CHIM - Life in the limelight

GeordieDoll tarafından

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CHIM - Life in the limelight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Last chapter)

Chapter 25

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GeordieDoll tarafından

Just like I predicted last night Cheryl indeed woke up regretting how much she had to drink and I’m having to force her to go to rehearsals. She’s still in bed with the covers pulled right over her head, every time I talk to her I just get a tired grunt in reply. I did warn her last night that carrying on drinking wouldn’t be the best idea and she would wake up to regret it.

“Come on Chez” I tug on the bottom of the duvet and she yanks it back up. Paisley is on my hip also in a grump due to just waking up and she’s being extremely clingy this morning for some weird reason. “It’s a lovely day, look” I grab the curtains and throw it open filling the room with light much to Cheryl’s frustration. “Ok it’s not that much of a nice day but come on you’re late!” She fails to respond once again, she’s just as bad as Amy when she refuses to get up for school every morning, it’s so frustrating.

“5 more minutes” I just about hear her say weakly.

“Get up!” I take the duvet in one hand and throw it off her body. She immediately curls up into a tighter ball as the cold air hits her and she mumbles something which I don’t hear. “Come on!”

“Leave us alone man me heads banging”

“I did warn you didn’t I, will I get you some water?”

“And a paracetamol ” she moans and that’s what I do. I go down the stairs with a silent Paisley still stuck to my side and go into the kitchen where Nadine and Sarah are already up sitting having a giggle over a coffee. It isn’t like Sarah to be up this early let alone to be laughing at this time, she’s normally asleep to at least noon after a heavy night of drinking.  “What are you doing up?”

“We thought we would get a cuppa didn’t we?”

“Yeah, god that bed is the comfiest I’ve ever slept in”

“It’s dead comfy aint it, not that you did much sleeping eh?” Sarah winks at her and Nadine slaps her arm with a serious look on her face. I’m not even going to try and figure out what she means by that it’s too early, I need to get Cheryl up and Paisleys refusing to let me put her down for even one second. Sarah’s little inside jokes can defiantly wait.

“Do I get a hug?” Nadine asks Paisley and she holds out her arms which she would normally jump into without a second thought but this morning she just turns her head away from her and rests it on my shoulder.

“She’s just tired”

“How’s Chezza’s head? Feeling a bit shit this morning?”

“ Worse than that, I’m going to have to drag her out of bed if she isn’t up by the time I get upstairs”

“So she likes it rough does she?” Sarah cackles at her own joke and I just roll my eyes. Nadine elbows her and looks at her in shock.

“She can hear you” she says motioning towards Paisley who most probably didn’t hear. Her eyes are slowly beginning to close.  

“She’s heard worse”

“And that’s what worries me” I laugh and get a glass of water for Cheryl which is rather difficult when having only one hand to use. “Has Nic not been up?”

“No, she’s dead to the world. Was she pissed?”

“Pissed? She was the one to get you both to bed”

“Oh my god” Nadine covers her face with both her hands and rests both elbows on the island. “How embarrassing”

“You’re telling me? I’m going back up now just help yourself to anything you want”

“I don’t think you need to tell Sarah that”

I turn back around to see Sarah shoving two full chocolate biscuits into her mouth and I just laugh. “Typical Sarah”

When I go back upstairs and into the room I share with Cheryl she’s no longer laying in her pit. To my surprise she’s actually up and ready. She always looks so adorable in tracksuits and the baseball cap just tops it off. If I had it my way she’d always wear them but I doubt shed be too happy about that. “You got ready quick”

“Aye ano, I can’t be arsed having a shower I’m only going to get sweaty” She reaches for the water in my hand and I watch as she swallows the tablet easily and she sits back on the end of the bed. “I can’t be arsed with anything today to be honest, I’ll be shit at dancing feeling like this and  i just want me sleep”

“That’s it, keep up the positive attitude” I say sarcastically and she rolls her eyes. “Are you going to say good morning to Cheryl?” I ask Paisley hitching her up as my arm starts to ache.

“Give us a cuddle”

“No” She grunts stirring under her hand. “I’m going to sleep”

“Well that’s nice” Cheryl pouts and I hug her.

