Kritical Kisses [BoyxBoy] [Co...

By RainbowsAreAwesome

84K 3.6K 1.7K

"I'm going to find you. And when I do, I'm going to make YOU whimper." Nicolas Cross is an Assassin. An arrog... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

20.3K 1.1K 398
By RainbowsAreAwesome

I leaned in slowly, staring at those gorgeous lips. As I pressed my lips against them, lightly, I smiled. I could get used to this. Being a teenager was hard but it had its benefits.

I pulled away when I felt someone laugh, “Dude, get a room.”

I smirked, “Enjoy the show, while you can.”

“Like, oh my god. Screw you. I can’t believe you just said that!”

I looked down at the girl who shoved me and then stormed off. I sighed and leaned against the lockers, “You’re such a cock block.”

Jeremy rolled his eyes, “Why do you even bother with girls like her? I doubt you even know her name.”

“It’s fun? You should try it.”

“Being Bi is incredibly greedy.”

I shook my head, “Whatever you say. I have more fun.”

“You’re just playing all of them.”

“That’s only because I realized what I’ve been missing out on all these years.”

“Everytime I hear you say that, I feel like you lived in Jail or something.”

I snorted, “That place doesn’t even compare to Jail.”

Jeremy looked at me, confused, as usual.

I just turned around and began walking away.

“You know, your past always catches up to you.”

I froze, refusing to turn around, “Not if I run faster.”

Then, I walked away as fast as I could. This was the first time Jeremy had said anything about my past. Normally, he let it go. It had been three months since I had given up my life as an Assassin. Getting into this college was pretty easy. With a little persuasion, I got my underground contacts to make me all the needed documents.

I don’t mean to boast, no wait. I do mean to boast. I’m smart. Keeping up with all my classes was easy. Keeping up with all my various flings though, wasn’t.

Having as many kill counts as I did, helped. Every Kill Count earned me a lot of money. So now, I had enough money to pay for college and rent out a tiny apartment. I did miss my old life, I won’t lie. I stretched lazily and walked right out of college. I wasn’t going to attend any classes today.

Most people didn’t even bother threatening me or anything. How I loved rumours. When people saw my tattoos, they all jumped to the conclusion that I was in a gang. I didn’t really help stop those rumours when I knocked out a homophobe without even lifting more than one finger.

I looked up at the sun, wincing slightly at how bright it was. I was still a little wary of how bright Cali was, but so far, no one had tracked me as yet because they might have expected me to head to the colder, darker regions.

Just as I hopped on my bike, I heard someone yell, “NICOLO CROSS, GET YO ASS BACK IN HERE.”

I looked over my shoulder to see Ruth, yelling. Jeremy stood behind her, shaking his head in disappointment.

I winked, “I’m going to go tan my sexy ass.”

Ruth glared at me, “You are NOT skipping to go surfing again!”

I smiled, “What’s the point of living here if you don’t go surfing on a nice sunny day?”

Ruth began marching towards me but I just revved my bike up and took off. Ruth and Jeremy were the only two people I could stand. Ruth was smart, aggressive and didn’t stand for any nonsense. She was pretty straightforward. Strangely, she reminded me of Jade. While Jeremy, was blonde, cute and I would have dated him but I preferred being friends with benefits. Sadly, he didn’t agree with me. I hated to admit it but he reminded me a lot of that new kid.

I felt my face grow a little warm as I thought of what he last said to me. I snorted. Yeah, sure. Make ME whimper? As soon as I got to the beach, I switched to my board shorts, grabbed a surf board and paddled out into the water.

As I lay out there in the sea, I smiled like an idiot. Out at sea was where I could be me, and not look over my shoulder every minute. As I rode the waves, I yelled in exhilaration. Just as I crashed into the water, grinning at the adrenaline rushing through me, I heard someone else crash into the water as well. I immediately dove underwater, waiting for another movement.

The adrenaline rushing through me pushed me to swim back as faster than I ever had before. No one was on that wave with me. I would have noticed one of those blundering surfer dudes. I ran out, letting my board shorts hang dangerously low on my hips. I didn’t care if they fell right off, right now. I needed to get out of here. I dumped the surfboard in the sand and went to grab my clothes.

I looked back to where my clothes were supposed to be and frowned. A little note lay there, instead of my clothes. I picked it up, looking around for anyone suspicious. Maybe I should have listened to Ruth, today. My eyes scanned the piece of paper for some kind of clue but it was blank.

I narrowed my eyes and held it up against the sun. I felt my blood run cold as I saw what other people wouldn’t normally notice on a blank piece of paper. The assassin’s symbol.

There it was, embossed lightly, in its full glory. I was a little scared, only because I knew what that little message meant. They were here and they were watching me. I smirked at the sea, knowing one of them was watching and waiting for a reaction. I shook my head slightly, tore the paper into four pieces and shoved it in my pocket.

Then, knowing I had little time, I darted towards my bike. If I timed this right, I’d have them all knocked out within 60 seconds.

I hopped over the railings, concentrating on the mini countdown in my head. Immediately, just as I expected, someone jumped down from the tree behind me. He landed with a painful crunch. Of course, since it was concrete and he was aiming for me, not the floor. Really now, you’d think they’d send someone close to my level of skill. I turned around and let one piece of the symbol flutter away. Three more to go.

I smirked, knowing someone was behind the car, coming up ahead of me. I rolled my eyes and simply raced towards it and jumped above it, leading the assassin below me, looking at me in wonder. Before he could do anything, I’d slammed his head into the car. Then, tucking one more piece of the paper up his nose, I sped away, keeping note of my countdown. Two more to go, 38 seconds left. Easy.

