with her skin as she was thrown from the danore. But those were the small injuries. Quil winced as he saw the larger ones. There was a wide gash on her shoulder that bled freely. It stained her clothes and the grass beneath her red.

He heard Astrid moan when he ran his fingers down the side of her ribs. He could already feel the warmth and swelling on one side. He raised her shirt halfway and noted the bruise that was quickly forming. He was sure that one or maybe even several of her ribs were broken.

Quil paled.

He turned when he felt the ground trembling again. He looked just in time to see the danore that chose her running towards them both. Quil let go of Astrid and faced the danore. His hand immediately went to his knife.

Clearly, this one was a young danore; full of pride and very impulsive. The danore stopped short when it saw Quil and it started pawing at the ground. Quil stood to his full height and looked the danore straight into its eyes. Danores wanted respect but this one was young and to earn its respect, Quil must first assert dominance over it.

His right hand went to his knife in preparation for any sudden action from the danore. While he did this, he never took his eyes off it—not for one second. It turned in circles and kept pawing at the ground to try and intimidate him. But Quil wasn’t afraid. He didn’t have an ounce of fear for he needed to protect Astrid. A few minutes more and the danore dropped into a respective bow in front of him just like it did to Astrid several minutes ago. The danore straightened and turned its back on both of them.

Quil also turned his back and he heard the youngling’s footsteps as it went away to rejoin its pack. He turned back to Astrid and sighed. “Why must you be so stubborn and wish to ride your own danore?” he muttered under his breath.

It was just words. He wasn’t really blaming her. He knew she just wanted to be independent. It was her nature. He felt her fear but admired her courage. What he hadn’t counted on was a danore claiming her for its own. She was unprepared for it and even more so at her first flight. Quil couldn’t help but blame himself.

He tried to lift her as gently as he could. Her weight wasn’t a problem for him. She was a tiny thing. What he feared was jolting her and causing her more pain than what she was already being forced to endure. Astrid opened her eyes and Quil’s knees almost buckled as he saw the pain and fear in them.

“Fuck this shit, I’m riding with you,” she whispered. Quil shook his head and laughed. Even after everything that’s happened her spirit wasn’t broken—along with her stinging wit and her sharp tongue. His heart softened as he gazed at her and his fear fled leaving him weak. She was still alive, battered and bruised but still alive. Wounds healed but no one can bring the dead back to life.

“I don’t think we’ll be able to ride today. Not in your condition,” he told her. Again, she moaned. It was followed by a cough and her hands went to support her broken ribs. She winced from the pain and struggled against him. “We can’t stop. We’re not safe here, right?” she panted. Quil shook his head. “We’ll make do for now,” Quil replied.

His eyes scanned the surroundings. They were at the base of the mountain and though they were still out in the open, this was one of the safest places. They couldn’t afford to ride with Astrid hurt. Her fear compounded by her injuries will cause her more pain and trauma. They would have to make do for now. Besides, the danores were here and they could help with guarding the camp.

He barked several orders in his native language which sent the warriors and servants scurrying. He ordered them to secure the area by scouting the perimeter and to put up the tents again. He also shouted at the top of his lungs for the tribe’s healer to take care of Astrid. Quil sighed. Tonight, they would make their camp in this area. He would have to postpone flying back to his tribe’s lands for now. Maybe a day or two more providing that Astrid’s condition improved.

Meanwhile, he brought her far away from the pack of danores and towards the safety and shade of the nearby trees. Her eyes were still closed and he took time to survey his tribe setting up the camp from afar. He also looked at the trees and noted the position of the scouts he sent ahead.

“I’m sorry Quil,” she whispered. He frowned. “What on earth for?” he asked her. Truly, he should be the one who was sorry. If it weren’t for him, all this wouldn’t have happened to her. He was also sure that there were more challenges waiting for her and of course, all of it was his fault too. “I know you’re not supposed to show fear in front of the danores and stuff. But I freaked out. I’m afraid of heights and yes, I freaked the fuck out,” she whispered.

Quil smiled and he adjusted her position gently so that her head lay in his lap. He tore the hem of his shirt and used it to stem the blood from her wound. He took his knife from his belt and placed it beside him, within easy reach. “I know you’re afraid of heights, Astrid. I remember how you struggled to make that jump in Thornhearts,” he answered. He took a deep breath before he continued speaking. “I admire your courage for wanting to try and ride your own danore. The one that chose you, he is young. He thought you were worthy and was disappointed or maybe frustrated when you couldn’t fly. I think that’s why he attacked you. It was to salvage his pride after he claimed you in front of the whole pack,” he explained.