“I’ll give you a cuddle”

“Love you” She smiles at me and I peck her lips.

“Love you too even if you are Debbie downer this morning”

“You would be too if you had this headache”

“Well you did it to yourself” I say smugly rocking from side to side.

“Shut it Kimba”


Getting Cheryl out the house proved difficult. It was like dealing with Paisley when she gets in one of her stubborn moods the only difference is that she’s not two and I couldn’t just put her under my arm and march her off to work. However much she was frustrating me I couldn’t stop smiling at her when she was leaving the house because like I’ve said before she really does look adorable in a tracksuit despite the scowl that failed to leave her face since waking up. Nadine and Sarah left not too long after and me and Nicola have decided to go shopping but Paisley is still being clingy and flat out refused to either get in her pushchair or walk so Nicola is pushing around a empty pushchair while I carry her. She’s almost three, she’s getting to old to be carried everywhere now and not just that, she isn’t exactly the lightest of toddlers anymore.

As we walk around the shopping centre I just window shop. I don’t need anything really but the only money I have is the money Cheryl has gave me. I don’t want to buy stuff I don’t need, its embarrassing enough that she had to give me money. The only money I do receive barely covers the cost of the bare necessities for Paisley and of course her father doesn’t pay anything, why would he? He’s selfish and he doesn’t give a damn about his daughter. She could be starving without a roof over her head for all he knows or cares.

“You should have bought that dress, it really suited you” Nicola tells me.

“It wasn’t really my colour, do you want to get some lunch or something?”

“I thought you would never ask, I’m starving where do you want to go?”

“What about that nice café we normally go to?”

“Sounds great”

The café is busy and it was hard to find a table at first before a young couple left. We’re sitting with a pot of tea between us and a couple of sandwiches. ‘What’s my name’ by Rihanna is quietly humming in the background but I can barely even hear it over the noise of people chatting happily amongst themselves.

“Eat your sandwich Pai” Nicola says pushing forward her food but she covers her mouth.

“It’s yucky” She pushes it back away from her and dramatically sticks out her tongue as if it makes her sick. It’s a perfectly good sandwich; she always eats cheese sandwiches I don’t know why the sudden change.

“It’s nice, look” I pick it up and show her it but she pushes away my hand.

“This one” She grabs mine from my plate and studies it in both her hands.

“That’s mummies” Nicola says but I just sigh.

“Its fine, I’ll just have hers”

“She’s strong willed isn’t she”

“Tell me about it, you couldn’t have her for a few weeks could you?” I joke and she laughs.

“You would miss her really”

“I know” I admit smoothing back her hair as she more than happily tucks into my sandwich. “She’s hard work though”

“And I bet you were at her age, she’s a little you in every way”

“That’s true, from what i have been told I most defiantly was!”

What do you think about Sarah and Nadine?” she says while sipping her steaming hot coffee.

“What do you mean?”

“They are inseparable at the minute aren’t they?”

“I don’t really know what you’re getting at … you don’t think they are you know whating do you?”

She almost spits out her drink and she covers her mouth with her hand. “’You know whating’?”

“You know what I mean”

“Well they are extremely close all of a sudden”

“True … but Sarah would tell us wouldn’t she?”

“Yeah I guess she would” Sarah and Nadine have been thick as thieves lately but I doubt they are anything more than friends Sarah is rubbish at keeping secrets and she normally tells us everything. I know she’s bisexual but I’m not sure about Nadine, I don’t think she is but now I think of it Sarah did make a inappropriate joke this morning about how the bed was comfy but Nadine didn’t get much sleep but that’s just Sarah, she’s always like that.

“She did make a joke this morning. Nadine said how comfy the bed was and Sarah winked at her and said it’s not like you did much sleeping … you don’t think?”

“I bet they are” She bites her sandwich and waves her hand. “They are always staying over at each other’s houses” She mumbles with her mouthful.

“They are … Sarah would have told us though wouldn’t she?”

“Yeah you’re right”

Paisleys now uninterested in the sandwich and she starting to get fidgety on my lap. “What’s wrong now?”