I smiled when I saw them waiting near the Ice-cream cart. This was getting to be too easy. Grabbing two popsicles from the couple near me, I ran towards them, noting the couple yelling at me. Immediately, both of them jumped around the cart and ran to stop me. One slid to the floor, trying to tackle me to the ground, while the other aimed for my jaw. At least these two were a little smarter than the first two. Just before he could aim for my jaw though, I jumped, shoving one popsicle down his back, leading him to snarl at me. I smiled sweetly and shoved the other one right down his throat. He began gagging and his partner lay on the floor, looking at him stupefied.

I elbowed him hard in the back once he fell over, gasping for breath. He lay there unmoving while his partner still lay on the floor, staring at me transfixed.

She looked at me, her eyes widened, “You-You. Two popsicles? Ho-How?”

I smirked, “Simply because I am the best you’ll ever find.”

Then shoving one piece into his mouth, I handed her the last piece of paper. She took it with shaking hands, “Why aren’t you trying to knock me out?”

“You’ve got a pretty face. I’d hate to mess it up. Unless you want me to?”

She shook her head violently.

I smirked, “Good girl. Now, you go back and tell them to back the hell off. Or next time, instead of them taking you guys back, wounded, I’ll have you delivered in body bags.”

Her eyes rolled back and she fainted. I scoffed, “Really? For heaven’s sake, that wasn’t even scary. I don’t even know how I came up with that lame line.”

I stood up, walking towards the Ice-Cream cart. The vendor stood there, looking at me, terrified. I smiled at him, “Two popsicles please?”

He handed them to me, “Please don’t hurt me!”

I ignored him and walked back to the couple who now looked like they wanted to melt into the ground. I handed them the popsicles, “Sorry about that.”

The girl just mumbled something while the guy nodded curtly, took the popsicles and walked away with his girlfriend as fast as they could.

Perfect. I had 2 seconds left. Just as I jumped on my bike, I got to zero. I grinned. Now, THAT was fun. As I started it, I felt two hands snake around my waist and then someone whisper, “I thought you’d go easy on the new kids.”

“Oh, Jade. You know how defensive I get when people invade my turf.”

“Oh, really?”

“Where’s the other kid?”

“Oh, he’s getting us all some ice-cream. And paying the Ice-Cream dude the money you didn’t, when you bought those two popsicles from him. Or rather, took.”

“Ah. So that gives us a little time.”

I felt Jade freeze when I said that.

I turned around and smiled at her devilishly, “Sleep well.”

Her eyes widened but she slowly shut them and fell into a heap, on the floor.

I left the dart on her wrist, hoping to leave an obvious message. I disliked it when people sat on my baby without asking.

“Don’t even think about riding away.”

I chuckled, “How long does it take for you to get ice-cream, kid?”

He clenched his jaw, “The name is Daniel.”

I looked at him in disdain, “Do I look like I care?”

He glared at me, crushing the popsicles in his hand, “You will.”

I pointed at his hands, “Anger management issues?”

He hurled one popsicle at me, yelling, “California? THIS is where you’ve been?”

I looked at the Popsicle, or rather, what remained of it, as it slid down my chest slowly, leaving a cold trail. When I looked up at him, he was staring at the Popsicle as well. I smirked and got off the bike, “It’s odd how I was thinking about you, just today, and I see you.”

He looked up at me, moving two steps back. “Why were you thinking of me?”

“I was making out with this girl and I needed to get it up, if you know what I mean.”

He turned red, “You sick jerk.”

I smiled smugly, “You’re blushing.”

He threw the other popsicle at me, “Shut up.”

This time, the popsicle stopped right above my board shorts. I pulled them up a little after brushing the popsicle away, “Are you happy now? You’ve got me all wet and sticky.”

I winked at him, hoping he’d get the innuendo. He choked slightly but didn’t say anything.

“Well, I have to get back to college now. I’m guessing I’ll see you guys around. Even if I don’t plan to. Apologize to Jade for me, will you? Somehow it seems like she’s always falling around me.”

I turned around, waiting for him to pounce on me. Just as I took one step away from him, I felt him jump towards me. Without wasting a second, I spun around, caught him and firmly planted my lips on his.

I felt him gasp slightly and then respond immediately. I smirked and slowly ran my hands up his back. His breathing got more shallow and he pressed himself against me. Just as I got to his neck, I pulled away and smiled, “You’ll always be my favourite make-out session.”

He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously and then stiffened when he felt the slight prick at his neck. I smiled, brushing my lips against his, slightly. “Till next time, Daniel.”

He collapsed against me, mumbling, “I’ll have you tied up the next time.”

I laughed, “Kinky.”

After dragging Jade and him to a bench, I left them there. They looked so sweet, nearly angelic. Time to change that. I felt around in Jade’s pocket and found her lipstick. I had always told her to stop carrying unnecessary objects like make-up around but now I was glad she didn’t listen to me.

I drew a huge moustache on Jade’s upper lip and then drew around her eyebrows to make her look like she was permanently angry. I looked at Daniel, tapping my chin. Hmm. I applied the lipstick all over his lips generously and then stepped back to observe my two masterpieces. No, Daniel’s cheeks looked a little too pale. I rubbed lipstick on his cheeks so he now looked like he had clown make-up on. I grinned and then grabbed both their hands.

I scribbled on Jade’s hand, ‘From Nicky,’

And then on Daniel’s hand, ‘With Lots of Love!’

I snickered, leaving the lipstick on Jade’s lap. Red was such an amazing colour on them. I sighed contently, observing the scene. My work here is definitely done.

It was probably time to go back to college and borrow a shirt from Jeremy. As I rode past a few girls who yelled appreciatively, I raised my eyebrows.

Or not. 



I honestly have nothing else to say. ;D Hope you liked this chapter. ^_^ Remember, this isn't going to be a very long story. o.o Probably ten chapters, at the most. :3

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