Astrid snorted. “I’m going to stab that danore like I did the Kaditha... once I can stand up,” she spat. Quil threw back his head and laughed. “That’s the spirit. But I don’t think that its parents will appreciate that, Astrid.” She sighed and huffed, “I’ll stab them too and I’ll make a very expensive leather dress and leather pants out of their hide. A bag too.”

Quil burst out laughing. It was absurd! This entire situation was crazy but still Astrid had the gall to joke! He knew that she couldn’t really kill a danore—not by herself. She’d be cut into small ribbons by their sharp claws within the first ten seconds that she faced them. Astrid gave him a half-hearted smile as he continued laughing. He only stopped when the healer of his tribe approached him and knelt beside the tree. She bowed to him. “Healer,” Quil acknowledged. The woman rose from her bow and moved closer. Quil shifted Astrid as gently as he could and his fingers went to the hem of her shirt. She slapped his hands away in a weak protest.

“I won’t look, promise,” he said and winked at her.

“Prevert,” she hissed. Astrid rolled her eyes and groaned as pain wracked her tiny frame. Quil knew her pain for he also had several broken ribs before. It felt like a thousand needles was poking his ribs. He pitied her condition and he’d gladly take her pain if he could.

Quil tugged at the hem of her shirt again. She allowed it this time and he slowly raised it. He saw a flash of smooth, tanned skin of her midriff before he looked away as was promised. The healer mixed several powders and crushed leaves. Then, she placed the concoction over Astrid’s bruised ribs and bound her chest tightly.

“Can’t breathe!” she gasped. Quil looked at the healer who only shrugged. “It’s needed. The herbs I placed on your skin will provide warmth and reduce the swelling. The bandage will constrict your movement so you won’t injure yourself further,” the healer said in her native tongue which Quil translated for Astrid.

The healer also took a small bottle from her bag and handed it to Quil. Inside it was a swirling white liquid. “Make her drink this, my Eion. It will numb the pain. The wound in her shoulder needs stitching and I took care of her ribs first so it won’t be jostled when I stitch her shoulder,” the healer instructed in their native language.

Quil lifted Astrid’s head. “Astrid. You have to drink this. The healer said it will help with the pain,” Quil translated for her. She nodded and her pale lips parted. Quil tipped the small vial’s contents into her mouth and watched her swallow.

She winced. “That takes like shit,” she groaned. Again, Quil laughed. How could she still say those things? How could she joke about all this when he knew her tiny frame was so filled with pain after what she endured?

“The healer will stitch your shoulder. Can you stay still?” he asked. Her eyes widened but she pursed her lips tightly and nodded. Truly, she was a fierce little thing. Quil nodded to the healer and she set about preparing her supplies.

With his left hand, Quil held Astrid’s body down so she wouldn’t trash and injure herself further. With his right, he held her hand. When the healer’s needle first pierced her skin, she bit her lower lip and gripped his hand tight. She didn’t cry out but her entire body became taught. He saw her pale further and again his heart went out to her.

If she never followed him to this world, all of this wouldn’t have happened to her.

Quickly, the healer worked to seal her wound. Every time the needle pierced her flawless skin, she gripped his hand so tightly that he felt his bones would break. He also wanted to wince or cry out in pain but she didn’t and so he shall not as well. He can be strong for this brave little warrior.

The healer cut the thread and Astrid sighed. Her body softened under him and her eyes closed. The healer prepared a poultice for her wound. While she did that, Quil noticed Astrid staring at him. “Has anyone told you that your eyes are beautiful?” she whispered.

He was taken aback by that statement. When the words finally sunk in, he let loose a bark of laughter. “Shh, now. That’s the medicine talking,” he told her. He was very familiar with the medicine that the healer gave Astrid. He had it several times for the multiple wounds he endured from the harsh beasts of Celiria and also from the strange worlds he travelled.

The medicine had an intoxicating effect. It made his head feel light and fuzzy. It gave him strange, vivid dreams when he was asleep and hallucinations when he was awake. She shivered in his arms and he felt her cold limbs. He shouted orders for his men to bring his cloak. They swiftly did as he asked and he placed it over her shivering frame. This would have to do for now until the tents were erected and fires lit.