“I’m bored”

“Do you want to play on my phone?” I ask and she nods enthusiastically. I get it out my pocket and unlock it. I have an unanswered message from Cheryl so I open it and as soon as the picture she has sent me pops up my whole mood changes and I let out a long “Aww” noise. She’s sent a picture of herself pouting, her hair is sticking to her forehead and she has a white towel around her neck. She looks absolutely knackered. Underneath she’s wrote

‘Im knacked already I cnt wait 2 get home 2 my babies!!!! Xxxx’

She still looks good even though she has been dancing most of the day since his morning. Tomorrow I think I’m going to take Paisley to surprise her. I’ll take her some refreshments and Paisley will love it. She loves anything to do with singing or dancing, I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked to join in.

“What are you grinning at?” Nicola asks pulling me back into reality and I turn around the phone to show her.

“Cheryl sent me this”

“You don’t half have it bad do you?”

“I … erm”  I blush and feel a bigger smile then one already existing on my face appear and I nod my head. “I do” I say bashfully and Paisley pulls on my arm.

“Can I see?”

“Here” I give her the phone and her face lights up. She holds it in front of her and points at the screen.

“It’s Cheryl”

“It is”

She goes on to kiss the phone and both me and Nicola look at each other before laughing. “What are you doing Pai?” Nicola asks.

“Kissing Cheryl” She replies looking at Nicola like it’s completely normal.

“It looks like you’re not the only on that has it bad”

“I know, its cute isn’t it”

Her nose creates little wrinkles as she nods her head. “I’m glad you’ve finally found someone good for the both of you, I have a serious question though”

“What is it?”

“When you get married can I be bridesmaid?”

“Oh shut up Nic”

“Have you talked about marriage?”

“Nicola, we’ve only been together like 5 minutes we haven’t been together long enough to talk about things like that-“

“It didn’t stop you and Jason

I drop my sandwich back down on my plate and give her the coldest stare. “That was different”

“She reaches for my arm as a look of guilt takes over her face. “I’m sorry for bringing that up, it just sort of –“

“Slipped out?”


“Forget it, I’m happy with Cheryl right now and who knows one day we might talk about marriage but that will be way way way in the future”


“What have you done?” Cheryl asks warily as we stand outside the bathroom.

“Nothing just go in and see”

She frowns and turns around to face me. “I’m scared”

“Scared of what?” I laugh

“In case you’ve did something to scare us”

“I haven’t babe I promise” I smile reassuringly and she pushes the door open to the pleasant surprise of a candle lit bathroom. She lets out a small gasp confirming that she likes it. With Cheryl at rehearsals all day I thought she would appreciate a nice hot bubble bath ran for her upon return. I’ve did her a very bubbly bath, I added some nice oils and I’ve lit the tub up in the dark room with scented candles scattered around it. I’ve even brought my phone in for her to enjoy some music while she finally gets a chance to relax after her long day. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and I kiss her cheek.

“What’s all this for?” She turns her head and grins at me.

“I thought you would appreciate it after a long day”

She twists her body around in my arms and cups my face in her hands, she leans forward and she gives me a kiss. “You’re the best” She mumbles against my lips and she pecks me again.

“I’ll leave you to it then” As I go to walk out the door she reaches for my hand and stops me in my tracks.

“Err no… you’re getting in with us”

“I am?”


“But what if Paisley wakes up?”

“Kimberley, you need to stop worrying we’re only here”

She’s right I do need to stop worrying. Paisley is just in the other room and if she did need me I am only a second away so I don’t argue with her I simply just unzip my jeans and I try not to stare too much as she slowly gets rid of her clothes leaving them in a pile by her feet on the floor but it’s hard when she’s so effortlessly beautiful. She has the figure I and most women wish they had, she’s breath taking. I finally remove the last of my clothes feeling more self-conscious then I ever have and she’s holding out a hand for me to take. She’s already sat in the bath with the bubbles hiding her modesty not that there’s much point now. I take her hand and step in with her. I slowly ease myself into the hot water and I lean back against her naked body. Her arms immediately go around my waist and her lips press against the side of my head. “I’m scared in case I hurt you”

“You won’t babe just relax” I do just that and she places soft kisses on my neck as I close my eyes.

“It’s nice this, isn’t it?”

“It is, have I told you just how much I love you?”

“hmm … maybe once or twice” I joke but she doesn’t laugh.

“I do mean it though”

“I know you do”

“I don’t know how I thought anything other than this was love” She murmurs as she kisses my bare shoulder. “It was never like his with … him” I stay silent and after she kisses my shoulder one last time she continues to talk. “Was it like this with Paisley’s dad?”

I hate when people bring him up. He’s nothing to me … he’s nothing to Paisley which is the main reason I despise people calling him ‘her dad’. Yes he is her father biologically but he hasn’t earned the title he’s just someone that helped me make her.

“I … well … I was young, I thought I was in love but he was never like you. I never loved him like how I’m loving you right now”


I sit up and twist around so I can see her. “Where’s all this coming from?”

“Nowhere, I was just wondering that’s all. Turn back around”

I do as requested and I slot my fingers between hers. “Do you ever think about him?”



I feel her body tense under mine just at the sound of his name escaping my lips. I guess that just like me she hates her ex being mentioned, who doesn’t though? I’m not surprised that just his name makes her cringe, he did her so wrong. I remember reading in the papers and magazines about how he carelessly cheated on her and it wasn’t just the once, I remember seeing pictures of her and thinking about how skinny she became and just like the rest of her fans I blamed him because he was the one that broke her heart and humiliated her for the whole world to witness. Who would have thought that one day I would be laying against her in a bathtub asking her about him. Cheryl stays quiet for a few seconds before she speaks.

“Why would I? Have you been reading the papers?”

“I don’t know I g- wait no, why what are they saying?“

“Just the usual shit”

“Oh okay… I just thoug-“

“I don’t care about him Kimberley” she says bluntly, almost too bluntly.

“Let’s change the subject will we?” I laugh awkwardly and she doesn’t reply making me worry that I have ruined our moment. “Babe I was just asking”

“I know, its fine”

“Are you sure? You seem mad at me”

She kisses my head and she squeezes my hand tighter. “I’m not mad at you, I promise”

“Good” I smile relaxing against her. “It’s quite cold isn’t it”

I’ll warm you up” She runs her bubble filled hands over my goose pimple covered arms rubbing them up and down. The candles around the bath are flickering in the darkness and Beyoncé is humming away through my phone lying on the floor. It’s crazy that something so simple like a bath could be so perfect and make me so happy. No matter what I’m doing I feel like this as long as I’m with Cheryl, it’s weird to think that I once lived without her.

I tilt my head so I’m looking at her and I give her a smile. “Kiss me” She doesn’t need telling twice, she bows her head down and captures my lips with hers and I can taste her cherry lip balm still very much present on her lips. “You always taste so good” I say licking my bottom lip and she kisses me again this time she lets go of my hand and lays it flat on my stomach.

“You don’t taste so bad yourself” She replies cheekily and she kisses my neck. Her tongue traces over my flesh and she begins to slowly and very gently suck on my skin causing me to let out a quiet moan that Im obviously failing to contain. I haven’t even realised my eyes are closed and my heads dropped to the side giving her more access to my now love bitten skin. I can’t help the little whimpers coming out of me as her hand wanders down my body and it stops on my thigh. Her nails slightly dig into my skin as she runs them up and down. “You always taste good” she mutters before again assaulting my neck with her mouth this time her hand gets close to where I’m now needing her the most. It presses against it firmly and I let out another low moan but to my disappointment she removes both her hand and her lips.


“What?” She replies innocently and she runs her nails over my bellybutton. “Did I get you all hot and bothered?”

“You’re a tease, do you know that?”

“You better do something about it then better you?” 