“It’s true. When you’re mad, the color deepens and it’s like looking at the ocean. When you’re not mad, it’s the color of the sky,” she confessed. Quil smiled. He hadn’t heard such poetic words from anyone and he didn’t expect him from this girl who had the guts to slay a Kaditha.

“You’re going to regret this in the morning, Astrid,” he told her with another warm smile. “I don’t regret anything. My life was boring back in my world and being here is one hell of an adventure. This world… it’s not so bad, especially as you’re part of it. That was what I thought... not until that stupid danore attacked me.”

Those words made Quil’s heart clench. Truly there was something about this traveller that evoked emotions in him that he thought he’d buried. And in a world like this, emotions were so much more dangerous than any predator, plant or terrain. Quil watched as Astrid’s eyes drifted shut in a peaceful sleep. This would grant her a welcome reprieve from her pain.

“Eion, this will help her bones grow and make her heal faster. Make sure she drinks as much of this as she can. When it runs out, call me and I will mix more for you,” the healer instructed after she gave him a large bottle filled with green liquid.

“Thank you, healer,” Quil whispered. The woman bowed low, gathered her supplies and walked away. Quil leaned against the trunk of the tree and looked at the slowly darkening sky. He whistled a simple tune as he held her. Several minutes later, the camp was set-up and he brought her to his tent. She didn’t even stir when he carried her. After settling her against the furs, he sat beside her and just looked at her for several minutes.

What happened today really wouldn’t sit well with his people. He could feel his head throbbing as he thought of it. They would call for her to be banished. They would ask that she be left behind and she wouldn’t be allowed access to their lands. She would be considered a bad omen from the gods. If the elders decided she was not welcome, she will be treated harshly by his people no matter what he said. She will never be accepted and she won’t know a moment’s peace.

But there must be something he could do for her...

Quil winced. There was only one option available. She must prove that she was the one the prophecy talked about. She must prove she can help get his people through the portal and back to Ayre. She must prove what the prophecy foretold that she would have great magic within her. This magic was said to be what would end the war on Ayre and restore it to its former glory.

If she does that, she will be welcomed by his people. But she will also be proclaimed his queen. Quil exhaled the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He rubbed at his eyes with the heel of his hand and forced himself to think more clearly.

A queen? Quil huffed and shook his head. He wasn’t ready for those things yet. He had enough burdens on his shoulders as it is. He didn’t need more. No, he wasn’t talking about Astrid. Never could she be a burden to him. He was talking about more responsibilities and expectations that would come his way. If she was declared to be the fulfilment of the prophecy, she’d be forced to be his queen and there’d be problems. If she wasn’t, there’d be problems as well. He really didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t just abandon Astrid but he couldn’t turn his back on his people as well.

Quil decided that he’d go for a walk to help clear his head. Maybe he’ll go for a swim too. He needed one anyway for Astrid’s blood was all over his hands and his clothes. Then afterwards,  maybe he’ll take Keesh flying. There really was no sensation that would equal the feeling of flying on the back of a danore. Too bad Astrid was so afraid of heights to enjoy that feeling.

Quil decided to move. He’d accomplish nothing by sitting here. He really needed to think more thoroughly about things so he could avoid making rash decisions and to do that, he needed to be alone and find peace. He tucked the furs around Astrid’s body closer and then he stood up. The moment he exited the flaps, all the elders who came on this trip awaited him.

“Eion... We need to speak. We cannot hold this off until we reach our lands. We will speak of about the new,”Elder Kavzan implored. Quil sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. This was the moment he dreaded. But if the elders truly wanted to talk to him then he couldn’t put it off any longer. Maybe it was good that they would talk now. He won’t have to worry about what they thought throughout the rest of the journey. But did this mean he’ll lose Astrid now?

No. He’ll not abandon her.

He was the reason she was here and he won’t let her fend for herself in a world she knew nothing about. He’ll find a way around the elders if they disapprove. He’ll keep her safe. Quil steeled his nerves for what was coming and took deep breaths to calm himself.

“So be it, then,” he replied through gritted teeth.


Again, thanks for reading guys!

We'll try and make a guidebook of all plants and new creatures at the end along with a dictionary for the new words, names and places. :)

Also, thank you so much for all the people voting and commenting for this story. Please vote if you liked this chapter too! Thanks! :)

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