I drag her by the towel into our bedroom leaving the bathroom a complete mess. I would normally be bothered about it but at this minute I don’t care, right now nothing matters but me and her and this exact moment. As soon as the door closes behind us I slam her back against it and she lets out a ‘ow’ as her body comes into harsh contact with the cold wood. I waste no time finding her lips again and they feel softer than I ever remember. Her tongue is quick and light and the kiss is becoming even more desperate and heated as the seconds quickly pass. Her towels already fell to the ground on its own leaving her completely naked in front of me and her hands are scrambling at my towel as I continue to kiss her. She finally manages to get it away from around my body and I lift her up in the air still not breaking the kiss. Her legs almost immediately wrap around my waist and my fingernails dig into her thighs on either side of my body.

“God Kimba” She says breathlessly and her hand travels into my blonde hair wrapping and twisting it around her slender fingers.

I wordlessly take us both over to the bed and drop down so I’m on top of Cheryl and her hands roam down the front of my bare body. “You’re so perfect”

“Not a perfect as you” Our lips crash together again, our tongues dance and dart around each other’s mouths and we only stop when I have to giggle. I giggle because her hands have travelled from my back to my bottom and she’s squeezing it in both hands.

“sorry I j-“

She presses a finger against my lips and she rolls us both over so she’s now taking the dominant role on top of me which of course I don’t mind. Her lips brush against my skin right under my ear and she breathlessly whispers to me which makes her even more desirable. “You’re all mine”


I’m again stopped talking by her finger pressing on my lips. “Shhh, just enjoy it” She kisses down to my breasts and as one hand cups the right the other is being assaulted by her mouth.

“Hmm .. Cheryl”

My moan makes her flick her tongue harder over my hardened bud and my hand in her hair is giving her the encouraging she needs. She pulls away to plant a trail of kisses down my now trembling body, my muscles are twitching under her and I’m squirming under her lips, she’s driving me crazy. As her lips detach from my body I let out a frustrated groan. “Alright up there?” She giggles looking up at me.

“You’re killing me” With that said her lips return to my stomach and as she gets lower my fingers are still entangled in her hair. It’s not long before she’s kissing up and down the inside of my thigh, she really is a tease tonight. “Please Cheryl” I gasp and I can hear her chuckling softly to herself, she knows exactly what she is doing to me. She plants a single kiss between my legs and I grab the headboard with one hand and she does it again but this time much harder and right in my centre. “Che-“ I bite my lip knowing I need to keep quiet. Her mouth opens and her tongue pushes slowly into me. Right at this second I need to scream but I can’t. I bite my lip so hard that I taste the coppery taste of my own blood. It’s almost impossible to stop myself from screaming as she’s moving her tongue much faster. The room is filled with my growing moans and her head is clamped between my legs with my hand still on the back of her head pushing her further into me. Minutes later a powerful orgasm rips through my entire body like tiny volts of electric and I jerk forward letting out my loudest and most powerful moan yet. My sticky body drops back down onto the bed and I just lay there trying to catch my breath.

When I open my eyes Cheryl is lying next to me drawing shapes on my tummy with her perfectly manicured fingernail. My body is covered in a thin layer of sweat, my heart is still pounding so hard inside my chest that I’m sure she’s able to hear it.  “God you’re going to kill me one day”

She giggles and kisses me. “I’m glad you enjoyed me services”

“You have to have had experience before me”

“I haven’t!” She giggles again. “You’re me first and me last, I cant help that I have a talented tongue”

“I’m not complaining”

“I know, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve woke the whole of London up”

“It’s your fault!!”

“I know” She smiles and she runs her thumb across my bottom lip. “You’re bleeding”

“I am?” I touch my lip and look at the blood left on my finger. “I was trying to stop myself from screaming wasn’t I?”

“And it looks like you failed … miserably”

I laugh and place my hand on her cheek. I just look at her for a few seconds. I take in every single detail of her face because I never want to forget it, I never want to forget this moment right now. I have never felt like his about anyone before in my life, it’s a weird feeling and it kind of scares me. “I love you so much”

“I love you too, I would love you more if you would get up and turn the light off”

“Do I need to do everything around here?”

“Oi, I’ve just pleased me woman”

“And you did a good job at it….” I laugh and roll off the bed. “And now I’m about to please my woman”

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